Friday, December 02, 2016

Philadelphia City Attorney Caught On Camera BUSTED In Connection With Anti-Trump Graffiti (VIDEO)

Philadelphia City Attorney Caught On Camera BUSTED In Connection With Anti-Trump Graffiti (VIDEO):
"Police in Philadelphia have busted a city attorney in connection with vandalism of a building with anti-Trump graffiti. The wine glass carrying dope was caught on a surveillance camera.
Mediaite reports:
Anti-Trump Vandalism in Philly Traced Back to City Attorney
Surveillance video released by Philadelphia law enforcement appears to show that a city attorney was involved in an act of anti-Donald Trump vandalism Friday.
The Philadelphia Police Department’s Northwest Division originally posted the video to YouTube to attempt to locate the perpetrators, who spray-painted the message “F— Trump” onto a grocery market wall. Police estimated that the damage is between $3000 and $10,000 “due to the composition of the stone used during the construction of the facade.”
What police likely did not expect is that one of the men– seen sipping from a glass of red wine and wearing a blazer– would turn out to be Assistant City Solicitor Duncan Lloyd.
Here’s the video that got the lawyer busted:
Some of these liberals aren’t very smart, are they?

Inside pro-Trump vet’s ransacked home: Kids’ beds torched; racist, anti-Trump greetings on walls – TheBlaze

Inside pro-Trump vet’s ransacked home: Kids’ beds torched; racist, anti-Trump greetings on walls – TheBlaze:

"Florida Navy vet Matthew Smith said his phone rang just after 3 a.m. Tuesday — and it was one of those calls you never want to get.

On the other end was his neighbor, Smith told WFTS-TV, saying fire trucks were across the street

Smith and his family were in Lakeland house-sitting for a relative that night, a WTVT-TV report noted. So he returned to his Plant City home — about a 20-minute drive — and saw the bad news with his own eyes, WFTS said.

The house was ransacked and torched in every room."

Rogue Beaver Apprehended After Trashing Store That Sells Fake Christmas Trees

Rogue Beaver Apprehended After Trashing Store That Sells Fake Christmas Trees | The Huffington Post:

The perp. 
Don’t you hate it when the store doesn’t have what you’re looking for?
That was the apparent dilemma for a lil’ beaver who wandered into a dollar store in Charlotte Hall, Maryland, this week.

Photos tweeted by the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office show the critter appearing to browse the store’s selection of Christmas trees before trashing the joint.

View image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on TwitterView image on Twitter

Cpl. Yingling had a unique call for service when the suspect, pictured, was witnessed causing prop. Destruction at a store in Char. Hall.

AM Fruitcake

History for December 2

History for December 2 -
George Seurat 1859, Charles Ringling 1862, Alexander M. Haig 1924
Image result for George Seurat

Lucy Liu 1968 - Actress, Britney Spears 1981 - Singer, TV judge ("The X Factor"), Aaron Rodgers 1983 - Football player

1823 - U.S. President James Monroe outlined his doctrine opposing European expansion in the Western Hemisphere.

1901 - Gillette patented the KC Gillette Razor. It was first razor to feature a permanent handle and disposable double-edge razor blades.

1927 - The Ford Motor Company unveiled the Model A automobile. It was the successor to the Model T.

1942 - A self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction was demonstrated by Dr. Enrico Fermi and his staff at the University of Chicago.

1961 - Cuban leader Fidel Castro declared in a nationally broadcast speech that he was a Marxist-Leninist and that he was going to lead Cuba to communism.

1969 - The Boeing 747 jumbo jet got its first public preview as 191 people flew from Seattle, WA, to New York City, NY. Most of the passengers were reporters and photographers.

1990 - The Midwest section of the U.S. prepared for a massive earthquake predicted by Iben Browning. The earthquakes did not occur.

1997 - U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno declined to seek an independent counsel investigation of telephone fund-raising by President Clinton and Vice President Gore. She had concluded that they had not violated election laws.

Thursday, December 01, 2016

Megyn Kelly hits Obama for blaming election loss on Fox News – TheBlaze

Megyn Kelly hits Obama for blaming election loss on Fox News – TheBlaze:

"Fox News Host Megyn Kelly criticized President Barack Obama for implying that her employer was partially responsible for his party’s election losses.

“When he was specifically pressed on the Democrats’ shellacking, the president said it was not his policies or his party,” Kelly said. “Instead, he blamed Fox News. Still. It isn’t getting old for him apparently.”"

How South America Became a Nazi Haven

How South America Became a Nazi Haven - History in the Headlines:
"Find out how and why South American countries such as Argentina, Brazil and Chile became safe havens for thousands of former Nazi party members and SS officers in the years following the fall of the Third Reich.
adolf eichmannLightning flashed across the Argentine skies as Ricardo Klement stepped off a bus after finishing his shift as an assembly line foreman at a Mercedes-Benz automotive plant.
As he walked to his small brick house in a middle-class Buenos Aires suburb on May 11, 1960, he passed by a chauffer and two men working under the open hood of a black Buick limousine. Suddenly, Klement was grabbed by the men and hauled kicking and screaming into the back seat of the vehicle, which sped off into the night.
Everyone involved in the abduction was playing a high-stakes game of deception.
Klement was actually Adolf Eichmann, the notorious Nazi SS lieutenant colonel who masterminded the transport of European Jews to concentration camps, and the men with the limousine were Israeli secret service agents.
Eichmann was hardly alone among Nazis in finding refuge in South America after the fall of the Third Reich.
According to a 2012 article in the Daily Mail, German prosecutors who examined secret files from Brazil and Chile discovered that as many as 9,000 Nazi officers and collaborators from other countries escaped from Europe to find sanctuary in South American countries..."

Oxford Professors: 'We Must Tax Meat by 40% to Save the Planet from Climate Change'

Oxford Professors: 'We Must Tax Meat by 40% to Save the Planet from Climate Change' | The Daily Sheeple:
"There’s a brand new way to save the planet, and a group of professors from Oxford University wants to force the issue by assessing enormous taxes on foods said to have higher “climate impact.”
To make a long story short, they want to force everyone that doesn’t have a high income to become vegan by taxing the living daylights out of animal products. 
If you think your grocery bill is out of control now, just you wait if these scientists get their way.
By taxing items like beef by 40%, dairy products and poultry by 20%, and certain vegetable oils, the planet will be saved.
Forty percent.
That means a pound of ground beef that now costs $6 would cost $8.40.
A gallon of organic milk would also go up by $2-3, depending what you pay now.
The financial impact would be massive.
Average humans won’t be able to afford to eat much besides beans and rice.
In a study dated November 7th, 2016, the Oxford Martin School, part of Oxford University, suggested a system of taxation to discourage people from buying and eating certain foods..."

How to Speak the Truth About Castro's Bloody Legacy

How to Speak the Truth About Castro's Bloody Legacy
"Ding dong! The witch is dead!
Or at least that’s how the families of the 78,000 murdered victims of Fidel Castro, those who fled his dictatorship, and those who love freedom responded when the news of the dictator’s death was reported on Sunday.
Castro was a tyrant who imposed communism on Cuba for over 60 years while torturing and killing tens of thousands more who disagreed with him.
Under his heavy-handed rule, Cubans were living in poverty, an island nearly frozen in time since before Castro assumed power, while he and his brother lived in extreme luxury.
But as shocking as it might be to believe, there are some—including a handful of world leaders—who are in mourning.
One is President Barack Obama who failed to mention any of Castro’s atrocities over the decades, but said: “History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure … ”
...Highlighting exactly what Castro did and how he treated people during his 60-year reign is the most effective way to make your argument.

  • For example, Jehovah’s Witnesses, gays, and other “undesirables” were rounded up and sent to work camps—or UMAPs. Sound familiar? 
  • Further, there was no religious liberty under Castro. 
  • Dissidents were tortured, imprisoned, or killed. 
  • So extreme was Castro’s control, he banned Christmas for 30 years. (Bah humbug!)
  • Instead of liberty, firing squads, disappearing friends and neighbors, and families torn apart were hallmarks of the past six decades.
  • Castro killed Cubans. 
  • Castro killed Americans. 
  • Castro once destroyed 41 Cubans—mostly women and children—trying to flee his regime by sinking their tugboat. 
  • The total of the Castro regime death toll may never be known, but estimates approach 100,000..."

Read on!

Record cold coming to ‘almost entire USA’ – Low temperature records set to be SHATTERED

Record cold coming to ‘almost entire USA’ – Low temperature records set to be SHATTERED | Climate Depot:
"This is according to the European model, which is very accurate this far out.
While we end November on a warm note here in the eastern US, there are changes unfolding across the Northern Hemisphere that will likely bring a widespread very cold air mass into the US next week.
This cold air mass is first going to arrive in Alaska this upcoming weekend with some spots in that state plunging to 40 degrees below zero and way below normal for early December. 
After that, the cold air dives into the western US during the first half of next week and then it’ll likely blast into the eastern US late next week.
In fact, by the time Saturday,
December 10th rolls around, there may be colder-than-normal conditions all the way from Alaska to the southeastern US.  
Beyond that, it looks like this colder pattern will indeed have some staying power as we move deeper into the month of December.
...Following the passage of today’s frontal system, temperatures will cool down here on Thursday and then even colder air pushes in for the weekend with possible snow showers early next week.
We will then likely warm up considerably once again in the eastern US during the middle and latter part of next week ahead of the cold blast which will initially dive into the western US.
A major storm could actually form along the frontal boundary zone by the mid-to-late part of next week which would bring more rain here (at least initially) and perhaps significant accumulating snow to parts of the Upper Midwest.
By the end of next week, the Arctic front separating the warm air to the south and east and cold air to the north and west is likely to plow through the Mid-Atlantic region ushering in the cold air mass all the way down into the Southeast US.
Longer term, signs point to colder-than-normal conditions sticking around here as we progress through the month of December.

Lunch video-----Top 3 Best Concealed Carry Guns Under $600


99% Muslim, 43,000 Somali refugees settled in US under Obama | Washington Examiner

99% Muslim, 43,000 Somali refugees settled in US under Obama | Washington Examiner:

"The Obama administration resettled 8,858 Somali refugees in the United States last year, and nearly 43,000 during Obama's eight years, a huge number that is now raising concerns after a Somali refugee led a one-man attack spree on the campus of Ohio State."

In USA, this would exterminate most democrats!-----Netherlands Now Euthanizes Alcoholics and the Mentally Ill

Netherlands Now Euthanizes Alcoholics and the Mentally Ill | The Resurgent:
"For years, pro-life activists have argued against the slippery slope of euthanasia.
Once mercy killings were normalized, it was argued, they would become more common and larger numbers of people would be killed. 
That argument would seem to be proven after 15 years of legal euthanasia in the Netherlands.
In 2002, the Netherlands legalized euthanasia for those with “unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement,” according to the Telegraph.
Since then, the country has expanded the right to die to more and more people including children and the mentally ill. 
According to a new report in Life News, euthanasia has even been approved for at least one “hopeless alcoholic.”
...The Life News account states that since he was physically and mentally ill, Mark met the minimum standard for death in the Netherlands.
“A woman doctor in a black dress and sneakers arrived to give him his lethal injection.
She confirmed his decision and then gave him three doses.
He died quickly.”
According to the Telegraph, Mark is not alone. Euthanasia for people with mental illness and dementia are increasing.
Euthanasia cases are up 75 percent in the past five years. 
Euthanasia for psychiatric reasons increased from 0.1 percent to one percent of the total.
Dementia cases increased from 0.8 percent to two percent.
There have been several euthanasia cases for people with chronic depression.
One euthanized patient was a sex abuse victim.
Another was a victim of post-traumatic stress syndrome and personality disorder.
The last was the mother of a three-year-old child..."
Read on.

Hate Crime Hoaxes Plague Country After Trump's Election

Hate Crime Hoaxes Plague Country After Trump's Election | The Daily Caller:
"Following Donald Trump’s stunning win in the election, a plague of hate crime hoaxes has been sweeping the country.
From California to Illinois to Louisiana, stories are cropping up of hate crimes perpetrated by Trump supporters that later prove to be fabricated by the so-called “victim” of the crime.
Here is a roundup of the “hate crimes” identified as hoaxes so far, although there are other unsubstantiated stories that perhaps have not been identified as hoaxes because the perpetrator is more competent.
(RELATED: Here’s A List Of Completely Substantiated Attacks On Trump Supporters)

  • Bisexual student receives homophobic notes
An openly bisexual senior at North Park University claimed she was the recipient of a homophobic note and hateful emails following Donald Trump’s win in the presidential election.
But the school president has reported the notes were “fabricated.”
Taylor Volk said she found a note taped to her door that read “Back to hell” and “#Trump” and included homophobic slurs following the election, as well as several anonymous emails with similar messages.
She reported the messages on her Facebook, and spoke to the press about the incidents. “I just want them to stop,” she told NBC News last week.
Volk also said she was confident the school would investigate.
Indeed, the university’s president announced Tuesday the notes were a hoax, and that Volk is no longer enrolled at the university.
Long, sick list.
Click to see the hate.

The Secret, Dangerous World of Venezuelan Bitcoin Mining

The Secret, Dangerous World of Venezuelan Bitcoin Mining -
Four years ago, Alberto's career prospects were bleak.
The 23-year-old Venezuelan had just graduated from college with a degree in computer science, but his nation's economy was already shredded by 13 years of socialism.
"There were job opportunities, but they paid like $20 a month, and we were used to traveling and buying things from abroad so we couldn't settle for that," his friend Luis recalls.
Alberto and Luis—whose names have been changed for their own safety—teamed up to start a clothing business, but the venture floundered.
Then Alberto discovered bitcoin mining.
...Four years later, his country is embroiled in a humanitarian crisis.
The supermarket shelves are bare.
Children are fainting from hunger in their classrooms.
A mob recently broke into the Caracas zoo to eat a horse. 
Many Venezuelans subsist on a monthly government stipend equivalent to about $9.
Alberto, meanwhile, based on his own account, is earning more than $1,200 a day mining bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.
He's part of Venezuela's rapidly growing digital currency mining community.
Faced with growing threats of violent crime and government extortion, its members interface through secret online groups and take extreme precautions to hide their activities.
In a country where cash has lost much of its value, and food and other necessities are dangerously scarce, bitcoins are providing many Venezuelans with a lifeline. 
The same socialist economics that caused the country's meltdown has made the energy-intensive process of bitcoin mining wildly profitable—but also dangerous..."

New York Times launches new ‘This Week in Hate’ series after Trump’s win – TheBlaze

New York Times launches new ‘This Week in Hate’ series after Trump’s win – TheBlaze:

"There have been myriad reports about hate crimes, discrimination and bizarre behavior since Donald Trump won the presidency earlier this month, and now the New York Times — connecting all the attacks to the president-elect — is tracking them in a new series called “This Week in Hate.”"

When Are We Going to Get Serious About Immigration?

When Are We Going to Get Serious About Immigration? | Center for Immigration Studies:
"The news over the past couple of days highlights how screwed up our immigration policy is.
In response to the Minnesota attack by a Somali immigrant jihadist, Jeremy Carl asks at National Review, "But if even a small, but meaningful number of Somali immigrants join terror groups, which they most certainly do in numbers far out of proportion to their population, why do we need to bring in more?"
The importance of this question is heightened by the magnitude of the "more."
We've admitted about 50,000 Somali refugees just since 2009, nearly 8,000 of them through the first 11 months of the current fiscal year (through the end of August).
The UN held a refugee summit yesterday (and President Obama is hosting an after-party today) to hector the functional nations of the world to admit even more people from places like Somalia. Obama's own contribution is a pledge to admit at least 110,000 "refugees" in FY 2017 (up from 85,000 in FY 2016), which starts in about two weeks.
...To top it off, the inspector general at the Department of Homeland Security found that hundreds of foreigners from source countries of terrorism, with outstanding deportation orders, were granted citizenship. (Here's the news story; here's the complete report.)
That's because they gave different names than the ones they'd given before and their fingerprints hadn't been digitized, so they were able to slip through the highly touted vetting process.
Congress gave DHS money to digitize old fingerprint records, but they used it up and apparently didn't bother asking Congress for more.
It's not that the Obama administration wanted to give citizenship to bad guys; they just didn't think maintaining the integrity of the naturalization process was all that important.
Instead, they spent money explaining how immigrants can sign up for welfare and suing companies that tried too hard to avoid hiring illegal aliens.
If our own government can't access its own data to vet immigrants it has already allowed in, why would anyone think we can successfully vet foreigners living in failed states?
Oh, and by the way, over the past decade, we've naturalized about 50,000 Somalis and 20,000 Afghans.
But I'm sure there's nothing to worry about!"

AM Fruitcake

History for December 1

History for December 1 -
Mary Martin 1913, Stansfield Turner 1923, Woody Allen 1935

Lee Trevino 1939, Richard Pryor 1940, Bette Midler 1945

1835 - Hans Christian Andersen published his first book of fairy tales.

1913 - Ford Motor Co. began using a new movable assembly line that ushered in the era of mass production.

1941 - In the U.S., the Civil Air Patrol was created. In April 1943 the Civil Air Patrol was placed under the jurisdiction of the Army Air Forces.

1943 - In Teheran, leaders of the United States, the USSR and the United Kingdom met to reaffirm the goal set on October 30, 1943. The previous meeting called for an early establishment of an international organization to maintain peace and security.

1952 - In Denmark, it was announced that the first successful sex-change operation had been performed.

1955 - Rosa Parks, a black seamstress in Montgomery, AL, refused to give up her seat to a white man. Mrs. Parks was arrested marking a milestone in the civil rights movement in the U.S.

1969 - The U.S. government held its first draft lottery since World War II.

1987 - Construction began on the Channel Tunnel between the United Kingdom and France.
1990 - British and French workers digging the Channel Tunnel finally met under the English Channel.