Wednesday, February 01, 2017

The Intellectual Yet Idiot

The Intellectual Yet Idiot – INCERTO – Medium:
"What we have been seeing worldwide, from India to the UK to the US, is the rebellion against the inner circle of no-skin-in-the-game policymaking “clerks” and journalists-insiders, that class of paternalistic semi-intellectual experts with some Ivy league, Oxford-Cambridge, or similar label-driven education who are telling the rest of us 
Image result for The Intellectual Yet Idiot1) what to do, 
2) what to eat, 
3) how to speak, 
4) how to think… and 
5) who to vote for.
But the problem is the one-eyed following the blind: these self-described members of the “intelligentsia” can’t find a coconut in Coconut Island, meaning they aren’t intelligent enough to define intelligence hence fall into circularities — but their main skill is capacity to pass exams written by people like them. 
Image result for bureaucratsWith psychology papers replicating less than 40%, dietary advice reversing after 30 years of fatphobia, macroeconomic analysis working worse than astrology, the appointment of Bernanke who was less than clueless of the risks, and pharmaceutical trials replicating at best only 1/3 of the time, people are perfectly entitled to rely on their own ancestral instinct and listen to their grandmothers (or Montaigne and such filtered classical knowledge) with a better track record than these policymaking goons.
Indeed one can see that these academico-bureaucrats who feel entitled to run our lives aren’t even rigorous, whether in medical statistics or policymaking. 
They can’t tell science from scientism — in fact in their image-oriented minds scientism looks more scientific than real science. 
...The Intellectual Yet Idiot is a production of modernity hence has been accelerating since the mid twentieth century, to reach its local supremum today, along with the broad category of people without skin-in-the-game who have been invading many walks of life. 
Simply, in most countries, the government’s role is between five and ten times what it was a century ago..."

Rasmussen: 57 Percent Support a Temporary Ban on Refugees From Terror-Exporting Countries - Breitbart

Rasmussen: 57 Percent Support a Temporary Ban on Refugees From Terror-Exporting Countries - Breitbart:

"A strong majority of voters support a temporary ban on refugees from unstable and violent countries, Rasmussen Reports found.
Nearly two-thirds of voters want the U.S. government to halt refugee resettlement until better controls to screen foreigners can be implemented, according to Rasmussen:

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57 percent of Likely U.S. Voters favor a temporary ban on refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the federal government approves its ability to screen out potential terrorists form coming here. Thirty-three percent are opposed, while 10 percent are undecided."

HYPOCRISY MUCH? Obama Halted Refugees For 6 Months in 2011- Liberals Were SILENT!

HYPOCRISY MUCH? Obama Halted Refugees For 6 Months in 2011- Liberals Were SILENT! - Silence is Consent:
"In 2011 Barack Obama banned Iraqi refugees for six months the far left said nothing.
Were there protests in the street?
Did you even hear about this fact?
The hypocrisy from the left is so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Then President Obama banned Iraqi refugees as a result of the discovery that Al-Qaeda terrorists were living as refugees in Kentucky.
The Obama administration blocked all Iraqi refugees from entering the US for six months.
There were no protests.
The news media didn’t even report on it. 
This is another example of media selective outrage..."

AM Fruitcake

History for February 1

Image result for boris yeltsin quotes
History for February 1 -
John Ford (Sean Aloysius O’Feeney) 1894 - Director, Clark Gable 1901 - Actor ("It Happened One Night", "Gone with the Wind"), Stuart Whitman 1928 - Actor ("Cimarron Strip", "The Longest Day")

Boris Yeltsin 1931 - Russian president 1991-1999, Bob Shane 1934 - Singer (The Kingston Trio), Garrett Morris 1937 - Actor, comedian

1788 - Isaac Briggs and William Longstreet patented the steamboat.

1862 - "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," by Julia Ward Howe was first published in the "Atlantic Monthly."

1884 - The first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary was published.

1900 - Eastman Kodak Co. introduced the $1 Brownie box camera.

1919 - The first Miss America was crowned in New York City.

1920 - Canada's Royal North West Mounted Police changed their name to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The organization was commissioned in 1873.

1999 - Former White House intern Monica Lewinsky gave a deposition that was videotaped for senators weighing impeachment charges against U.S. President Clinton.

2003 - NASA's space shuttle Columbia exploded while re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. All seven astronauts on board were killed.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Statue of Liberty Has Nothing to Do with Immigration | Rush

The Statue of Liberty Has Nothing to Do with Immigration | Rush:

"and there were a bunch of people that were shocked to learn the Statue of Liberty wasn’t about immigration. It shows you how successful left-wing-created narratives have been. Let me tell you the truth about this, as abbreviated as I can with the lack of time I’ve got. The Statue of Liberty represents Libertas, Roman goddess of Liberty. She bears a torch liberty. She bears a torch and a tabula ansata. It’s a tabula that evokes the law on which is inscribed the date of the American Declaration of Independence.

That’s what words are on the Statue of Liberty, words that commemorate July 4th, 1776. A broken chain lies at the feet of the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty had absolutely nothing to do with immigration. So why do people think that it does? Well, there was a socialist poet. (Are poets anything other than socialists and communists?) Her name was Emma Lazarus, and her poem was called The New Colossus, and it included the lines, “Give me your tired, give me your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”"

‘We need to start killing people’: Pro-Black Lives Matter preschool teacher unleashes F-bomb rant – TheBlaze

‘We need to start killing people’: Pro-Black Lives Matter preschool teacher unleashes F-bomb rant – TheBlaze:

"A self-proclaimed preschool teacher grabbed a megaphone and reportedly told a crowd during a protest against Republican President Donald Trump that “we need to start killing people” and “we need to start killing the White House.”

Wearing a Black Lives Matter T-shirt, the teacher unleashed the F-bomb-laced rant against whites, the White House, presidents, capitalism and police reportedly in Seattle on Saturday night."

Maybe with a ticket and a passport this lunatic will be able to discover the truth about oppression.  

Why schools have stopped teaching American history | New York Post

Why schools have stopped teaching American history | New York Post:

"“Don’t know much about history . . .,” goes the famous song. It’s an apt motto for the Common Core’s elementary school curriculum.
And it’s becoming a serious problem.

A 2014 report by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that an abysmal 18 percent of American high school kids were proficient in US history. When colleges such as Stanford decline to require Western Civilization classes or high schools propose changing their curriculum so that history is taught only from 1877 onward (this happened in North Carolina), it’s merely a blip in our news cycle."

The 7 Nations Covered by Trump Executive Order

The 7 Nations Covered by Trump Executive Order:

"The media is misrepresenting President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration and refugee admission as a “Muslim ban” – or, more cleverly, a ban on immigration from “Muslim-majority countries.”
In truth, the ban applies to everyone from seven specific countries. In fact, one of the first families caught at the airport when the executive order went into effect was a Christian family from Syria.

These seven nations were not chosen at random. They were all singled out as exceptional security risks in the Terrorist Prevention Act of 2015 and its 2016 extension."

Matt Walsh: Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You spineless cowards. – TheBlaze

Matt Walsh: Goodbye, Boy Scouts of America. You spineless cowards. – TheBlaze:

"Goodbye, Boy Scouts. You fools. You invertebrates. You caved once again and will now allow “transgender boys” — also known as girls — to enter your ranks. I guess you forgot that the girls already have their own branch of the Scouts. It’s called the Girl Scouts. You know, the one with the cookies. Will the Boy Scouts start selling cookies now, too? That would be one upside to all of this, at least.

Your chief executive declared yesterday that it’s “not sufficient” to use a birth certificate as reference point to determine a person’s gender. "

Here Are Foreign-Born Terrorists Reporters Can’t Believe Exist

Here Are Foreign-Born Terrorists Reporters Can’t Believe Exist:
"The executive order by the Trump administration on immigration led to an urgent desire to proclaim there is no terrorism threat from immigrants. False.
When arguing with the Left about matters of national security and terrorism, one becomes accustomed to their habitual moving of goal posts and artificial construction of sample sizes that deliberately exclude relevant cases.
...The recent executive order by the Trump administration on immigration led to an urgent desire to proclaim that there is no terrorism threat from immigrants. 
The most egregious example: A tweet from The New York Times’ White House correspondent Maggie Haberman, who is also a CNN analyst. She posed the question, “Other than San Bernardino shootings, has there been a terrorist attack involving a non-US-born attacker since 9/11?”
Of course, there is no sensible reason for excluding San Bernardino shooter Tasheen Malik, who was born in Pakistan, from a list of terror attacks.
The attack killed 14 and took place only last year.
But even within the confines of such a ludicrously constructed sample, the question surprised more up-to-speed denizens of Twitter, who quickly bombarded Haberman with lists of successful and unsuccessful attacks carried out by non-U.S.-born individuals, including some of the most notorious recent terror attacks.
Yes, Foreign-Born Immigrants Have Committed Terrorism

    Image result for foreign born terrorists
  • Among such individuals: the Tsarnaev brothers of the Boston Marathon bombing, who were both born abroad. Tamerlan was born in Kyrgyzstan in 1986, and Dzhokhar was reportedly born in Dagestan.
  • The 2015 Chattanooga Recruiting Center shooter, Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez, was born in Kuwait and lived in Jordan before migrating to the United States at the age of six. He killed five people.
  • Ohio State University attacker Abdul Razak Artan, who ran over several fellow students with a car before attacking them with a butcher knife, was a refugee born in Somalia who had only been in the United States for two years.
  • Ahmad Khan Rahimi, born in Afghanistan, detonated a bomb near a 5K run event, then another in downtown Manhattan in October of last year.
  • Dahir Adan, a Somali born in Kenya who immigrated to the United States as a child, launched a mass stabbing attack at a St. Cloud Minnesota mall in 2016. 

And these are only a few recent examples..."
Read on!

Taken last Thu.-----Voters back idea of Trump's travel halt for Iraq, Syria, five other Muslim countries

Voters back idea of Trump's travel halt for Iraq, Syria, five other Muslim countries - Washington Times:
Image result for Trump's travel halt for Iraq, Syria, five other Muslim countries"A majority of voters back the concept of halting admissions from seven terrorist-connected countries, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll Monday that found general broad support for the kind of executive order President Trump signed on Friday.
That order has sparked confusion and protests at airports and outrage on Capitol Hill, where both Democrats and Republicans say it was poorly crafted and snagged too many people. Some Republicans even warned it could make the U.S. less safe by becoming a new recruiting tool for terrorists.
But voters are more enthusiastic about the policy, Rasmussen said, with 56 percent saying a pause in visas for Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Somalia and Libya makes sense. (
Less than a third of those surveyed opposed the temporary ban, and 11 percent were undecided,
The poll was taken Wednesday and Thursday, before Mr. Trump actually signed the order and the chaos ensued.

Sorry, Liberals…Trump Didn’t Choose Which Muslim Nations To Ban. Obama Did | The Proud Conservative

Sorry, Liberals…Trump Didn’t Choose Which Muslim Nations To Ban. Obama Did | The Proud Conservative:

"As you have surely heard by now, liberals are absolutely losing their mind about President Trump’s executive order on immigration to the US. However, what the left is conveniently forgetting is that Trump didn’t choose what countries to ban from entry…Barack Obama did."

Sen. Chris Murphy Wants 'No Screening' for Immigrants, More Gun Control

Sen. Chris Murphy Wants 'No Screening' for Immigrants, More Gun Control - Breitbart:
"During a January 30 appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) criticized President Trump’s immigration suspension and said he would rather see a move toward “no screening” and the passage of more gun control.
Image result for terrorists in usa...He expounded:
"So, I would go towards a sort of European bent in looking at screening..."
Also on the morning of January 30, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman appeared on CNN and suggested more gun control would keep the U.S. safer than President Trump’s immigration suspension.
Like Murphy, Friedman focused on “assault weapons,” claiming the focus should be on barring persons on the terror watch list from buying such guns.
Both Murphy and Friedman overlooked the fact that neither of the San Bernardino attackers (December 2, 2015) nor the Orlando Pulse attacker (June 12, 2016) were on a terror watch list, so the passage of such gun control would have been impotent to stop them.
The key to stopping attacks is keeping attackers out of the country or sending them out via deportation, once we realize they are here."

Forget Autonomous Cars—Autonomous Ships Are Almost Here

Forget Autonomous Cars—Autonomous Ships Are Almost Here - IEEE Spectrum:

If Rolls-Royce has its way, commercial vessels will soon have no crew on board

It’s midnight on the North Atlantic, where a massive container ship receives the latest weather report. There’s a nasty storm brewing ahead.
/image/Mjg1Njc0Nw.jpegQuietly, the ship changes course and speed, to skirt the worst of it and ensure an on-time arrival at its destination.
The ship’s owners and the harbormaster at its next port of call are advised of the revised route.
And as it nears shore, the giant ship must correct course once again, this time to steer clear of a fishing vessel off its starboard bow.
Just another day for trans-Atlantic shipping, it might seem.
In fact, it’s not.
You see, this ship has no one aboard.
It’s commanded from an operating center on the other side of the world, where technicians are monitoring and controlling this vessel and others like it through a satellite data link—that is, when the ship isn’t just controlling itself.
Although robotic ships of this sort are some ways off in the future, it’s not a question of if they will happen but when.
My colleagues and I at Rolls-Royce anticipate that the first commercial vessel to navigate entirely by itself could be a harbor tug or a ferry designed to carry cars the short distance across the mouth of a river or a fjord and that it or similar ships will be in commercial operation within the next few years. And we expect fully autonomous oceangoing cargo ships to be routinely plying the world’s seas in 10 or 15 years’ time..."

Lunch video-----Debunking Planned Parenthood's "3%" Abortion Myth


These 73 sitting Democrats voted to ban visas from some Muslim countries. That law still exists.

These 73 sitting Democrats voted to ban visas from some Muslim countries. That law still exists.:

"Trump’s executive order is so modest that the foundation of it is essentially existing law. That law was passed unanimously by both bodies of Congress in 2002. In fact, it garnered the support of 16 Democrat senators and 57 Democrat House members who are still serving in their respective bodies!"

Normalizing Violence

JustOneMinute: Normalizing Violence:
Normalizing Violence
Have you punched a Nazi today
Or even someone with a political vision that differs from yours? 
Hollywood and the NY Times are down with you
Here is Cara Buckley pretending that political violence is OK if the cause is just:
SAG Awards 2017: Acceptance Speeches Turn Pointedly Political
Any doubts that Hollywood would take sharp aim at President Trump’s immigration order were swiftly vanquished at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday night. Amid upsets, winner after winner lashed out at the policy, pleaded for acceptance of differences in a bitterly divided time and, in the case of the cast of “Stranger Things,” adopted the stance of political firebrands.
“We will get past the lies, we will hunt monsters,” said David Harbour, a cast member of the Netflix series, which won for best television drama, as the audience roared its approval. “And when we are lost amid the hypocrisy and casual violence, we will punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the weak and the disenfranchised and the marginalized.”
...But perhaps more interestingly, that is not what David Harbour originally wrote, if I can believe the Mediate presentation and my lying ears. 
Roll the tape [Youtube version here], my emphasis [and I am switching sides here after listening a few more time. 
My bad. 
It's easier to hear correctly when NOT reading along, as students of confirmation bias will know.]:
And when we are at a loss amidst the hypocrisy and casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will, as per Chief Jim Hopper, punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy what we have envisioned for ourselves and the marginalized.
As written, "what we have envisioned for ourselves" can go well beyond protecting the weak, etc. and can easily encompass all manner of political differences...
...But how does he feel about those pro-lifers limiting a woman's right to choose? 
Is punching them OK? 
What about folks who don't want to raise the minimum wage - are they oppressing the weak? 
Are people who don't favor an amnesty for our undocumented friends from south of the border harming the disenfranchised? 
Hey, punch 'em out! 
Per Ms. Buckley, that is merely "the stance" of a "political firebrand".
David Burge, as Iowahawk, had a classic tweet noting masked thugs breaking windows during the Inaugural demonstrations in order to protest the imminent arrival of fascism. 
...JUST WHAT HE WANTED: This is the new political order Mr. Harbour advocated and for which the SAG crowd cheered. 
From the Portland Airport, a Trump supporter knocked unconscious
Although he may have been sucker-punched in the back of the head, not the face.

Libs Who Want To Move To Canada Post-Election Hit A Wall

Libs Who Want To Move To Canada Post-Election Hit A Wall | The Daily Caller:
"Liberals seeking to move to Canada because they are unhappy with the election results are finding that Canada won’t take them because its immigration policies exclude those who won’t contribute to the economy.
Image result for liberals moving to canandaOne of the policies of President Donald Trump that has some Democrats claiming they want to jump ship is his pledge to limit immigration from people whose lives in America would be dependent on welfare.
Trump promises “extreme vetting” before accepting immigrants or refugees.
But Democrats looking to move from the U.S. to Australia, Canada and other wealthy English-speaking nations are learning that those nations already have similar policies.
A top law firm known for obtaining Canadian visas for U.S. citizens says there are three main ways to get in: by having in-demand job skills, by owning a business or having a high net worth, or by having relatives already there."