Saturday, January 28, 2017

Germany Downplayed Threat of Jihadists Posing as Migrants

Germany Downplayed Threat of Jihadists Posing as Migrants
  • More than 400 migrants who entered Germany as asylum seekers in 2015 and 2016 are being investigated for links to Islamic terrorism, according to the Federal Criminal Police.
  • Image result for Germany Threat of JihadistsThe German experience with jihadists posing as migrants serves as a case study on errors for other countries to avoid. German authorities allowed hundreds of thousands of migrants, many lacking documentation, to enter Germany without a security check. German authorities admitted they lost track of some 130,000 migrants who entered the country in 2015.
  • German authorities knew in early 2015 that Walid Salihi, an 18-year-old Syrian who applied for asylum in Germany in 2014, was recruiting for the Islamic State at his asylum shelter in Recklinghausen, but they did nothing.
  • Anis Amri, the Tunisian jihadist who attacked the Christmas market in Berlin, used at least 14 different identities, which he used to obtain social welfare benefits under different names in different municipalities.
  • "We have probably forgotten to take into account what political opponents such as the Islamic State are capable of doing and how they think." — Rudolf van Hüllen, political scientist.

AM Fruitcake

History for January 28

Image result for reagan Remembering Challenger
History for January 28 -
Sir Henry Morton Stanley 1841, Jose Marti 1853, Jackson Pollock 1912

Susan Sontag 1933, Alan Alda 1936 - Actor ("M*A*S*H"), Barbi Benton 1950 - Actress

1871 - France surrendered in the Franco-Prussian War.

1878 - The first telephone switchboard was installed in New Haven, CT.

1909 - The United States ended direct control over Cuba.

1915 - The Coast Guard was created by an act of the U.S. Congress to fight contraband trade and aid distressed vessels at sea.

1922 - The National Football League (NFL) franchise in Decatur, IL, transferred to Chicago. The team took the name Chicago Bears.

1980 - Six Americans who had fled the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4, 1979, left Iran using false Canadian diplomatic passports. The Americans had been hidden at the Canadian embassy in Tehran.

1986 - The U.S. space shuttle Challenger exploded just after takeoff. All seven of its crewmembers were killed.

1999 - Ford Motor Company announced the purchase of Sweden's Volvo AB for $6.45 billion.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Texas high school teacher posts video of herself ‘shooting’ Trump in her classroom – TheBlaze

Texas high school teacher posts video of herself ‘shooting’ Trump in her classroom – TheBlaze:

"A Dallas, Texas, high school art teacher may be in trouble after posting a video on her personal Instagram account showing her shooting a projected image of President Donald Trump with a water gun in what appears to be her classroom.

“Die,” the teacher screamed before shooting the gun at the image "

Hero!-----Witold Pilecki - The Incredible Story of The Man Who Volunteered for Auschwitz

Witold Pilecki - The Incredible Story of The Man Who Volunteered for Auschwitz:
"Prisoner 4859 was a volunteer for Auschwitz.
We will tell you his story, as others have tried to erase him from history. 
His heroism was largely unknown for 50 years, but he is truly a hero."

The World Turned Upside Down - Victor Davis Hanson

The World Turned Upside Down - Victor Davis Hanson:
""If summer were spring and the other way 'round,
Then all the world would be upside down."
-- Old English ballad
Legend has it that the British played "The World Turned Upside Down" after their unforeseen and disastrous defeat at the Battle of Yorktown.
Such topsy-turvy upheaval characterizes the start of Donald Trump's presidency.
Image result for The World Turned Upside Down
Everything is in flux in a way not seen since the election of 1932, in which Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Herbert Hoover. Mainstream Democrats are infuriated.
Even Republicans are vexed over the outsider Trump.
Polls, political pundits and "wise" people, guilty of past partisan-driven false prognostications, remain discredited.
Their new creased-brow prophesies of doom for President Trump are about as credible as their past insistence that a "blue wall" would keep him out of the White House.
The media collusion with the Clinton campaign was endemic in the WikiLeaks email trove.
The complicity blew up any lingering notion that establishment journalists are disinterested and principled, as they now turn from eight years of obsequiousness to frenzied hostility toward the White House.
In the media's now radically amended progressive dictionary, 
  • Senate filibusters are no longer subversive, but quite vital.
  • Executive orders are no longer inspired, but dangerous. Bypassing Congress on treaties and overseas interventions, or refusal to enforce existing laws, is no longer presidential leadership. If Trump follows Obama's example of presidential fiats, he will be recalibrated as seditious.
  • Protests against a sitting president are no longer near treasonous, but patriotic. Media collusion with the president is no longer natural, but unprofessional and dishonest. Cruel invective against the president and his family is no longer racist, but inspired.

Much more. Read on!

Trump In One Of First Acts As POTUS Just Put Black Lives Matter On Notice With THIS Amazing Pro-Cop Move ⋆ US Herald

Trump In One Of First Acts As POTUS Just Put Black Lives Matter On Notice With THIS Amazing Pro-Cop Move ⋆ US Herald:

"The new website is intended to send a powerful message to both those brave men and woman in blue, and hate groups like Black Lives Matter and the new Black Panther Party, that President Trump will no longer tolerate as the previous administration had, disrespecting and putting our “first responders” in harms way, for simple political expediency.

 Moreover and perhaps the beauty of this administration is in their easy to understand message, there’s no ambiguity, no convoluted political spin, Trump speaks like one of us, like the common man, and that’s perhaps what frustrates the political progressive class, and no doubt the mainstream media who’ve had 8-years of soaring  impassioned Obama speech with no results, and are now attempting to use their own spin, on what’s a fairly simple message."

Germany’s Green Energy Policy ‘A Disaster In The Making’

Report: Germany’s Green Energy Policy ‘A Disaster In The Making’ | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF):
"Germany’s green energy policies will likely lead to disaster, according a major environmentalist in the country.
Germany estimates that it will spend over $1.1 trillion on its “Energiewende” plan to boost green energy production and fight global warming.
Image result for wind power explosionBut the plan hasn’t achieved the government’s goal of significantly reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
“Policymakers might try to continue on their current course towards economic disaster,” Dr. Fritz Vahrenholt, chairman of the German Wildlife Foundation, wrote in a report published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation....
Vahrenholt argued continuing Energiewende poses a huge problem for the electrical grid, since solar and wind power are intermittent sources and can trigger blackouts. 
Furthermore, Germany’s green subsidies are distorting the power market, making electricity more expensive, Vahrenholt found.
“Although renewables are already generating an additional cost to energy consumers of the order of [$27] billion annually, there is no political party in Germany that opposes the policy in the parliament; the majority of the German population support it too, because they think they are saving the world from a climate catastrophe,” Vahrenholt said..."

Comment worth noting: Rohingya are economic migrants, fake refugees, do not admit to US

Comment worth noting: Rohingya are economic migrants, fake refugees, do not admit to US « Refugee Resettlement Watch:
"...Now we are stepping up and taking Rohingya Muslims from Burma and Bangladesh.
...Bangladesh is a Muslim country and so is Malaysia, one of several countries in the region harboring Rohingya boat people.
Why are the Rohingya our problem? (Obama admitted 13,500 during his term in office.)
Image result for Muslims from Burma and Bangladesh.I have followed the Rohingya story since I first began writing RRW in 2007 and I can assure you the media has skewed the news to make it appear that the Rohingya are pure as the driven snow.
They never mention that the latest round of conflict began when Muslim men raped and murdered a Buddhist girl. 
I have no time to go back over the 194 previous posts in my Rohingya reports category, you might want to have a look yourself.
The writer, below, reports things that I found to be true over the years.
This is a comment we received in response to my post here (I don’t know this person)...
Winthan Aung:
Those so-called Refugees “Rohingya” Muslims are “economic” refugee. 
Basically, they are from Bangladesh. 
They will claim they are from Myanmar, for getting a refugee status and blame Myanmar government with bias fake stories. 
Trump must not take them into the US anymore. 
These people are good for nothing, and but for troubles. 
In Myanmar, they have caused a lot problem. 
They are with Mujahideen Terrorists..."
Read on!