Tuesday, February 07, 2017

History for February 7

Image result for Frederick Douglass Quotes
History for February 7 - On-This-Day.com:
Sir Thomas More 1478 - Saint Thomas More, lawyer, author, Renaissance humanist, John Deere 1804 - Blacksmith, manufacturer, Charles Dickens 1812 - Writer, social critic
Image result for Sir Thomas More QuotesImage result for John Deere founderImage result for Charles Dickens Quotes

Frederick Douglas 1817, Sinclair Lewis 1885, Garth Brooks 1962

Image result for Frederick Douglass QuotesImage result for Sinclair Lewis BooksImage result for Garth Brooks

1795 - The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified.
Image result for 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

1913 - The Turks lost 5,000 men in a battle with the Bulgarian army in Gallipoli.
Image result for battle with the Bulgarian army in Gallipoli.

1922 - DeWitt and Lila Acheson Wallace offered 5,000 copies of "Reader's Digest" magazine for the first time.
Image result for first "Reader's Digest"

1940 - "Pinocchio" world premiered at the Center Theatre in Manhattan.
Image result for 1940 - "Pinocchio"

1943 - The U.S. government announced that shoe rationing would go into effect in two days.
Image result for 1943 - The U.S. government announced that shoe rationing

1944 - During World War II, the Germans launched a counteroffensive at Anzio, Italy.
Image result for anzio italy wwii

1962 - The U.S. government banned all Cuban imports and re-export of U.S. products to Cuba from other countries.
Image result for U.S. government banned all Cuban imports

1974 - The nation of Grenada gained independence from Britain.
Image result for nation of Grenada gained independence from Britain.

Monday, February 06, 2017

Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews | Daily Wire

Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews | Daily Wire:

The so-called temporary “ban,” issued via presidential executive order, was designed to assess the national security treat posed by ISIS militants infiltrating refugee populations. To be clear, Trump’s executive order doesn’t even scratch the surface of banning all Muslims. That’s a fiction peddled by social justice warriors intent on exploiting the public’s fears about fascism to galvanize support for their pet causes and “non-profits.”

Eager to make strange bedfellows with naïve and uber-tolerant progressives, Muslim community leaders and Islamic “advocacy” organizations, including Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated CAIR, have all but turned victimhood into an art form."

California State Senate Leader: 'Half My Family' Here Illegally

California State Senate Leader: 'Half My Family' Here Illegally:

"Testifying before the Senate Public Safety Committee, De Léon defended the widespread practice by illegal aliens of using fraudulent documents to work and obtain taxpayer-paid benefits, dismissing any concerns California citizens may have about being the target of identity theft.

In an interview the following day on KPCC 89.3’s Air Talk with Larry Mantle, De Léon expressed outrage that President Trump’s executive order would include those who possess fraudulent documents or committed identity theft to obtain a Social Security number.

“Someone simply who received or purchased a [fraudulent] Social Security card down at McArthur Park, or elsewhere in my district would be eligible immediately for mass deportation,”"

‘Manpower’ doesn’t mean ‘man power’

Beaton: ‘Manpower’ doesn’t mean ‘man power’ | AspenTimes.com:
"Free speech is no longer free at our universities.
If you say the wrong thing, your words will cost you.
Even if you say the right thing it’ll cost you plenty.
At Princeton University, you pay tuition of $41,820 per year (well, this being academia, make that per two-thirds of a year) for the language police to ban you from words they deem sexist.
Image result for newspeak
The ban applies to so-called hateful words and phrases like “layman,” “mankind” (which the censors deem not just politically incorrect but also oxymoronic), “man hours,” “workmanlike” and of course that most-hated word, “manpower.”
In addition, they’ve banned gender-specific pronouns.
So you can’t say, for example, “Each person pays his tuition through the nose.”
Do it, but don’t say it.
You can substitute “their” for “his.”
So you can say, “Each person pays their tuition through the nose.”
Grammatically speaking, this use of the plural pronoun “their” to reference one person is incorrect unless the person has a mouse in his/her/their pocket and the mouse is carrying its own $41,820, which it intends to pay through its own little nose.
But let’s not let grammar, money or vermin stand in the way of social justice.
Where will this end?..."

New York Times discovers most terrorists aren’t ‘lone wolves’ – TheBlaze

New York Times discovers most terrorists aren’t ‘lone wolves’ – TheBlaze:

"An examination of successful and unsuccessful plots claimed by the Islamic State over the past three years indicate that these guided plots make up the lion’s share of the Islamic State’s terror operations.

“If you look at the communications between the attackers and the virtual plotters, you will see that there is a direct line of communication to the point where they are egging them on minutes, even seconds, before the individual carries out an attack,” said Barr.

As the Times points out, this analysis is different from what had been the talking points from the Obama administration regarding terror attacks within the U.S. borders:"

Whistle-Blower: 'Global Warming' Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference

Whistle-Blower: 'Global Warming' Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference:
"A high-level whistleblower at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has revealed that the organization published manipulated data in a major 2015 report on climate change in order to maximize impact on world leaders at the UN climate conference in Paris in 2015.
According to a report in The Mail on Sunday, NOAA scientist Dr. John Bates has produced “irrefutable evidence” that the NOAA study denying the “pause” in global warming in the period since 1998 was based on false and misleading data.
The NOAA study was published in June 2015 by the journal Science under the title “Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus.”
Dr. Bates accused the lead author of the paper, Thomas Karl, of “insisting on decisions and scientific choices that maximized warming and minimized documentation.”
Bates says that Karl did so “in an effort to discredit the notion of a global warming pause, rushed so that he could time publication to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy.”
Bates said that NOAA bypassed its own protocol, never subjecting the report to NOAA’s strict internal evaluation process.
Rather, NOAA superiors rushed the study through in a “blatant attempt to intensify the impact” of the paper on the Paris meeting on climate change, he said.
The “Pausebuster” paper produced by NOAA in 2015 was based on two new sets of temperature data—one measuring land temperatures and the other sea temperatures—both of which turned out to be flawed..."
Read on!
They lie!!

Rosa Brooks, Obama Pentagon official, says anti-Trump military coup possible

Rosa Brooks, Obama Pentagon official, says anti-Trump military coup possible - Washington Times
"A former Defense Department official under the Obama administration has raised the specter of a military coup to remove President Donald Trump from power.
Image result for Coup d'EtatIn an editorial penned for Foreign Policy, senior Pentagon policy official Rosa Brooks publicly suggested a military insurrection against the Trump administration may be the only option to oust one of the most divisive presidents in American history.
“Donald Trump’s first week as president has made it all too clear: Yes, he is as crazy as everyone feared,” Ms. Brooks wrote. “[One] possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders.”
For the first time in her career in public service, including three years as senior counselor to the Pentagon’s policy chief from 2009 to 2011, “I can imagine plausible scenarios in which senior military officials might simply tell the president: ‘No, sir. We’re not doing that.’”..."

Lunch video-----Clinton 1995 immigration SOTU | C-SPAN.org

Clinton 1995 immigration SOTU | User Clip | C-SPAN.org:


Sanctuary Cities & Open the Books -- Trump is Right to Deny Federal Funding | National Review

Sanctuary Cities & Open the Books -- Trump is Right to Deny Federal Funding | National Review:

"But Trump’s executive order does far more than remove illegal immigrants with criminal records; it threatens to cut federal funding from the nearly 300 “sanctuary jurisdictions” across the country — that is, those government entities within counties, cities, and states that refuse to enforce federal immigration laws and thus to shield illegal immigrants from deportation.

Trump’s threat will not likely coax every sanctuary jurisdiction into enforcing federal law, "

Google Redefines The Word 'Fascism' To Smear Conservatives, Protect Liberal Rioters

Google Redefines The Word 'Fascism' To Smear Conservatives, Protect Liberal Rioters | The Daily Caller:
"Has Google, the world’s most popular search engine, changed the definition of the word “fascism” to protect liberal mobs using violence to silence those who disagree with them politically? 
The evidence suggest they have.
You see it on signs at every protest or riot — liberals accuse President Donald Trump of being a fascist.
The word’s association with Adolf Hitler and its use now is no accident, it’s meant to strike fear in people’s hearts of tyranny.
Image result for 1984 quotesMerriam-Webster defines the word “fascism” as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.”
The secondary definition is “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control.”
This definition reflects the fact that Nazis were, in fact, both fascists and of the political left. 
They were the “National Socialist German Workers Party,” which favored a heavy-handed government in business and the personal lives of its citizens.
The authoritarian government of Nazi Germany not only oppressed opposing political views and used violence to enforce it, they supported a powerful central government which heaped social benefits on its citizens.
The second part of Nazism is the “socialist” part, which is very similar to what the modern American political left advocates.
For all their bluster to the contrary, Hitler was a man of the extreme left, and so was fellow fascist and Axis Powers member Benito Mussolini.
But if you type the word into Google, the definition they provide is quite different.
The world’s largest search engine pins fascism on the political right, not the left.
Google defines fascism as, “an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.” (emphasis added)
The secondary definition is, “(in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.”
That’s a striking difference from how the word has been defined for decades..."
Read on!

Conspiring to stifle free speech is a crime

Conspiring to stifle free speech is a crime: Glenn Reynolds:
"It is time for new laws that will make higher education leaders take the 1st Amendment seriously.
They told me if Donald Trump were elected, voices of dissent would be shut down by fascist mobs. And they were right!
At the University of California, Berkeley campus, for example, gay conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos had to be evacuated, and his speech cancelled, because masked rioters beat people, smashed windows, and started fires.
Protesters threw commercial fireworks at police.
According to CNN: “The violent protesters tore down metal barriers, set fires near the campus bookstore and damaged the construction site of a new dorm.
Image result for milo riotersOne woman wearing a red Trump hat was pepper sprayed in the face while being interviewed by CNN affiliate KGO.  . . .
As police dispersed the crowd from campus, a remaining group of protesters moved into downtown Berkeley and smashed windows at several local banks.
No arrests were made throughout the night.”
According to CNN, the protests caused over $100,000 in damage.
Yiannopoulous wasn’t the only victim of silencing efforts..."
Whether or not Berkeley loses its federal funding over the Milo riots (and it won’t), I think it’s time for action to address this double standard.

  • First, state and local law enforcement agencies need to target violent rioters who seek to silence speakers. It is a felony under federal civil rights law to conspire to deprive citizens of their constitutional rights, among which is free speech. In addition, many states have laws (generally called Klan laws) that punish people who engage in mob violence or intimidation while masked. These should be applied as well.

  • Second, perhaps it’s time to have a Title IX-style law banning discrimination according to political viewpoints on campus..."

Ten Answers for Chuck Todd

Don Surber: Ten Answers for Chuck Todd:
Ten Answers for Chuck Todd
Chuck Todd and two assistants filed a story this morning: "Ten Unanswered Questions for Donald Trump."

All ten are easily answered if you are willing to work a few minutes online. 

But if you are a lazy liberal millionaire TV celebrity, I guess you are too good to do your own homework.
Let me find the answers.

1. Will he keep the sanctions against Russia or scrap them?

Modify. From CBS News:
The Trump administration appeared to loosen U.S. sanctions Thursday that the Obama administration had imposed against Russia in response to its cyberattacks in the 2016 presidential election.
Image result for trump chuck toddThe Treasury Department published a license that authorizes certain transactions between U.S. companies and the FSB, Russia’s security service and for the importation, distribution or use of “certain information technology products in the Russian Federation.” Such transactions had been 
prohibited under Obama administration sanctions imposed on Russia in late December. At the time, the U.S. sanctioned nine entities and individuals including the FSB and GRU. The Obama administration said that the FSB had assisted and provided material support to the GRU in its efforts to interfere with the U.S. election.
2. How will he pay for his border wall, both in the short term and long term?

Trump has said Mexico will pay the $10 billion. Congress will advance the money. Congress authorized the wall 11 years ago.

Todd never asked Obama how he would pay for that $737 billion stimulus in 2009. Obama never did. He put it on the credit card.

3. When will there be an Obamacare replacement plan? And what will it look like?

That's up to Congress. It took Congress 14 months to enact Obamacare after Obama took office.

4. Will Trump follow through on his call to investigate voter fraud in the 2016 election?

Rep John Lewis Pays Big For Attacking Trump, He Is Guilty... - American News - Breaking News, Political News and Updates

Rep John Lewis Pays Big For Attacking Trump, He Is Guilty... - American News - Breaking News, Political News and Updates:

"The Washington Free Beacon reported that a conservative watchdog group was investigating Rep. John Lewis and his chief of staff for violating House ethics rules. The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust made this announcement in a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics, demanding that they investigate the two leaders.

Senior House staff are barred by ethics rules from serving in any fiduciary role for a political organization. Specifically, the rules state campaign treasurers as a role that staffers can’t serve in—something that both Lewis and Collins have violated."

ROUNDUP: Videos of the Five Most Politicized Super Bowl Ads.

Instapundit » Blog Archive » ROUNDUP: Videos of the Five Most Politicized Super Bowl Ads.
"ROUNDUP: Videos of the Five Most Politicized Super Bowl Ads.
And “Who decided that the Super Bowl audience was a good demographic fit to advertise The Handmaid’s Tale?”

Update: The Wyoming Minnesota Police Department wins Twitter on Super Bowl Sunday:

AM Fruitcake

History for February 6

Image result for ronald wilson reagan quotes
History for February 6 - On-This-Day.com:
Christopher Marlowe 1564, Babe Ruth 1895, Ronald Wilson Reagan 1911 Actor, 40th President of the United States

Zsa Zsa Gabor 1919, Tom Brokaw 1940, Bob Marley 1945 - Musician (The Wailers, Bob Marley and the Wailers)

1778 - The United States gained official recognition from France as the two nations signed the Treaty of Amity and Commerce and the Treaty of Alliance in Paris.
Image result for 1778 United States France

1900 - The Holland Senate ratified the 1899 peace conference decree that created in international arbitration court at The Hague.

1932 - Dog sled racing happened for the first time in Olympic competition.

1933 - The 20th Amendment to the Constitution was declared in effect. The amendment moved the start of presidential, vice-presidential and congressional terms from March to January.

1952 - Britain's King George VI died. His daughter, Elizabeth II, succeeded him.

1959 - The U.S., for the first time, successfully test-fired a Titan intercontinental ballistic missile from Cape Canaveral.
Image result for Titan intercontinental ballistic missile

1971 - NASA Astronaut Alan B. Shepard used a six-iron that he had brought inside his spacecraft and swung at three golf balls on the surface of the moon.

1999 - Excerpts of former White House intern Monica Lewinsky's videotaped testimony were shown at President Clinton's impeachment trial.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Calls mount for Trump administration to label Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist organization' | Fox News

Calls mount for Trump administration to label Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist organization' | Fox News:

"The Trump administration could soon declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, a move that would greatly restrict the controversial group’s global reach and would come despite its insistence that it has peaceful intentions.

Trump himself was often critical of President Obama’s outreach to the Muslim Brotherhood, and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has proposed a bill to call for declaring the Brotherhood a terror organization. In the past, it has been accused of supporting terrorist groups around the world, and several countries, including Muslim nations, have banned them."