Friday, February 24, 2017

Democrats Attack Trump For Enforcing Their Own Immigration Law | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Democrats Attack Trump For Enforcing Their Own Immigration Law | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

 "In any case, the memos make clear that DHS still intends to prioritize their deportation efforts on illegals who are 1) criminals, 2) drug traffickers or 3) national security risks. Anyone want to object to that?

If Democrats don't like the 1965 law — which their party wrote and passed — they should try to convince the public that it needs to be changed, rather than mindlessly attack the president who tries to enforce its provisions."

Trump’s Immigration Enforcement Guidance: Deportation Warranted by Any Unlawful Behavior | National Review

Trump’s Immigration Enforcement Guidance: Deportation Warranted by Any Unlawful Behavior | National Review:

 "In 2014, under the guise of setting out “immigration enforcement priorities,” Obama’s Department of Homeland Security established a three-tier system for deportation. This was quite advisedly done under the rubric of “prosecutorial discretion.” Federal agents were instructed to apply prosecutorial discretion as early in the evaluation process as possible, mindful of how sparse were resources to arrest, detain, and deport removable aliens.

The message was clear: "

Education secretary criticizes professors as telling students 'what to think'

Education secretary criticizes professors as telling students 'what to think'
"Professors tell students "what to say, and more ominously, what to think," new education secretary says in her first sustained criticism of higher education."
Image result for college censorshipEducation Secretary Betsy DeVos offered few details of her views on higher education during her confirmation hearings.
But on Thursday, in a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, she sharply criticized faculty members and accused them trying to indoctrinate students.
She devoted only a paragraph to higher education in a relatively short speech, but she captured lots of attention.
Here's what she said, after asking how many in the audience were college students:
"The fight against the education establishment extends to you too.
 The faculty, from adjunct professors to deans, tell you what to do, what to say, and more ominously, what to think. 
They say that if you voted for Donald Trump, you’re a threat to the university community. 
But the real threat is silencing the First Amendment rights of people with whom you disagree."..."
Read on!

Articles: How to Tell if News Is Really News

Articles: How to Tell if News Is Really News:
"Media approval ratings are at an all time low and the public is routinely confronted by what ultimately turns out to be ‘faux’ news. 
But this is not a surprise because we have been aware of this for some time. 
In fact, it all started with Watergate.  
Although I was in London in 1972 and never had a chance to vote against Richard Nixon, the Watergate scandal was all over the press in Europe so I didn’t miss a bit of the sordid details. 
For the first time ever, however, a major news story made a big deal of the reporters behind it. 
Image result for msm fake newsThe media became the star and even had a major film applauding their work sinking Nixon. All the President’s Men was a film celebrating the two Washington Post reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who then became millionaire authors.
What worried me then about Watergate was the fact that the new powerful media was demanding that all government secrets should be revealed to the public. 
I felt this was unwise, and I still do.  
Since we were still in the middle of the war in Vietnam, such disclosures would be available to our enemy.  
We, the people, do not really want to know everything about the government as long as they are looking out for our security.
...BDS, or Bush derangement syndrome was in full bloom and now TDS or Trump derangement syndrome is fully behind the ‘fake news’ engulfing the mainstream media sources.  
If individuals only get their news from the mainstream media, they assume that the Trump administration is in disarray and chaotic. 
Trump supporters know that this focus on the negative is emanating from faux news reports. Recently, an article by John Nolte in the Daily Wire, listed how the MSM was caught telling 40 lies. How is the average American supposed to weed out the truth?  
Unless one has access to the Internet and certain new cable television stations one will be inundated with misinformation.
I routinely search sites like and the Drudge report to read the articles posted from all sources...(LOTS MORE HERE!)...
Wake up, America! 
You’re being had. 
Start asking the right questions. 
How did the Democrats come up with that 40,000,000 uninsured Americans to pass Obamacare?
When CNN’s Don Lemon asks his panel about how much the Trump family’s secret service is costing taxpayers, ask him where’s his research and why didn’t he question that about Michele Obama’s huge entourage when she traveled? 
We need to hold these sycophants masquerading as journalists’ feet to the fire.
We’re mad as hell and that’s why we voted for Trump."
Read the whole article!

Swedish Journalist Attacked in 'No Go Zone'

Swedish Journalist Attacked in 'No Go Zone':

 "A photographer for Dagens Nyheter, one of Sweden’s largest newspapers, was the victim of an attack by rioters at the notorious Stockholm migrant-populated suburb of Rinkeby.
The continued riots in the densely migrant-populated Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby has seen multiple cars set on fire and a photographer from Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter was attacked. "

Government can't get us off sugar: Glenn Reynolds

Government can't get us off sugar: Glenn Reynolds:
"Should food stamp programs allow people to buy sugary drinks and snacks with taxpayer money? That’s a question that a lot of people are debating, but it raises more questions of its own.
There seems to be little remaining doubt that sugar is bad for you.
Image result for Moon Pie washed down with an RC ColaI’ve been reading Gary Taubes’ new book, The Case Against Sugar, and he draws a compelling connection between the spread of sugary foods and drinks and the explosive growth of disease like diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
As Taubes notes, “When sugar and sugar-rich products spread around the globe, so did diabetes. . . .
...But what to do?
On the one hand, many would like the government to get involved with new regulation.
But — as Taubes’ history of government nutrition recommendations demonstrates — government involvement is part of the problem. 
Government policies promoting sugar, in no small part, got us into this mess.
Without the government’s recommendations to avoid dietary fat that led to increased sugar consumption, many Americans would probably be thinner, or at least less obese. 
And then there are the subsidies.
If the government doesn’t want to pay for sodas and cookies with food stamp dollars, that’s fine with me.
Taxpayer money should go for essentials, and there’s nothing essential about a Moon Pie washed down with an RC Cola, despite that combo’s popularity in my part of the world..."
Read on!

French Voters Call On Obama To Run For President To "Give French People Hope"

French Voters Call On Obama To Run For President To "Give French People Hope" | Zero Hedge:
"As French voters look set to make a massive swing to the right in their upcoming presidential election (see our notes on the topic here and here), a group of frightened liberal protesters have decided to back a relatively surprising, if impossible, presidential candidate in 2017, Barack Obama. 
And, lest you thing this is a joke, a quick walk around Paris even reveals campaign posters for "Obama17" plastered all around the city..."

Lunch video-----Hillary Supporters Endorse SHARIA LAW in AMERICA!


Poll: Majority Want Fewer Refugees, Support Donald Trump's Migration Cuts - Breitbart

Poll: Majority Want Fewer Refugees, Support Donald Trump's Migration Cuts - Breitbart:

 "Another poll shows a majority of voters support President Donald Trump’s executive order curbing travelers from seven terror-exporting countries, and shows that a majority want fewer refugees imported into American communities overall.
Pollsters found that 51 percent of respondents want the U.S. to accept fewer refugees than the 100,000 per year President Barack Obama wanted to import. Trump’s new White House plan trims that number to 50,000 per year."

Donald Trump’s Immigration Position Is Popular Unless He Deports Law Abiding Residents

Donald Trump’s Immigration Position Is Popular Unless He Deports Law Abiding Residents | National Review:
"Navigating self-interest, ideals, and public opinion in the debate about illegal immigration.
Activists portray illegal immigration solely as a human story of the desperately poor from south of the border fleeing misery to start new, productive lives in the U.S. — despite exploitation and America’s nativist immigration laws.
But the truth is always more complex — and can reveal self-interested as well as idealistic parties.

    Image result for illegals
  • Employers have long sought to undercut the wages of the American underclass by preference for cheaper imported labor. 
  • The upper-middle classes have developed aristocratic ideas of hiring inexpensive “help” to relieve them of domestic chores. 
  • The Mexican government keeps taxes low on its elite in part by exporting, rather than helping, its own poor. It causes little worry that some $25 billion in remittances sent from Mexican citizens working in America puts hardship on those expatriates, who are often subsidized by generous U.S. social services...
  • The Democratic party is also invested in illegal immigration, worried that its current agendas cannot win in the Electoral College without new constituents who appreciate liberal support for open borders and generous social services... 
  • Immigration activists often fault the U.S. as historically racist and colonialist while insisting that millions of foreigners have an innate right to enter illegally and reside in such a supposedly dreadful place. 
  • Undocumented immigrants themselves are not unaware that their own illegal entry, in self-interested fashion, crowds out legal immigrants who often wait years to enter the U.S. Increased demands on social services often affect Mexican-American communities the most grievously — a fact that explains why sizable numbers of Latinos support border enforcement. 

What does all this complexity mean for the Trump administration’s plans to return to the enforcement of existing immigration statutes?
There is one red line to Trump immigration policies that otherwise are widely supported.
Most Americans want the border enforced.
And, depending on how the question is worded, most voters likewise favor the completion of a wall on the southern border and an end to all illegal immigration.
There is little public support for sanctuary cities..."
Read on!

U.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report

Image result for liesU.S. troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011: report: "American troops found nearly 5,000 abandoned chemical weapons in Iraq from 2004 to 2011, but their discoveries were kept secret by the U.S. government, the New York Times reports.
According to the 10,000-word, eight-part interactive report ("The Secret Casualties of Iraq's Abandoned  Chemical Weapons") by C.J. Chivers published on the paper's website late Tuesday, at least 17 American service members and seven Iraqi police officers were exposed to nerve or mustard agents in Iraq after 2003.
On at least six occasions, American troops and American-trained Iraqi troops were wounded by the abandoned munitions, but news of the encounters was neither shared publicly nor widely circulated among the troops, the victims told the Times. 
Others said they were told to be vague or deceptive about what they found.
"'Nothing of significance’ is what I was ordered to say,” Jarrod Lampier, a retired Army major, said of the 2006 discovery of 2,400 nerve-agent rockets at a former Republican Guard compound, the largest chemical weapons discovery of the war..."

DELINGPOLE: NASA to Stop Shilling for Big Green, Restart Exploring Space...

DELINGPOLE: NASA to Stop Shilling for Big Green, Restart Exploring Space...:
"...Yes, as we predicted, NASA is going to be stripped of the two main roles it enjoyed under the Obama administration – Muslim outreach and green propaganda – and return to its original day (and night) job as an agency dedicated to space exploration.
The U.S. Senate passed legislation recently cutting funding for NASA’s global warming research.
The House is expected to pass the bill, and President Trump will likely sign it. Supporters say it “re-balances” NASA’s budget back toward space exploration and away from global warming and earth science research. Republicans plan to end the more than $2 billion NASA spends on its Earth Science Mission Directorate.
“By rebalancing, I’d like for more funds to go into space exploration; we’re not going to zero out earth sciences,” Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith, who chairs the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, told E&E News. “I’d like for us to remember what our priorities are, and there are another dozen agencies that study earth science and climate change, and they can continue to do that.”
Before we shed too many tears for the plight of Gavin Schmidt and the rest of his global warming research team, though, let’s just pause to reflect on how much damage they have done to the cause of honest science over the years and what eye-wateringly vast quantities of our money they have wasted.
A good place to start is this excellent piece by Steve Goddard, entitled The Pause Is Real: NASA Temperatures Aren’t.
Here is the damning chart that says it all:
How did a supposedly respectable government agency get away with such blatant fraud?
Well, one answer is that it was encouraged to do so by the US government which paid its Earth Science research division $2 billion a year, while giving only $781.5 million and $826.7 million to its astrophysics and space technology divisions. Obama wanted “global warming” to be real and dangerous: and – lo! – thanks to the magic of his crack prestidigitators at NASA, NOAA and the rest, it was.
But the longer answer is that this is what happens when green ideologues are allowed to infiltrate and hijack government institutions..." 
Read on!

NAACP requires photo ID to attend anti voter ID protest march | Herman Cain

NAACP requires photo ID to attend anti voter ID protest march | Herman Cain:

"You would think that, at some point, we'd run out of "you can't make this stuff up" moments.

 In 2011 Elon University conducted a poll which revealed that 75% of North Carolina residents supported a wide swath of new voter ID regulations that were, at the time, making their way through the legislature. With such broad support, the measures were a no-brainer.  They eventually passed and were signed into law last August.

Obviously these laws are extremely racist. Requiring minority voters to show ID to cast a ballot is, clearly, a way for old white men to oppress them. So, as usual, the NAACP has been foaming at the mouth as it continues its completely genuine, not-at-all-phony, struggle for "equality."

Each year the civil rights watchdogs hold a so-called "Moral March on Raleigh." The annual event is designed to protest any laws that Republicans may have passed during the preceding 12 months. This year’s march took place this weekend, and it focused extensively on the Voter ID regs.

So, what did you need if you wanted to attend?"

What Your Favorite Fast-Food Items Would Cost With a $15 Minimum Wage

Blog » AEIdeas:
"1. Chart of the Day (above). From the Daily Signal article,
“In 1 Chart, What Your Favorite Fast-Food Items Would Cost With a $15 Minimum Wage,” based on Heritage Foundation’s James Shrek’s estimates that “$15 starting wages would ultimately increase prices by 38%, while reducing fast-food employment by 36%.”
See the full Heritage report “$15 Minimum Wages Will Substantially Raise Prices” here."

AM Fruitcake

History for February 24

Image result for Chester Nimitz Quotes
History for February 24 -
Winslow Homer 1836 - Artist, Chester Nimitz 1885 - U.S. Navy Admiral, WWII Commander in Chief, signed the Japanese surrender papers, Abe Vigoda 1921 - Actor ("Barney Miller", "The Godfather")
Image result for Winslow Homer   

George Harrison 1943 - Musician (Beatles) - In 1992, Harrison stated, "I only learned recently after all these years that the date and time of my own birth have always been off by one calendar day and about a half hour on the clock." Previously, Harrison thought his birthday was the 25th. His birth certificate indicates February 25, Edward James Olmos 1947 - Actor ("Blade Runner", "Miami Vice"), Steven Jobs 1955 - Co-founder of Apple, Inc. - iTunes Music

1803 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled itself to be the final interpreter of all constitutional issues.

1839 - Mr. William S. Otis received a patent for the steam shovel.

1903 - In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, an area was leased to the U.S. for a naval base.

1938 - The first nylon bristle toothbrush was made. It was the first time that nylon yarn had been used commercially.

1942 - The Voice of America (VOA) aired for the first time.

1945 - During World War II, the Philippine capital of Manilla, was liberated by U.S. soldiers.

1956 - The city of Cleveland invoked a 1931 law that barred people under the age of 18 from dancing in public without an adult guardian.

1981 - Buckingham Palace announced the engagement of Britain's Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

DHS Secretary John Kelly Drops Atomic Truth Bomb in Guatemala Press Conference…. | The Last Refuge

DHS Secretary John Kelly Drops Atomic Truth Bomb in Guatemala Press Conference…. | The Last Refuge:

 "Woo doggies,…. DHS Secretary General John Kelly drops an absolute truth bomb in a joint press conference earlier today.  Speaking with Interior Minister Francisco Rivas the severity of Secretary Kelly’s words are a stunning reflection of the change in approach.

Minister Rivas’s jaw was visibly quivering as every frightened synapse went simultaneously into apoplectic shock mode.  [Pinch me, I’m in heaven.]

Must watch. No, really… MUST WATCH:"

Feds Paid $1 Billion in Social Security Benefits to Individuals Without a SSN

Feds Paid $1 Billion in Social Security Benefits to Individuals Without a SSN:

 "The Social Security Administration paid $1 billion in benefits to individuals who did not have a Social Security Number (SSN), according to a new audit.

The agency’s inspector general found errors in the government’s documentation for representative payees, otherwise known as individuals who receive retirement or disability payments on behalf of another person who is incapable of managing the benefits themselves."

University bans dorm room whiteboards to stop hurtful words

University bans dorm room whiteboards to stop hurtful words - The College Fix:
"Many students criticize decision as overbearing, unnecessary
Image result for college snowflakesStudents at Michigan State University soon will not be permitted to hang whiteboards on the outside of their dorm room doors.
The new policy, effective Fall 2017, was created in an attempt to eliminate opportunities for students to write mean words and racial slurs, according to a campus official.
“Their utility as a communication tool no longer outweighed the attractive nuisance that they are,” Kat Cooper, director of university residential services communications, told The College Fix via email.
In a statement to The Detroit News, Cooper added: “In any given month, there are several incidents like this [hurtful words]. There was no one incident that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Sometimes these things are racial, sometimes they’re sexual in nature. There are all sorts of things that happen.”..."

Transgender Wrestler Allowed to Compete With Females Despite Being on Testosterone

Transgender Wrestler Allowed to Compete With Females Despite Being on Testosterone | Daily Wire:
"Saturday, Mack Beggs, a student at Euless Trinity high school in Euless, Texas, won the Class 6A Region II wrestling meet. 
Image result for soviet women wrestlersA story like this might not seem particularly newsworthy, except for the fact that Beggs is currently undergoing a female-to-male gender transition, and a critical component of that transition is the use of testosterone. 
Beggs won the match when her opponent forfeited. 
She also won an earlier match via forfeiture. 
Two wrestling parents, Jim Baudhuin and Pratik Khandelwal, have filed a lawsuit asking the University Interscholastic League (UIL) to prohibit Beggs from competing because of her use of the steroid.
According to Sports Day:
The suit claims that allowing the wrestler to compete while using testosterone exposes other athletes to "imminent threat of bodily harm." Baudhuin's daughter is not in the same weight class as Beggs...Khandelwal's daughter did not wrestle Beggs because they were in different weight classes this weekend.
However, steroid use is allowed under what's known as a "safe harbor" provision..."

Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes - Katie Pavlich

Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes - Katie Pavlich:

 "Speaking from the White House briefing room Tuesday, Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced the development of a new Immigration and Customs Enforcement office focused on helping victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens. The office will also assist family members of victims and is part of President Trump's recent executive action to bolster enforcement of immigration laws already on the books. "