Monday, March 27, 2017

A destructive cult!-----Corporate Sustainability Is An Oxymoron That Does Not Benefit Shareholders Or Employees

Corporate Sustainability Is An Oxymoron That Does Not Benefit Shareholders Or Employees

Excellent article from CFACT that ridicules Sustainable Development, which is Technocracy. The best way to return to business growth is to shut down the appeasement of the sustainability crowd.  TN Editor
"In recent years, aggressive environmentalists in government and the non-profit sectors have successfully pressured many firms to endorse positions that make no sense for their shareholders, employees or the communities in which they operate. 
Few businesses would publicly endorse central planning or back restrictions on economic growth. 
But the rational fear of demonization, boycotts or even legal action by government or advocacy groups has encouraged many businesses to seek compromise by endorsing “sustainability.”
What went wrong? 
To many business people and to the general public, sustainability is the buzzword for thrift, resourcefulness, and long-term planning. 
Aren’t such qualities good for businesses and within families? 
But sustainability has grown into an ideology marked by dark skepticism toward human ingenuity and progress.
The roots of “sustainability” go back to a 1987 UN report, Our Common Future, in which the bureaucrats endorsed the idea that economics is a dismal zero-sum game. 
Sustainability presumes that using resources now necessarily means having fewer to draw upon in the future, a very dubious assertion..." 

This is amazing!-----The Incredible Flyboard Air

The Incredible Flyboard
The Incredible Flyboard Air

Franky Zapata is demonstrating the incredible flying capabilities of the 'Flyboard Air' in Naples, Florida. 

...Flyboard Air is still in the prototype phase and will not be available for purchase until 2017. 
Note: This is NOT a computer simulation or edited video. It is 100% real.

World overpopulated?-----Half the World's Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map] - Metrocosm

Half the World's Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map] - Metrocosm:
  • The yellow region in the map includes every cell with a population of 8,000 or more people. Since each of them has an area of about 9 square miles, the population density of each yellow cell is at least 900 people per square mile, roughly the same population density as the state of Massachusetts.

  • Conversely, the black region is made up of those cells with populations of less than 8,000 people. In other terms, the population density throughout the black area is less than 900 people per square mile.

  • world population split in half map

    '14-Year-Old Girl Would Never Have Been Raped' if We Could’ve Done Our Job, Border Patrol Council Says

    '14-Year-Old Girl Would Never Have Been Raped' if We Could’ve Done Our Job, Border Patrol Council Says:

     "Judd said that half of all illegal aliens are successfully breaking into the United States without capture due, in part, to policies that are demoralizing border agents:

    “Not only did we have the catch and release program that completely and totally demoralized the rank and file agents in the border patrol, but we also had an arrest rate of one out of every two."

    Leftist power-tool-----Gay Activists Claim Ugly Mary Jane shoes are 'Cultural Appropriation'

    Gay Activists Claim Gucci's Ugly Mary Jane Shoes are 'Cultural Appropriation'
    "Gucci is the latest brand to come under fire for “cultural appropriation,” this time for a line of shoes released alongside the fashion label’s Resort 2017 ready-to-wear collection. 
    The accused shoes, according to gay activists, resemble shoes popular with punk LGBT scenesters in the 1980s.
    The “Mary Jane” style shoes feature huge buckles and straps that wrap around the ankle and lower leg. 
    One pair is sort of a cutaway boot, that cages in most of the wearer’s lower leg in a style that looks both hip and like you’d probably get blisters behind your knee after ten minutes of wear.
    The shoes are also aggressively ugly. 
    And cost just shy of $2,000 per pair.
    ...Not so fast, say the inventors of Queercore. 
    No one said Gucci could the term, and the thought of paying thousands for a pair of Mary Janes just isn’t in keeping with the nature of punk..."

    Liberals-What they ALWAYS do when THEY have the power-----Court strikes down Guam’s racist voting scheme | Power Line

    Court strikes down Guam’s racist voting scheme | Power Line:
    "Six years ago, retired Air Force officer Arnold Davis, a resident of Guam, tried to register to vote on a plebiscite regarding Guam’s future.
    His application was rejected and marked as “void” by the Guam Election Commission.
    Image result for obama guam election voteBecause Guam banned residents from registering or voting unless they are Chamorro “natives,” which to the territorial government means people whose ancestors were original inhabitants of Guam. Chamorros constitute only about 36 percent of the island’s present population.
    Davis, a white man, is not Chamorro.
    Therefore, he was deemed ineligible to vote.
    Denying Davis the right to vote because of his race and national origin is an obvious violation of the Constitution and the Voting Rights Act.
    Yet, as Hans von Spakovsky notes, the Obama administration did not lift a finger on behalf of Davis.
    It neither filed suit against Guam nor intervened in support of the lawsuit filed on Davis’ behalf by our friend Christian Adams and the Center for Individual Rights.
    Instead, the Obama administration gave Guam $300,000 to help finance the plebiscite..."
    Read on!!!!!

    Lunch video-----Kennedy Mounts Ideological Attack on Bork


    Hirsi Ali: Islamic Terrorists 'Don't Go to Liberals and Say Thank You' for Being PC | Fox News Insider

    Hirsi Ali: Islamic Terrorists 'Don't Go to Liberals and Say Thank You' for Being PC | Fox News Insider:

    "Islamists only seek a Sharia-compliant world, Ali said, in the wake of Wednesday's attack in London, a city with progressive leadership, "and whoever is in their way is their enemy."

    She said anyone who does not understand that should not be legislating policy.

    Carlson said terror groups believe Westerners do not have moral standing to critique Islam, and Ali agreed, adding that they sometimes will consider fellow Muslims illegitimate if they do not comply with their belief system."

    FLASHBACK: London mayor claimed terror attacks 'part and parcel' of living in big city - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

     FLASHBACK: London mayor claimed terror attacks 'part and parcel' of living in big city - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:
    "It was only six months ago that London’s mayor said terrorist attacks are “part and parcel” of living in a big city.
    After an bomb attack in New York City and New Jersey last September, London Mayor Sadiq Khan told the Evening Standard that such attacks are “part and parcel” of living in a big city..."

    • Chart: The World's Most Respected 'Made in' Labels | Statista

    Infographic: The World's Most Respected 'Made in' Labels | Statista• Chart: The World's Most Respected 'Made in' Labels | Statista:
    Statista's Made-In-Country-Index (MICI) 2017 has shed light on the worldwide reputation of products produced in 49 different countries (plus the EU). 
    The survey of more than 43 thousand consumers - representing 90 percent of the global population - delves into the standing of 'Made in' labels around the world, revealing the national brands with the most respect. 
    The 'Made in' label was originally introduced by the British at the end of the 19th century to protect their economy from cheap, low quality and sometimes counterfeit imports from Germany. 
    It is therefore rather ironic that Germany now sits atop the ranking as the most respected label in the world. 
    Coming in a close second is Switzerland while the founders of the system find themselves in a still very respectable fourth place. 
    The United States is joint eighth with France and Japan.

    Carr: Don’t cry for Chelsea | Boston Herald

    Carr: Don’t cry for Chelsea | Boston Herald:
    "Meet America’s newest victim — Chelsea Clinton.
    Nobody knows the troubles she’s seen.
    Chelsea’s got a right to sing the blues.
    Last week, in the Los Angeles Times, someone named Ann Friedman laid out the former First Spawn’s credentials as a modern Democrat in good standing.
    Chelsea is oppressed, as opposed to, say, another first daughter with blond hair.
    “Chelsea,” Friedman wrote, “like her mother, never gets a break — unlike Ivanka and her father.”
    Image result for Don’t cry for Chelsea clintonYou don’t say.
    Now that I think about it, it really must be arduous being Chelsea Clinton.
    This L.A. Times op-ed appeared a day after it was reported that after a nationwide search, she’d been added to the board of Expedia, a travel company owned by Clinton-connected billionaire Barry Diller.
    The pay: $250,000 a year in stock options, plus $45,000 cash.
    It’s her second no-heavy-lifting director’s gig at a Diller company — she also grabs $299,936 a year for sitting on the board of something called IAC Interactive.
    Nice work if you can get it.
    Chelsea Clinton.
    How did her father’s aide, Doug Band, describe her?
    A “spoiled brat.”
    In the WikiLeaks emails, Band said she had dipped into Clinton Foundation funds for “her V.I.P. wedding,” which he described as “not smart.”
    But then, how could a graduate of such lofty institutions as Stanford, Oxford and Columbia possibly concern herself about such mundane matters as the provenance of money.
    “I was curious,” she was once quoted as saying, “if I could care about (money) on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t.”
    What exactly are Chelsea’s credentials?
    She made $600,000 a year “working” for NBC News alongside anchor-fraud Brian Williams. Somebody did the math on her on-air packages (put together by a producer, of course) and discovered that she was paid $26,724 for every minute she appeared on NBC.
    ...“The laser-focused Chelsea vitriol is perplexing when it comes from the left,” writes Friedman, who is easily perplexed.
    “Shouldn’t such first-daughter hatred be reserved for Ivanka?”..."
    Read on!

    Poll: Majority of Americans say ‘sanctuary cities’ make America ‘less safe’ – TheBlaze

    Poll: Majority of Americans say ‘sanctuary cities’ make America ‘less safe’ – TheBlaze:

     "The majority of Americans oppose having their city declared a “sanctuary city” to protect illegal immigrants, a new poll reveals.

    According to a new Rasmussen Reports poll, only 35 percent of likely U.S. voters favor living in a “sanctuary city,” while 52 percent said they oppose their local officials declaring their town a “sanctuary city,” nearly a 20 point spread. Fourteen percent told Rasmussen they are undecided."

    American Enterprise Institute - Timeline

    No automatic alt text available.American Enterprise Institute - Timeline:
    "There is no other consumer good or service whose price has increased over the last 20 years that even comes close to the soaring cost of college tuition and college textbooks, which have both tripled in price and increased by 200% since 1996."

    AM Fruitcake

    History for March 27

    Image result for nikita khrushchev quotes
    History for March 27 -
    Nathaniel Currier 1813, William Conrad Rontgen 1845, Sir Henry Royce 1863
    Image result for Nathaniel Currier

    Patty Smith Hill 1868, James Callaghan 1912 - British prime minister, Mariah Carey 1970 - Singer
     Image result for James Callaghan quotes

    1794 - The U.S. Congress authorized the creation of the U.S. Navy.
    Image result for U.S. Congress authorized the creation of the U.S. Navy.

    1836 - In Goliad, TX, about 350 Texan prisoners, including their commander James Fannin, were executed under orders from Gen. Antonio López de Santa Anna. An estimated 30 Texans escaped execution.
    Image result for 350 Texan prisoners, including their commander James Fannin, were executed under orders from Gen. Antonio López de Santa Anna.

    1860 - The corkscrew was patented by M.L. Byrn.

    1912 - The first cherry blossom trees were planted in Washington, DC. The trees were a gift from Japan.

    1917 - The Seattle Metropolitans, of the Pacific Coast League of Canada, defeated the Montreal Canadiens and became the first U.S. hockey team to win the Stanley Cup.

    1958 - Nikita Khrushchev became the chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers in addition to First Secretary of the Communist Party.
    Image result for nikita khrushchev quotes

    1998 - Top civilian aircraft makers in France, Spain, Germany and Britain agreed to create single European aerospace and defense company.

    2004 - NASA successfully launched an unpiloted X-43A jet that hit Mach 7 (about 5,000 mph).

    Sunday, March 26, 2017

    Defund the Left: GOP, Here’s Your Chance | National Review

    Defund the Left: GOP, Here’s Your Chance | National Review:

     "Senator Schumer has announced that he intends to filibuster the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. There is no substantive case against Gorsuch, who is well qualified for the position and held in generally high regard — including by Democrats. In 2006 he was confirmed unanimously to the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. His most controversial position is that judges should stick to the law.

    Senator Schumer is doing the Republicans a favor without intending to: "

    Nebraska Democrats include voter registration form in ‘welcome baskets’ for refugees – TheBlaze

    Nebraska Democrats include voter registration form in ‘welcome baskets’ for refugees – TheBlaze:

     "The Nebraska Democratic Party has no problem with refugees being settled in their state. In fact, they’re so excited about refugees coming to the Cornhusker State that they’re giving each refugee their own “welcoming basket.”

    According to the Conservative Review, the welcome baskets include essential items like diapers, kitchen utensils, toilet paper, dishes, towels, blankets, small appliances — oh, and a voter registration form."

    MUST READ: Rachel Dolezal Has A New Book Coming Out About How She Became ‘Woke’ | Daily Wire

    MUST READ: Rachel Dolezal Has A New Book Coming Out About How She Became ‘Woke’ | Daily Wire:
    "America's favorite wannabe black person Rachel Dolezal is back, better than ever, offering the world a new book detailing how she became a "woke soul sista." 
    In Dolezal's new memoir, In Full Color: Finding My Place in a Black and White World, the former NAACP leader "details her journey from a poor white girl in Montana to what she refers to as a 'woke soul sista' working in Washington," notes The New York Daily News. View image on Twitter
    View image on Twitter

    Can't wait to read a entire book about how this girl is really an oppressed black person
    Dolezal is a white woman who claimed to be black for numerous years before she was "outed" as white by her parents in 2015, to much media hysteria..."