Thursday, March 30, 2017

Dem lawmaker tips off illegals in MS-13 hotbed

Dem lawmaker tips off illegals in MS-13 hotbed:

 "In January 2016, federal authorities arrested 56 members of MS-13, a highly organized and well-funded Central American gang known for its brutal acts of violence, in and around the Boston area. They were indicted on conspiracy charges and charges related to murder, conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder. Some were also charged with other offenses, including drug trafficking and firearm violations. According to the indictment, several of the individuals were involved in the murders of at least five people since 2014 and the attempted murders of at least 14 people.

MS-13’s motto is “Mata, viola, controla” – kill, rape, control."

Clarice Feldman - Jack is Back: The clues and evidence are in the...

Clarice Feldman - Jack is Back: The clues and evidence are in the...:
"The clues and evidence are in the PDB. 
Because we know from press reports and other reports it goes back to July 2016. 
That is in the timeframe of the first FISA warrant being denied. 
Call in the spooks and have them set up a "red herring" for the fake.
If you look at some of the manueverings after that as the race tightened but not enough to be troublesome, the Russian thing began to develop because of Podesta's email and the DNC.
Image result for Clintons are the ones in the bag to the RussiansNow they are worried. 
Because they the DNC and Clintons are the ones in the bag to the Russians, not Trump. 
Turn the tables and leak the hell out of it daily, if not hourly, reports on the Trump team regardless if they are talking to the Russians but because we own the press and can lie to them until their Cheerios are soaked.
Somewhere in the corrupted "deep state" is a patriot, one not turned just yet but still has a smile on his/her face. 
Decides enough is enough and sends Nunes to the PBD's. 
He needs cover to review them. 
Trump already has (by the way) and could be the snitch.
Now can they identify the reading parties? 
Beside the 13 to 19 agencies given open access by the Obama last minute EO? 
You bet they can because of the distribution stamp and sign off.
Remember Ben Rhodes is a Fiction Writing graduate and this is a simple novel for him."

AM Fruitcake

History for March 30

Image result for President Ronald Reagan shot quote
History for March 30 -
Vincent Van Gogh 1853, John Astin 1930 - Actor ("Addams Family"), Peter Marshall 1930 - Game show host ("Hollywood Squares")

Warren Beatty 1937 - Actor, Eric Clapton 1945 - Musician, Celine Dion 1968 - Singer

1822 - Florida became a U.S. territory.

1842 - Dr. Crawford W. Long performed the first operation while his patient was anesthetized by ether.

1867 - The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars.

1870 - The 15th amendment, guaranteeing the right to vote regardless of race, was passed by the U.S. Congress.

1939 - The comic book "Detective Comics #27" appeared on newstands. This comic introduced Batman.

1950 - The invention of the phototransistor was announced.

1964 - "Jeopardy" debuted on NBC-TV.

1981 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded in Washington, DC, by John W. Hinckley Jr. Two police officers and Press Secretary James Brady were also wounded.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017



Interesting Hypocrisy

By Tammy Derouin

Laws are based on a moral code. In the United States, our moral code was founded on Judaeo/Christian beliefs. Laws establish rules within our society. Consequences are in place to hold those accountable for breaking the law. A certain standard of behavior is expected when living in a civilized society. No one should be above the law.

 We have begun a journey down a very dangerous path. When elected public servants pick and choose which laws they want to enforce, it creates a hostile environment. If laws are only enforced at the whim of an elected official, what's the sense in having them? Special privileges emerge when rules are not enforced equally. Are we going to become a land where man is greater than law? Our Revolutionary War put an end to this kind of tyranny, but if history isn't taught and understood, it will be re-visited.

It is very disturbing to watch laws being disregarded so effortlessly. The benefits and consequences of a law should not depend on which political ideology you embrace. When they are not upheld equally, our society as a whole will eventually suffer the consequences.

Sanctuary cities are a prime example of a blatant disregard for federal law. The individuals who run sanctuary cities should be held accountable. They are not above the law. However, after years of the federal government turning a blind eye to the reckless and careless behavior of these illegal safe havens, it's like trying to enforce house rules on a child which has had free rein for far too many years....... 

"Just think of the MSM as Democrat operatives with bylines, and it all makes sense."-Instapundit----- The Myth of an Unbiased Mainstream Media

Image result for liberal media biasThe Myth of an Unbiased Mainstream Media:
"...For many, the illusion still remains that the mainstream media is unbiased.
...“It’s concerning that news organizations with a clear and stated bias are serving as the eyes and ears of the White House press corps, regardless of their political leaning,” Andrew Seaman, chair of the Society of Professional Journalists’ Ethics Committee...
Yet while many mainstream media outlets may not be “clear”—that is, transparent with their readers—about their perspective, there’s no doubt they indeed have a perspective.
First, let’s just look at the data about journalists:
  • 96 percent of the donations given by journalists in the 2016 presidential election as of August were to Hillary Clinton, according to the Center for Public Integrity.
  • 7 percent of journalists identify as Republican, while 28 percent identify as Democrat, according to an Indiana University School of Journalism study conducted in 2013.
  • “Of the major newspapers that endorsed either Clinton or Trump, only 3 percent (2 of 59) endorsed Trump,” noted FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver.
When you keep those facts in mind, the actual behavior of the mainstream media starts to make more sense...."
Read on!

VDH, always a must-read-----The Civic Cost of Illegal Immigration | Hoover Institution

The Civic Cost of Illegal Immigration | Hoover Institution
The Civic Cost of Illegal Immigration
by Victor Davis Hanson-Tuesday, March 28, 2017

"The arguments for ignoring illegal immigration are as well-known as the self-interested motives that drive it.
In the abstract, open-borders advocates argue that in a globalized culture, borders are becoming reactionary and artificial constructs. 
They should not interrupt more natural ebbs and flows of migrant populations.
More concretely, an array of vested interests sees advantage in dismantling the border: 
  • employers in hospitality, construction, food processing, and agriculture prefer hard-working low-wage immigrants, whose social needs are often subsidized by the government and who are reluctant to organize for higher wages.
  • The Democratic Party welcomes in impoverished immigrants from Latin America and Mexico. It hopes to provide generous social welfare assistance and thereby shepherd new arrivals and their offspring into the salad bowl of victimization and identity politics—and thereby change the electoral map of key states from red to blue.
  • La Raza activists see unchecked illegal immigration as useful in maintaining a large pool of unassimilated and poor foreign nationals who look to group leaders, thereby ensuring the continuance of what has become an industry of ethnic activism and careerism.
  • Mexico—which is now offering advice to illegal immigrants on how best to avoid U.S. federal immigration authorities—has the most to gain by porous borders. It envisions the United States as a relief valve destination to export its own poor and desperate rather than to have them agitate and demand costly social services from Mexico City.
Yet lost in this conundrum are the pernicious effects of illegal immigration on the idea of citizenship in a consensual society. 
...The first pillar of citizenship is the idea that the nation-state has the sole right to create and control its own borders.
...When borders are fluid and unenforced, it inevitably follows that assimilation and integration also become lax, as society loses a sense of who, or even where, their residents are. 
And the idea that the Bill of Rights should apply to those beyond U.S. borders may be a noble sentiment, but the practical effect of such utopianism is to open a Pandora’s box of impossible enforcement, affronts to foreign governments, endless litigation, and a diversion of resources away from protecting the rights of citizens at home.
Residency is also confused with citizenship, but they are no more the same than are guests at a dinner party and the party’s hosts, who own the home..."
Lots more, read on!

Nikki Haley Leads Walkout on UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Meeting - Breitbart

Nikki Haley Leads Walkout on UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Meeting - Breitbart:

 "American Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley announced Monday that her country and a list of nearly forty others would not participate in a meeting to pass an international nuclear weapons ban, calling the proposal “naive” and warning that “bad actors” like North Korea would take advantage of it."

Are we EVER gonna get mad enought to stop this?-----Michigan to Pay $660 Million in Secret Corporate Giveaways This Year [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Michigan to Pay $660 Million in Secret Corporate Giveaways This Year [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
Image result for google Howard Beale Peter Finch Mad as Hell I M News Anchor"The state of Michigan is expected to pay $660.7 million in refundable tax credits to favored businesses in 2016-17 as part of its corporate welfare programs. 
That’s enough money to give all 99,000-plus Michigan public school teachers a $6,665 bonus.
The state keeps the names of the companies secret, but it is known that as of February, $433.6 million had already been paid during the fiscal year that began Oct. 1, 2016.
It’s important to note that these were not “tax breaks” but actual cash payments — money redistributed from people and small businesses to a handful of large and privileged corporations."

Nike’s Problematic Relationship with the Hijab - Acculturated

Nike’s Problematic Relationship with the Hijab - Acculturated:
"Major sportswear manufacturer, Nike, recently revealed an athletic headscarf for Muslim women. The product is termed the “Pro hijab” and is made of lightweight cloth with tiny holes that help the athletes’ skin breathe while keeping the skin covered.
In producing such a product, Nike is the first large-scale sportswear company to venture into the Muslim modesty market.
In many ways, Nike’s move is worthy of celebration.
In a world increasingly fraught with inter-communal tension and a fear of Muslims, a major brand embracing the hijab as a source of empowerment and paving the way for Muslim women’s integration is laudable. 
...But Nike’s move, while praiseworthy, also raises concerns.
...while leaving young Muslim entrepreneurs in the dust, so, too, is Nike purporting to innovate something that’s already been done.
As one commentator wrote on Facebook, “People keep asking me about my reactions to the Nike hijab . . . sorry folks, the capitalist appropriation of a spiritual practice doesn’t impress me...”

Lunch video-----Why is Modern Art so Bad?


Healthcare Entitlement

BREXIT! PM Signs Official Letter to Brussels Beginning Britain's Departure from the European Union

BREXIT! PM Signs Official Letter to Brussels Beginning Britain's Departure from the European Union:

"LONDON, March 28 (Reuters) – Prime Minister Theresa May will file formal Brexit divorce papers on Wednesday, pitching the United Kingdom into the unknown and triggering years of uncertain negotiations that will test the endurance of the European Union.

Forget ‘virtue signalling’ – ‘empathy patrolling’ is the new moral phenomenon

Forget ‘virtue signalling’ – ‘empathy patrolling’ is the new moral phenomenon:
"...Virtue signalling has found its opposite number:
Empathy patrolling, the need to police who may feel what and when after an event of public import.
Jenkins has been telling us to calm ourselves for some time now — after Nice, Brussels, the Bataclan, San Bernadino, the Boston Marathon, Charlie Hebdo, and Glasgow Airport, to name a few.
The formula is always the same:
A bit of throat-clearing about terrorism being ghastly and all that, before explaining that the ‘real threat’ is ‘overreaction’ on our part. 
It’s never clear with Jenkins, or other empathy patrollers, what level of reaction is permissible.
Ellie Mae O’Hagan was, like, well bummed about the public’s response to a minor skirmish in SW1.
Image result for islamophobiaShe wrote: ‘Those who are hoping Britain will conduct itself with trademark stoicism and enlightenment may find themselves confronted with a jingoistic, authoritarian and frankly hysterical nation instead.’ 
The gushing Corbynista turned emotional martinet fretted that right-wingers ‘will use the events at Westminster to concoct the most frantically un-British response imaginable’. 
What is ‘un-British’ is this insidious campaign to police instinct and tether sentiment — as though all the world can be greeted with cool disdain and an ironic quip.
There are fanatics plotting further outrages this very moment and their ambition is carnage on a grander scale. 
There is nothing histrionic about acknowledging that, nothing irrational about worrying how, or if, we can stop them.
We may even permit our thoughts to turn dark or bloodthirsty.
These feelings are not wrong — they are natural and will be widespread.
They ought not to guide our actions or the remedies we pursue but to demand we suppress them altogether is to fake serenity at a time of turbulence.
Empathy patrolling makes some feel better about a world they cannot predict; police patrolling, preferably armed, makes the rest of us feel much the same.
Phoney solemnity won’t ‘send a message’ to the next Khalid Masood.
No one sees your stiff upper lip if your head is in the sand. "

Yup, they're liars. And they're getting rich off their lies-----Simple Chart DESTROYS The Liberal Climate Change Scam | The Federalist Papers

Simple Chart DESTROYS The Liberal Climate Change Scam | The Federalist Papers

"...Here are, in our opinion, the top 10 biggest climate alarmist predictions gone spectacularly wrong:
  1. Biologist Paul Ehrlich predicted in the 1970s that: “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” and that “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”
  2. In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”
  3. In January 2006 Al Gore predicted that we had ten years left before the planet turned into a “total frying pan.” We made it.
  4. In 2008, a segment aired on ABC News predicted that NYC would be under water by June 2015.
  5. In 1970, ecologist Kenneth E.F. Watt predicted that “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000, This is about twice what it would take to put us in an ice age.”
  6. In 2008, Al Gore predicted that there is a 75% chance that the entire north polar ice cap would be completely melted within 5-7 years. He at least hedged that prediction by giving himself “75%” certainty.
  7. On May 13th 2014 France’s foreign minister said that we only have 500 days to stop “climate chaos.” The recent Paris climate summit met 565 days after his remark.
  8. In 2009, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center head James Wassen warned that Obama only had four years left to save the earth.
  9. On the first Earth Day its sponsor warned that “in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”
  10. And another Earth Day prediction from Kenneth Watt: “At the present rate of nitrogen buildup, it’s only a matter of time before light will be filtered out of the atmosphere and none of our land will be usable.”
And no I’m not just nitpicking absurd predictions made by cranks. A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.
Is it even fair to call it climate “science” at that point?

$10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is | The Daily Sheeple

$10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One — Not Even the DoD — Knows Where It Is | The Daily Sheeple:
"Over a mere two decades, the Pentagon lost track of a mind-numbing $10 trillion — that’s trillion, with a fat, taxpayer-funded “T” — and no one, not even the Department of Defense, really knows where it went or on what it was spent.
Image result for where did the money goEven though audits of all federal agencies became mandatory in 1996, the Pentagon has apparently made itself an exception, and — fully 20 years later — stands obstinately orotund in never having complied.
Because, as defense officials insist — summoning their best impudent adolescent — an audit would take too long and, unironically, cost too much.
Over the last 20 years, the Pentagon has broken every promise to Congress about when an audit would be completed,” Rafael DeGennaro, director of Audit the Pentagontold the Guardian recently. 
Meanwhile, Congress has more than doubled the Pentagon’s budget.”..."
Read on. It gets worse!

California school to face budget cuts because student body is too white – TheBlaze

 California school to face budget cuts because student body is too white – TheBlaze:

"According to KABC-TV Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood is facing layoffs and increased class sizes due to budget cuts. The reason for the budget cuts?

Too much of the student body is white."

And you're worried about Trump?-----THAT’S WHY GOD INVENTED SHOES AND ROLLED-UP MAGAZINES: Spiders could theoretically eat every human on earth …

Instapundit » Blog Archive » THAT’S WHY GOD INVENTED SHOES AND ROLLED-UP MAGAZINES: Spiders could theoretically eat every human …:
Spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year. 
Image result for Biggest Spider in the World“There’s a good chance at least one spider is staring at you right now, sizing you up from a darkened corner of the room, eight eyes glistening in the shadows.”

Plus: “The world’s spiders consume somewhere between 400 million and 800 million tons of prey in any given year. 
That means that spiders eat at least as much meat as all 7 billion humans on the planet combined, who the authors note consume about 400 million tons of meat and fish each year. 
Or, for a slightly more disturbing comparison: 
The total biomass of all adult humans on Earth is estimated to be 287 million tons. 
Even if you tack on another 70 million-ish tons to account for the weight of kids, it’s still not equal to the total amount of food eaten by spiders in a given year, exceeding the total weight of humanity. In other words, spiders could eat all of us and still be hungry.”

AM Fruitcake

History for March 29

History for March 29 -
John Tyler (U.S.) 1790, Cy Young 1867, Phillip Ahn 1905
Image result for president john tyler quotes

Eugene McCarthy 1916, Sam Walton 1918 - Founder of Walmart, Pearl Mae Bailey 1918

1847 - U.S. troops under General Winfield Scott took possession of the Mexican stronghold at Vera Cruz.

1913 - The Reichstag announced a raise in taxes in order to finance the new military budget.

1951 - In the United States, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage. They were executed in June 19, 1953.
Image result for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg traitors

1971 - A jury in Los Angeles recommended the death penalty for Charles Manson and three female followers for the 1969 Tate-La Bianca murders. The death sentences were later commuted to live in prison.

1973 - The last U.S. troops left South Vietnam.
Front Page Image

1983 - Erno Rubik was granted a patent for his Magic Cube. (U.S. Patent 4,378,116)

1987 - Hulk Hogan took 11 minutes, 43 seconds to pin Andre the Giant in front of 93,136 at Wrestlemania III fans at the Silverdome in Pontiac, MI.

1992 - Democratic presidential front-runner Bill Clinton said "I didn't inhale and I didn't try it again" in reference to when he had experimented with marijuana.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

60 Minutes: Mostly 'Affluent and College Educated' Liberals Fall for Fake News - Breitbart

 60 Minutes: Mostly 'Affluent and College Educated' Liberals Fall for Fake News - Breitbart:

"Curtis Houck at NewsBusters notes that 60 Minutes’ Sunday report, “How Fake News Becomes a Popular, Trending Topic,” admits that the audience for “fake news” tailored to the left is mostly “affluent and college educated.”"

Worth your time. Totally refutes Al Gore's fake science-----Global Warming Hoax, Best Documentary Ever

Mexiphobia!-----Seattle-based cruise line stops port calls at Mexican resort of Acapulco | The Seattle Times

Image result for mexican crimeSeattle-based cruise line stops port calls at Mexican resort of Acapulco | The Seattle Times: "MEXICO CITY (AP) — The U.S. cruise ship line Holland America says it has halted port calls at Mexico’s troubled resort city of Acapulco and will sail to other destinations in the country “due to recent security concerns.”
The news comes as Acapulco hosts an annual tourism fair that officials hope will spark a rebound at the once-glamorous resort.
The Seattle-based Holland America says in a statement Monday that eight cruises which once stopped in Acapulco will instead go to other Mexican destinations in 2017 and 2018.
Acapulco and areas inland in the Pacific coast state of Guerrero have been plagued by high levels of crime and drug gang killings..."

Sessions to Sanctuary Cities: Obey The Law Or Pay The Price [Video]

Sessions to Sanctuary Cities: Obey The Law Or Pay The Price [Video]:

"Sessions said he is asking nothing more than obedience to the law of the land.

 “Today, I am urging states and local jurisdictions to comply with these federal laws,” he added.

Sessions specifically singled out Maryland, which is considering a proposal to become a sanctuary state. That step comes at the same time as the state has been rocked by the reported rape of a 14-year-old in her Rockville, Md., high school by two older students, at least one of whom is an illegal immigrant."

Progressives gonna hate this-----‘Biggest Oil Discovery In UK Waters This Century’ | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)

‘Biggest Oil Discovery In UK Waters This Century’ | The Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF)
Find adds to series of wells that may be biggest beneath UK waters this century.
"...Hurricane is expected to announce that initial data from its Halifax well indicates the presence of a 1km-deep oil column and that, crucially, it appears to be part of “a single large hydrocarbon accumulation” connected to the company’s adjacent Lancaster field.
This would increase confidence behind the London-listed explorer’s claim to be sitting on the largest undeveloped discovery on the UK continental shelf and aid efforts to attract investment in the field from international oil majors."

Full story

Claim: Russia Has Created A Devastating Zircon Hypersonic Missile That Will Rip Right Through U.S. Warships: "Unstoppable... Unbeatable... Undefendable"

Claim: Russia Has Created A Devastating Zircon Hypersonic Missile That Will Rip Right Through U.S. Warships: "Unstoppable... Unbeatable... Undefendable":
As President Trump ratchets up the U.S. military in his latest budget proposal, his counterpart, Russian President Vladimir Putin, has reportedly created a hypersonic missile with such devastating implications for the U.S. Navy, that it is being called “unstoppable.”
Russia claims to have created a devastating hypersonic missile that travels five times faster than the speed of sound and could rip through navy warship defences because it’s too fast to stop.

The Kremlin’s Zircon missile has been called “unstoppable”, “unbeatable” and “undefendable” with a 4,600mph speed that only one defence system in the world can destroy – that system is owned by Russia.

The missile employs revolutionary scramjet technology to reach its hypersonic speeds whereby propulsion is created by forcing air from the atmosphere into its combustor where it mixes with on-board fuel – rather than carry both fuel and oxidizer like traditional rockets. This makes it lighter, and therefore much faster.

The US Navy warns it could be fitted to Russia’s nuclear-powered Kirkov warship, where it would have a range of up to 500 miles.

In comparison, the Royal Navy’s Sea Ceptor missile, which is designed to destroy incoming missiles can only travel 15 miles and hit top speeds of 2,300mph.

Full report: International Business Time
Reports indicate that no counter measures for the Zircon missile exist. If true, then the majority of the U.S. Naval fleet has just been rendered obsolete.

Lunch video-----Are GMOs Good or Bad?