Sunday, April 23, 2017

Breaking: Country Now Telling Its Citizens To "Cover Up Crosses" For Muslims [Details] - Conservative 101

Breaking: Country Now Telling Its Citizens To "Cover Up Crosses" For Muslims [Details] - Conservative 101:

 "Recently in Sydney, Australia, two Christians who were riding on a train and had cross pendants visible outside of their shirts were attacked by a Muslim gang who screamed “F*ck Jesus!” at them. Train officials watched this happening and did not intervene.

The Muslim gang beat up the man and ripped the cross off of his neck and stepped on it. "

Australia Makes Massive Move Against Immigrants, Muslims

Australia Makes Massive Move Against Immigrants, Muslims:

 "Australian politicians plan to pass a bill that would make immigrants take an “Australian values” test and have a higher level of English proficiency as a precondition to citizenship, Reuters reported Thursday.

“What we are doing is strengthening our multicultural society and strengthening our values,” Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in the Australian capital of Canberra. “Australian citizenship should be honored, cherished. It’s a privilege.”

The bill is expected to pass through Parliament and become law."

The way we were-----linda ronstadt and the stone ponys - different drum (1967)

Why Some Scientists Are Embracing Activism - WSJ

Why Some Scientists Are Embracing Activism - WSJ:
Image result for settled science"...Many scientists have traditionally avoided public political activism, out of concern they would be perceived as lacking scientific objectivity.
And many researchers who aren’t participating in the marches—or the upcoming Peoples Climate March on April 29—noted that the sciences are far from a homogeneous group with shared political goals.
Molecular biologist Maryam Zaringhalam says she's participating in the March for Science to stand up for three groups she identifies with and sees as under attack: women, immigrants, and scientists..." 

WAR ON COLLEGE MEN: Professor Says Male Student’s Paper Was So Triggering She Had Trouble Disting…

Professor Says Male Student’s Paper Was So Triggering She Had Trouble Distinguishing Him From Her Rapist. 
Image result for triggering intensifies“The student cited a men’s rights advocacy group, referenced a case where a woman raped a man, questioned whether feminism was relevant, and said that concerns about gender inequality were overblown. . . . 
She said she was so upset that she could no longer grade papers or read. . . . 
She recounts screaming ‘Zero! You get a f*cking zero!’ at the computer screen as she graded the student’s two-page paper, saying that she also felt that simply by writing the paper, he had undermined her authority as an instructor.”

"If your mental health is that fragile, and leads to such sexist reactions, you probably shouldn’t be teaching. 
And by “probably,” I mean “definitely.” 
The behavior is inexcusable, and that she would write about it in anything other than a tone of abject self-criticism is unforgivable."-Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 10:00 am

DOJ Sends a Letter to Nine Sanctuary Cities: Comply With Federal Immigration Laws or Lose Your Grant Money - Katie Pavlich

DOJ Sends a Letter to Nine Sanctuary Cities: Comply With Federal Immigration Laws or Lose Your Grant Money - Katie Pavlich:

 "Acting Assistant Attorney General Alan Hanson sent a letter Friday to local government officials in nine different suspected or declared sanctuary cities and counties,  demanding proof of compliance with federal immigration laws.

The letter, sent to officials in Sacramento, Chicago, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, New York City, Miami Dade County, Milwaukee County and Cook County, notes that these jurisdictions receive U.S. government grant funding. If it is to be renewed, cooperation with federal immigration authorities is expected. "

Your tax dollars at "work"-----Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY « Clarion Project

Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY « Clarion Project:
"Pro-sharia activist Linda Sarsour was chosen to give the commencement speech by a division of CUNY, (City University of New York).
CUNY is part of the public university system of New York City, and the largest urban university in the United States.
Image result for sharia law women punishmentsSarsour was selected chosen to give the address to CUNY’s Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy at their June 1 ceremony. 
Sarsour was recently arrested in New York for blocking traffic along with other protesters outside the Trump International Hotel in New York City. 
She had been warned several times by police officers before being removed for disorderly conduct...
Her “credentials” include:
  • Belittling the lack of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. Sarsour tweeted:
“10 weeks of PAID maternity leave in Saudi Arabia. Yes PAID. And ur worrying about women driving. Puts us to shame.”
  • Belittling other activists who stand against sharia law. Sarsour tweeted: “Brigette Gabriel=Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She’s asking 4 an a$$ whippin’. I wish I could take their vaginas away – they don’t deserve to be women.”...
Read on!

Clinton's Towering Fiasco | The Weekly Standard

Clinton's Towering Fiasco | The Weekly Standard:
"The September 2016 article in Politico championing Hillary Clinton’s use of "data analytics" now looks—how shall we put it?—rather premature.
Politico swooned that computer algorithms "underlie nearly all of the Clinton campaign's most important strategic decisions." 
Image result for clinton hubrisComputer guru Elan Kriegel had crunched the numbers for campaign manager Robby Mook, allowing Team Clinton to precisely target her potential voters and thus not waste one dime on appealing to the deplorables.
"Clintonites saw it as their secret weapon in building an insurmountable delegate lead over Bernie Sanders," Politico reported.
And come the general election the Clintonistas were downright giddy about the edge Big Data was giving them.
With the hopelessly old-school Trump team "investing virtually nothing in data analytics during the primary and little since, Kriegel's work isn't just powering Clinton's campaign, it is providing her a crucial tactical advantage."
Ah, hubris..."

Lunch video-----Marine Le Pen speech 21/04/17


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'Shattered' Revelation: Clinton Campaign Hatched Russian Hacking Narrative 24 Hours After Hillary's Loss

 'Shattered' Revelation: Clinton Campaign Hatched Russian Hacking Narrative 24 Hours After Hillary's Loss:

"The new Clinton campaign tell-all, Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, reveals how Hillary Clinton personally placed blame for her bruising defeat on Russian meddling “within twenty-four hours of her concession speech.”"

The Racist History of Minimum Wage Laws | Mises Wire

The Racist History of Minimum Wage Laws | Mises Wire:
"In 1966, Milton Friedman wrote an op-ed for Newsweek entitled "Minimum Wage Rates."
In it, he argued "that the minimum-wage law is the most anti-Negro law on our statute books."
He was, of course, referring to the then-present era, after the far more explicitly racist laws from the slavery and segregation eras of United States history had already been done away with.
Image result for Minimum Wage Black UnemploymentBut his observation about the racist effects of minimum wage laws can be traced back to the nineteenth century, and they continue to have a disproportionately deleterious effect on African-Americans into the present day.
The earliest of such laws were regulations passed in regards to the railroad industry.
At the end of the nineteenth century, as Dr. Walter Williams points out, "On some railroads — most notably in the South — blacks were 85–90 percent of the firemen, 27 percent of the brakemen, and 12 percent of the switchmen."1
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, unable to block railroad companies from hiring the non-unionized black workers, called for regulations preventing the employment of blacks.
In 1909, a compromise was offered: a minimum wage, which was to be imposed equally on all races.
To the pro-minimum wage advocate, this may superficially seem like an anti-racist policy.
...One white union member at the time celebrated the new rule for removing "the incentive for employing the Negro."2
This early minimum wage rule was explicitly put in place to prevent African-Americans from finding employment, and it was successful in this goal..."
Read on!

The Troubling Trendiness Of Poverty Appropriation – The Establishment

The Troubling Trendiness Of Poverty Appropriation – The Establishment
"It’s become trendy for those with money to appropriate the poverty lifestyle — and it troubles me for one simple reason. 
I grew up in the far-flung wiles of Blythe, California.
Never heard of it?
You’re not alone.
...It wasn’t what anyone would call a glamorous experience.
This background, this essential part of who I am, makes it particularly difficult to stomach the latest trend in “simple” living — people moving into tiny homes and trailers.
How many folks, I wonder, who have engaged in the Tiny House Movement have ever actually lived in a tiny, mobile place?
Because what those who can afford homes call “living light,” poor folks call “gratitude for what we’ve got.”
And it’s not just the Tiny House Movement that incites my discontent. 
From dumpster diving to trailer-themed bars to haute cuisine in the form of poor-household staples, it’s become trendy for those with money to appropriate the poverty lifestyle — and it troubles me for one simple reason.
The Tiny House Movement began in the ’90s, but has only been rising in popularity since the recession..."
Read on!

WSJ: How $100 Of Your Taxes Are Spent

WSJTaxProf Blog:
Wall Street Journal, How $100 of Your Taxes Are Spent:
"...To answer the question, here is a “Taxpayer Receipt” showing how each $100 of taxes was spent, both for 2016 and five years earlier...
Looking at the list of expenditures, it is clear why some say the U.S. is a giant insurance company with an army. 
Half of all spending goes for Social Security benefits and health programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, while another 20% is for defense and military benefits..."

You ought to know!

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The big, amazing list of people Obama spied on

The big, amazing list of people Obama spied on:

 "The Obama administration isn’t accused of gathering intelligence information to spy for political, and other, purposes just once. Or twice. Or even just three times.
A remarkable timeline assembled by ace investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson shows just how often the Obama administration apparently spied on friend and foe alike.
With all of this information gathered in one place, WND then compiled a list gleaned from Attkisson’s timeline of all those whom the Obama administration is suspected of targeting either by spying, or investigating and/or prosecuting using intelligence information.

And the list is impressive."

Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed - Rolling Stone

Obama Administration Trying to Keep 11,000 Documents Sealed - Rolling Stone:
"...For years now, the federal government has been quietly fighting to keep a lid on an 11,000-document cache of government communications relating to financial policy.
Image result for obama secretsThe sheer breadth of the effort to keep this material secret may not have a precedent in modern presidential times.
"It's the mother of all privilege logs," explains one lawyer connected with the case.
The Obama administration invoked executive privilege, attorney-client and deliberative process over these documents and insisted that their release would negatively impact global financial markets..."

AM Fruitcake

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History for April 23

Image result for william shakespeare quotes
History for April 23 -
William Shakespeare 1564 - Poet, playwright ("Julius Caesar," "Romeo and Juliet," "MacBeth"), believed to have been born on April 23 based on his baptism on April 26, 1564, James Buchanan 1791 - 15th U.S. President, nickname: Old Buck, Shirley (Jane) Temple Black 1928 - Child actress ("Little Miss Marker," "Heidi," "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm")

Roy Orbison 1936 - Singer (Traveling Wilburys), Lee Majors (Harvey Lee Yeary II) 1940 - Actor ("The Six Million Dollar Man," "Big Valley," "The Bionic Woman"), Joyce DeWitt 1949 - Actress ("Three's Company)

1900 - The word "hillbilly" was first used in print in an article in the "New York Journal." It was spelled "Hill-Billie".

1908 - U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt signed an act creating the U.S. Army Reserve.
Image result for Theodore Roosevelt signed an act creating the U.S. Army Reserve.

1945 - The Soviet Army fought its way into Berlin.

1964 - Ken Johnson (Houston Astros) threw the first no-hitter for a loss. The game was lost 1-0 to the Cincinnati Reds due to two errors.
Image result for Ken Johnson (Houston Astros) threw the first no-hitter for a loss

1967 - The Soyuz 1 was launched by Russia.

1985 - The Coca-Cola Company announced that it was changing its 99-year-old secret formula. New Coke was not successful, which resulted in the resumption of selling the original version.
Image result for New Coke

1988 - A U.S. federal law took effect that banned smoking on flights that were under two hours.
Image result for smoking on airline flightss

2005 - The first video was uploaded to

Saturday, April 22, 2017

What happened to you white people?

What happened to you white people?:

"The world was grateful when you white folks rose up to destroy Japan and Germany due to their “Superiority Complex.” Those were just causes.

 Well, we have some just causes here today, and you righteous white folks who fought with our grandfathers for righteousness are cowering behind “tolerance” while others are destroying our culture.

All they have to do is call you a name and you apologize for being white. Can you imagine the names I am called for being a black conservative? Get over your guilt; it is killing us.

They forced affirmative action down your throats, and you sat silently. They forced your children out of jobs and gave them to others, and you thought it was noble to pay for your fathers’ sins.

Maybe there is something else going on with you. Maybe some of you really consider yourselves having “white privilege.” Wake up! White privilege does not exist. Stop apologizing for having a culture. Start proclaiming that what works for you will work for anyone."