Monday, May 22, 2017

Saudi King Shatters Tradition To Welcome Melania Trump

Saudi King Shatters Tradition To Welcome Melania Trump:

Image result for Shaking Hands Clip Art"The 81-year-old king appeared at the airport in Riyadh to welcome the Trumps, and cast custom to the winds as he did so.

As Melania Trump set foot on Saudi soil, the king shook her hand, a gesture that shattered Muslim traditions in which men do not shake the hands of women.

The act did not go unnoticed."

History for May 22

Image result for Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes  Image result for USS Scorpion memorial
History for May 22 -
Wilhelm Richard Wagner 1813 - Composer, Mary Cassatt 1844 - Painter, printmaker, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859 - Author of Sherlock Holmes detective novels 
Image result for Richard Wagner Ride of the ValkyriesImage result for Mary CassattImage result for Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes

Sir Laurence Olivier (Laurence Kerr Olivier) 1907 - Actor, director, producer, Vance Packard 1914 - Journalist, social critic, author, T. Boone Pickens 1928 - Oil tycoon 

Image result for Sir Laurence OlivierImage result for Vance PackardImage result for T. Boone Pickens quotes

1819 - The steamship Savannah became the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Image result for 1819 - The steamship Savannah

1849 - Abraham Lincoln received a patent for the floating dry dock.
Image result for president Abraham Lincoln patent

1868 - Near Marshfield, IN, The "Great Train Robbery" took place. The robbery was worth $96,000 in cash, gold and bonds to the seven members of the Reno gang.
Image result for Marshfield, IN, The "Great Train Robbery"

1872 - The Amnesty Act restored civil rights to Southerners.
Image result for 1872 - The Amnesty Act

1892 - Dr. Washington Sheffield invented the toothpaste tube.
Image result for Dr. Washington Sheffield invented the toothpaste tube.

1939 - Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini signed a military alliance between Germany and Italy known as the "Pact of Steel."
Image result for "Pact of Steel."

1947 - The Truman Doctrine was enacted by the U.S. Congress to appropriate military and economic aid Turkey and Greece.
Image result for The Truman Doctrine

1968 - The nuclear-powered U.S. submarine Scorpion, with 99 men aboard, was lost. The remains of the sub were later found on the ocean floor 400 miles southwest of the Azores.
Image result for USS Scorpion memorial

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blog: Rahm's latest plan to stave off Chicago financial collapse under fire – from Dems

Blog: Rahm's latest plan to stave off Chicago financial collapse under fire – from Dems:
Image result for flickr commons images Rham Emmanual
"Illinois is as broke as Chicago.  If this were a business, Rahm would be borrowing against his "accounts receivable" – also known as "factoring."  That is a common practice among financially troubled businesses to keep the doors open.  Rahm is trying to find a factor that will lend almost $400 mil against the promise of a broke state to come up with the cash."

The way we were-----Best Songs of the 1950s (1953-1957)

Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia - Breitbart

Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia - Breitbart:

Image result for free clip art None"With headlines swirling and lawmakers meeting behind closed doors, it’s not difficult to conclude there is trouble in the Trump White House.
But a deeper dive reveals that lots of people who would not consider themselves Trump supporters admit there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Trump campaign regarding alleged collusion with Russians."

Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind You: Who Owns the Air Rights? 

Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind You: Who Owns the Air Rights? 
"Two law professors conducted an online survey to study the concepts of behavioral economics in relation to the reclining seat debate. 
They asked people to imagine they were taking a six-hour flight from New York to Los Angeles and that the airline implemented a new policy allowing travelers to pay the people in front of them to not recline their seats.
One group was asked to reveal the lowest amount they were willing to accept to give up this feature. 
Image result for Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind YouAnother group was asked to reveal the most they were willing to pay to keep the person in front of them from reclining.
The recliners wanted an average of $41 to give up their right to recline, while the “reclinees,” the people who were theoretically sitting behind them, were only willing to pay an average of $18.
This suggests that the space belongs to the recliner, since they seem to value it more. The Economist explains:
According to the theories of Ronald Coase, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1991, the space between airline seats is a scarce resource. Therefore it should not matter who has the initial ownership (assuming there are no barriers to a deal being made). The market will out: whoever values the space more will buy it from the other. (In this case it would normally revert to the recliner.)
But then they flipped the default in another experiment. 
Instead of haggling to give something up, told people they would have to negotiate to get the right to recline in the first place. 
They found that, in this case, recliners were only willing to pay $12 to recline while reclinees didn’t want to sell their legroom for anything less than an average of $39. 
So what gives? 
In this case, it would seem that ownership belongs to the reclinee, who seems to value that legroom more.
The profs point to the work of behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman to explain the discrepancy: "People generally don’t like losing things that they have..."

More Than 7 Million Voter Registrations Are Duplicated in Multiple States - Washington Free Beacon

More Than 7 Million Voter Registrations Are Duplicated in Multiple States - Washington Free Beacon:

Image result for flickr commons images Voting Booth"More than 7 million voter registrations appear to be registered in two states simultaneously, according to data obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The new voter data was gathered from the Kansas-run interstate voter registration crosscheck program, which is used to identify "possible duplicate registrations among states.""

The FCC Did NOT Vote To Roll Back Net Neutrality | The Daily Sheeple

The FCC Did NOT Vote To Roll Back Net Neutrality | The Daily Sheeple
The Federal Communications Commission’s 2-1 vote Thursday on “Restoring Internet Freedom” was not a repeal of net neutrality regulations as many are reporting.
....Thursday’s vote does not immediately repeal 2015 regulations passed under President Obama’s FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler.
The vote initiates a notice of proposed rule-making, during which time industry stakeholders, advocates and the general public can submit comments to the FCC.
net neutrality comparisonThe 2-1 vote fell down party lines, with freshly appointed Republican Federal Communications Commisions Chairman Ajit Pai and Republican Commissioner Mike O’Rielly voting in favor of the measure.
Democratic Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, the daughter of Democratic South Carolina Rep. James Clyburn, voted against the measure.
In 2015, under former Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, the FCC reclassified broadband internet access service as a utility under Title II of the Communications Act, which gave the FCC stronger oversight authority.
Known as the 2015 Open Internet Order, the new rules established three “bright line rules” that prohibits internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking legal content over their networks, slowing down internet traffic, and prioritizing traffic from websites that are willing to pay to promote their web content over competitors.
Pai has long argued that the 2015 FCC decision to impose Title II utility-style government regulations on internet service providers (ISPs) was misguided and unnecessary.
“These utility-style regulations, known as Title II, were and are like the proverbial sledgehammer being wielded against the flea—except that here, there was no flea,” he said Thursday...
...Opponents of the 2015 order argue that the rules could lead to heavy-handed government interference that hurts business and in turn, hurts consumers. Those same opponents applauded Pai Thursday."

CA Dem leader waves middle fingers, leads 'F*ck Donald Trump' chant at convention - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

CA Dem leader waves middle fingers, leads 'F*ck Donald Trump' chant at convention - The American MirrorThe American Mirror:
"Democrat anger and bitterness were palpable in Sacramento, California on Saturday.
Outgoing California Democratic Party chairman John Burton left his position by waving his middle fingers in the air and leading the convention hall in a chant of “F*ck Donald Trump.”

Outgoing @ca_dem chair @Johnburton gets standing O w final words to his party, finger upraised: "F@ck Donald Trump!"