Monday, May 22, 2017

Imagine if a republican had been so moronic-----Dem Senator Quotes Song That Refers To Women As ‘Bitches’ 38 Times – IOTW Report

Dem Senator Quotes Song That Refers To Women As ‘Bitches’ 38 Times – IOTW Report:
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) decided to quote rapper Kendric Lamar’s song ‘Humble’ during George Washington University’s Commencement on Sunday but decided to leave out a key word the rapper uses in his song.
“In the words of Kendrick Lamar – whose real last name is Duckworth – be humble,” Duckworth told the graduates.
The lyric in the song is, “bitch, be humble” and Lamar uses the word ‘bitch,’ which is often used as a derogatory term towards women 38 times in the song.

Scientific Study: Journalists Are a Bunch of Drunks With Sub-Average Brain Function - Guy Benson

Scientific Study: Journalists Are a Bunch of Drunks With Sub-Average Brain Function - Guy Benson
"In the wake of yesterday's more nuanced piece of press criticism, and in light of the Harvard study Lauretta wrote up earlier, it felt like a bit of trolling might be in order. 
If you missed her post, she highlighted the findings of a review conducted by researchers at the prominent Ivy League university regarding media coverage of President Trump's first 100 days in office. 
Unsurprisingly, Trump set a new record for negativity, with eight out of every ten stories about his administration framed in a negative manner.  
This far exceeded the hostility encountered by his three immediate predecessors -- especially Barack Obama, who was the only recent president upon whom the news media showered majority-positive coverage.  
Trump complained this week that he's been treated more unfairly than any politician in history.
...but I don't think 'the merits' fully account for the entirety of the enormous gap between the tone and content of Obama's coverage (+18) versus Trump's (-60). 
Most of the media is appalled by Trump and furious that he won; not only because they're pro-Democratic liberals (which most of them are), but because his victory blew apart their near-unanimous consensus that he had virtually no chance. 
Image result for liberal journalistsProving the Smart Set wrong angers the Smart Set. 
But are elite-level journalists really the Smart Set? 
They fancy themselves as such, of course, but The Science might tell a different story:
According to a study released Thursday by neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart in association with the London Press Club, the highest functions of the human brain operate at a lower level in journalists than the average population. Her research titled “Study Into The Mental Resilience of Journalists,” blames journalists’ cognitive shortcomings on dehydration caused by excessive alcohol consumption along with poor diet, including higher levels of sugar and caffeine. Less than 5% of journalists drink enough — or any — water while 41% drank more than 18 alcoholic drinks per week.
Fact check: Mostly true.  
Here's the full study, if you're interested..."

You ought to know!

Alabama Passes Bill Protecting Confederate Memorials | The Daily Caller

Alabama Passes Bill Protecting Confederate Memorials | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Alabama Civil War Monuments"The Alabama senate passed a bill Friday which would prevent the changing of the names of Confederate memorials and removing of historic Confederate monuments.

The bill “would prohibit the relocation, removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of any architecturally significant building, memorial building, memorial street, or monument that has stood on public property for 40 or more years,” "

Skeptic » Reading Room » The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies

Skeptic » Reading Room » The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct: A Sokal-Style Hoax on Gender Studies:


Image result for THE CONCEPTUAL PENIS AS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT:Note from the editor: Every once in awhile it is necessary and desirable to expose extreme ideologies for what they are by carrying out their arguments and rhetoric to their logical and absurd conclusion, which is why we are proud to publish this expose of a hoaxed article published in a peer-reviewed article today
It’s ramifications are unknown but one hopes it will help reign in extremism in this and related areas.
—Michael Shermer
“The conceptual penis as a social construct” is a Sokal-style hoax on gender studies. Follow the authors @peterboghossian and @GodDoesnt.
The Hoax
The androcentric scientific and meta-scientific evidence that the penis is the male reproductive organ is considered overwhelming and largely uncontroversial.
That’s how we began. 
We used this preposterous sentence to open a “paper” consisting of 3,000 words of utter nonsense posing as academic scholarship. 
Then a peer-reviewed academic journal in the social sciences accepted and published it.
This paper should never have been published. 
Titled, “The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct,” our paper “argues” that “The penis vis-à-vis maleness is an incoherent construct. 
We argue that the conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomical organ but as a gender-performative, highly fluid social construct.”... 
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

Saudi King Shatters Tradition To Welcome Melania Trump

Saudi King Shatters Tradition To Welcome Melania Trump:

Image result for Shaking Hands Clip Art"The 81-year-old king appeared at the airport in Riyadh to welcome the Trumps, and cast custom to the winds as he did so.

As Melania Trump set foot on Saudi soil, the king shook her hand, a gesture that shattered Muslim traditions in which men do not shake the hands of women.

The act did not go unnoticed."

History for May 22

Image result for Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes  Image result for USS Scorpion memorial
History for May 22 -
Wilhelm Richard Wagner 1813 - Composer, Mary Cassatt 1844 - Painter, printmaker, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 1859 - Author of Sherlock Holmes detective novels 
Image result for Richard Wagner Ride of the ValkyriesImage result for Mary CassattImage result for Arthur Conan Doyle Quotes

Sir Laurence Olivier (Laurence Kerr Olivier) 1907 - Actor, director, producer, Vance Packard 1914 - Journalist, social critic, author, T. Boone Pickens 1928 - Oil tycoon 

Image result for Sir Laurence OlivierImage result for Vance PackardImage result for T. Boone Pickens quotes

1819 - The steamship Savannah became the first to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Image result for 1819 - The steamship Savannah

1849 - Abraham Lincoln received a patent for the floating dry dock.
Image result for president Abraham Lincoln patent

1868 - Near Marshfield, IN, The "Great Train Robbery" took place. The robbery was worth $96,000 in cash, gold and bonds to the seven members of the Reno gang.
Image result for Marshfield, IN, The "Great Train Robbery"

1872 - The Amnesty Act restored civil rights to Southerners.
Image result for 1872 - The Amnesty Act

1892 - Dr. Washington Sheffield invented the toothpaste tube.
Image result for Dr. Washington Sheffield invented the toothpaste tube.

1939 - Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini signed a military alliance between Germany and Italy known as the "Pact of Steel."
Image result for "Pact of Steel."

1947 - The Truman Doctrine was enacted by the U.S. Congress to appropriate military and economic aid Turkey and Greece.
Image result for The Truman Doctrine

1968 - The nuclear-powered U.S. submarine Scorpion, with 99 men aboard, was lost. The remains of the sub were later found on the ocean floor 400 miles southwest of the Azores.
Image result for USS Scorpion memorial

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blog: Rahm's latest plan to stave off Chicago financial collapse under fire – from Dems

Blog: Rahm's latest plan to stave off Chicago financial collapse under fire – from Dems:
Image result for flickr commons images Rham Emmanual
"Illinois is as broke as Chicago.  If this were a business, Rahm would be borrowing against his "accounts receivable" – also known as "factoring."  That is a common practice among financially troubled businesses to keep the doors open.  Rahm is trying to find a factor that will lend almost $400 mil against the promise of a broke state to come up with the cash."

The way we were-----Best Songs of the 1950s (1953-1957)

Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia - Breitbart

Dems, Media, Intel Folks Fall Into ‘No Evidence’ Column on Trump Campaign Collusion with Russia - Breitbart:

Image result for free clip art None"With headlines swirling and lawmakers meeting behind closed doors, it’s not difficult to conclude there is trouble in the Trump White House.
But a deeper dive reveals that lots of people who would not consider themselves Trump supporters admit there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the Trump campaign regarding alleged collusion with Russians."

Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind You: Who Owns the Air Rights? 

Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind You: Who Owns the Air Rights? 
"Two law professors conducted an online survey to study the concepts of behavioral economics in relation to the reclining seat debate. 
They asked people to imagine they were taking a six-hour flight from New York to Los Angeles and that the airline implemented a new policy allowing travelers to pay the people in front of them to not recline their seats.
One group was asked to reveal the lowest amount they were willing to accept to give up this feature. 
Image result for Your Reclining Airplane Seat Vs. The Lap Behind YouAnother group was asked to reveal the most they were willing to pay to keep the person in front of them from reclining.
The recliners wanted an average of $41 to give up their right to recline, while the “reclinees,” the people who were theoretically sitting behind them, were only willing to pay an average of $18.
This suggests that the space belongs to the recliner, since they seem to value it more. The Economist explains:
According to the theories of Ronald Coase, who won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1991, the space between airline seats is a scarce resource. Therefore it should not matter who has the initial ownership (assuming there are no barriers to a deal being made). The market will out: whoever values the space more will buy it from the other. (In this case it would normally revert to the recliner.)
But then they flipped the default in another experiment. 
Instead of haggling to give something up, told people they would have to negotiate to get the right to recline in the first place. 
They found that, in this case, recliners were only willing to pay $12 to recline while reclinees didn’t want to sell their legroom for anything less than an average of $39. 
So what gives? 
In this case, it would seem that ownership belongs to the reclinee, who seems to value that legroom more.
The profs point to the work of behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman to explain the discrepancy: "People generally don’t like losing things that they have..."

More Than 7 Million Voter Registrations Are Duplicated in Multiple States - Washington Free Beacon

More Than 7 Million Voter Registrations Are Duplicated in Multiple States - Washington Free Beacon:

Image result for flickr commons images Voting Booth"More than 7 million voter registrations appear to be registered in two states simultaneously, according to data obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

The new voter data was gathered from the Kansas-run interstate voter registration crosscheck program, which is used to identify "possible duplicate registrations among states.""