Tuesday, May 30, 2017

23,000 Potential Jihadis in Britain: MI5 | Clarion Project Clarion Project

23,000 Potential Jihadis in Britain: MI5 | Clarion Project Clarion Project:
"In an unusual announcement, Britain’s MI5 (secret service) revealed:
    Image result for british terrorists
  • 23,000 potential jihadis are currently living in Britain
  • 3,000 potential terrorists are being investigated as “subjects of interest”
  • 500 terror investigations are currently active
...Following the arrests of 11 suspects in connection with the Manchester bombing, the government reduced the threat level from “severe” back to “critical.” 
The deployment of soldiers under ‘Operation Temperer’ will continue until midnight on Monday to cover extra security for the national holiday weekend. 
After that, “a well-planned and gradual withdrawal of members of the armed forces” will take place."

Following Weinstein debacle, Evergreen State College president kowtows to student demands - The College Fix

Following Weinstein debacle, Evergreen State College president kowtows to student demands - The College Fix:
"It’s been a rather raucous week at Evergreen State College.
After it was revealed that Professor Bret Weinstein had objected to a college once-per-year racial apartheid event, students went berserk, screaming at him “This is not about you! We are not speaking on terms—on terms of white privilege!” … and that he should resign.
Image result for Kowtow BowWeinstein ended up having to hold class off-campus because police said they couldn’t guarantee his safety.
The professor appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show Friday evening, with the host describing what had happened to Weinstein as something seen in “Phnom Penh in 1975.”
The prof’s situation seems to be the head on the campus pimple, so to speak, as “months of protest and community dissatisfaction” culminated this week in a set of student demands.
It should come as little surprise that Evergreen President George Bridges — whom Weinstein told Carlson had effectively allowed “the mob to control the campus” — cowered before them.
The introduction of Bridge’s address, made at the campus Longhouse Education and Cultural Center, sets the tone: “I’m George Bridges, I use he/him pronouns.”...
Read on!

New $80M Anti-Trump Network Spearheaded by Soros-Funded Org With Former ACORN Employees

Image result for Flicker Commons Image George SorosNew $80M Anti-Trump Network Spearheaded by Soros-Funded Org With Former ACORN Employees:

"A new $80 million anti-Trump network is being led by an organization whose top funder is liberal billionaire George Soros and which employs former members of the controversial and now-defunct Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)."

Soon, Social Media Sites Will Decide What 'Real News' Is | Daily Wire

Soon, Social Media Sites Will Decide What 'Real News' Is | Daily Wire:
"Mark Zuckerberg, the Harvard dropout who created Facebook, loved hanging out with President Barack Obama.
Even more, the Zuck loved suppressing conservative news reports from Facebook's Trending Topics section.
Image result for fake NewsAnd soon, the curly-haired 33-year-old who is looking ever more like a politician, will love deciding what "real news" is.
Four out of 10 millennials get their news off of Facebook's news feed, according to a new survey released by LendEDU.
"With all of the recent news regarding fake news articles running rampant on the social networking site, this is certainly a worrisome trend developing where consumers rely on Facebook stories, accurate or not, to keep them informed,” Mike Brown, research analyst at LendEDU, told FOX Business.
Now comes word that Facebook will revamp its Trending Topics feature to highlight "other publications," (whatever that means) with hopes to doing so will help people "feel more informed about the news."...
Read on!

UK: Welcome Mat for Jihadists

UK: Welcome Mat for Jihadists:
  • The Sharia Council of Britain determines the fate of women by undermining the laws of the land.
  • British politicians seem have become intoxicated by the propaganda of those who prefer to term any action to limit Islamic extremism or terrorism "Islamophobia."
  • These human rights abuses are linked to the Islamic ideology, the end product of which often shows itself as violence against homosexuals, non-Muslims and other marginalized communities. It appears that most of these jihadists were radicalized through local mosques and madrassas.
England, which once was a jewel of both East and West, today symbolizes the degeneration of Europe, the continent which has turned its back on the threat Islamist terrorists are posing. 
England has increased its terror threat level from "severe" to "critical"; counter-terror measures include employing the British army in key public locations as well as stepped-up counter-intelligence, and raids against suspected terrorists.
It seems, however, that British politicians have simply put the whole nation in a loop of feed, kill, repeat; meanwhile acting as if they haven't a clue as to what has stricken the lovely country.
Prime Minister Theresa May, in her public statement after the blast, stated:
"We struggle to comprehend the warped and twisted mind that sees a room packed with young children not as a scene to cherish but as an opportunity for carnage.... But we can continue to resolve to thwart such attacks in future. To take on and defeat the ideology that often fuels this violence."
May was careful to avoid naming the ideology..."
Read on!

Lunch video-----The Mysterious Death of Seth Rich


Muslim Violence Increases As Michigan Now Aims For Islamic Governorship - Conservative Daily Post

Muslim Violence Increases As Michigan Now Aims For Islamic Governorship - Conservative Daily Post:

Image result for Flicker Commons Image Lansing MI State Capital"As refugees continue pouring into Michigan, there have been several high-profile incidents involving Muslims in the state. Cases of assault, female genital mutilation, and anti-free speech rhetoric have hit the pages of Michigan newspapers. Meanwhile, liberals are working to elect the country’s first Muslim governor."

Manchester’s Islamist Appeasing Police and Politicians Have Blood on Their Hands | Frontpage Mag

Manchester’s Islamist Appeasing Police and Politicians Have Blood on Their Hands | Frontpage Mag
Muslim sex grooming paved the way for the Manchester Arena attack
May 24, 2017-Daniel Greenfield
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism.
In the months before weeping little girls with nails in their faces were carried out of the Manchester Arena, the authorities of that city were hard at work fighting the dreaded threat of Islamophobia.
While Salman Abedi, the second-generation Muslim refugee terrorist who maimed and killed dozens in a brutal terrorist attack, stalked the streets wailing, “There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah”, Manchester police were busy with more important things.
The Greater Manchester Police are one of only two police forces to list Islamophobia as a hate crime category
Image may contain: 4 people, textEarlier this year, Chief Constable Ian Hopkins honored Tell Mama for fighting Islamophobia. Tell Mama had lost funding earlier when its claims of a plague of violent Islamophobia fell apart. 
Shahid Malik, the chair of Tell Mama, had been photographed with the leader of Hamas. Appearing at the Global Peace and Unity conference, where plenty of terrorism supporters have promenaded, he boasted, “In 2005 we had four Muslim MPs. In 2009 or 2010 we’ll have eight or ten Muslim MPs. In 2014 we’ll have 16 Muslim MPs. At this rate the whole parliament will be Muslim.”
...The question is whether anything will be done.
Read on!!

Europe Fights Back with Candles and Teddy Bears

Europe Fights Back with Candles and Teddy Bears
  • Europe still has not realized that the terror which struck its metropolis was a war, and not the mistake of a few disturbed people who misunderstood the Islamic religion.
  • We are apparently not ready to abandon our masochistic rules of engagement, which privilege the enemy's people over our own.
  • It appears that for Europe, Islamic terrorism is not real, but only a momentary disruption of its routine. We fight against global warming, malaria and hunger in Africa. But are we not ready to fight for our civilization? Have we already given up?
This long and sad list is the human harvest of Islamic terrorism on Europe's soil:
Madrid: 191. London: 58. Amsterdam: 1. Paris: 148. Brussels: 36. Copenhagen: 2. Nice: 86. Stockholm: 4. Berlin: 12. Manchester: 22. 
And it does not take into account the hundreds of Europeans butchered abroad, in Bali, in Sousse, in Dakka, in Jerusalem, in Sharm el Sheikh, in Istanbul.
But after 567 victims of terror, Europe still does not understand. Just the first half of 2017 has seen terror attacks attempted in Europe every nine days on average. 
Yet, despite this Islamist offensive, Europe is fighting back with teddy bears, candles, flowers, vigils, Twitter hashtags and cartoons.
After 9/11 and 2,996 victims, the U.S. under George W. Bush rose to the fight. 
The United States and a few brave European allies, such as the UK, Italy and Spain, proved themselves "the stronger horse". Islamic warriors were thrown on the defensive; Jihadist recruits dropped off and dozens of terror plots were disrupted. 
But that response did not last. 
Europe quickly retreated into its own homefront, while the Islamists carried the war onto Europe's soil: Madrid, London, Theo van Gogh...

'You Aren't Representing Me': Trump Supporter Confronts Maxine Waters | Fox News Insider

'You Aren't Representing Me': Trump Supporter Confronts Maxine Waters | Fox News Insider:
Image result for flickr commons images Maxine Waters
""I don't care about Clinton, I care about [Trump]," Waters responded, turning to walk away.
Waters told the woman she will continue to work against Trump until he is impeached.
The woman said she, in turn, will work until Waters is impeached.

"You can't impeach a member of Congress," Waters claimed as she walked away.

A former member of Congress, Sen. William Blount - one of Tennessee's founding fathers - did face the threat of impeachment."

Muslim man sues Little Caesars, claiming 'halal' was a lie in Dearborn

Muslim man sues Little Caesars, claiming 'halal' was a lie in Dearborn:
Image result for Muslim man sues Little Caesars"A Muslim man is suing Little Caesars for $100 million after he says he was served and then accidentally ate pepperoni made with pork, a food prohibited by Islamic law.
The complaint says Mohamad Bazzi of Dearborn ordered halal pizza twice from the shop on Schaefer in Dearborn.
The boxes were labeled "halal," but the pies inside were topped with regular pepperoni.
Majed Moughni, Bazzi's attorney, said he rushed to file the lawsuit Thursday, the eve of Ramadan, so no other Muslims would accidentally eat pork from the pizza shop during the holiday."

You ought to know!

Democrat Alderman Wants The Elderly To GET OUT Of His City | The Federalist Papers

Democrat Alderman Wants The Elderly To GET OUT Of His City | The Federalist Papers:

Image result for free clip art Get Out"Many towns will give the elderly tax credits because they are often on fixed incomes and most towns rarely decrease property taxes but continually raise them, making it unaffordable for the elderly who have lived in the towns for decades.

Herbert decided to rail against his elderly neighbor who apparently owns a home but can’t afford the property taxes on it. Rather than give her a tax credit, he believes she should get out of her house. From the video:"

Budget Bloodbath a Result of Lawmakers' Refusal to Confront Entitlement Spending | Manhattan Institute

Image result for national debt bombBudget Bloodbath a Result of Lawmakers' Refusal to Confront Entitlement Spending | Manhattan Institute:
"President Trump’s budget proposal and its hysterical reaction are the predictable result of a nation that stubbornly refuses to confront escalating Social Security and Medicare costs.
Advocates of all other budget priorities are left to fight viciously over the rapidly-shrinking scraps.
Since the end of World War II, federal spending has typically remained around 20 percent of GDP. Within that total, Social Security and Medicare costs have leaped from 6 percent of GDP in 2000 to 8 percent today, on their way to a projected 10 percent a decade from now—and 12 percent a decade after that.
This will continue to squeeze all other spending, especially when combined with the resulting interest costs on the national debt.