Sunday, May 28, 2017

Chelsea Clinton: 'Climate Change' Connects To 'Child Marriage' | Daily Wire

Chelsea Clinton: 'Climate Change' Connects To 'Child Marriage' | Daily Wire:

"The event was hosted by CARE, a left-wing 501(c)(3) public charity that agitates for international wealth redistribution under the guise of “foreign aid,” “international development,” and “humanitarianism.”

Image result for Flicker Commons Images NutsPrevalent themes of the event included “feminism” (framing females as oppressed relative to and by men across the entirety of human history), “social justice” (religious groups such as Muslims were framed as “marginalized” in America and the broader West; income and wealth inequality between varying groups), and positioning socialism as a remedy for poverty.

Despite the event’s stated concern in addressing “global poverty,” not a word was spoken on the value of property rights, free markets, the rule of law, free speech and expression, or representative government."

Pension Shortfall Since 2009 is Enough to Give Every Teacher a $180K Bonus [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Pension Shortfall Since 2009 is Enough to Give Every Teacher a $180K Bonus [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
Image result for unfunded liability "From 2009 to 2016, the gap between how much the state of Michigan has saved and how much it needs to cover pension promises made to school employees and retirees has grown by $17.1 billion. The pension system’s unfunded liability was $12.0 billion in 2009, and it rose to $29.1 billion in 2016.
How much is $17.1 billion?
It's enough to give each of the state’s 95,000 public school teachers a $180,000 bonus."

University hosts training on how to 'reduce the impact of white privilege' - The College Fix

University hosts training on how to 'reduce the impact of white privilege' - The College Fix:
"Western Washington University is scheduled to host a workshop today that aims to “reduce the impact of white privilege on social and academic relations,” according to campus officials.
Part of its Campus Equity and Inclusion Forums, the event at the public university is designed for faculty, staff and students, who will use presentations, interactive exercises and facilitated discussions to learn “how to reduce the expression and effects of white privilege,” the university’s website states.
Image result for the harmful effects of ‘white privilege’...“I think the harmful effects of ‘white privilege’ are that it can reflect an insensitivity to the subtle effects of both racism and lack of awareness of the differences between how people of color and people called ‘white’ are treated in everyday life,” Jimerson told The College Fix via email.
“Not being aware that other people face daily, often subtle, discrimination can make white people insensitive to these debilitating effects.”
The seminar is open to everybody, but Jimerson acknowledged it’s especially helpful for white people..."

Anatomy of a Deep State - WSJ

Anatomy of a Deep State - WSJ:
"On May 8 a woman few Americans have heard of, working in a federal post that even fewer know exists, summoned a select group of 45 people to a June meeting in Washington. 
They were almost exclusively representatives of liberal activist groups. 
Image result for the Deep StateThe invitation explained they were invited to develop “future plans for scientific integrity” at the Environmental Protection Agency.
Meet the deep state. 
That’s what conservatives call it now, though it goes by other names. 
The administrative state. 
The entrenched governing elite. 
Lois Lerner. 
The federal bureaucracy. 
Whatever the description, what’s pertinent to today’s Washington is that this cadre of federal employees, accountable to no one, is actively working from within to thwart Donald Trump’s agenda.
There are few better examples than the EPA post of Scientific Integrity Official. (Yes, that is an actual job title.) 
The position is a legacy of Barack Obama, who at his 2009 inaugural promised to “restore science to its rightful place”—his way of warning Republicans that there’d be no more debate on climate change or other liberal environmental priorities.
Team Obama directed federal agencies to implement “scientific integrity” policies..."

You ought to know!

The Democrats’ Second Secession & America’s New Civil War | Frontpage Mag

The Democrats’ Second Secession & America’s New Civil War | Frontpage Mag:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Marxism"The 2016 platform of the Democratic Party vows “a societal transformation” that will “end institutional and systemic racism in our society.” This is the ideology of cultural Marxism. “Institutional racism” as a systemic American problem is a political fiction. Americans outlawed “institutional racism” half a century ago with the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1965. Any incidence of institutional racism today is actionable in the courts – the utra-liberal courts that threw out Trump’s executive orders on extra-legal grounds because of off-the-cuff remarks he made on the campaign trail.

“Systemic racism” and “institutional racism” are anti-American mythologies that drive the Democratic Party’s political agendas. The Democratic platform and Democrats generally, regard every social disparity as prima facie evidence of racial or gender oppression, and attribute such disparities not to individual decisions and performances but to un-named “policies,” which if they actually existed would be illegal. Consider this plank in the 2016 Democratic Party platform:"

Caroline Camden Lewis: Social Justice Grammar and 'Zir' Own Agenda — The Patriot Post

Caroline Camden Lewis: Social Justice Grammar and 'Zir' Own Agenda — The Patriot Post:
Image result for Social Justice Grammar"This year, Merriam-Webster released the new “Eleventh Edition Collegiate Dictionary,” which has been lauded as a “courageous” step against racism, exclusivity and gender-bias.
This edition adds 1,000 new words including “micro-aggression,” “safe-space” and other “lingual innovations.”
The glowing announcement from the See Thru Edu (a project of the Texas Public Policy Foundation) praises Merriam-Webster for joining “the fight for social justice” stating, “Soon, it will be impossible to use any word or grammar that has not been approved as multiculturally-sensitive, nonsexist, inclusive, inoffensive, nondiscriminatory, nonracist, diplomatic, gender-free or non-biased.”...
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

Court rebukes NSA over surveillance of U.S. citizens | McClatchy Washington Bureau

Court rebukes NSA over surveillance of U.S. citizens | McClatchy Washington Bureau:

Image result for flickr commons images cell phones"U.S. intelligence agencies conducted illegal surveillance on American citizens over a five-year period, a practice that earned them a sharp rebuke from a secret court that called the matter a “very serious” constitutional issue.

The criticism is in a lengthy secret ruling that lays bare some of the frictions between the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and U.S. intelligence agencies obligated to obtain the court’s approval for surveillance activities."