Friday, June 30, 2017

Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice Says GOP Is Targeting Her Because She's Black And A Woman | Daily Wire

Obama's National Security Advisor Susan Rice Says GOP Is Targeting Her Because She's Black And A Woman | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art Cry baby"“I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this. What do you think? ... I do not leap to the simple explanation that it’s only about race and gender. I’m trying to keep my theories to myself until I’m ready to come out with them. It’s not because I don’t have any.”
So it's not "only" about her race and sex, but that's at least part of it, she says. And she's not ready to "come out" with the rest of her theories yet, but she did just want to throw that racism and sexism thing out there.
Rice also wishes other people instead of her were the targets of Republican ire.
“Why me? Why not Jay Carney, for example, who was then our press secretary, who stood up more?” she asked.
Um, because he was a mouthpiece for the administration, a lackey paid to spout the White House line; Rice was a fully vested player, making real decisions (and, sometimes, in the case of Benghazi, lying about them)."

Seventeen Horrible VA Scandals Before Trump's Reform Bill

Seventeen Horrible VA Scandals Before Trump's Reform Bill
"Last Friday, President Donald Trump signed the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017
This bill empowers VA Secretary David Shulkin to fire bad employees. 
Americans are familiar with some of the horrible wait list scandals, but they may not know the stories of "Candy Land," porn on the job, "ghost panels," or many others.
Here are no fewer than 17 scandals at the VA between 2014 and 2017. 
A special thanks to Concerned Veterans for America, which helped PJ Media compile this list.

1. Barry Coates.

In January 2014, CNN reported the tragic story of Barry Coates, a South Carolina veteran who waited one full year to get a colonoscopy, and died from colon cancer (in 2016).
Even at that point, CNN reported that 82 veterans had died or were suffering serious injuries from delayed diagnosis or treatment for colonoscopies or endoscopies. As many as 7,000 veterans were on a backlog list at VA facilities in Columbia, S.C. and Augusta, Ga.

2. The Phoenix scandal.

Image result for VA ScandalsThe story which first drew major attention to the wait list scandals was the Phoenix VA scandal. Staff at the Phoenix VA kept secret paper wait lists for veterans who requested appointments, and did not reflect requests in the computer system. Veterans waited on these lists for weeks or months to be seen by a doctor, while the delays were conveniently left out of the electronic scheduling system. As many as 40 veterans died.
Sharon Helman, the director at the Phoenix VA, was not fired until six months after the scandal broke, and during that time she collected pay on leave. Helman pled guilty to a felony during the proceedings, but she later appealed her firing to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). In May 2017, the Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit ruled her firing unconstitutional on a technicality.
The law Trump signed last Friday addressed the technicality, preventing similar ruling sin the future.


Instapundit » Blog Archive » SNOWFALLS ARE NOW JUST A THING OF THE PAST: Hallelujah! Only Three More Years of Climate Hectoring, …:
Hallelujah! Only Three More Years of Climate Hectoring, Steve Hayward quips at Power Line:
The climatistas have issued this definitive declaration:

World has three years to save humanity from climate change, warn experts
Read the whole thing, and note that the above headline Steve quotes appeared in the London Independent, source of this classic prediction from 2000:
half-century of playing Chicken Little, and climate “scientists” wonder why nobody trusts them. Personally, I blame the Frisbee ion."

Lunch video-----Children of Darkness - The Mental Illness of Social Justice Warriors


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Feinstein Uses Kent State National Guard Shootings to Justify Free Speech Restrictions

Feinstein Uses Kent State National Guard Shootings to Justify Free Speech Restrictions:

Image result for flickr commons images Dianne Feinstein"Any doubts about whether or not California Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who has admittedly sided with her Republican peers on a number of issues, is a true leftist at heart were squashed during a Senate hearing last week when the 25-year Senate veteran exposed herself as an enemy of freedom by using a national tragedy to argue against free speech.

According to Washington Examiner columnist Emily Jashinsky, Feinstein had been trying to justify the recent actions of the University of California, Berkeley, which has been banning conservative speakers left and right over alleged security concerns."

Will Sub-Saharan Africa’s Population Hit 10 Billion? 15 Billion? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

Will Sub-Saharan Africa’s Population Hit 10 Billion? 15 Billion? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform:
"Here on, a demographer points out that all my scary graphs lately have been based on the U.N. Population Division’s optimistic-sounding “medium fertility variant” in which total fertility rates magically converge toward 1.85 babies per woman by the end of the century.
But what if Africans just go on doing what comes natural? 
The correspondent points out that 10 billion is within reach under the assumption of constant fertility and mortality rates. 
Indeed, the UN offers a “constant fertility” table with, I believe, declining mortality due to technological advances in health care in which Sub-Saharan Africa’s population in 2100 is 15,175,708,000."
Fifteen billion Sub-Saharans is really not likely to happen, but my main point is: 
I’m not making these numbers up. 
These all come from the United Nations, not me.
Also, the UN offers a super optimistic “instant replacement fertility” table in which the total fertility rate drops to replacement today and remains that for the rest of the century. 
Due to demographic momentum, the population of sub-Saharan Africa still grows from 969 million in 2015 to 1,237 million in 2035 to 1,444 million in 2050 to 1,731 million in 2100..."
un population 2017 high estimate

Professor: It's racist if you say Obama was born in Kenya or like to use his middle name (Hussein) - The College Fix

Professor: It's racist if you say Obama was born in Kenya or like to use his middle name (Hussein) - The College Fix:
FAIRFIELD, Conn. – President Barack Obama’s presidency allowed racist individuals an opportunity to publicly incite racism which has led to an increase in racist incidents, a Fairfield University professor said at a recent diversity conference.
The remarks came from communication professor Audra Nuru while discussing racial discourse in politically charged contexts during a session at the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities’ annual conference on diversity and equity.
“I’m not saying by any means that Barack Obama incited racism. 
I’m saying that him being in office, people who were already racist got a platform to address this publicly and reify it,” Nuru said.
Image result for intersectionalityAs examples of racism toward Obama, Nuru mentioned the birtherism movement and people who fixated on Obama’s middle name of Hussein
She also brought up when conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh called Obama a “halfrican-American” in 2007.
The result of these incidents, Nuru said, “was that explicitly racist messages have steadily increased since 2010.”
...Another aspect of Nuru’s talk touched on the concept of intersectionality. During her communications courses, Nuru said she’ll hand out to her students a “Privilege Bingo!” sheet. 
...She said intersectionality means students can be privileged and oppressed at the same time.
...“You can have immense privilege in some areas, yet still be oppressed,” she said."

How they "think"-----This Is What Global Warming Could Do to New York City

This Is What Global Warming Could Do to New York City
"Science-fiction author Kim Stanley Robinson paints a vivid picture of life in New York City after the sea level rises more than 50 feet, drowning lower Manhattan and creating a forest of skyscrapers in his new book, New York 2140.
Numbers often fill my head. 

"While waiting for my building’s morose super to free my Jesus bug from the boathouse rafters where it had spent the night, I was looking at the little waves lapping in the big doors and wondering if the Black-Scholes formula could frame their volatility. 
The canals were like a perpetual physics class’s wave-tank demonstration— backwash interference, the curve of a wave around a right angle, the spread of a wave through a gap, and so on—it was very suggestive as to how liquidity worked in finance as well..."
Bla, bla, bla.....

WATERWAYS: Current-day Venice provides a sneak peak at what a future commute in New York City could look like, if sea level rises sufficiently.juliohdez / Pixabay

You ought to know!

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Sarah Palin Suing New York Times For Defamati | The Daily Caller

Sarah Palin Suing New York Times For Defamati | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Sarah Palin"Sarah Palin is suing The New York Times for defamation, according to documents filed in federal court Tuesday that were obtained by The Daily Caller.

The lawsuit has to do with an editorial the NYT ran on June 14 that falsely smeared Palin as inciting the 2011 shooting of Democratic Rep. Gabby Giffords by a mentally ill man. There is no evidence to support the NYT’s implication that Palin played a role in inciting the Giffords shooting."

Let’s Stop Pretending Medicaid Saves Lives.

JOHN DANIEL DAVIDSON: Let’s Stop Pretending Medicaid Saves Lives. Remember Deamonte Driver? :

Remember Deamonte Driver? He was the 12-year-old who died of a toothache in 2007. The boy lived in Maryland and was enrolled in that state’s Medicaid program, which covers dental care for children, as all Medicaid programs are required to do.

Image result for Deamonte DriverBut Deamonte’s mother couldn’t find a dentist who would take Medicaid. At the time, only about 16 percent of Maryland dentists accepted Medicaid patients, and Deamonte was in dire need of basic dental care—as was his younger brother, DaShawn, who had six rotted teeth.

By the time Deamonte’s toothache got attention, bacteria from an abscessed tooth had spread to his brain. He underwent two emergency operations and six weeks of hospital care that cost more than $250,000. But it was too late, and Deamonte died. A routine, $80 tooth extraction could have saved his life.

Deamonte’s case prompted a national conversation about Medicaid. How had Maryland’s Medicaid program so thoroughly failed the Driver family? Why hadn’t they been able to find a dentist? And what is the point of being enrolled in Medicaid if there are no doctors or dentists willing to treat you?

Those questions were never really answered, but they’re as pertinent today as they were a decade ago—arguably more so, since we’re once again engaged in a national debate over health care reform and the fate of Obamacare’s Medicaid expansion. Then as now, the reality is that Medicaid doesn’t save lives. In some cases, like Deamonte Driver’s, it bars access to basic life-saving treatments.
It isn’t just that Medicaid doesn’t save lives, it’s that it has put Washington on a course to bankrupt the nation. 
But if you think of it as the world’s most expensive example of virtue signaling, it all makes sense."

AM Fruitcake

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History for June 30

Image result for mike tyson quotes
History for June 30 -
Lena Horne 1917 - Jazz singer, Susan Hayward 1919, Nancy Dussault 1936
Image result for Lena HorneImage result for Susan Hayward

Florence Ballard (The Supremes) 1943, Vincent D'Onofrio 1959 - Actor ("Law and Order: Criminal Intent"), Mike Tyson 1966 - Boxer
Image result for Florence BallardImage result for Vincent D'Onofrio Full Metal JacketImage result for Mike Tyson Fat

1908 - A meteor explosion in Siberia knocked down trees in a 40-mile radius and struck people unconscious some 40 miles away.
Image result for 1908 - A meteor explosion in Siberia

1934 - Adolf Hitler purged the Nazi Party by destroying the SA and bringing to power the SS in the "Night of the Long Knives."
Image result for "Night of the Long Knives."

1936 - Margaret Mitchell’s book, "Gone with the Wind," was published.
Image result for gone with the wind book cover

1953 - The first Corvette rolled off the Chevrolet assembly line in Flint, MI. It sold for $3,250.
Image result for 1953 - The first Corvette

1971 - The Soviet spacecraft Soyuz 11 returned to Earth. The three cosmonauts were found dead inside.
Image result for Soyuz 11 Dead

1971 - The 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified when Ohio became the 38th state to approve it. The amendment lowered the minimum voting age to 18.
Image result for 26th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

1977 - U.S. President Jimmy Carter announced his opposition to the B-1 bomber.
Image result for Jimmy Carter announced his opposition to the B-1 bomber.

1998 - Officials confirmed that the remains of a Vietnam War serviceman buried in the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery were identified as those of Air Force pilot Michael J. Blassie.
Image result for Air Force pilot Michael J. Blassie.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Donald Trump promises new petroleum pipeline to Mexico: 'It'll go right under the wall' - Washington Times

Donald Trump promises new petroleum pipeline to Mexico: 'It'll go right under the wall' - Washington Times:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Natural Gas"President Trump on Thursday said he’s approved a new petroleum pipeline to Mexico as part of a broader plan to export American energy around the world.
“It’ll go right under the wall,” Mr. Trump said of the new pipeline during a speech at the Department of Energy.
His address coincides with the White House’s “Energy Week,” and the president used Thursday’s event to announce several new initiatives that he says are key to economic growth and kick-starting a “golden era of American energy.”"

Firm Behind Trump Dossier Hired by Planned Parenthood to Smear Videomakers - Breitbart

Firm Behind Trump Dossier Hired by Planned Parenthood to Smear Videomakers - Breitbart:

Image result for flickr commons images Planned Parenthood"The shadowy “research” firm that commissioned a dossier on President Donald Trump is the same firm hired by Planned Parenthood to create the narrative that the videos exposing the abortion business’s alleged profiteering from the sales of aborted baby parts were “deceptively edited.”
The website for Fusion GPS provides only two paragraphs about the firm and an email address for further contact:"

The way we were-----Heart - Alone

California’s Very Expensive Free Healthcare | Science 2.0

California’s Very Expensive Free Healthcare | Science 2.0
"What will cost $400 billion, a giant leap over California’s total health care budget for 2018 of $179.5 billion, yet is not mentioned by California lawmakers?
California's free "single-payer" healthcare proposal.
...To solve the 'unaffordable access' problem, the state of California has decided to adopt a system like England's National Health Service - one payer, the government.
Image result for California’s Very Expensive Free HealthcareThe state faces a big problem starting from scratch; since 1970, the cost of health care has boomed 1,400 percent, far beyond inflation. 
That is not prescription drug costs, it is doctors and nurses and a defensive medicine system that adds huge unnecessary tests to ward off unlimited lawsuits.
None of those problems are being fixed. 
Instead, the cost is going to be shifted.
In California, that means to taxpayers.
...According to the California senate’s own study, the estimated cost of the single-payer program is $400 billion, while California’s total budget for 2018 is already a whopping $179.5 billion..."
Read it all!

This cutting-edge bandage could make flu shots a thing of the past - LA Times

The microneedle array. When pressed into the skin, the tiny needles dissolve, carrying flu vaccine into the skin.This cutting-edge bandage could make flu shots a thing of the past - LA Times:
"Here’s an idea whose time has come: A flu shot that doesn’t require an actual shot.
For the first time, researchers have tested a flu vaccine patch in a human clinical trial and found that it delivered as much protection as a traditional jab with a needle.
It’s not just needle-phobes who stand to benefit from this development, reported Tuesday in the journal Lancet.
Doctors and public health experts have high hopes that vaccine patches will boost the number of people who get immunized against the flu..."
Read on!

VIDEO: Those 3 muslim Brothers Arrested for Spying on Trump Were Hired by Obama... This is Happening!

VIDEO: Those 3 muslim Brothers Arrested for Spying on Trump Were Hired by Obama... This is Happening!:

Image result for flickr commons images Obama"Folks, I am sure you heard about the 3 Muslim brothers Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan that were accessing computers without the authority to do so, and may have seen classified information.
These three men were overpaid, getting at least $160,000 and one of them had a criminal background. Yet, Obama hired them."

Nobody Speak Review: Gawker’s Death Is No Tragedy for Free Speech | National Review

Nobody Speak Review: Gawker’s Death Is No Tragedy for Free Speech | National Review
"Good riddance.
In the history of giving a hostage to fortune, John Cook, a former editor of the former online poison party known as Gawker, merits a special place.
He has this to say about his professional aims: “I wanted to write true things about bad people . . . being bad or obnoxious or cruel or unkind.”
When enemies had been so identified, he says, “We could give ’em ‘what fer.’”
Image result for gawker bankruptcyUnkind!
Gawker saying its mission is to make war with the unkind is like the Queen of England decrying nepotism. 
Gawker’s very escutcheon was cruelty, obnoxiousness, unkindness.
It published stories too nasty and sleazy for tabloids, and wrote them up with sophomoric zeal for vulgarism and profanity.
I happily worked at tabloids for many years, but I felt ashamed of myself every time I read Gawker.
...The flame merchants set fire to themselves when Gawker published, without the permission of either participant, a surreptitiously recorded sex tape that depicted the wrestler Hulk Hogan (real name: Terry Bollea) and the wife of his friend in flagrante.
With his legal team secretly funded by the Silicon Valley entrepreneur and billionaire Peter Thiel — whom Gawker had “outed” in 2007, and who rightly considered killing Gawker to be a public service or perhaps an act of hygiene — Hogan sued Gawker and its founder Nick Denton into bankruptcy. Now Gawker is no more..."
Read on!!

CNN mocked after featuring Elmo in panel on travel ban | Daily Mail Online

CNN mocked after featuring Elmo in panel on travel ban | Daily Mail Online:
"CNN is mocked and accused of turning Elmo into a 'propaganda puppet' after the beloved Sesame Street character is featured in a panel on Trump's travel ban
    CNN is being roundly mocked after they decided to feature Elmo on a panel to discuss Trump's travel ban
  • Elmo appeared alongside CNN journalist Clarissa Ward and International Rescue Committee activist David Miliband in a Facebook Live panel on Monday
  • The group were discussing the impact of the Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Trump's travel ban
  • The Muppet dived into the political fray, to drive home the message that Syrian refugees and American citizens were the same 'deep down'
  • 'Elmo thinks it's important to know that everybody is the same deep down and that's very important', he said
  • A Sesame Workshop spokesperson said the show had a 'long history of looking at issues from a child's perspective'
  • But right wing media groups, such as Fox, the Daily Caller and Breitbart, accused CNN of turning the beloved Muppet into a 'propaganda puppet'"
Read on!

Lunch video-----Is Single Payer Right For America?


Facebook adding 3,000 'hate speech' experts for policing attacks on 'protected characteristics' - Washington Times

Facebook adding 3,000 'hate speech' experts for policing attacks on 'protected characteristics' - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Censor Stamp"A user base of more than 2 billion people has pushed Facebook to define hate speech in a “Hard Questions” blog post by Richard Allan, VP EMEA Public Policy (Europe, the Middle East and Africa). The company laid out challenges that come with policing content across different cultures."