Tuesday, July 18, 2017


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MICHAEL CAPUTO To Tucker Carlson: "The funny thing is... I was sent in 1994 to Russia by the Clinton administration to get involved in their elections!" [VIDEO] * 100percentfedUp.com

MICHAEL CAPUTO To Tucker Carlson: "The funny thing is... I was sent in 1994 to Russia by the Clinton administration to get involved in their elections!" [VIDEO] * 100percentfedUp.com:

Image result for flickr commons images Boris Yeltsin"Caputo told Carson: “The funny thing is… I was sent in 1994 to Russia by the Clinton administration to get involved in their elections!” Tucker asked him, “Seeking what outcome?” Caputo replied, “The election of Boris Yeltsin.”

Tucker Carlson asked Caputo, “You were sent by the US government?” Caputo clarified, “By the Clinton administration. I worked for the central election government there, trying to steer  their elections.”"

Dadaist Science | The Weekly Standard

Dadaist Science | The Weekly Standard:
"Earlier this month Stephen Hawking declared: “We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. 
Trump’s action [withdrawing from the Paris climate accord] could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees [Celsius], and raining sulphuric acid.”
Let’s unpack this a bit, using actual science.
Image result for al gore hysteriaThe proportion of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere is currently about 400 parts per million (ppm).
The Cambrian explosion—when most animal lineages first appeared—occurred a little more than 500 million years ago when, according to all estimates, carbon dioxide levels were several times higher than today.
The atmosphere of Venus is 965,000 ppm carbon dioxide, enveloped in clouds of sulfuric acid.
And Venus itself is almost 26 million miles closer to the sun than Earth.
So Hawking’s claim that the earth is on the “brink” of becoming like Venus is preposterous.
...What is really disturbing, though, is that Hawking has flagrantly given up on even the pretense of engaging with actual science. 
He speaks entirely from authority: 
I am a scientist.
Adopt this political policy that I favor or suffer fire and sulfuric acid.
Image result for dadaismThe threatened punishment for noncompliance substitutes sulfuric acid for the regular sulfur (brimstone) that features in old-fashioned religion.
As far as the justification for the claim, there is no important difference between this and a religious statement that is supposed to be believed simply because it issues forth from a high priest.
The philosophy of Dadaism was that something is art if an artist says it is. 
In 1917 the Dadaist Marcel Duchamp famously proclaimed a urinal to be art.
The original urinal was thrown in the trash after being exhibited, but Duchamp later commissioned several replicas, one of which sold for $1,185,000 in 2002.
We can leave the merits of Dadaist art to the art critics.
It is clear, however, that applying the Dadaist philosophy to science is a big mistake because it means rejecting the commitments that made science successful in the first place..."

Why ordinary Americans hold politicians and media in contempt, all in one Hamptons party | New York Post

Why ordinary Americans hold politicians and media in contempt, all in one Hamptons party | New York Post
"For anyone still wondering why middle America’s so angry, just take a look at the guest list for the annual bash thrown by Washington Post heiress Lally Weymouth, currently the paper’s senior associate editor, in the Hamptons last week.
It was full of politicians and power brokers — the ones who pantomime outrage daily, accusing the other side of crushing the little guy, sure that the same voter will never guess that behind closed doors, they all get along.

    Image result for party in hamptons
  • Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner partied with 
  • billionaire Democratic donor George Soros, who rubbed shoulders with billionaire 
  • GOP donor David Koch.
  • Chuck Schumer and 
  • Kellyanne Conway were there. So were 
  • Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney, 
  • Ronald Lauder, 
  • Carl Icahn, 
  • Joel Klein, 
  • Cathie Black, 
  • reporters Steve Clemons and Maria Bartiromo, 
  • columnists Richard Cohen and Margaret Carlson, 
  • Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and 
  • Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, 
  • Ray Kelly, 
  • Bill Bratton, and 
  • Steven Spielberg.
  • Oh, and Lally’s uncle, former governor and senator Bob Graham and cousin Gwen Graham, who’s currently running for her dad’s old job as Florida’s governor.

Weymouth’s party is the latest reminder that for all the bruising rhetoric, the constant polls showing a deeply divided America and the most polarizing president in history, our battle isn’t red vs. blue, right vs. left: 
It’s about the 1% vs. the rest of us. 
They laugh as we take their political theater for real.

#1 This day 1971-----Paul Revere & the Raiders - Indian Reservation

What Could Possibly Go Wrong When Google Releases Millions of “Lab-Made” Mosquitoes in Fresno? | The Daily Sheeple

What Could Possibly Go Wrong When Google Releases Millions of “Lab-Made” Mosquitoes in Fresno? | The Daily Sheeple:
"Sometimes you have to think that scientists don’t ever read science fiction, and thus have not even contemplated all the things that could go wrong when they do something like creating 20 million mosquitoes in a laboratory, infecting them with a bacteria, and then releasing those mosquitoes in Fresno, California.
First of all, did you even know that Google had a bio-lab? 
Image result for killer mosquito movieThey do and it’s called Verily. 
Which, I dunno, sounds rather biblical. 
“Verily, I say unto you…we are the purveyors of all that is The Truth.”
But I digress.
Verily plans to create 20 million mosquitoes and infect them with a bacteria in their laboratories. 
Then, the mosquitoes will be released on the unsuspecting populace of Fresno, California, a city with over half a million people.
Because, Zika..."
Read on!!

You ought to know!

Articles: The Russian Collusion Story: The Acme of Fake News

Articles: The Russian Collusion Story: The Acme of Fake News:

Image result for free clip art Think Hard"Conventional wisdom posits the chief challenges facing the post-Cold War World are Global Warming and the decline of international institutions. But maybe that assurance is a species of Fake News. Suppose the most pressing problems in the next decade is finding new energy supplies to 1) keep the price of oil low enough to contain Russia (and Islamism); and 2) adapting to a disruptive information revolution no one can seem to control. Who will hand you that unconventional wisdom unless you come to it yourself.

He’s right, as I explain, but the significance of his observation is this: which of the two candidates -- Hillary or Trump -- was more likely to tap into America’s huge energy resources to contain both Russia and the Islamists? And when you answer that as you must -- Trump -- "

What are they thinking? - NetRight Daily

What are they thinking? - NetRight Daily:
"You would be hard pressed to find a city in the US that does not have budget problems.
The average citizen probably believes the politicians will raise revenue through taxes.
But a sinister source of revenue is undermining the community trust in police officers. 
Local officials are using police as revenue raisers through fines, fees, and civil asset forfeiture. Unfortunately, the police are often the focal point of anger.
Image result for Policing for profit”Police have a hard-enough job as it is, they shouldn’t change their logo from “To protect and serve” to “Policing for profit”.
It may seem like a typical traffic stop, but the next thing you know, another police car is pulling up behind the police car that already pulled you over.
Why did the officer pull you over?
You weren’t speeding.
You didn’t change lanes.
It could be something as simple as out of state plates headed in the wrong direction.
News Channel 5 in Nashville, Tennessee conducted an analysis of traffic stops made by the Drug Interdiction Crime Enforcement unit (DICE).
What they found was not surprising.
The agents were 10 times more likely to stop someone headed east, the money direction, than headed west, the direction the drugs come from.
This paints a picture of law enforcement not looking for drugs, but the proceeds from drugs, for their own profit..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for July 18

Image result for William Makepeace Thackeray Quotes
History for July 18 - On-This-Day.com
William Makepeace Thackeray 1811, Vidkum Quisling 1887, Richard "Red" Skelton 1913
Image result for William Makepeace Thackeray QuotesImage result for Vidkun Quisling QuotesImage result for Red Skelton Quotes

John Glenn 1921 - Astronaut, Hunter S. Thompson 1937, Martha Reeves (Martha and the Vandellas) 1941
Image result for John Glenn QuotesImage result for Hunter S. Thompson QuotesImage result for Martha and the Vandellas)

0064 - The Great Fire of Rome began.
Image result for Great Fire of Rome

1789 - Robespierre, a deputy from Arras, France, decided to back the French Revolution.
Image result for Robespierre Quotes

1914 - Six planes of the U.S. Army helped to form an aviation division called the Signal Corps.
Image result for 1914 U.S. Army aviation Signal Corps.

1932 - The U.S. and Canada signed a treaty to develop the St. Lawrence Seaway.
Image result for St. Lawrence Seaway.

1936 - The first Oscar Meyer Wienermobile rolled out of General Body Company’s factory in Chicago, IL.
Image result for first Oscar Meyer Wienermobile

1936 - The Spanish Civil War began as Gen. Francisco Franco led an uprising of army troops based in Spanish North Africa.
Image result for Spanish Civil War Posters

1942 - The German Me-262, the first jet-propelled aircraft to fly in combat, made its first flight.
Image result for Me-262

1947 - U.S. President Truman signed the Presidential Succession Act, which placed the Speaker of the House and the Senate President Pro Tempore next in the line of succession after the vice president.
Image result for Presidential Succession Act,

Monday, July 17, 2017

Susan Rice Abruptly Backs Out of Tuesday Testimony Before House Panel

Image result for flickr commons images Susan RiceSusan Rice Abruptly Backs Out of Tuesday Testimony Before House Panel:

"Susan Rice will no longer be appearing in front of the House committee on Tuesday to answer questions about her unmasking of Trump and his private associates."

Bolling: One Person, Obama, to Blame for Any Russian Meddling | Fox News Insider

Image result for free clip art Wake UpBolling: One Person, Obama, to Blame for Any Russian Meddling | Fox News Insider:

"Eric Bolling said one person would be to blame for possible interference in the 2016 presidential election.
"If Russia interfered in our elections there is only one person to blame, and that is Barack Obama, who was in charge of protecting the integrity of our federal elections system," the host said Saturday."

The way we were-----Deep Purple - Hush

Canadian girls are being taken abroad to undergo female genital mutilation, documents reveal | Toronto Star

Canadian girls are being taken abroad to undergo female genital mutilation, documents reveal | Toronto Star:
Image result for islam forced marriage"Thousands of Canadian girls are at risk of female genital mutilation, government officials believe.
And some are being taken overseas to have the dangerous procedure done — an illegal act known as “vacation cutting.
Officials from the federal government’s Global Affairs Ministry warn that, as with forced marriage, the “one chance rule” applies to these cases, meaning a professional might get only one opportunity to speak to a potential victim and save her, according to documents obtained by the Star.
And yet Canada has done little to understand the scope of the problem and is lagging far behind other developed countries in efforts to prevent it, experts say..."

Health Care Will Bankrupt the Nation | Economics21

Health Care Will Bankrupt the Nation | Economics21:
"After doubling to $20 trillion since 2009, the national debt is now projected to soar to an unfathomable $92 trillion over the next 30 years.
Image result for Health Care Will Bankrupt the NationAt that point, depending on interest rates, between 60 and 100 percent of all individual income taxes will go towards paying the interest on this debt.
What is driving the federal budget into bankruptcy?
Health care spending.
The problem is not tax revenues (they will continue growing above historical averages), nor other spending programs (Social Security is the only other major category growing as a share of the GDP).
Rather, health care is devouring the budget..."
Read on!

Crime Wave Perpetrated by Afghan Refugees in Europe Has Reached "Mind-Boggling" Proportions | Buck Sexton

Crime Wave Perpetrated by Afghan Refugees in Europe Has Reached "Mind-Boggling" Proportions | Buck Sexton:

Image result for flicker commons images European Union"This week, an article ran in The National Interest by Cheryl Benard, Director of Metis Analytics and author of Civil Democratic Islam, who has worked within and alongside numerous refugee efforts, that recounts the particularly awful crime wave undertaken by Afghan refugees in Europe as well as the deliberate cover-up effort by media and politicians in Europe, from members of the EU on down.

“It took a while for the pattern to be recognized because, until recently, western European media deliberately refrained from identifying an assailant’s refugee or asylum status, or his country of origin,” Benard writes. “Only when the correlation became so dramatic that it was itself newsworthy did this policy change. "