Thursday, July 27, 2017

Exclusive — Back on Offense: Conservatives Plan to Press for Official Congressional Investigation into James Comey, Loretta Lynch

Exclusive — Back on Offense: Conservatives Plan to Press for Official Congressional Investigation into James Comey, Loretta Lynch:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Loretta Lynch"House conservatives will launch an effort to conduct an official House Judiciary Committee-led congressional investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and fired former FBI director James Comey, a notorious leaker, Breitbart News can confirm exclusively.
Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) have drafted an amendment that would compel government cooperation with a congressional probe into Lynch’s and Comey’s activities."

Lunch video-----“Run. Hide. Tell”: UK’s new warning to Brits abroad

Noon-toon-----Wondermark » Archive » #1329; In which Trouble is shot

Wondermark » Archive » #1329; In which Trouble is shot

America's Media Meltdown - Victor Davis Hanson

America's Media Meltdown - Victor Davis Hanson:

Image result for flickr commons images Target"Between 2008 and 2016, the media were unapologetic about their adoration of President Barack Obama. Now, they are energized by their thorough loathing of President Donald Trump. In tragic fashion, the hubris of deifying Obama has now come full circle to the nemesis of demonizing Trump. The common denominator of the two extremes is the abandonment of disinterested reporting."

Flowered invasive plant in Michigan a real home-wrecker

Flowered invasive plant in Michigan a real home-wrecker

Image result for Japanese knotweed"A pretty, invasive plant that flowers in late summer and early fall is spreading throughout Michigan. And it's so prolific and tough, it can grow through sidewalks, driveways and building foundations.
Japanese knotweed, native to East Asia, has become such a pervasive invader in Great Britain that those with it on their property can have trouble getting a mortgage or home insurance. It's not to that point in Michigan — and concerned ecologists want to keep it that way.
The law prohibits bringing the plant into the state or moving it around within Michigan.
The shrub-like plant features a hollow, bamboo-like stem and broad leaves in a zigzag pattern up the shoot. It grows up to 10 feet in height. In Michigan, the plant blooms small, creamy white flowers in August and September. Its root network and rhizomes — a stem that grows horizontally under the ground — can grow up to 65 feet away from the weed, shooting up additional plants along its path.
"When you cut it down and try to kill it this year, you haven't killed it; there's the rest underground and it will be coming up again," said Susan Julian, a land specialist with the North Oakland Headwaters Land Conservancy.
Japanese knotweed grows so fast and thick it can crowd out native plant species and destroy natural animal habitat. A YouTube time-lapse video from a British resident shows the plant overwhelming an area of his property in only a few weeks.
...But Japanese knotweed isn't just prolific. It can literally be a home-wrecker.
"It's very tenacious, very hard to kill," Tangora said.  "It's one of the first things to grow up through volcanic rock. It can grow through your foundation, your sidewalks. I've had calls from people who had their driveway done two years ago, they had soil brought in and, boom, Japanese knotweed grew up through their driveway."
Read on!

Europa Capta: Sweden stands at abyss as national police chief begs for help - Israel National News

Europa Capta: Sweden stands at abyss as national police chief begs for help - Israel National News
Muslims riot in Malmo, Sweden"Sweden’s National Police Commissioner, Dan Eliasson, spoke on national television and pleaded for assistance: “Help us, help us!,” he said, while warning that Swedish police forces no longer can uphold the law and therefore must ask all "good powers" in the country to support them, reports Nicolai Sennels of Jihad Watch.
A leaked report concluded that the number of lawless areas (commonly referred to as “no-go zones”) in Sweden now totals 61, up from 55 in just one year’s time.
This increase represents not only the total number, but also the geographical size of these areas..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1986-----peter cetera - glory of love (Video Official) HD "http://www.kbuenamusic...

You ought to know!

IRS doled out more than $24 billion in potentially bogus refunds: audit - Washington Times

Image result for flickr commons images IRS LogoIRS doled out more than $24 billion in potentially bogus refunds: audit - Washington Times:

"The IRS doled out more than $24 billion in potentially bogus refunds claimed under several controversial tax credits in 2016, according to a new audit that said $118 million was even paid to people who weren’t authorized to work in the U.S. in the first place."

Used car 'time bomb' complicates auto industry transformation, new report says - LA Times

Used car 'time bomb' complicates auto industry transformation, new report says - LA Times
Image result for explding car"...for traditional automakers, the road ahead will be bumpy, risky and expensive.
...The report includes a near-term industry outlook with a darker forecast for U.S. auto sales than most other prognosticators have put forth.
Record-high vehicle sales in 2016 will dive 13% from 2017 through 2019, the firm predicted — to 15.2 million vehicles from 17.5 million — in what it calls a cyclical but ill-timed downturn made worse by a “used car time bomb” as hundreds of thousands of vehicles come off lease all at once..."

AM Fruitcake