Wednesday, August 30, 2017


It's a bit like 'SAW' crossed with 'CASH CAB'

FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary Clinton emails justifies withholding documents - Washington Times

FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary Clinton emails justifies withholding documents - Washington Times:

Image result for flicker commons images Hillary Clinton
"“I’m just stunned. This is exactly what I would have expected had Mrs. Clinton won the election, but she didn’t. It looks like the Obama administration is still running the FBI,” Mr. Clevenger told The Washington Times.
“How can a story receive national news coverage and not be a matter of public interest? If this is the new standard, then there’s no such thing as a public interest exception,” he said."

California first-grader sent to principal's office for misgendering classmate - Washington Times

California first-grader sent to principal's office for misgendering classmate - Washington Times
"...Now first-graders at Rocklin Academy Gateway risk a trip to the principal’s office if they refer to their transgender classmate by the wrong name or gender pronoun, said Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Resource Institute, a pro-family group based in Sacramento.
“There was a little girl who had been in class with the little boy all last year,” Ms. England said. “They’re in different classes now, but she saw him on the playground yesterday and called him by his name.
The little girl was told ‘you can’t do that, his name is this name,’ and ‘you need to call him a “her.”’
Then she was called to the principal’s office.”
...The controversy at Rocklin is just the latest example of the transgender movement’s increasing emphasis on spreading its ideology through early education.

United Nations Urges U.S. to Give Up Free Expression to Combat Racism | LifeZette

United Nations Urges U.S. to Give Up Free Expression to Combat Racism | LifeZette
Image result for united nations evil meme"The U.N. issued an “early warning” Wednesday for the United States, urging that the government take immediate action to confront white supremacy following the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.
But the warning and call for the U.S. government to act contained a little-noticed last paragraph, urging the U.S. to make sure that the “rights to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly” are not exercised to deny rights or freedom to others and pressing the U.S. government to “ensure that such rights are not misused to promote racist hate speech and racist crimes.”..."
Read on!

#1 This day 1944-----Bing Crosby - Swinging on a star

Important!-----The Coming Age of Magic | Belmont Club

The Coming Age of Magic | Belmont Club
"...Technology has allowed the burden of intelligence to be shifted away from the user to the machine.
...As Arthur C. Clarke famously observed, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".
Image result for antifa tear down statues memeIn our high technology present an increasing percentage of the global population must relate to their world in terms of magic.
The classic characteristic of magic is wish fulfillment.
Sigmund Freud argued that "the motives which impel one to exercise magic are easily recognized; they are the wishes of men ...
Desires replace the laws of physics.
...The politically correct solution...The morning after pill, the eat all you want but never get fat diet, the bottomless credit card, "affordable healthcare" despite accepts all preexisting conditions are applications of this principle.
The preferred solution to today's problems is no longer to intelligently avoid injury but to abolish its consequences.
This idea we should be protected from our own choices may have taken deeper root than commonly realized.
The right of everyone to be stupid AND avoid the consequences has become mainstreamed as the equality of outcomes.  
Liberation from causality is the cornerstone of "compassion", consequently it is the fundamental positive right offered by all paternalistic states.
It is also a perfect definition of magic.
The recent war on statues and the media obsession with formulaic speech recalls the magical principles of similarity and contagion.  
As every believer of magic knows enchanted objects and special words are the key to changing reality.
One destroys white supremacy by toppling statues of Stonewall Jackson, just like a voodoo doll.
To use "hate speech", like an infernal spell, risks resurrecting Nazis from the dead..."
Read it all!

You ought to know!

Image may contain: 6 people, beard and text

Trump Gets Key Win From 8th Circuit

Trump Gets Key Win From 8th Circuit:

Image result for flickr commons images Planned Parenthood"The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Monday that a state has the right to defund Planned Parenthood.

The 2-1 ruling specifically provided that while plaintiff Medicaid recipients who brought the suit are entitled to care, they cannot dictate that care includes Planned Parenthood facilities.

“The plaintiffs are asserting a right — the absolute right to a particular provider of their choosing — that (the law) does not grant them,” Judge Steven Colloton wrote in the majority opinion."

Must read of the day!-----FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary Clinton emails justifies withholding documents - Washington Times

FBI says lack of public interest in Hillary Clinton emails justifies withholding documents - Washington Times:
"Hillary Clinton’s case isn’t interesting enough to the public to justify releasing the FBI’s files on her, the bureau said this week in rejecting an open-records request by a lawyer seeking to have the former secretary of state punished for perjury.
...“You have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” FBI records management section chief David M. Hardy told Mr. Clevenger in a letter Monday.
“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” Mr. Hardy wrote.
...Her use of a secret email account to conduct government business while leading the State Department was front-page news for much of 2015 and 2016, and was so striking that the then-FBI director broke with procedure and made both a public statement and appearances before Congress to talk about the bureau’s probe.
The FBI says it will only release records from its files if a subject consents, is dead, or is of such public interest that it overrides privacy concerns..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

No automatic alt text available.

History for August 30

Image result for ted williams quotes
History for August 30 -
Mary Shelley (Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin) 1797 - Author, Emily Bronte 1818, Huey P. Long 1893 
Image result for mary shelley quotesImage result for Charlotte Bronte BooksImage result for Huey Long Quotes

Ted Williams 1918, Jean-Claude Killy 1943, Peggy Lipton 1947 
Image result for Ted WilliamsImage result for Jean-Claude Killy

1146 - European leaders outlawed the crossbow.
Image result for European leaders outlawed the crossbow

1645 - American Indians and the Dutch made a peace treaty at New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam later became known as New York.
Image result for American Indians and the Dutch made a peace treaty at New Amsterdam.

1780 - General Benedict Arnold secretly promised to surrender the West Point fort to the British army.
Image result for benedict arnold traitor

1862 - The Confederates defeated Union forces at the second Battle of Bull Run in Manassas, VA.
Image result for second Battle of Bull Run

1905 - Ty Cobb made his major league batting debut with the Detroit Tigers.
Image result for Ty Cobb made his major league batting debut with the Detroit Tigers.

1956 - In Louisianna, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway opened.
Image result for 1956 - In Louisianna, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

1965 - Thurgood Marshall was confirmed by the U.S. Senate as a Supreme Court justice. Marshall was the first black justice to sit on the Supreme Court.
Image result for Thurgood Marshall Quotes

1994 - Rosa Parks was robbed and beaten by Joseph Skipper. Parks was known for her refusal to give up her seat on a bus in 1955, which sparked the civil rights movement.
Image result for Joseph Skipper in Jail

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

A Timeline Of Antifa Violence: January – August 2017 | Daily Wire

A Timeline Of Antifa Violence: January – August 2017 | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images Antifa protesters"Groups of Antifa protesters have become increasingly violent over the past year, vandalizing and destroying property, and attacking those they perceive to be “fascists.” Members of Antifa, short for “anti-fascist,” share an amorphous ideology which loosely borrows ideas from a multitude of seemingly-contradictory ideologies, including Marxism, and anarchism.

In the first eight months of 2017, Antifa has rioted in dozens of cities across the United States, leaving a trail of burning rubble and broken people in their wake.

The following is a timeline of Antifa violence from January through August of this year:"

The way we were-----The Box Tops - The Letter (Upbeat 1967)

Boob-tube-----Honda Commercial (1966)

Confusing!-----Diverging Diamond Interchanges Spreading In the U.S. - CityLab

Diverging Diamond Interchanges Spreading In the U.S. - CityLab
Drivers may be baffled by these newfangled intersections, but they’re safer than traditional four-way stops.

End-of-summer road trippers: Get ready to merge like never before. 
...Here’s a full list of nearly 90 U.S. locations where they’re planned or operational.
DDIs are proliferating because they’re safer than a traditional four-way intersection. 
Where two, two-lane roadways intersect, drivers have 32 separate opportunities to collide into each other. 
In a DDI, there are only 14. The DDI in Springfield, Missouri—the first in the U.S.—showed a 60 percent reduction in crashes since it was installed in 2009, compared to the old design..."

Dear CNN: Before You Crap On Trump, Explain What Obama Is Doing In This Pic

Dear CNN: Before You Crap On Trump, Explain What Obama Is Doing In This Pic

Here is the full eulogy that Barry gave:
Behold, the true face of their ‘hero’:
Byrd joined the Klan at the ripe young age of 24 — hardly a young’un by today’s standards, much less those of 1944, when Byrd refused to join the military because he might have to serve alongside “race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds,” according to a letter Byrd wrote to Sen. Theodore Bilbo at the height of World War II.
…He had come of age as a member of the Ku Klux Klan and cast a “no” vote on the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 that prohibited discrimination against African Americans and others.…No single obituary of Byrd mentioned his 2001 use of the term “white nigger,” an early 20th-century anachronism that Byrd employed not once but twice during an interview with Tony Snow. — DailyCaller

Obamacare architect ‘fired for fraud’

Obamacare architect ‘fired for fraud’:

Image result for free clip art Fired"“For years, we’ve not only exposed his lies, but have detailed his ongoing self-dealing relationships with Obamacare and state government programs to implement it. He created the program’s problems and then has been richly rewarded for trying to ‘fix’ it.”

The report continued: “Gruber … finds himself no longer employed at his latest job ‘as a taxpayer-funded economic consultant for [Vermont’s] health care system.’ "

BUSTED: Actual video of debate exposes ANOTHER Hillary lie - Allen B. West -

BUSTED: Actual video of debate exposes ANOTHER Hillary lie - Allen B. West -
"Yesterday, I (Matt Palumbo) had the pleasure of appearing on Fox News’ “The Tom Shillue Show,” which airs on Fox News Radio. Shillue was previously the host of the wildly popular late-night comedy show “Red Eye.”
Among the topics the two of us discussed was Hillary Clinton’s new book and the select excepts that have been made public ahead of its release. Those excepts focused on how uncomfortable she felt sharing the stage with Donald Trump (though one can only wonder whether she felt just as uncomfortable when she attended Trump’s wedding).

In particular, Hillary repeats an old media claim that Trump essentially stalked her. 
“Now we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces. It was incredibly uncomfortable. 
He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled,” she wrote.
An iconic photo from the debate that night seems to support the Trump “leering” claim — but did he really?
Shillue decided to take one for the team Wednesday night and re-watch the second presidential debate … and couldn’t help but notice something that has happened countless times before. 
Hillary Clinton, and the media, lied.
As it turns out, Hillary’s memory served her about as well as when she recalled arriving in Bosnia under sniper fire. 
Not only does Trump never invade Hillary’s personal space, but it was Hillary who did what she accuses Trump of doing! 
Not once does Trump cross over into Hillary’s personal space on the stage, while Hillary does it four times.
In fact, Trump actually appears to get bored when Hillary delivers her answer, wandering in the opposite direction.
Watch Shillue’s take below:
What do you think? Is this just one more example of fake news?"

In case you missed it on TV/radio-----Just LOOK at what this terrible President has done!!--Fans of Best of the Web Today

(1) Fans of Best of the Web Today
Elliott Michaels
"We can’t wait any longer. Just LOOK at what this terrible President has done!!

  • Called the Media out for exactly what they are: Fake and Biased News
  • Stood up to the Establishment
  • Spoke up for “We the People”
  • A fantastic appointment to the Supreme Court in Judge Gorsuch
  • Illegal immigration is down 70%…the lowest in 17 years
  • Keystone Pipeline approved translating into thousands of new jobs
  • Got us out of whacky science with the Paris Accord
  • Got NATO to increase THEIR spending by 4.3%
  • Got the US out of TPP
  • Helped our Veterans by allowing the VA to fire bad employees without lengthy discourse
  • The DOW is at record highs and growth rates last seen in the Reagan administration
  • Consumer index at 125.5…highest since 2000
  • Stock market is roaring at its highest in history
  • China now agreeing to import American Beef and Rice
  • $600 Million cut from UN Peacekeeping budget
  • Unemployment drops at levels last seen 10-12 years ago
  • Created a commission on Voter Fraud
  • Created a commission for Opioids addiction
  • Created a commission on Child Trafficking
  • Targeting MS13 gangs and arrests made and illegals being deported
  • US Debt has dropped $103 Billion since February 2017
  • Since February 2017, … 1,027,000 new jobs have been added
  • Unemployment is down to just 4.1%
  • Protecting our Country with a Temporary Travel ban from radical religious countries
  • Inflation is down to 1.5% due to this new President’s energy policies and lower prices
  • Housing sales reported at 610,000 in the past 6 months…a 300,000 increase over prior year
  • Burdensome Executive regulations have dropped to almost a “halt” saving Americans thousands of dollars which increases growth and employment opportunities
  • Toughness from Trump caused North Korea to “blink” … averting tragedy
  • $89 Billion saved in Regulation Rollbacks
  • Instituted a 2 for 1 Regulation policy — cut 2 old ones for every new one
  • Rolled back a regulation that will boost Coal Industry….JOBS!!
  • Initiated Historic Black University Initiative (obviously racist) snark
  • Signed the Women in Entrepreneurship Act
  • Created National Apprenticeship Program
  • $700 Million saved renegotiating the F-35 fighter jet
  • Saved $22 Million by reducing White House Payroll
  • Department of Treasury reports $182 Billion surplus…2nd highest in History
  • Donates his salary
No wonder the bought-and-paid-for Establishment wants President Trump impeached.
He's threatening their bribes and pay-offs, special deals and sweetheart contracts."

Lunch video-Cutest girl in the world!-----"I Won't Eat Animals," Girl Tells Her Mother


IRS has rehired disgraced employees - Washington Times

IRS has rehired disgraced employees - Washington Times:

Image result for IRS Art"This isn’t the first time the IRS has been criticized for doing this. Indeed, early in 2016, four Republican senators introduced a bill designed to keep the IRS from rehiring former employees with disciplinary records.
“Common sense would suggest that an employee who was fired for misconduct or poor performance shouldn’t be hired back, but the IRS‘ outrageous and bewildering behavior continues to defy logic,” said Sen. Mike Enzi, Wyoming Republican.
Indeed it does. “People are policy,” as President Reagan used to say. In other words, you can’t expect any agency to behave better than the people who work in it. "

Obama Pardons - 70 People Pardoned by Barack Obama

Image result for obama iran nuke dealObama Pardons - 70 People Pardoned by Barack Obama:
"Here is an up-to-date list of the 70 people pardoned by President Barack Obama and the offenses they were convicted of, according to the U.S. Department of Justice and the White House.
1. Khosrow Afghahi, who was indicted in 2015 for allegedly facilitating the illegal export of high-tech microelectronics, uninterruptible power supplies and other commodities to Iran in violation of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act."
Long, long sick list of Obama's friends.
Read on.

Riley: Cobo officials explore selling naming rights to iconic center

Riley: Cobo officials explore selling naming rights to iconic center:
"The incidental good news, and not the reason for the name change exploration, is:
Image result for Albert Cobo Mayor of DetroitIt would remove from the center the name Albert Cobo, who ran for Detroit mayor on a campaign of keeping the Negro invasion out of the city’s white neighborhoods.
Mayor Mike Duggan said he full supports the name change.
The bad news is: It would stand in the way of efforts to rename the center for boxer and American hero Joe Louis after the hockey arena bearing his name is torn down. 
...But if the convention center is successful in selling naming rights - and the city project to honor Louis works, here's the hat trick: One of Detroit's biggest and brightest buildings  — home of the world's greatest auto show —  would no longer bear the name of a racist at a time when cities across the country are ridding themselves of Confederate statues, which are nothing more than reminders of hate."

#1 This day 1980-----Sailing - Christopher Cross

Kenya bans plastic bags, may fine violators up to $38,000

Kenya bans plastic bags, may fine violators up to $38,000:
"NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A ban on plastic bags came into force Monday in Kenya and those found violating the new regulation could be receive maximum fines of $38,000 or a four-year jail term.
Image result for Kenya bans plastic bagsThe ban applies to the use, manufacture, and importation of plastic shopping bags and gives a minimum fine of about $19,000 or up to a year imprisonment, according to the government. Exemptions were made for manufacturers producing plastic bags for industrial use.
...Vehicles were being stopped at road blocks for bag checks.
Similar bans have been implemented in other African countries such as Cameroon, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mauritania and Malawi.
...“So if you’re rich, you can get away with anything, but if you’re poor, don’t use plastic bags from 28th August or you will go to jail,” he said in a Facebook posting..."

You ought to know!

Inside the Beltway: 66% of Americans now fear speaking their minds in a politically correct nation - Washington Times

Inside the Beltway: 66% of Americans now fear speaking their minds in a politically correct nation - Washington Times:

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Donald Trump"“The exact number of times I heard normal people mention Nazis was zero. No one normal was talking about it, except on the occasional big screen I passed in my travels. No one normal was paying attention to the Wolf Blitzers or the Rachel Maddows. Everyone normal was living their lives, and this fake moral meltdown had no part in them. The fact that the whole thing is so ridiculous doesn’t help it gain traction. Donald Trump is a lot of things, but a Nazi is not one of them,” the columnist concludes."

Liberals Now Want To Abolish 'Fathers Day'- Here's What They Want It Changed To

Liberals Now Want To Abolish 'Fathers Day'- Here's What They Want It Changed To
"It seems political correctness is not solely an American problem, that bug has bitten Australia too.  
Currently, in Australia there is a campaign that has been launched to rename “Father’s Day” and the idea appears to be gaining traction among certain groups.
The campaign is being spearheaded by a lady named Red Ruby Scarlet.  
Scarlet had a Ph. D in early childhood studies and she thinks that Father’s Day is highly unfair to children that have no father present in their life. 
As a result of this, Scarlet is proposing that the name of the holiday be changed to “Special Persons’ Day.”
...According to “Today Tonight” the idea is growing in support across the nation of Australia.  
In fact, this idea is even being implemented in some schools across the country. Scarlet denies that this is political correctness in any form, instead stating this is simply “fair.”
Check out this video!

AM Fruitcake