Monday, August 28, 2017

History for August 28

Image result for I Have a Dream Quotes
History for August 28 -
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749, Elizabeth Ann Seton 1774 - She was also the first American-born saint beatified by the Roman Catholic Church., Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy 1828
Image result for Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe QuotesImage result for Elizabeth Ann Seton QuotesImage result for Leo Tolstoy Quotes

Richard Sanders 1940, Shania Twain 1965 - Country singer, LeAnn Rimes 1982 - Singer
Image result for Richard Sanders WKRPImage result for , Shania TwainImage result for LeAnn Rimes

1609 - Delaware Bay was discovered by Henry Hudson.

1774 - The first American-born saint was born in New York City. Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton was canonized in 1975.
Image result for Elizabeth Ann Seton Quotes

1833 - Slavery was banned by the British Parliament throughout the British Empire.
Image result for Delaware Bay was discovered by Henry Hudson.

1907 - "American Messenger Company" was started by two teenagers, Jim Casey and Claude Ryan. The company's name was later changedto "United Parcel Service."
Image result for 1907 - "American Messenger Company"

1939 - The first successful flight of a jet-propelled airplane took place. The plane was a German Heinkel He 178.
Image result for German Heinkel He 178.

1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech at a civil rights rally in Washington, DC. More than 200,000 people attended.
Image result for I Have a Dream Quotes

1972 - Mark Spitz captured the first of his seven gold medals at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. He set a world record when he completed the 200-meter butterfly in 2 minutes and 7/10ths of a second.
Image result for 1972 - Mark Spitz

1996 - A divorce decree was issued for Britain's Charles and Princess Diana. This was the official end to the 15-year marriage.
Image result for divorce decree was issued for Britain's Charles and Princess Diana.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Dear CNN: Before You Crap On Trump, Explain What Obama Is Doing In This Pic

Dear CNN: Before You Crap On Trump, Explain What Obama Is Doing In This Pic:

Image result for Was a Member of the Robert Byrd Kkk"If the anti-Confederate crusade teaches us anything, it’s that history is obligated to remember you for your worst sins, not your best deeds.
Alright, their hero’s playbook (Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals) would say this:

(Rule 4)
“Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules."

The way we were-----Ride of The Valkyries - Apocalypse Now (1979)

Boob-tube-----Preparation H - "A Coworker's Concern" (Commercial, 1979)

Gettysburg Releases Stunning Statement On Confederate Statues

Gettysburg Releases Stunning Statement On Confederate Statues:

Image result for flickr commons images Gettysberg Battlefield"History and it’s monuments are not only meant to benchmark an event, a person, or a time in our history, they are meant to teach and learn to remind ourselves to be better.  Separation by race was fought and won.   President Donald Trump was correct when he asked, “When does it stop?”

The National Parks Service has a message for America: We will not remove any Confederate statues from our country’s national parks — "

Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big | New York Post

Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big | New York Post:
"Fifteen years ago this month, on Jan. 20, 2001, his last day in office, Bill Clinton issued a pardon for international fugitive Marc Rich. 
It would become perhaps the most condemned official act of Clinton’s political career. 
A New York Times editorial called it “a shocking abuse of presidential power.” 
The usually Clinton-friendly New Republic noted it “is often mentioned as Exhibit A of Clintonian sliminess.”
Congressman Barney Frank added, “It was a real betrayal by Bill Clinton of all who had been strongly supportive of him to do something this unjustified. It was contemptuous.”
Marc Rich was wanted for a list of charges going back decades. 
He had traded illegally with America’s enemies including Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, where he bought about $200 million worth of oil while revolutionaries allied with Khomeini held 53 American hostages in 1979.
Rich made a large part of his wealth, approximately $2 billion between 1979 and 1994, selling oil to the apartheid regime in South Africa when it faced a UN embargo. 
He did deals with Khadafy’s Libya, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, Kim Il Sung’s North Korea, Communist dictatorships in Cuba and the Soviet Union itself. Little surprise that he was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List.
Facing prosecution by Rudy Giuliani in 1983, Rich fled to Switzerland and lived in exile..."
Much more villainy.
Read on!

Australia's PM says changing statues, rewriting history is 'Stalinist'

Australia's PM says changing statues, rewriting history is 'Stalinist':

Image result for Australia Flag"“Trying to edit our history is wrong,” he said. “All of those statues, all of those monuments, are part of our history and we should respect them and preserve them – and by all means, put up other monuments, other statues and signs and sights that explain our history.”

The debate has intensified since the political battle in the United States over whether to remove statues of pro-slavery Confederate Civil War leaders turned violent."

Study Proves 'Fat But Healthy' Isn't a Thing | Lifestyle

Study Proves 'Fat But Healthy' Isn't a Thing | Lifestyle
"For some time, self-described "fat acceptance activists" have been trying to tell people that fat should be accepted. 
In addition to arguing that women don't need to be svelte to be attractive, they also argue that you can be overweight and still be perfectly healthy. 
Image result for Antifa Members FatNow, this sounds bizarre since so much of the health advice we hear from doctors is about how obesity can lead to numerous health problems, but the activists aren't having any.
They tend to tell you how they're perfectly healthy despite the extra pounds.
It turns out, though, that "fat but healthy" is not really healthy.
From Campus Reform:
Most recently, Camille Lassale, a professor at the University College London, published the results of a study of 520,000 people in the European Heart Journal—the largest study to date on the impact of obesity on heart health.
“Even if you are classified as metabolically healthy, (excess weight) was associated with an increased risk of heart disease," Lassale told CNN. "It's another brick in the wall of evidence that being healthy overweight is not true.”
"This reinforces the fact that obesity in itself is a risk factor," ..."
Read on!

The Coming Global Car Wreck-----Fans of Best of the Web Today

(2) Fans of Best of the Web Today:
"The European diesel car scandal is the consequence of the kind of regulation that amounts to central planning, which made the USSR so successful. 
No wonder the EU is being compared to the failed Soviet experiment
Note that the diesel cars require “AdBlue” to meet emissions standards.
Holman W. Jenkins, Jr.: “Germany’s dieselgate and associated scandals arise entirely from European politicians’ politically-correct pursuit of meaningless reductions in CO2.
Yet there has been no inclination to question the cost-benefit basis of the anticarbon crusade. 
Instead, Europe is doubling down by forcing car makers to build electric cars … 
[F]rom Berlin to Beijing to Sacramento, Calif., governments are already engaged in a new and even more implausible magic act: 
How to preserve their car industries and jobs while simultaneously mandating that car makers produce electric vehicles that can only be sold to the public at a steep loss in a world where oil is $50 a barrel and gasoline engines continue to make impressive efficiency gains.”

Dieselgate is not the fruit of an industry cartel but of politicians ignoring cost and benefit.

Lunch video-Hilarious!-----ANTIFA Gets Violent At Trump Protest in Laguna Beach | FLECCAS TALKS


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Expert says judge biased in rejecting Texas voter ID

Expert says judge biased in rejecting Texas voter ID:

Image result for Voter ID Sign"“Texas copied a federal requirement. Under federal law in the Help America Vote Act of 2002, anyone who registers by mail, the first time they go vote they have to show some form of ID, and the forms of ID are specifically listed as exactly the same thing,” said von Spakovsky.
“So [Ramos] is basically saying that the same kind of requirement Texas put in, which is identical to a federal requirement – a federal law – that’s been upheld in the courts, that that’s somehow intentional discrimination. I mean that’s just crazy,” said von Spakovsky."

Charles Barkley Labeled "White Supremacist" For Telling Black People To Stop Killing Each Other | Zero Hedge

Charles Barkley Labeled "White Supremacist" For Telling Black People To Stop Killing Each Other | Zero Hedge:
"According to left-wing website The Root, Charles Barkley is a “white supremacist” because he says black people should stop getting angry over old statues and instead concentrate on not killing each other and getting an education.
“Why won’t Charles Barkley shut the fuck up?” asks a clearly triggered Michael Harriot, whose story is filed under the category “Stupid Negroes”.
“Is there anyone who thinks that Barkley’s statements about race reveal anything other than his repeated willingness to throw black people under the bus for our stupid unwillingness to assimilate into whiteness?” he rants.
Barkley’s thought crime was to encourage black people to concentrate less on getting angry over historical monuments and more on getting an education, working hard and being successful. 
He also said black people “need to stop killing each other.”..."
Read on!

Happening again?!-----Deja Vu: JPM Slashes Auto Loans For Their Own Book; Ramps Up ABS Issuance For The Suckers | Zero Hedge

Deja Vu: JPM Slashes Auto Loans For Their Own Book; Ramps Up ABS Issuance For The Suckers | Zero Hedge:
"Back in 2007/2008, Wall Street drastically pulled back on mortgage origination for their own balance sheets while ramping up their issuance of RMBS securities.  
Of course, the goal was very simple: package up all the mortgage-related nuclear waste on your balance sheet into a pretty package, tie a ribbon around it with that AAA-rating from Moody's and sell it all to unsuspecting pension funds and insurance companies around the globe. 
Image result for don't trust the banksNow, despite all the 'harsh penalties' that Obama imposed on Wall Street after the mortgage crisis, like that $1.8 billion settlement where we showed that Goldman will actually make money from their 'punishment', it seems as though the exact same scheme is currently underway with auto loans.  Per Bloomberg:
Both banks have grown more reluctant to make new subprime loans using money from their own balance sheetsWells Fargo tightened its underwriting standards and slashed the volume of all loans it made to car buyers in the first quarter by 29 percent after greater numbers of borrowers fell behind on payments. JPMorgan’s consumer and community banking head Gordon Smith earlier this year said the bank had cut its new lending for subprime auto loans “dramatically.”

At the same time the firms are indirectly funding billions of dollars of the loans by helping companies like Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. borrow in the asset-backed securities market, essentially shunting money from bond investors to finance companies. Wall Street banks packaged more loans from finance companies into bonds in the first quarter than the same period last year, and Wells Fargo and JPMorgan remained two of the top underwriters of the securities..."

#1 This day 1954-----The Crew Cuts - Sh-Boom

Fake statistics-----Media Personality, State, Exaggerate Economic Impact of Agriculture Sector [Michigan Capitol Confidential]

Media Personality, State, Exaggerate Economic Impact of Agriculture Sector [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"Popular talk show host Paul W. Smith made several claims in his most recent column for The Detroit News about the impact Michigan’s agricultural industry has within the overall state economy. It was meant to draw attention to Smith’s “Pure Michigan AG Tour.”
Image result for lies statistics quoteThe column claims, without citation, that the state’s food and agriculture industry — “ag” for short — contributes over $100 billion each year to the state’s economy.
...Smith’s numbers come from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, one of many parties Smith thanks in the article.
And while his numbers align almost exactly with what the state says, they are misleading.
The state’s numbers are likely based off of a 2012 study conducted by the Michigan State University Product Center for Food, Ag, and Bio. 
The Center’s numbers, in turn, estimate agricultural production as well as what it calls “induced economic activity.” 
But “induced” is a far-reaching term that could include, for example, what the driver of a produce truck spends on clothes for his children.
The study also has a very broad definition of agriculture, including in it the economic activity of industries like the state’s breakfast cereal industry and pet food manufacturing as well as breweries and wineries.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting was responsible for $3.1 billion in economic production in the state in 2016..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

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South Carolina governor bans public funding for abortion | Fox Business

South Carolina governor bans public funding for abortion | Fox Business:

Image result for south carolina state capitol"South Carolina's governor has ordered a ban on all state funding for abortion providers in a move Planned Parenthood on Friday called "political" and an attack on patients' access to healthcare.
Republican Governor Henry McMaster's executive order bars state agencies from providing funds to any doctor or medical practice affiliated with an abortion clinic and operating with a clinic in the same site, his office said in a statement."

Trump's fault!-----Real Reason Hillary Has been Falling Over Lately

User avatarReal Reason Hillary Has been Falling Over Lately
Evil Smiley8/26/2017, 1:25 pm
"In new video obtained by a thorough investigation of Russian sources, our sources have now shown unequivocally that Trump sabotaged Hillary's chances at being President by making her fall down and pass out while on camera.

He has gotten away with this - until now, when shocking new video has been uncovered by an undercover investigation, where it can be clearly seen how Trump made Hillary fall and have seizures.

 Evil Smiley8/26/2017, 2:27 pm
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The truth is very complicated, and soon, Hillary will be vindicated and the world will see that all of these unfounded rumors about Hillary's condition were due to sabotage by Trump.

Evil Smiley8/26/2017, 2:29 pm
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Trump hounded poor Hillary relentlessly, causing her to fall down and have seizures using physical attacks as well as psychological warfare.

AM Fruitcake

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