Sunday, October 22, 2017

Did John McCain Provide The Infamous 'Trump Dossier' To BuzzFeed? | Zero Hedge

Did John McCain Provide The Infamous 'Trump Dossier' To BuzzFeed? | Zero Hedge
"After nearly a year of cogitating, no one in the media, usually a fairly leaky institution, has been able to figure out who exactly who provided the infamous "Trump Dossier" to BuzzFeed which was published on January 10, 2017 and promptly debunked within approximately 35 seconds. 
As the Daily Caller points out today, less than a handful of people had access to the dossier before it made its way to BuzzFeed: 
McCainJohn McCain, David Kramer (a former State Department official and an associate of McCain), then FBI Director James Comey and Fusion GPS (the creator of the document).  Fusion GPS has since admitted under oath that they did not share the document with BuzzFeed which basically just leaves John McCain (and/or his associate) or James Comey.
Asked about the dossier recently, an irritable, and perhaps defensive, McCain lashed out at a Daily Caller reporter (seemingly a new trend for McCain of late) saying only "I don’t know why you’re digging this up now."...
...Of course, the identity of BuzzFeed’s source is significant for two reasons.  

  • First, because a Russian tech executive, Aleksej Gubarev, was accused in the document of hacking into DNC computers to dig up dirt on Hillary during the 2016 campaign.  
  • And second, but certainly not least, because it could shed light on whether someone in Trump's own party or, and perhaps even more disturbing, within the FBI ordered a "political hit" on the newly elected - if wildly unpopular (at least on the DC circuit) - president..."

Read it all!

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WAPO: Trump Has Already Largely Won His War Against The Media. “Consider the language used in this…

Instapundit » Blog Archive » WAPO: Trump Has Already Largely Won His War Against The Media. “Consider the language used in this…:
"OCTOBER 22, 2017-WAPO: Trump Has Already Largely Won His War Against The Media. 
“Consider the language used in this question. 
Marist didn’t ask people whom they trusted more between the media at large and Trump; 
Image result for liberal mediait was a choice between the media outlet you like the best and the president. 
Presumably, the media outlet you like the best is the one you consider most reliable and informative, but even pitting a Trump supporter’s top pick of all of the media outlets against the president, the president wins. . . . 
This poll was released on the heels of another survey that adds still more context to the question of media trust. 
A Politico-Morning Consult survey conducted online found that nearly half of Americans, a plurality, thinks that the media makes up stories about the president out of whole cloth.”
Well, if you guys weren’t so obviously, rabidly eager to bring Trump down, maybe people would trust you more.---Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 8:58 am"

Lunch video-----John Wayne Takes Apart The Idea Of Liberals, Feminists, White Guilt, And...


Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days | Fox News

Melania Trump cuts bloated first lady payroll from Michelle Obama days | Fox News:

"Melania Trump is embracing a more active and public schedule as first lady – but she still runs one of the leanest East Wing operations in recent history.

Image result for free clip art PayrollAccording to a Fox News analysis of White House personnel reports, Melania Trump has significantly reduced the number of aides on the first lady's office payroll in comparison to her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

During then-President Barack Obama’s first year in office, 16 people were listed working for Michelle Obama, earning a combined $1.24 million a year.

This year, just four people were listed working for Melania Trump as of June. Their salaries totaled $486,700."

Paglia: The Dumbing Down of America Began in Public Schools | Intellectual Takeout

Paglia: The Dumbing Down of America Began in Public Schools | Intellectual Takeout
"In the last several years, Americans have been sensing that something is seriously wrong with the current crop of young people. 
True, they are likely to have the most education credentials any generation has ever received. 
They also are technically-savvy, and as such, have a wealth of knowledge at their fingertips.
But in spite of these factors, today’s students seem to exhibit a character that is high in sensitivity and low in knowledge. 
What gives? 
Why are our students turning out like this?
Camille Paglia recently revealed the answer to that question. 
Paglia, a long-time Democrat, feminist, and college professor, believes the problem started in the earliest stages of education in the nation’s public schools:
“It’s really started at the level of public school education. I’ve been teaching now for 46 years as a classroom teacher, and I have felt the slow devolution of the quality of public school education in the classroom...”

Bill Gates is investing more than $1 billion in public schools - Business Insider

Image result for money educationBill Gates is investing more than $1 billion in public schools - Business Insider:
"...In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg donated $100 million to Newark, New Jersey's failing public-school system with the intention of turning around the schools in five years.
The goals Zuckerberg set out to achieve — to enact a number of reforms that would make Newark a model city for education reform — were largely panned, and multiple sources tore into Newark Public Schools for squandering his money and not delivering on any of the goals it set out to achieve..."

#1 This week 1972-----Chuck Berry - My Ding-A-Ling (1972)

Millions live and die in pain due to morphine stigma - SciDev.Net

Millions live and die in pain due to morphine stigma - SciDev.Net
[MANILA] A new, comprehensive study brings focus to the plight of millions of patients, especially in the developing world, who are condemned to live and die in pain for lack of access to palliative care.
 In a comprehensive report on palliative care and pain relief published 13 October in The Lancet, the study says that each year, some 26 million people, including over 2.5 million children, suffer pain which could have been addressed with off-patent, low-cost morphine. 
Image result for palliative careThe report says that of the 298.50 tonnes of oral morphine distributed worldwide, only 10.8 tonnes (3.6 per cent) reach the low- and middle-income countries, creating a “pain gap”.  
Of the 172 countries studied, 25 had almost no morphine and about 100 countries are only able to meet the needs for standard pain relief of a quarter of their population.
Lukas Rudbruch, chair of the Palliative Medicine at the University of Bonn and senior co-author of the report, explains to SciDev.Net that there are serious misunderstandings about the nature of palliative care, including stigma attached to pain-relieving drugs. 
This, he says, is especially so for morphine (derived from opium) which makes regulators and health professionals uneasy. 
Former Philippine health secretary Manuel Dayrit explains that in countries like the Philippines, morphine is classified as a ‘dangerous drug’, with supply and transport highly regulated. 
Only physicians with special permits can prescribe them.
 “The question is how to strike a balance between dangerous drugs and access for palliative care purposes,” Dayrit says..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton Covered Up Their Deep, Corrupt Ties To Russia | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton Covered Up Their Deep, Corrupt Ties To Russia | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

Image result for flickr commons images Russian Flag"So why would Russian nuclear officials send money to the Clinton Foundation? As we've pointed out, Hillary Clinton was then secretary of state. In that position, she sat on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), the panel that decides whether strategic foreign investments such as Rosatom's will be allowed to proceed.

Despite the FBI's evidence of bribery, extortion and racketeering, Hillary Clinton and then-Attorney General Eric Holder and other members of the Obama administration approved of Rosatom's takeover of Uranium One."

YES! Fake 'Rape Victim' Gets Jailed for 10 Years » Louder With Crowder

YES! Fake 'Rape Victim' Gets Jailed for 10 Years » Louder With Crowder

AM Fruitcake

History for October 22

Image result for timothy leary quotes
History for October 22 -
Curly Howard 1903, Timothy Leary 1920, Christopher Lloyd 1938 - Actor ("Taxi," "Back to the Future" movies)
Image result for Curly HowardImage result for Timothy LearyImage result for Christopher Lloyd

Annette Funicello 1942, Catherine Deneuve 1943 - Actress, Jeff Goldblum 1952 - Actor
Image result for Annette FunicelloImage result for Catherine DeneuveImage result for Young Jeff Goldblum

1797 - Andre-Jacques Garnerin made the first recorded parachute jump. He made the jump from about 3,000 feet.
Image result for Andre-Jacques Garnerin made the first recorded parachute jump

1836 - Sam Houston was inaugurated as the first constitutionally elected president of the Republic of Texas.
Image result for sam houston quotes

1844 - This day is recognized as "The Great Disappointment" among those who practiced Millerism. The world was expected to come to an end according to the followers of William Miller.
Image result for "The Great Disappointment" Millerism.

1939 - The first televised pro football game was telecast from New York. Brooklyn defeated Philadelphia 23-14.
Image result for first televised pro football game was telecast from New York. Brooklyn defeated Philadelphia 23-14.

1962 - U.S. President Kennedy went on radio and television to inform the United States about his order to send U.S. forces to blockade Cuba. The blockade was in response to the discovery of Soviet missile bases on the island.
Image result for U.S. President Kennedy radio and television U.S. forces to blockade Cuba.

1979 - The ousted Shah of Iran, Mohammad Riza Pahlavi was allowed into the U.S. for medical treatment.
Image result for Shah of Iran, Mohammad Riza Pahlavi

1981 - The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization was decertified by the federal government for its strike the previous August.
Image result for Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization was decertified

1983 - At the Augusta National Golf Course in Georgia, an armed man crashed a truck through front gates and demanded to speak with U.S. President Ronald Reagan.
Image result for Augusta National Golf Course President Ronald Reagan.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Trump will allow release of classified JFK assassination files

Trump will allow release of classified JFK assassination files:
Image result for flickr commons images JFK Assasination
"President Trump said Saturday morning he will allow the release of the classified files related to former President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963."

Afghan troops go AWOL in U.S.; IG says wastes taxpayer money, poses security threat - Washington Times

Afghan troops go AWOL in U.S.; IG says wastes taxpayer money, poses security threat - Washington Times:
Image result for free clip art Unknown
"More than 150 Afghan troops brought to the U.S. for military training have gone AWOL since 2005, with 13 of them still unaccounted for and perhaps living as here illegal immigrants now, an inspector general said in a new report Friday.
Part of the problem is that the U.S. never puts the trainees through an in-person interview and exempts them from registering as aliens when they arrive — both steps that other visitors would normally have to go through."

The way we were-----The Fifth Dimension - Aquarius - Let The Sunshine In - Bubblerock Promo

Boob-tube-----Funny Fails on TV News - New Bloopers December 2016

Was the real Russian collusion the Uranium One deal? - NetRight Daily

Was the real Russian collusion the Uranium One deal? - NetRight Daily
"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is calling upon Attorney General Jeff Sessions to assist him in ridding the federal government of the corruption the Obama Administration perpetuated.
Image result for Russian state-owned corporation U.S. uranium millions to the Clinton Foundation.After recent news stories surfaced highlighting an ethically questionable business deal which gave the Russian nuclear industry significant control over the U.S. uranium supply, Grassley wants Sessions to allow an FBI informant alleging that a Justice Department prosecution of a Russian company engaged in bribery was slowed down to grease the wheels of the Uranium One deal.
In a breaking news story this week published in The Hill this week, John Solomon and Alison Spann explain, “Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefiting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions.”
The deal allowed a Russian state-owned corporation to acquire 20 percent of the U.S. uranium supply — and funneled millions to the Clinton Foundation. 
Consider the timeline..."
Read on!

After Stalling for Two Years, CBP Returns Truck It Stole at the Border - Hit & Run :

Image result for civil forfeiture casesAfter Stalling for Two Years, CBP Returns Truck It Stole at the Border - Hit & Run : "Yesterday Gerardo Serrano was reunited with his 2014 Ford F-250 pickup truck, which was arrested by Customs and Border Protection officers two years ago in connection with international arms smuggling.
The smuggling involved five handgun rounds that Serrano forgot to remove from the truck's center console before embarking on a trip to visit his cousin in Mexico.
The truck was never formally charged with a crime, and neither was Serrano, as is typical in civil forfeiture cases. 
After the Institute for Justice filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of Serrano and other similarly situated vehicle owners last month, I.J. says in a press release, CBP lawyers suddenly told him "he could pick up his truck whenever he wanted."
...Serrano is happy about the semi-victory but wants to see more evidence that CBP has seen the error of its car-stealing ways.
"I'm thrilled to have my truck back," Serrano says. "But I'd like somebody to apologize for taking it in the first place.""