Monday, October 30, 2017

WSJ: Mueller should resign, Clinton and DNC colluded with Russia - Business Insider

WSJ: Mueller should resign, Clinton and DNC colluded with Russia - Business Insider
  • The Wall Street Journal editorial board accused Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party of colluding with Russia earlier this week.
  • The board also called for special counsel Robert Mueller to resign, and for the FBI to be investigated for its "role in Russia's election interference."
  • There is no evidence that the FBI, the Clinton campaign, or the Democratic party colluded with Russia.
Image result for hillary russia..."It turns out that Russia has sown distrust in the U.S. political system—aided and abetted by the Democratic Party, and perhaps the FBI," the editorial began. "This is an about-face from the dominant media narrative of the last year, and it requires a full investigation." 
The editorial argued that a Washington Post report published Tuesday "revealed" that Hillary Clinton's campaign and the Democratic National Committee hired the Perkins Coie law firm, which in turn retained the opposition-research firm Fusion GPS and funded a now-infamous dossier containing salacious allegations..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake

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History for October 30

Image result for General George C. Marshall Quotes
History for October 30 -
John Adams (U.S.) 1735, Alfred Sisley 1839, Ezra Pound 1885
Image result for john adams quotesImage result for Alfred SisleyImage result for ezra pound quotes

Charles Atlas 1893, Grace Slick (Jefferson Airplane/Starship) 1939, Henry Winkler 1945
 Image result for Grace SlickImage result for Henry Winkler

1817 - The independent government of Venezuela was established by Simon Bolivar.
Image result for Venezuela socialism

1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the bloodiest slave uprising in American history.
Image result for Nat Turner

1938 - Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" aired on CBS radio. The belief that the realistic radio dramatization was a live news event about a Martian invasion caused panic among listeners.
Image result for Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds"

1953 - General George C. Marshall was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Image result for General George C. Marshal

1961 - The Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force of approximately 58 megatons.
Image result for Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force of approximately 58 megatons.

1975 - The New York Daily News ran the headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead." The headline came a day after U.S. President Gerald R. Ford said he would veto any proposed federal bailout of New York City.
Image result for "Ford to City: Drop Dead."

1989 - Mitsubishi Estate Company announced it would buy 51 percent of Rockefeller Group Inc. of New York.
Image result for Mitsubishi buy 51 percent of Rockefeller center

1995 - Federalist prevailed over separatists in Quebec in a referendum concerning secession from the federation of Canada.
Image result for Quebec in a referendum concerning secession

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Edward Klein: New Book Reveals FBI Report on Deep State's ‘All Out War’ to Destroy Trump

Edward Klein: New Book Reveals FBI Report on Deep State's ‘All Out War’ to Destroy Trump:

Image result for flickr commons images FBI Logo"“The Bureau has gotten actionable intelligence that there is, within the federal government, a growing and organized movement to block or interfere with administration policy decisions,” the report states.

“There have been regular organized meetings of large numbers of government workers at a church in the Columbia Heights area of the District [of Columbia] where plans have been discussed to actively sabotage government programs they disagree with,” the report continues. “These would include immigration enforcement, crackdowns on welfare fraud and any weakening of environmental rules. Plus, there is concern that some dissenting government workers might be dislodged from their positions by the Trump Administration."

NO MORE SHAKESPEARE: Yale ‘Decolonizes’ English Department After Being Accused Of Too Much ‘Whiteness’ | Daily Wire

NO MORE SHAKESPEARE: Yale ‘Decolonizes’ English Department After Being Accused Of Too Much ‘Whiteness’ | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images Yale University
"Yale has successfully “decolonized” its English department, and some lucky students are now enrolled in a new course created by the department to ward off claims of departmental racism. Better yet, new standards have been implemented to guarantee a more “diversified” slate of courses.

All of this nonsense was precipitated by a petition from some undergraduates in May 2016 that slammed Yale’s English department for its "whiteness" because the university required English majors to take two courses in “Major English Poets,” including Chaucer, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton and Eliot."

The way we were-----Lesley Gore - You Don't Own Me (HD)

Boob-tube-----Stupid Blonde in TV, She is Very Stupid, She Don't

MOTUS A.D.: The Ruling Class Really Is Better Than You

MOTUS A.D.: The Ruling Class Really Is Better Than You
"...Our Betters will stop at nothing to maintain their power. You’ve been warned.
“Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.
They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.
They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves.
Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are.
They are different. ” ― F. Scott Fitzgerald
 hillary 8 days left russia

What Does Maxine Waters Actually Do In Congress? - Timothy Meads

What Does Maxine Waters Actually Do In Congress? - Timothy Meads
"...Rep. Waters has passed just three bills in her 27 years in Congress. 
That means on average, Waters produces something noteworthy for constituents every 9 years. 
One of the bills was renaming a Post Office. 
Impressive stuff. 
In the interim, she is busy making money for her family and allies. 
Her family has accrued more than a million dollars during her time in the House, according to Red Alert Politics.
Furthermore, the group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington has given Rep. Waters the most corrupt member of congress four separate times... 
...The chant can be seen in a video below provided by Detroit Freep. 

Private Missouri College Creates Mandatory Patriotism Class for Freshmen - Breitbart

Private Missouri College Creates Mandatory Patriotism Class for Freshmen - Breitbart:

Image result for American History Paintings"A private Christian college in Missouri will require its freshmen students to take a course with the goal of encouraging patriotism.
The College of the Ozarks created a class under their military science department called “Patriotic Education and Fitness,” according to a press release from the school.
According to the school, the course combines the school’s existing ROTC and physical education curriculum while encouraging students to gain an “understanding of American heritage, civic responsibilities, love of country, and willingness to defend it.”"

Get this!!-----CDC recommends new shingles vaccine for people over 50 -

CDC recommends new shingles vaccine for people over 50 -
Image result for shingles"...Anyone who's had chickenpox can develop shingles, but about half of all cases occur in people 60 and older, according to the CDC.
Shingrix is 97 percent effective in preventing shingles in people 50 to 69 years old, and 91 percent effective in those 70 and older, according to a briefing provided to the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices prior to its decision Wednesday.
By comparison, Zostavax is 70 percent effective in your 50s; 64 percent effective in your 60s; 41 percent effective in your 70s; and 18 percent effective in your 80s, the briefing states.
Shingrix is also better than Zostavax in preventing nerve pain that continues after a shingles rash has cleared -- about 90 percent effective versus 65 percent effective, the briefing stated..."

'Muhammad' is the Future of Europe

'Muhammad' is the Future of Europe
  • During the next thirty years, the population of Africa is expected to increase by one billion.
  • The French economist Charles Gave recently predicted that France will have a Muslim majority by 2057 -- and this estimate did not even take into consideration the number of expected new migrants.
  • No doubt, Africa's exploding population will try to reach the shores of a wealthy, senile Europe, which is already undergoing an internal demographic revolution. Europe, to retain its culture, will need to make hard-headed decisions, not just amuse itself to death. The question is: Will Europe protect its borders and civilization before it is submerged?
French President Emmanuel Macron this summer ended up in the middle of a political storm -- with accusations of "racism" -- for saying that women "with seven or eight children" are responsible for the current condition of the African continent, thus creating a challenge, according to Macron, that is "civilizational".

The United Nations states that Macron is right. According to the UN's annual demographic report, "World Population Prospects," one-sixth of the world's population currently lives in Africa. By 2050, the proportion will be one-quarter, and at the end of the century -- when Africa will have four billion people -- one-third.

In Africa today, there are four times more births than deaths..."
Read it all!

In 2015 and 2016, approximately 2.5 million migrants reached Europe, according to a Pew Research Center report. Pictured: Migrants off the coast of Libya attempt to cross the Mediterranean to Europe, on February 18, 2017. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

Lunch video-----Are Your Kids Too Fragile? How to Make the Next Generation More Resilient.


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The 'Trump dossier,' like so much else, is due to the corruption of the Clintons

The 'Trump dossier,' like so much else, is due to the corruption of the Clintons:

Image result for flickr commons images Bill and Hillary Clinton"Not long before Clinton was heroically warning the nation about the threat posed by Russia, her husband was taking $500,000 from a Kremlin-tied bank for a single speech in Moscow. Long, long before that, she made a 10,000 percent profit trading cattle futures over a 10-month period, a feat impossible to achieve honestly that she still insists was no big deal. Somewhere in between those two events, she was seen enabling her husband's predations upon women, making the world safer for her dear friend and donor, Harvey Weinstein.

If you wonder why voters chose not to elect Clinton, even though it meant something as extraordinary as choosing Trump, you need look no further."

Must read of the day!-----How to Steele an Election :: SteynOnline

Image result for hillary lost memeHow to Steele an Election :: SteynOnline
"From Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes:
Mostly she was mad - mad that she'd lost and that the country would have to endure a Trump presidency... Hillary kept pointing her finger at Comey and Russia. 'She wants to make sure all these narratives get spun the right way,' this person said.
That strategy had been set within twenty-four hours of her concession speech. Mook and Podesta assembled her communications team at the Brooklyn headquarters to engineer the case that the election wasn't entirely on the up-and-up. For a couple of hours, with Shake Shack containers littering the room, they went over the script they would pitch to the press and the public. Already, Russian hacking was the centerpiece of the argument.
"Mook" is campaign manager Robby of that ilk, and "Podesta" is John, her campaign chairman and, with his brother Tony Podesta, one of the two Podestas who founded the Podesta Group, now under investigation for violating the Foreign Agent Registration Act. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 
Notice Mr Allen and Miss Parnes' choice of words: Whether or not the election in reality "wasn't entirely on the up-and-up", Messrs Mook and Podesta and the rest of the Clinton team decided to "engineer the case" that it wasn't..."
Read it all!

#1 This day 1962-----He's A Rebel - The Crystals

American woman!-----Husband Disappears 6 Weeks After Wedding – Woman Learns His True Colors 68-Years-Later

Husband Disappears 6 Weeks After Wedding – Woman Learns His True Colors 68-Years-Later:
"Peggy Harris, a woman from Vernon, Texas, married her husband Billie back in the 1940s.
They were only married for six weeks when Billie was deployed by the United States to fight in World War II.
Lt. Billie Harris left for a Nazi-occupied Norther France on July 17, 1944, and Peggie never heard from her husband again.
 It took 68 years for Peggy to find out the fate of her husband.
Originally, she thought Billie was killed in action..."
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You ought to know!

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Washington, Lee memorials to be removed from church sanctuary in effort to be 'welcoming' to all - Washington Times

Washington, Lee memorials to be removed from church sanctuary in effort to be 'welcoming' to all - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images George Washington"An historic Episcopal parish where George Washington frequently worshiped has decided to remove a memorial plaque honoring the nation’s first president, saying the decision was out of a desire to provide a “welcoming” worship space for all visitors. The church will also remove a similar memorial plague honoring Robert E. Lee, the commander of Confederate Army of Northern Virginia.
The vestry of Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia, announced its unanimous decision in an Oct. 26 letter, The Republican Standard website reported Thursday. The letter suggests that while initially the concern was over honoring the Confederate military leader, Washington’s slave ownership was a factor in the decision to remove his plaque as well."

The Whitefish Contract Is a Natural Consequence of FEMA's Mismanagement - Hit & Run :

The Whitefish Contract Is a Natural Consequence of FEMA's Mismanagement - Hit & Run :
"Congress approved some $36.5 billion in appropriations to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for disaster relief efforts.
Taxpayers should hold out little hope this money will be well spent.
Image result for government wasteTake, for instance, the $300 million no-bid electrical grid repair contract Puerto Rico's power utility PREPO handed to the inadequate, but well-connected Whitefish contracting firm. PREPO reportedly is paying Whitefish's electrical workers $332.41 a day for accommodations alone.
The Whitefish contract expressly forbids FEMA (which is responsible for bankrolling the contract) from auditing Whitefish's performance, as Reason's Eric Boehm reported earlier today.
It's an insane provision, but probably an unnecessary one, given how little audits of FEMA's past spending have done to improve agency performance.
The latest audit of FEMA's 2015 disaster relief spending found nearly a third of it "questionable costs, such as duplicate payments, unsupported costs, improper contract costs, and unauthorized expenditures."
From 2009 to 2015, FEMA misspent or wasted more than $10 billion, or 37 percent of the funds examined in the audit. 
Despite the damning results, FEMA has failed to act on nearly 90 percent of the improvements recommended by the auditors..."

AM Fruitcake

Image may contain: 1 person, text

History for October 29

Image result for cassius clay quotes
History for October 29 -
Fanny Brice 1891, Bill Mauldin 1921, Melba Moore 1945
Image result for Fanny BriceImage result for Bill MauldinImage result for Melba Moore

Richard Dreyfuss 1947, Kate Jackson 1948, Winona Ryder 1971
Image result for Richard DreyfussImage result for Kate JacksonImage result for Winona Ryder

1618 - Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded under a sentence that had been brought against him 15 years earlier for conspiracy against King James I.
Image result for Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded

1652 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony proclaimed itself to be an independent commonwealth.
Image result for 1652 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony

1863 - The International Committee of the Red Cross was founded.
Image result for International Committee of the Red Cross was founded.

1901 - Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted.
Image result for Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted

1923 - Turkey formally became a republic after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. The first president was Mustafa Kemal, later known as Kemal Ataturk.
Image result for 1923 - Turkey formally became a republic

1945 - The first ballpoint pens to be made commercially went on sale at Gimbels Department Store in New York at the price of $12.50 each.
Image result for first ballpoint pens to be made commercially went on sale at Gimbels Department Store

1960 - Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) won his first professional fight.
Image result for Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) won his first professional fight.

1974 - U.S. President Gerald Ford signed a new law forbidding discrimination in credit applications on the basis of sex or marital status
Image result for U.S. President Gerald Ford

Saturday, October 28, 2017

James Comey's 'coordination' testimony sheds new context on Clinton campaign's dossier funding - Washington Times

James Comey's 'coordination' testimony sheds new context on Clinton campaign's dossier funding - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images james comey"When then-FBI Director James B. Comey explained to Congress last March the scope of his investigation into Donald Trump aides and Russia, his words would also fit the Hillary Clinton campaign today.
Mr. Comey told the House Intelligence Committed that his agents were investigating “whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”
That definition — “coordination” — would seem to make the Democrats ripe for special counsel Robert Mueller to investigate, ex-Trump aides say.
What is known now that was not known in March: The Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid for an opposition research operation against candidate Trump that relied almost exclusively on paid Kremlin sources and Russian spies during the 2016 election."

Clinton Emails, Trump Dossier, Uranium One Deal: All Point To Corruption In Obama's Justice Department | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

Clinton Emails, Trump Dossier, Uranium One Deal: All Point To Corruption In Obama's Justice Department | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD:

Image result for flickr commons images obama"It was just 10 months ago that Barack Obama was bragging about how scandal-free his administration was. And many believed it, until now. Revelations are coming fast and furious pointing to political corruption at the Justice Department while he was in the White House.

In the span of just the past few weeks, four major stories broke that implicate either the Justice Department or the FBI using their authority to help Democrats.

Exonerating Clinton before the facts were in. First was the fact that former FBI director James Comey had, contrary to what he told Congress, drafted what amounted to an acquittal letter for Hillary Clinton months before he'd even interviewed her regarding her unsecured private email server."

The way we were-----Bobby Fuller Four - I Fought The Law(1966)

Boob-tube-----Top 10 Decade Defining TV Shows: 1980s

Halloween (and Everything Else) Is Too Scary for the Fragile Generation - Hit & Run :

Halloween (and Everything Else) Is Too Scary for the Fragile Generation - Hit & Run :
"If you're sending your kid out to trick or treat for Halloween this year, the list of suggested safety measures is probably not quite as long as what to do when locking the nuclear device onto the submarine, but it's close. 
Image result for Boy Pajama ObamacareHere's my favorite tip from a suburban paper this year: "Before bobbing for apples—a favorite Halloween game—reduce the risk of bacteria by thoroughly rinsing the apples under cool running water. As an added precaution, use a produce brush to remove surface dirt."
That's right. 
Wash the apple in water, scrub it within an inch of becoming applesauce, and then place it in yet more water. 
But that's how we approach childhood today: nothing is safe enough.
As New York University Stern School of Business Professor Jonathan Haidt and I argue in "The Fragile Generation," our cover story for the December 2017 issue of Reason magazine:
Beginning in the 1980s, American childhood changed. For a variety of reasons—including shifts in parenting norms, new academic expectations, increased regulation, technological advances, and especially a heightened fear of abduction (missing kids on milk cartons made it feel as if this exceedingly rare crime was rampant)—children largely lost the experience of having large swaths of unsupervised time to play, explore, and resolve conflicts on their own. This has left them more fragile, more easily offended, and more reliant on others. They have been taught to seek authority figures to solve their problems and shield them from discomfort, a condition sociologists call "moral dependency."
Read on! 

Yes. It's OK to hate this moron. But the comments are hilarious.-----I Bought a Tiny "Parisian" Fridge and I Totally Regret It | Kitchn

I Bought a Tiny "Parisian" Fridge and I Totally Regret It | Kitchn:
"Everything is better in Paris. 
I know that. 
Attempting to make my American home my own version of a Parisian apartment was destined to be a disappointment.
I live on the wrong continent with a different way of life.
But I couldn't resist.
I should have resisted.
I spent nine days at the most adorable Airbnb ever a couple of years ago.
The Yellow Flat in the Canal St. Martin area of Paris was everything you dream of when you dream of Paris.
And I lived the perfect Parisian life there for one glorious week-plus.
That included popping out to boulangeries, patisseries, markets, and even La Grande Epicerie to stock the flat with all things delicious.
Anything to be chilled went into the darling, minuscule, oh-so-Parisian refrigerator.
How nice it was to have such a minimalist fridge.
How magical to store some rosé, a bit of charcuterie, a little fruit, some macarons, those delicious French yogurts, some water (even the water tastes better there!), and to have just a little bit of space still available.
Opening that tiny fridge made me happy, just as every little activity of daily living makes me happy while I'm in Paris.
So when my husband and I came home and abruptly decided to buy a massive Victorian to fix up, the correspondingly massive fridge in the horrific kitchen had to go..."

Comments from a FB site:

    Image result for Ooo la la wanna be
  • She needs to tell her husband to take a mistress for the full Parisian experience she's otherwise missing out on.
  • Also, have someone light their car on fire during the night.
  • This lady forgot the essential rule of American fetishization of EuroWeenie countries: Enjoy from the comfort of your Capitalist Free Market home.
  • Our garage beer fridge died a few weeks ago, and we bought a small one because we're cheap. Hadn't occurred to me it was Parisian.
  • I'm surprised she went to a big box store to buy the thing. She doesn't strike me as the big box type. Because France.
  • Because nothing says Paris like a fridge.......
  • OK, wait. The author, after spending "nine days at the most adorable Airbnb ever" in Paris, "came home and abruptly decided to buy a massive Victorian to fix up". Then, trying to replicate the life of "popping out to boulangeries, patisseries, markets" she had an issue with the "tiny Pariasian" fridge (which, honestly, is a normal size for people who aren't shopping for an army or who live in an apartment) she installed in her massive Victorian-size kitchen?
  • Am I missing something about the hypocrisy of two people living in a "massive Victorian" but wanting to feel like they're living in a tiny flat on an endless Parisian vacation?
  • Hey, if someone wants to buy and live in a massive Victorian fixer upper I'm all for it. I've done it. But going to an appliance store just to torture the salespeople by saying "Show me a smaller one. Don't you have anything slimmer?" because she was "determined to buy the smallest fridge we could find" is just plain snotty. It's "Ooo la la, we just came back from 'one glorious week' in Paris and now we are ever so Continental." And it stinks like that "grocery-store sushi". Silly. Just plain silly.
  • Don’t be fooled by this silly woman. Most apartment fridges in the US for poor people/families are that size. Not to mention it’s the size our parents and grandparents had. She’s just being a silly petit bourgeoisie