Sunday, February 25, 2018

This Week in Media Bias History: ABC Saw Presidency as ‘Step Down’ for Obama (Like George Washington)

This Week in Media Bias History: ABC Saw Presidency as ‘Step Down’ for Obama (Like George Washington):
"Now that Barack Obama is gone, it’s easy to forget how much liberal journalists loved the Democrat. 
In 2009, ABC’s Terry Moran insisted that Obama was “the first president since George Washington to be taking a step down into the Oval Office.” 
Another example from today's edition of This Week in Media Bias History includes: Liberal spin is just a “myth.” 
That was the ridiculous conclusion of NBC anchor Churck Todd in 2013. 
Below are Rich Noyes’s collected tweets from the eighth week of This Day in Media Bias History. To get the latest daily examples, be sure and follow Noyes on Twitter
To see recaps of the first seven weeks, go here.) 
February 17: 

February 18: 

February 19:

February 20:

February 21:

Much more! Read on!

AM Fruitcake

History for February 25

See the source image
History for February 25 -
Pierre Auguste Renoir 1841 - Impressionist artist, Jim Backus 1913 - Actor (voice of Mr. Magoo, "Gilligan's Island", "Rebel Without a Cause"), Bobby Riggs 1918 - Tennis player
Image result for Pierre Auguste RenoirImage result for Jim BackusImage result for bobby riggs quotes

Larry Gelbart 1928 - Producer, writer, Téa Leoni 1966 - Actress ("Jurassic Park III", "Deep Impact"), Sean Astin 1971 - Actor ("The Goonies", "The War of the Roses", "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring")
Image result for Larry Gelbart mashImage result for Téa LeoniImage result for Sean Astin rudi

1791 - First Bank of the United States (The President, Directors and Company, of the Bank of the United States) was chartered by the U.S. Congress and signed by President Washington.
Image result for 1791 - First Bank of the United States

1793 - The department heads of the U.S. government met with U.S. President Washington for the first Cabinet meeting on U.S. record.
Image result for U.S. President Washington for the first Cabinet meeting on U.S. record.

1836 - Samuel Colt received U.S. Patent No. 138 (later 9430X) for a "revolving-cylinder pistol." It was his first patent.
Image result for Samuel Colt

1913 - The 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. It authorized a graduated income tax.
Image result for taxes

1919 - The state of Oregon became the first state to place a tax on gasoline. The tax was 1 cent per gallon.
Image result for taxes everything

1933 - The aircraft carrier Ranger was launched. It was the first ship in the U.S. Navy to be designed and built from the keel up as an aircraft carrier.
Image result for 1933 - The aircraft carrier Ranger was launched.

1986 - Filippino President Ferdinand E. Marcos fled the Philippines after 20 years of rule after a tainted election.
Image result for Ferdinand E. Marcos fled the Philippines after 20 years of rule after a tainted election.

2005 - Dennis Rader was arrested for the BTK serial killings in Wichita, KS. He later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 10 life prison terms.
Image result for Dennis Rader was arrested for the BTK

Saturday, February 24, 2018

U.N. Declares Northern Ireland's Pro-Life Laws 'Violence Against Women' | Daily Wire

U.N. Declares Northern Ireland's Pro-Life Laws 'Violence Against Women' | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images united nations""Abortion is among the most egregious forms of torture that can be perpetrated against a child, and attacking the church's moral and religious beliefs violates the religious liberty of the church, a human right which the United Nations affirms. Yet, the U.N. Committee Against Torture seems to be setting the stage that if you are pro-life you are pro-torture," said McGuire. "There is a strong bias against the Vatican."

Conclusion: the United Nations hates Jews and Catholics."

The way we were-----Bui Doi - Miss Saigon Original Cast

Boob tube-----1970 SPECIAL REPORT: "If Cable TV Comes to Your House!!

Instapundit » Blog Archive » PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: NRA to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: ‘You were the one that didn’t…

Image may contain: car, outdoor and textInstapundit » Blog Archive » PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: NRA to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: ‘You were the one that didn’t…:
NRA to Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel: ‘You were the one that didn’t protect these children.’
The National Rifle Association hit back on Friday at Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel after accused NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch of “not standing up” for the survivors of the school shooting that took place last week in Parkland, Fla.
“No Sheriff Israel you were the one that didn’t PROTECT these children and that is your job. You run the largest fully accredited sheriff’s office in the United States, yet your office failed this community,” the NRA said from its verified Twitter account.
It didn’t just fail. 
It failed disgracefully, then tried to shift the blame.
Related: Ouch:

UPDATE: “We need to send a box of those pussy hats to the Broward Sheriff’s Office.”--Posted by Glenn Reynolds"

The DiploMad 2.0: Madness and Chaos: The Left in the Time of Trump

The DiploMad 2.0: Madness and Chaos: The Left in the Time of Trump
"In the late 1950s, the now sadly departed great Nigerian novelist Chinua Achebe wrote his masterpiece, Things Fall Apart. 
I remember reading his novel in high school, and being struck by the story it tells. 
It's been years since I read the book, and don't remember all the details of how the main character watches helplessly as his traditional yam-based Ibo way of life loses the battle to the encroaching white man's culture. 
See the source imageAs he realizes he has no place in the new culture that has emerged, he commits suicide.
...After watching some anti-Trump demonstration on TV, a friend of my son's asked these intelligent questions of me the other day, "What has Trump done? Why is he accused of being racist? Why do they hate him so much?" 
Best as I can tell, I think they hate the idea of Trump. 
He wasn't supposed to be president. 
He is not, I guess, one with the body. 
He has, in short, exposed them as, no other word for it, crazy. 
Yes, crazy.
So they hate Trump but what are these protestors and their media enablers for?

  • As far as I can tell they are for children but also for killing unborn ones with no restriction, no apology, and no need for a fee. 
  • They are for LBGT and women's "rights," but ally themselves with Muslims who practice FGM, oppose abortion, treat women like cattle, and promote and engage in honor killings, and advocate death for LBGT people. 
  • They are for women's rights, but want men who think they are women to use women's washrooms. 
  • They are for free speech, but shut down anybody who disagrees with them, and, of course, ally themselves with Muslims who oppose freedom of speech and thought as part of their core dogma. 
  • They are against racism but try to stir up old racial animosities and conflicts that had long been resolved, buried, and forgotten. 
  • They are for poor working people, but oppose the tax and the regulatory structures that create jobs. 
  • They are for poor working people but favor unrestricted immigration that drives down wages, crowds out jobs, and absorbs the funds of public welfare schemes. 
  • They want free education for all, but oppose letting poor and middle class people have the right to choose their schools, unlike the rich people who do. 
  • They shout "Love Trumps Hate!" as they bash opponents with bricks and poles. 
  • They have spent decades denouncing the military, the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI as oppressors of the people, but now want those agencies to sabotage an elected president. 
  • The wealthy ones denounce gun ownership and walls but live behind protective shields of men with guns and walls around their exclusive properties. 
  • Hollywood stars who made millions living in the land of make-believe denounce non-existent Trumpian "brownshirts" and bravely proclaim their resistance! 
  • They are for the environment and prove it by flying to environmental rallies in their private jets. 
  • They, well . . . you can go on with this sad litany..." 
    Read on!

'Twitter purge' of conservative accounts prompts backlash, lawsuits - Washington Times

'Twitter purge' of conservative accounts prompts backlash, lawsuits - Washington Times:
Image result for free clip art Speeking Not allowed
"“The Twitter purge is real,” Mr. Bongino said on his Twitter account.

Conservative Project Veritas investigative filmmaker James O’Keefe commented sarcastically on his Twitter account Wednesday: “Looks like thousands of Twitter users committed the thought crime of tweeting about ‘God,’ ‘the American flag’ and ‘guns,’ and were taken off the platform.”"

CNN: Trump Shouldn't Call Psychopathic School Shooter a "Sicko" Because It's "Stigmatizing" to Psychopathic School Shooters----Ace of Spades HQ

Image result for Psychopathic School Shooter a "Sicko"Ace of Spades HQ:
"CNN: Trump Shouldn't Call Psychopathic School Shooter a "Sicko" Because It's "Stigmatizing" to Psychopathic School Shooters
CNN is pretty determined that there is only one issue we'll be discussing here, and that is confiscating Americans' guns, and we will not be permitted to discuss mental health or keeping "sickos" from getting guns.
CNN goes so far as to accuse Trump of basically using the n-word.
From CNN:
"How helpful is calling a black person the n-word? Not only is it disrespectful, it fans racism," said Pat Corrigan, a distinguished professor of psychology at the Illinois Institute of Technology who manages the National Consortium on Stigma and Empowerment.
As you know, even though a lot of people called this sicko a psycho, and told the cops and FBI about it, they didn't do anything about it:
On the day after Thanksgiving, Cruz was at work at a Dollar Tree store. Rocxanne Deschamps’ son, Rock, 22, called 911 to report that an "adopted 19-year-old son" had possibly hidden a "gun in the backyard," according to a dispatcher’s notes. Rock Deschamps told law enforcement "there were no weapons allowed in the household"” the report said. It's unclear from the record whether sheriff's deputies conducted a search. The incident was classified as "domestic unfounded," which means a deputy didn't find proof to back up the claims.The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office was called again to the home four days later, when Rock said Cruz lashed out against the family that took him in, according to the Palm Beach deputy’s report and dispatcher notes. The deputy went to a local park and found Cruz, who explained that he had misplaced a photo of his recently deceased mother and, emotionally distraught, began punching the wall...

Rock interrupted Cruz and a fight broke out between them, according to the documents. Cruz left the home, and Rocxanne Deschamps called 911. She warned the police dispatcher that Cruz said "he was going to get his gun and come back," records show. She said Cruz had "bought a gun from Dick's last week and is now going to pick it up." Rocxanne Deschamps told the dispatcher that Cruz had "bought tons of ammo" and "has used a gun against ppl before," the notes said. "He has put the gun to others heads in the past."   
Read it all! 

Lunch video-----Bill Warner PhD: A Refresher Talk on Political Islam


Image may contain: 1 person

Robert Mueller Investigation: A Hollow Farce | National Review

Robert Mueller Investigation: A Hollow Farce | National Review:

Image result for Rober Mueller"Is it now time to prosecute foreigners for attempting to interfere with a U.S. election? If so, then surely Christopher Steele, the author of the Fusion GPS dossier, is far more culpable and vulnerable than the 13 bumbling Russians.

Steele is not a U.S. citizen. Steele colluded with Russian interests in compiling his lurid dossier about Donald Trump. Steele did not register as a foreign agent. And Steele was paid by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to find dirt on political rival Trump and his campaign."

The RFS has bankrupted its first refinery, more to follow - NetRight Daily

The RFS has bankrupted its first refinery, more to follow - NetRight Daily:
"...In 2005, Congress passed, and President Bush signed the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Among the many new regulations created in the legislation, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) was birthed.
The RFS mandated a certain amount of renewable fuels, mostly corn ethanol, be blended with gasoline.
See the source imageThe amount was 4 billion gallons in 2006 with a rise to 7.5 billion in 2012.
In 2007, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was passed.
The bill increased the amount of renewable fuel to be blended.
It required 9 billion gallons be blended in 2008 with an increase to 36 billion gallons in 2022.
Of course, this made the subsidy loving corn growers extremely happy.
The federal government was now mandating citizens purchase their product. 
...When the EPA instituted the program, it believed the costs would only be a few cents per RIN.
As usual, when the federal government gets involved the costs spiraled out of control.
Wall Street speculators now routinely drive up the prices.
In one seven-month period in 2013, the value of one RIN went from 7 cents to $1.43.
The volatility is creating economic hardships for refiners across the nation and has caused the largest refinery on the east coast to declare bankruptcy..."
Read on!

A Guide to Weapons For the Uninformed | Power Line

A Guide to Weapons For the Uninformed | Power Line:
"The way the Left swings into action every time a nut commits mass murder with a firearm, you would think that school shootings are the leading cause of death in the U.S.
Michael Ramirez reminds us that according to FBI homicide statistics, rifles are the country’s least popular murder weapon. 
If you really wanted to do something about violent crime, it would make more sense to crack down on knives.
Or fists..."

#1 This day 1974-----Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun

School shootings are still not the new normal

School shootings are still not the new normal
"...It is easy to believe that school shootings are the “new normal” as has been intimated, or that we are facing a crisis of epidemic proportions. 
When schools are placed on lockdown based on an active shooter alert (which many times is a false alarm), cable news channels immediately inform their viewers of the danger, and word is tweeted and retweeted to millions, most of whom have no direct connection to the event.
Image result for School shootings...For all those who believe that schools are under siege like never before, it is instructive to take a statistical road trip back in time.
Since 1990, there have been 22 shootings at elementary and secondary schools in which two or more people were killed, not counting those perpetrators who committed suicide.
Whereas five of these incidents have occurred over the past five-plus years since 2013, claiming the lives of 27 victims (17 at Parkland), the latter half of the 1990s witnessed seven multiple-fatality shootings with a total of 33 killed (13 at Columbine). 
In fact, the 1997-98 school year was so awful, with four multiple-fatality shooting sprees at the hands of armed students (in Pearl, Miss.; West Paducah, Ky.; Jonesboro, Ark.; and Springfield, Ore.), that then-President Clinton formed a White House expert committee to advise him. 
Nearly a decade later, President Bush convened a White House Conference on School Safety in the wake of multiple-fatality incidents during his administration...
...Notwithstanding the occasional multiple-fatality shooting that takes place at one of the 100,000 public schools across America, the nation’s schools are safe. 
Over the past quarter-century, on average about 10 students are slain in school shootings annually.
Compare the school fatality rate with the more than 100 school-age children accidentally killed each year riding their bikes or walking to school..."
Read on!

You ought to know!

Assault Weapons: An Emergency Bulwark against Tyranny | National Review

Assault Weapons: An Emergency Bulwark against Tyranny | National Review:

Image result for Second Amendment"When facing the big questions about guns — such as whether America should “ban” an entire category of weapons (such as “assault weapons”) — it’s better, I think, to go back to the first principles embodied in the Second Amendment. At its core, the Amendment protects a person’s individual inherent right of self-defense and empowers the collective obligation to defend liberty against state tyranny. As Justice Scalia noted in District of Columbia v. Heller, this concept was fully embedded in the founding generation:"

Our nation of morons!-----Square root a gun? Louisiana student investigated over math symbol comments | Miami Herald

Square root a gun? Louisiana student investigated over math symbol comments | Miami Herald:
"A discussion among students at Oberlin High School in Oberlin, La., about a mathematical symbol led to a police investigation and a search of one of the student’s homes, according to the Allen Parish Sheriff’s Office.
On the afternoon of Feb. 20, detectives investigated a report of terroristic threats at the school, where they learned that a student had been completing a math problem that required drawing the square-root sign.
Students in the group began commenting that the symbol, which represents a number that when multiplied by itself equals another number, looked like a gun..."
Read on!

AM Fruitcake-----A.F. Branco Cartoon - Haters Gonna Hate

A.F. Branco Cartoon - Haters Gonna Hate

Democrats Run on Trump Hate

History for February 24

See the source image
History for February 24 -
Wilhelm Grimm 1786 - Author with brother Jakob Grimm (Grimm's Fairy Tales: Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, The Sleeping Beauty, Tom Thumb), Winslow Homer 1836 - Artist, Chester Nimitz 1885 - U.S. Navy Admiral, WWII Commander in Chief, signed the Japanese surrender papers
Image result for Grimm Brothers Fairy TalesImage result for Winslow HomerImage result for chester nimitz quotes

Abe Vigoda 1921 - Actor ("Barney Miller", "The Godfather"), George Harrison 1943 - Musician (Beatles) - In 1992, Harrison stated, "I only learned recently after all these years that the date and time of my own birth have always been off by one calendar day and about a half hour on the clock." Previously, Harrison thought his birthday was the 25th. His birth certificate indicates February 25., Steven Jobs 1955 - Co-founder of Apple, Inc. - iTunes Music
Image result for Abe Vigoda FishImage result for George HarrisonImage result for Young Steve Jobs

1803 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled itself to be the final interpreter of all constitutional issues.
Image result for the final interpreter of all constitutional issues.

1839 - Mr. William S. Otis received a patent for the steam shovel.
Image result for William S. Otis received a patent for the steam shovel.

1903 - In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, an area was leased to the U.S. for a naval base.
Image result for 1903 - In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba,

1945 - During World War II, the Philippine capital of Manilla, was liberated by U.S. soldiers.
Image result for Philippine capital of Manilla, was liberated by U.S. soldiers.

1956 - The city of Cleveland invoked a 1931 law that barred people under the age of 18 from dancing in public without an adult guardian.
Image result for Footloose

1981 - Buckingham Palace announced the engagement of Britain's Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer.
Image result for engagement of Britain's Prince Charles to Lady Diana Spencer.

1989 - Iran’s Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini sentenced Salman Rushdie to death for his novel "The Satanic Verses". A bounty of one to three-million-dollars was also put on Rushidie's head.
Image result for "The Satanic Verses".

2008 - Cuba's parliament named Raul Castro president. His brother Fidel had ruled for nearly 50 years.
See the source image

Friday, February 23, 2018

What is the FBI hiding in its war to protect Comey? | TheHill

What is the FBI hiding in its war to protect Comey? | TheHill:

Image result for flickr commons images james comey"Comey now looms large over a burgeoning constitutional crisis that could soon overshadow Watergate at its worst. To deepen the crisis even further, it now appears some of Comey’s former FBI and Justice Department colleagues continue to protect him from accountability.

Three suspicious activities stand out, all intertwined: the so-called Comey Memos, Comey’s controversial testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee and Comey’s book deal."

The way we were-----Queen - Radio Ga Ga (Official Video)

Boob-tube-----TV Change in time (1980-2017)

Gov. Rick Snyder has a plan to get 800,000 Michiganders $60k jobs |

Gov. Rick Snyder has a plan to get 800,000 Michiganders $60k jobs |
"DETROIT, MI - Gov. Rick Snyder on Tuesday announced a broad plan to train Michiganders for the high-demand, high-wage careers that will power the state's economic future. 
Image result for what could possibly go wrong"Our country is facing a huge national challenge about getting people connected to careers," Snyder said at an unveiling of what he calls the "Marshall Plan for Talent" at the Michigan Science Center in Detroit on Thursday.  
...The governor projects businesses in Michigan need to fill 811,000 jobs by 2024, with an average salary of more than $60,000 in high-demand fields. 
If Michigan doesn't act, he said, those good jobs could go unfilled.
"That would be tragic. We need to hit the accelerator, folks," Snyder said.
...The program focuses heavily on partnerships between businesses and schools...
To implement the plan Snyder is proposing a $100 million investment from the state. 
The $100 million will be spent on things like:  
  • Scholarships and stipends for low-income Michiganders seeking certifications in high-demand careers.  
  • Providing incentives to teachers willing to get additional certifications into areas with shortages, like high school physics and career technical education.  
  • Grants to schools creating 'world-class curricula' that collaborate with businesses to create or expand classes that help prepare students for high-demand careers.  
  • Sharing best practices from those curricula and creating certification programs.  
  • Grants to schools partnering with businesses to train kids on the same high-tech equipment real businesses use.  
  • Incentives for increasing the number of students pursuing careers in cybersecurity.  
  • An awareness and outreach campaign to promote career opportunities..."
Read on!