Friday, June 29, 2018

Arctic Ocean almost totally ice-covered - Map - Ice Age Now

Arctic Ocean almost totally ice-covered - Map - Ice Age Now
On the 26th of June! 
Where’s that (so-called) global warming?
Look at this map.

Purple signifies sea-ice thickness of approximately ½ to 1½ meters (20 inches to 5 ft).
Blue or green signifies 1½ to 3 meters ( 5 ft to 10 ft) of ice.
Yellow or orange signifies 3 to 4 meters (10 ft to 13 ft) of ice.
Red signifies 4 to 5 meters (13 ft to 16 ft) of ice.
White signifies zero thickness of ice.
I don’t see much open water. 
Do you?...
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‘Get Out of My Vagina!’ Whoopi Rages at McCain in Meltdown Over SCOTUS, Abortion on 'View'

‘Get Out of My Vagina!’ Whoopi Rages at McCain in Meltdown Over SCOTUS, Abortion on 'Vie
"Thursday’s The View started off with an astounding nearly 10-minute-long meltdown over Justice Kennedy’s retirement from the Supreme Court.
...Whoopi angrily attacking host Meghan McCain, Republicans and Christians for potentially challenging Roe v Wade.
“Many people are reeling” from this announcement, Whoopi began, before playing a clip of President Trump telling supporters at a North Dakota rally last night that he needed to appoint more Republican judges. That sent the table into an uproar.
“Yeah. Let's have everybody a Republican. The Supreme Court, the Congress, the presidency!” Joy Behar raged. “What is that called? Dictatorship I believe!” she said in disgust.
She continued ranting about how the Founding Fathers were “rolling over in their graves” at this news. “What happened to separation of powers? What happened to checks and balances in this country? Gone!” she complained.
Meghan McCain try to explain to Behar calmly that the pendulum was simply swinging in the direction of Republicans after Democrats had control of all three branches at one point in Obama's presidency.
It was then Whoopi’s turn to rage that abortion rights we're going to be “taken away” from Republicans who “don't care” about women's rights:
I don't like hearing, again, that I’m trying to take your rights away. I have to tell you, as a woman, I think you're trying to take my rights away. Okay? You don't care. [ Applause ]
...You don't want people to take your guns? Get out of my behind! Get out of my vagina! Get out![ Applause ]
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#1 This day 1989-----Milli Vanilli - Baby Don't Forget My Number

'JournoList' 2 Revealed, over 400 'Left-Of-Center' Members | Breitbart

'JournoList' 2 Revealed, over 400 'Left-Of-Center' Members | Breitbart:
An “off-the-record” private discussion group for left-wing journalists, similar to the controversial “JournoList” cabal, has been discovered.
The group, which is hosted on Google Groups, was discovered after messages from New York Magazine journalist Jesse Singal were leaked.
".The listserv, per its ‘About’ page, aims to provide an ‘off-the-record discussion forum for left-of-center journalists, authors, academics, and wonks.’..has just over 400 members (403 at the time of this writing),” reported Jezebel.
Image result for lying media“These members include New York Times best-selling authors, Ivy League academics, magazine editors, and other public intellectuals—in short, a lot of important people who influence public discourse through their written work.”
In 2010, a similar group known as “JournoList”, which was created by Vox Media Editor-at-Large Ezra Klein, became the subject of scandal after leaked messages showed the journalists conspiring to influence political outcomes, such as the 2008 presidential election.
According to the Daily Caller, the group“included dozens of straight-news reporters from major news organizations, including Time, Newsweek, The Associated Press, Reuters, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Politico, Bloomberg, Huffington Post, PBS and a large NPR affiliate in California.”...
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You ought to know! (Yes, it's a real front page)

Dr. Robert Epstein: Six Reasons Mark Zuckerberg Should Quit Facebook Right Now | Breitbart

Image result for flickr commons images mark zuckerberg Dr. Robert Epstein: Six Reasons Mark Zuckerberg Should Quit Facebook Right Now | Breitbart:

Epstein also warned that the longer Facebook continues to operate in it’s current state, the higher the chance is that the company will eventually fail:

"Horrifying" is their 2nd favorite word.....Fuck Civility | HuffPost

Fuck Civility | HuffPost
"This week, in a 5-4 ruling of the conservative majority, the Supreme Court dealt a stinging, bigoted blow to justice and equality, ruling for President Donald Trump’s travel ban ― a ban that lower courts ruled unconstitutional by virtue of Trump’s repeated hateful and discriminatory statements against Muslims.
A 5-4 anti-abortion ruling came the same day, one day after a ruling allowing racial gerrymandering of congressional districts. 
And then came Wednesday’s stunning attack on public sector labor unions, another 5-4 ruling.
As if all that isn’t horrifying enough, Justice Anthony Kennedy ― the swing vote on so many issues, including marriage equality and LGBTQ rights ― announced he is retiring, handing Trump the opportunity to put another hard-right justice on the court.
If you care about America and its future, your blood should be boiling.
...But the GOP might not have been able to pull off stealing that Supreme Court seat if Democrats, and the rest of us, hadn’t practiced “civility” ― at least, as that has been defined since White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a restaurant last weekend
The word apparently now means being polite, even to people who are stripping millions of their rights while lying through their teeth.
Fuck that.
Anyone who is supporting Trump while he’s putting children in prison camps isn’t going to be swayed..."
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AM fruitcake

History for June 29

See the source image
History for June 29 -
George W. Goethals 1858, William Mayo 1861, Antoine de Saint-Exupery 1900 
Image result for George Goethals Panama CanalSee the source imageImage result for The Little Prince Antoine De Saint Exupery

Nelson Eddy 1901, John Toland 1912, Slim Pickens 1919 

Image result for Maytime 1936 FilmImage result for 1982 John Toland Rising SunImage result for Slim Pickens Dr. Strangelove

1767 - The British Parliament approved the Townshend Revenue Acts. The acts imposed import duties on glass, lead, paint, paper and tea shipped to America.
Image result for Townshend Revenue Acts.

1888 - Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy in England.
Image result for Professor Frederick Treves performed the first appendectomy

1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia.
Image result for 1917 - The Ukraine proclaimed independence from Russia.

1953 - The Federal Highway Act authorized the construction of 42,500 miles of freeway from coast to coast.
Image result for 1953 - The Federal Highway Act

1956 - Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller were married. They were divorced on January 20, 1961.
Image result for Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller were married.

1967 - Israel removed barricades, re-unifying Jerusalem.
Image result for 1967 - Israel removed barricades, re-unifying Jerusalem.

1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked, forming the largest man-made satellite ever to orbit the Earth.
Image result for 1995 - The shuttle Atlantis and the Russian space station Mir docked,

2007 - The first generation Apple iPhone went on sale.
Image result for 2007 - The first generation Apple iPhone

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Up next: 1970s-style bombings, warns progressive

Up next: 1970s-style bombings, warns progressive:

Image result for flickr commons images Bill Ayers weather underground 1970'sA writer for the popular progressive news website Splinter is warning supporters of President Trump that if they have a problem with the heckling of administration officials in public places, they haven’t seen anything yet.
“Do you think that being asked to leave a restaurant, or having your meal interrupted, or being called by the public is bad? My fascism-enabling friends, this is only the beginning,”

The way we were-----Songs We Forget (1990-00's)

Boob-tube-----UK TV Adverts from 1999

Dems’ true goal is to end all border enforcement

Dems’ true goal is to end all border enforcement:
"President Trump climbed down on separating families at the border, but the underlying argument isn’t going away.
Image may contain: textThe central question at the border isn’t whether we should separate families — even most hard-liners in the Trump administration would prefer to hold families together — but whether migrants should stay in the United States or not.
...Fact is Democrats, in particular, didn’t give us any of the rules that have made closing the border to Central American migrants impossible.
The Flores consent decree, which makes it difficult to hold kids longer than about 20 days, grew out of a court case 20 years ago.
An anti-trafficking law that prevents us from quickly returning home Central American kids — because they are from noncontiguous countries — was a bipartisan measure signed into law by George W. Bush.
What is true is that the law makes it impossible to hold Central American parents and children together for any length of time.
The children have to be released, and if you are going to keep them together with their parents, the parents have to be released, too.
This is the forcing mechanism for waving Central American migrants into the country — more than a quarter of a million children and members of a family group over the past two and a half years — and Trump is right that Democrats have no interest in changing it..."
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WANT MORE TRUMP? THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP:� The lunatics are coming out in droves. Maybe Maxi…
WANT MORE TRUMP? THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP:  The lunatics are coming out in droves. 
Maybe Maxine Waters is crazy enough to think she can pardon this guy…
“A criminal complaint shows Key is accused of telling an intern who answered the phone, “I’m going to find the Congressman’s kids and kill them. If you’re going to separate kids at the border, I’m going to kill his kids. Don’t try to find me because you won’t.’[…]Key’s social media pages show he is very politically active. He volunteers regularly for the Democratic Party of Martin County and has volunteered many hours for Planned Parenthood, according to a friend of Key’s.”
"Of course he does.---Charles Glasser" 

In a Win for Free Speech, Supreme Court Says California Can’t Force Pro-Life Centers to Promote Abortion | The Heritage Foundation

In a Win for Free Speech, Supreme Court Says California Can’t Force Pro-Life Centers to Promote Abortion | The Heritage Foundation:
Image result for flickr commons images u.s. supreme court
The Court rightly held that the California law in question, the Reproductive FACT Act, “likely violates the First Amendment” and “unduly burdens protected speech.”
In other words, California is entitled to take a position on abortion, but it cannot force others to agree with and speak its message.

'Republicans Are Forbidden!' Conservative Artist Puts Up Nazi Propaganda-Style Posters | MRCTV

'Republicans Are Forbidden!' Conservative Artist Puts Up Nazi Propaganda-Style Posters | MRCTV: "How do you combat the fascistic Left who have recently ramped up their defamation of all people who disagree with them as Nazis? 
You fight fire with fire, of course. At least that’s what one conservative-leaning street artist did in West Hollywood recently.
Street artist SABO designed multiple posters in the style of the old Nazi propaganda posters and began hanging them outside liberal establishments.
The posters are meant to show liberals how hateful their rhetoric is, while telling viewers of the posters that they shouldn’t buy from Republicans or that the Left should shun Republicans at every turn.
The posters read in both English and German.
The messages range from statements as simple as “Republicans are forbidden” to “Buy only at Democrat shops.”
It’s a very powerful artistic statement that goes to show that the Hollywood Communistic cult — along with the media and politicians — has no idea how dangerous it is to falsely label people while calling for violence against them.
Here’s some photos of the very dark posters (via SABO's Facebook page):

California Billionaire Wants to Raise Michigan’s Electricity Bills | The Freedom Pub

California Billionaire Wants to Raise Michigan’s Electricity Bills | The Freedom Pub
See the source image"Tom Steyer, a billionaire former hedge fund manager from San Francisco... has spent hundreds of millions of dollars funding Democratic politicians and pet progressive causes.
One of those pet causes had been a push to increase Michigan’s Renewable Energy Standard.
...Current state mandates require Michigan utilities to generate 15 percent of their sales from renewable sources like wind and solar by 2021.
Steyer and his allies sought to increase this to 30 percent by 2030. DTE Energy and Consumers Energy, Michigan’s two largest utilities, decided to go full-appeasement and agreed, sub rosa, to increase the mandate to 25 percent by 2030 if Steyer would end the ballot initiative push.
Steyer consented, and so, without the consultation of Michigan’s legislators, the Public Service Commission, or voters, a useless and expensive program has become even more useless and even more expensive.
Renewable energy mandates like Michigan’s (also known as renewable portfolio standards), force expensive, heavily subsidized electricity on ratepayers and taxpayers while providing few, if any, net environmental benefits. 
A 2014 study from the left-of-center Brookings Institution found wind power is twice as expensive as the conventional power it replaces. 
Solar power is three times as expensive. 
This led the study’s author to conclude that “renewable incentives that are biased in favor of wind and solar … are a very expensive and inefficient way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.”...
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