Thursday, July 19, 2018

AM Fruitcake

History for July 19

See the source image
History for July 19 -
Samuel Colt 1814, Lizzie Borden 1860, Charles Horace Mayo 1865
Image result for Samuel ColtImage result for , Lizzie BordenImage result for Charles Horace Mayo

George McGovern 1922, Philip Agee 1935, George Hamilton IV 1937
Image result for George McGovernImage result for Philip AgeeImage result for George Hamilton IV

1799 - The Rosetta Stone, a tablet with hieroglyphic translations into Greek, was found in Egypt.
Image result for The Rosetta Stone

1939 - Dr. Roy P. Scholz became the first surgeon to use fiberglass sutures.
Image result for Fiberglass First Sutures

1942 - German U-boats were withdrawn from positions off the U.S. Atlantic coast due to effective American anti-submarine countermeasures.
Image result for 1942 - German U-boats

1943 - During World War II, more than 150 B-17 and 112 B-24 bombers attacked Rome for the first time.
Image result for B-24 bombers attacked Rome for the first time.

1946 - Marilyn Monroe acted in her first screen test.
Image result for Marilyn Monroe acted in her first screen test.

1971 - In New York, the topping out ceremony for Two World Trade Center (South Tower) took place. The ceremony for One World Trade Center had taken place on December 23, 1970.
Image result for 1971 - In New York, the topping out ceremony for World Trade Center

1984 - Geraldine Ferraro was nominated by the Democratic Party to become the first woman from a major political party to run for the office of U.S. Vice-President.
Image result for Geraldine Ferraro

1985 - Christa McAuliffe of New Hampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the space shuttle. She died with six others when the Challenger exploded the following year.
Image result for Christa McAuliffe of New Hampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher

Wednesday, July 18, 2018



Gloom and Doom

By Tammy Derouin

Envy and jealousy can be very destructive and can cause inappropriate behavior. Prosperity eludes the Democratic Party because their answer for everything is more government control and more taxes. This kind of thinking enslaves a society. If packaged and sold correctly, it has a way of keeping Democrats in office.

Image result for Slavery 1850
Hillary Clinton's non-stop whining tour continues as she blames everyone but herself for her failure to reach the White House. Her rhetoric and that of her party has taken another departure from reality. We truly dodged a massive political fiasco. Her administration would have been a continuation of failed progressive and anti-freedom policies. Can you imagine the judges she would have nominated?

Hillary Clinton and her party are showing signs of desperation. Their fear-mongering abilities and deceptive ways are nothing short of expected behavior. Nothing they pull out of their chest of gloom and doom surprises me. The Democrats had their heels already dug in as their protesters showed up with fill-in-the-blank signs, ready to oppose anyone the President nominated to the Supreme Court. I think they would have freaked out even if he would have appointed a far-Left activist. There may have been a slight moment of stunned silence as the masses waited for instructions. Once the programmers fixed the collective thinking link and got them back online, the hate and bashing would have continued. Thankfully, the President understands the role of the judiciary, which is not activism but interpretation of the law.

The fear-mongering continues as Hillary expresses concern that the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh could set the United States back to the 1850's.......

The way we were-----Billy Joel - Big Shot (Official Video)

Boob-tube-----Flight Overdue (1952) Tales of tomorrow

Kevin McCarthy Moves to 'Checkmate' Democrats on 'Abolish ICE' House Floor Fight | Breitbart

Kevin McCarthy Moves to 'Checkmate' Democrats on 'Abolish ICE' House Floor Fight | Breitbart:

Image result for free clipart headacheBut now that Democrats will be forced to not only oppose their own bill, which they have already demonstrated they do, but vote either for or against the Higgins resolution praising ICE, they are boxed in. A vote against Higgins’ resolution, as many Democrats will surely do, is in other words a vote to abolish ICE–again, a deeply unpopular position with the voting middle class across America.
The House GOP leadership source predicts that every Republican will vote for the Higgins resolution, but the Democrats will split on the matter. “They won’t be able to go on record and support ICE,” the GOP leadership source said. “Their base would kill them. They will be split. The Dems won’t know what to do.”

Socialist Democrat Superstar Ocasio-Cortez Calls for 'OCCUPATION' of Airports: 'We Have to Mobilize' | Trending

Socialist Democrat Superstar Ocasio-Cortez Calls for 'OCCUPATION' of Airports: 'We Have to Mobilize' | Trending
"Democrat candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has made a huge splash since trouncing incumbent Democrat Joe Crowley in the NY-14 primary, calls herself a socialist and is big on activism, if not geopolitics.
So big on activism, in fact, that in an interview with Democracy Now! on Monday, she called for the "occupation" of airports and ICE offices as part of the effort to "mobilize" the so-called Resistance.
..."We have to have a rapid response," she said. 
"And I think every day that we go on, especially a day when something that heinous happens, we have to occupy all of it. 
We need to occupy every airport. 
We need to occupy every border. 
We need to occupy every ICE office until those kids are back with their parents, period."
...She called the Trump presidency "rising fascism" and said "we need to be ready to drop everything and go straight to LaGuardia airport. 
...Watch the video below for the entire, lengthy interview. The "occupy" comments begin at around the 52-minute mark.
Occupy every border, she says. Totally reasonable.

Lest we forget-----Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower | The Heritage Foundation

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower | The Heritage Foundation
See the source image"A common theme that runs through President Obama's statements is the idea the United States must atone for its past policies, whether it is America's application of the war against Islamist terrorism or its overall foreign policy. 
At the core of this message is the concept that the U.S. is a flawed nation that must seek redemption by apologizing for its past "sins."
On several occasions, President Obama has sought to apologize for the actions of his own country when addressing a foreign audience--including seven of the 10 apologies listed below
The President has already apologized for his country to nearly 3 billion people across Europe, the Muslim world, and the Americas.
The Obama Administration's strategy of unconditional engagement with America's enemies combined with a relentless penchant for apology-making is a dangerous recipe for failure.
 The overall effect of this approach has been to weaken American power on the world stage rather than strengthen it..."
Read all.

Lunch video-----13 Tiny Homes That Will Make You Want To Downsize

Noon toon

Black GOP Intern Plans To Sue Uber For Denying Ride Because of MAGA Hats | Daily Wire

Black GOP Intern Plans To Sue Uber For Denying Ride Because of MAGA Hats | Daily Wire:

Image result for free clip art not allowed“What happened is this: they were guilty of the greatest sin, according to the progressive, socialist left – political apostasy,” West wrote. “They were black, but not liberal progressives, not Democrats, and they had the abject nerve to openly profess such … There will be no outrage from the Congressional Black Caucus, you know, the folks who claim to be the ‘conscience of the Congress.’ The NAACP, nor the National Urban League, has, to this point, made any statement condemning Uber and demanding an apology. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have not commenced any protests outside of Uber offices. Nor has Black Lives Matter been seen. This is just another manifestation of what Maxine Waters has called for, this time against three young, black congressional interns.”

What To Do When Your Doctor Asks About Your Guns

What To Do When Your Doctor Asks About Your Guns
Image result for authors of the original AAP anti-gun policy"USA – -( Have you had the experience of going to your doctor for a particular problem, let’s say headaches, and been surprised by the doctor asking you about a completely unrelated subject whether you have a gun in your home?
It’s no accident that doctors’ or health plans’ questions about guns in your home have become routine. 
In the 1980s and 1990s medical professional organizations declared a culture war on gun ownership in America. 
...Claiming only to be concerned about “gun safety”, the latest code term for gun control, the AAP pushed its member doctors to advise families to get rid of their guns. 
One of the authors of the original AAP anti-gun policy, Dr. Katherine Christoffel, was quoted in an AMA journal as saying “Guns are a virus that must be eradicated.”..."
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Trump Is Right to Meet Putin - POLITICO Magazine

Trump Is Right to Meet Putin - POLITICO Magazine
"President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin today, days after meeting with our NATO allies in Europe. 
Both meetings are important, and both cause confusion among politicians and those who report on them back home.
Foreign policy is difficult. 
It comes in many shades of gray, and those who treat it as a team sport do harm to our safety and to our politics.
Image result for Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir PutinPoliticizing international affairs is a dangerous game, but that hasn’t stopped far too many in Washington, who seem to have forgotten that a vital part of keeping America safe and secure is avoiding war through strong and consistent diplomacy, from playing politics. 
One way they do that is to insist we not meet with or speak openly to our adversaries on the world stage.
I disagree. 
Dialogue is especially important when hundreds of millions of lives are at stake, as is the case in relations between the United States and nuclear-armed Russia. 
So I applaud Trump for both chiding our NATO allies and greeting its expansion with skepticism, and I applaud him for sitting down with Putin. 
We should be doing more of such self-examination and dialogue..."
Read all.

#1 This day 1980-----Billy Joel - It's Still Rock and Roll to Me (Official Video)

Why can't we talk about this?

Bill Warner, Phd - Posts
"Islam was the prime source of the slaves delivered to the Americas. 
Slavery is sunna and permitted in the doctrine. 
Why can't we talk about this?"
Image may contain: 6 people, text

You ought to know!

‘It took Trump to do what Bush, Bill Clinton couldn’t’

‘It took Trump to do what Bush, Bill Clinton couldn’t’:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpThe criticism by two former presidents of President Trump’s re-examination of NATO, insisting allies pay their fair share, is ironic, says author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.
“An accounting, a re-examination is long overdue,” said D’Souza in an interview with the Fox News Channel’s Laura Ingraham regarding comments by former President George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton last Thursday at a forum at the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.
“It took an outsider like Trump to do it,” D’Souza said of Trump’s efforts to reform NATO

Fat Consumption is the Only Cause of Weight Gain - Neuroscience News

Fat Consumption is the Only Cause of Weight Gain - Neuroscience News:
"Scientists from the University of Aberdeen and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have undertaken the largest study of its kind looking at what components of diet – fat, carbohydrates or protein – caused mice to gain weight.
Image result for fat mouseSince food consists of fat, protein and carbs, it has proven difficult to pinpoint exactly what aspect of the typical diet leads to weight gain.
...The study was published in the journal Cell Metabolism and includes 30 different diets that vary in their fat, carbohydrate (sugar) and protein contents.
...Professor John Speakman, who led the study, said: “The result of this enormous study was unequivocal – the only thing that made the mice get fat was eating more fat in their diets.
...“Carbohydrates including up to 30% of calories coming from sugar had no effect. Combining sugar with fat had no more impact than fat alone.
There was no evidence that low protein (down to 5%) stimulated greater intake, suggesting there is no protein target.
These effects of dietary fat seemed to be because uniquely fat in the diet stimulated the reward centres in the brain, stimulating greater intake..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for July 18

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History for July 18 -
William Makepeace Thackeray 1811, Vidkum Quisling 1887, Richard "Red" Skelton 1913
Image result for William Makepeace Thackeray QuotesImage result for quisling Image result for Richard "Red" Skelton

Nelson Mandela 1918 - President of South Africa, John Glenn 1921 - Astronaut, Hunter S. Thompson 1937
Image result for Nelson MandelaImage result for John GlennImage result for Hunter S. Thompson Quotes

1789 - Robespierre, a deputy from Arras, France, decided to back the French Revolution.

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1914 - Six planes of the U.S. Army helped to form an aviation division called the Signal Corps.
Image result for 1914 - u.S. Army the Signal Corps

1936 - The first Oscar Meyer Wienermobile rolled out of General Body Company’s factory in Chicago, IL.
Image result for 1936 - The first Oscar Meyer Wienermobile

1936 - The Spanish Civil War began as Gen. Francisco Franco led an uprising of army troops based in Spanish North Africa.
Image result for Spanish Civil War

1942 - The German Me-262, the first jet-propelled aircraft to fly in combat, made its first flight.
Image result for German Me-262

1947 - U.S. President Truman signed the Presidential Succession Act, which placed the Speaker of the House and the Senate President Pro Tempore next in the line of succession after the vice president.
Image result for Presidential Succession Act,

2001 - A train derailed, involving 60 cars, in a Baltimore train tunnel. The fire that resulted lasted for six days and virtually closed down downtown Baltimore for several days. (Maryland)
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