Monday, July 30, 2018

#1 Movie this week 1974-----Death Wish 1974 Movie Trailer

Interesting Times

Interesting Times
"If anyone can bring America through these “interesting times”, Trump can. 

  • ...China, on many levels, second only to the United States, has performed the Great Leap Forward that Mao dreamed of, but since he was a raging, dogmatic communist, couldn’t pull off. They’ve gone from a Third World, blatant, heavy handed, rigidly communist police state to a First World, semi-capitalist, relatively free – the police presence is still very much there, but is toned way down – world power. 
  • Russia, while no longer the Number 2 Superpower in the world, is still a potential hostile and bellicose force to be reckoned with. Their new alliances in the Middle East, made during the American presidencies of two far leftists – Clinton and Obama – and a die-hard globalist – Bush – have wreaked havoc with the balance of power there...
  • Iran, thanks to the outrageous submission of Obama – an apostate or closet Muslim – is on the verge of developing useable nuclear weapons. They have been a well-known state sponsor of terrorism, supplying money, weapons, and expertise to jihadists and militant Islamists all over the world. Obama removed the sanctions we had placed on them, unfroze their assets, showered them with billions of dollars, and virtually required nothing from them in return. The result has been a resurgence of support for worldwide Islamic terrorism, and an escalating stream of threats from the mullahs in Tehran. 
  • The Islamic invasion of Europe, aided and abetted by leftist/globalist European governments has raised, too, the very the possible collapse of Germany, France, Britain, and the Scandinavian countries. The poorest nations in the world are Islamic and Europe seems hell-bent on joining them.
  • Here at home in the Good Ol’ USA, the left has gone into an insane panic and a violent rampage over the re-emergence of American pride, the election of Donald Trump as president, and his remarkable and undeniable success in undoing much of the damage done by Obama over the past eight years. On Capitol Hill, the leftist Democrat Party has become openly “socialist”, encouraging the violence from their shrinking base, very reminiscent of the National Socialist German Nazis in the late 1930s. 
See the source image...All this, to me, adds up to nothing less than “interesting times”. 
We’ve had them before, and America has, so far, survived. 
As with Britain which had Winston Churchill during WWll, we have Donald Trump. 
In spite of the constant denigrating attacks from the leftist propaganda machine – aka, the “mainstream” media – and Democrat seditionist politicians like Adam Schiff and Maxine Waters, Trump is proving himself to be one of the most competent and extraordinary presidents in history of the nation. 
He has not failed yet and I, for one, trust him implicitly. 
If anyone can bring America through these “interesting times”, he can. 
And I, like millions of other real, patriotic Americans, will support him in every way I can."

#1 This day 1971-----"You've got a Friend" By: James Taylor

Despicable people!-----The truth behind the Baffin Bay starving polar bear video is worse than we thought | Climate Depot

The truth behind the Baffin Bay starving polar bear video is worse than we thought | Climate Depot
"Remember that video of an emaciated Baffin Island polar bear that went viral last December? 
In an unexpected follow-up (“Starving-Polar-Bear Photographer Recalls What Went Wrong“; National Geographic, August 2018 issue), photographer Cristina Mittermeier makes some astonishing admissions that might just make you sick.
Baffin Island starving pb headline_GlobalNews_8 Dec 2017
It turns out they didn’t just come across the dying bear the day it was filmed: it was spotted at least two days earlier by Paul Nicklen. 
He must have had a satellite phone with him when he saw the bear but the only call he made was to his film crew — he made no attempt to find a local conservation officer to euthanize the bear, which would have been the right thing to do.
The bear’s emaciated, near-death stagger1 was simply too tantilizing to pass up (video needs action: an emaciated deadbear would not been nearly as effective). Mittermeier claims they knew when they filmed the bear that he was sick or injured, but Nicklon presented it as an effect of climate change regardless. 
Mittermeier now says National Geographic simply “went too far” with their video caption (“This is what climate change looks like“), that she and Nicklan “lost control of the narrative.”
Actually, what they lost was their humanity.
Here are some excerpts (my bold)...Read on!
Read the rest here.
What kind of people sit around for days knowing an animal is suffering an agonizingly slow death and do nothing but plan how to use that suffering animal to make money
...Their response to the public backlash (“National Geographic went too far”) is laughable. They just don’t get it: their actions did real damage to their cause.
Bottom line: A polar bear needlessly died a slow, miserable death because of heartless climate change advocacy and it made the public angry.


1. As I pointed out in my State of the Polar Bear Report (Crockford 2018), cancer can cause the kind of profound muscle wasting exhibited by this polar bear. Muscle wasting is more than simply not having enough to eat: it is the body consuming itself, drawing on all energy reserves to try and fight the illness.

You ought to know!

Either John Podesta was quite a Russian dupe, or...

Either John Podesta was quite a Russian dupe, or...:

Image result for flickr commons images John PodestaWas John Podesta a Russian dupe? At a minimum, he was a Russian dupe, based on information from a long, interesting article today titled "How Silicon Valley Became a Den of Spies," from Politico magazine.
Politico points out that the very firm that Podesta was involved with, Rusnano USA (via its Joule subsidiary), is the likely new vehicle for Russian spying these days, effectively replacing the now shuttered Russian consulate in San Francisco.

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL

Donald J. Trump's Accomplishment's List | MAGA PILL
Much here.
Bigly list!
Read all!

AM Fruitcake

History for July 30

See the source image
History for July 30 -
Thornstein Velben 1857, Henry Ford 1863, Thomas Sowell 1930
Image result for Thorstein Veblen QuotesImage result for Henry Ford QuotesImage result for Thomas Sowell Quotes

Paul Anka 1941, Arnold Schwarzenegger 1947, Lisa Kudrow 1963 - Actress ("Friends")
Image result for Paul Anka Puppy LoveImage result for Arnold SchwarzeneggerImage result for Lisa Kudrow young

1942 - The WAVES were created by legislation signed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The members of the Women's Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service were a part of the U.S. Navy.
Image result for 1942 - The WAVES

1945 - The USS Indianapolis was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. The ship had just delivered key components of the Hiroshima atomic bomb to the Pacific island of Tinian. Only 316 out of 1,196 men aboard survived the attack.
Image result for USS Indianapolis

1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust" was adopted as the U.S. national motto.
Image result for 1956 - The phrase "In God We Trust"

1965 - U.S. President Johnson signed into law Social Security Act that established Medicare and Medicaid. It went into effect the following year.
Image result for President Johnson signed into law Social Security Ac

1974 - The U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee voted to impeach President Nixon for blocking the Watergate investigation and for abuse of power.
Image result for impeach President Nixon

1998 - A group of Ohio machine-shop workers (who call themselves the Lucky 13) won the $295.7 million Powerball jackpot. It was the largest-ever American lottery.
Image result for Lucky 13) won the $295.7 million Powerball jackpot

2000 - Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were married.
Image result for Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were married.

2003 - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolled off an assembly line.
Image result for Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolled off an assembly line.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

It's time to take a stand against abortion - Washington Times

It's time to take a stand against abortion - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images planned parenthoodBut action is required on your part to make this happen, thanks to the red tape and massive monster that is our government. Until July 31 we are in what’s called a “Public Comment” period, wherein the Department of Health and Human Services, which oversees the funding, is collecting feedback on the proposed rule. HHS then will consider all the comments and make a final decision on whether to adopt the rule.
With the deadline for comment just days away, please stop what you are doing right now and let your voice be heard.

Democrats Support Illegal Aliens Voting | Frontpage Mag

Democrats Support Illegal Aliens Voting | Frontpage Mag:

Image result for Cartoon Voting BoothWithin the last decade, the Dem position became that Illegal aliens are an oppressed minority who should have the same, if not superior rights, to those of Americans. If so, what possible reason is there not to let them vote?
Local municipalities are doing it already.
And Rasmussen didn't even have to work too hard to troll Dems into endorsing it. It just ran a poll using the same language that pro-crime advocates use to argue for legalization.
Nationally, 31% of voters support illegal aliens voting. 62% oppose.

The way we were-----Stand By Me, Ben E King, 1961

Boob-tube-----The Dating Game ABC Daytime 1967 Jim Lange

Free flights for illegals on United, while the rest of us pay full fare?

Free flights for illegals on United, while the rest of us pay full fare?
See the source image"United Airlines, the airline that famously dragged a paying passenger off a flight, stuffed a dog into an overhead compartment and killed it, and junked a priceless guitar in its baggage handlers' tender care, has come up with a new one for us: free flights for unscreened illegals, sitting right there next to the paying passengers in those newly shrunken seats.  
In the name virtue-signaling, of course.
Here's the news item:
United Airlines is donating flights to help reunited immigrant [sic] families that were separated at the U.S.'s southern border.
The San Francisco Business Times reported Thursday that the pro-immigration lobbying group announced United's donation in a Facebook post, calling it "needed, timely, and critical."
"A growing community of support is coming together to reunite families who were separated at the border," the group posted Wednesday.  "We are so thankful and happy to announce that United Airlines is jumping in and helping.  Thanks to this partnership with United, we are able to provide travel to the recently reunited immigrant [sic] families to get to their next destination with dignity."
,,,But this is from the airline that just a few days ago refused to refund the ticket of a woman who got stuck sitting next to a masturbator, and then got the treat of hearing United's flight attendants joking about it.  
Here's the "customer service" she got from United, as she posted it on Instagram:
So as United tightwads this woman who had a repulsive, traumatic experience on one of its flights, and then offers her a fake apology, coupled with a disgusting assumption that she'd actually want to ride again, the company break out the free stuff for illegals, offering $3 million in free flights to people who have thumbed their noses at U.S. immigration law and can't be bothered to apply for entry legally, though, as Howie Carr notes, they certainly have no problem jumping in for the benefits.  
Who'd want to come here legally with so much free stuff being showered on those who don't?...
Read on.


The Chinese are wary of Donald Trump’s creative destruction: 
The president is the first US leader in decades to challenge China on multiple fronts
Image result for trump chinaDonald Trump is leading a double life. In the west, most foreign policy experts see him as reckless, unpredictable and self-defeating. But though many in Asia dislike him as much as the Europeans do, they see him as a more substantial figure. I have just spent a week in Beijing talking to officials and intellectuals, many of whom are awed by his skill as a strategist and tactician. . . .
...They think the US president’s goal is nothing less than remaking the global order...
...For the Chinese, even Mr Trump’s sycophantic press conference with Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, in Helsinki had a strategic purpose. They see it as Henry Kissinger in reverse. In 1972, the US nudged China off the Soviet axis in order to put pressure on its real rival, the Soviet Union. Today Mr Trump is reaching out to Russia in order to isolate China.
Is Trump really that smart? 
Read the whole thing."

STUDY: ‘Trigger Warnings’ Are Harmful To College Students | Daily Wire

STUDY: ‘Trigger Warnings’ Are Harmful To College Students | Daily Wire:

Image result for flickr commons images hear no evil, see no evil , say no evil
“According to the most-basic tenets of psychology, the very idea of helping people with anxiety disorders avoid the things they fear is misguided,” Lukianoff and Haidt wrote, before explaining that someone with a fear of elevators would not be told to avoid them, but rather to gradually engage with them until they were comfortable to use one. “Trigger warnings,” on the other hand, reinforce the fear and compound anxiety.

Canadian Man Changes Gender for Cheaper Car Insurance | Daily Wire

Canadian Man Changes Gender for Cheaper Car Insurance | Daily Wire
“I just basically asked for it and told them that I identify as a woman."
Man walking tightrope between male and female gender symbols
GI Gary Waters

In an attempt to save on car insurance, a Canadian male legally changed his gender to female resulting in almost $1,100 in savings.
According to CBC News, a man in his early 20's and only identified as ‘David’ wanted to buy a Chevrolet Cruze and was given a quote around $4,500. 
He then asked the insurer if his costs would change if he was a woman.
He was told his yearly insurance bill would be reduced to $3,400, or $1,100 less..."
Read on.

Unhinged Leftists Target GOP Lawmaker Jason Lewis - Threaten His Daughters (VIDEO)

Unhinged Leftists Target GOP Lawmaker Jason Lewis - Threaten His Daughters (VIDEO)
"Leftists targeted GOP Representative Jason Lewis (R-MN) at his home recently. 
The raucous mob gathered outside his home screaming at the lawmaker and his family.

Violent leftists also threatened the daughters of the Republican lawmaker.

Protesters held a “die-in” protest because of Obamacare which is complete nonsense but since when to Democrats make any sense?
FOX News reported:
Republican Rep. Jason Lewis told Fox News he has contacted the police over threats to him and even his daughters in the wake of reports about controversial statements he made as a radio show host.
“It was serious enough for my office to alert the Capitol Police,” Lewis told Fox News.
The Minnesota congressman said his daughters were threatened in sick messages received by his office. It marks the latest in a wave of threats against not just Republican lawmakers themselves but their families."

Lunch video-----Why the 3/5ths Compromise Was Anti-Slavery
