Monday, September 03, 2018

Newt Gingrich: Trump keeps racking up the victories, despite liberal media's desperate efforts | Fox News

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpNewt Gingrich: Trump keeps racking up the victories, despite liberal media's desperate efforts | Fox News:

In the middle of the liberal media’s desperate efforts to convince us that President Trump is in trouble, there are an amazing number of victories that suggest he is winning. In fact, there are indications that he is winning a lot.

The way we were-----The Music Explosion - A Little Bit O' Soul

Boob-tube-----Saturday Morning TV: 1967-68 (Rare promos, bumpers for Spider-man, Hercu...

Must read!----Dinesh D'Souza--LBJ'S Democratic Plantation - American Greatness

LBJ'S Democratic Plantation - American Greatness

Let’s face it. Our ass is in a crack. We’re gonna have to let this nigger bill pass. —Lyndon Johnson to Sen. John Stennis, 1957
The transformation of the Democratic Party from the party of racism and segregation to the party of civil rights is, according to historian Eric Rauchway, the central political arc of the 20th century. 
Rauchway is a left-wing historian, and what he means is that it is the central theme of progressive history about the twentieth century. 
Yet progressive history has become conventional wisdom, and it is that conventional wisdom I challenge in this article, excerpted from my new book Death of a Nation.
The progressive narrative begins by crediting President Lyndon Johnson almost single-handedly for passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. 
This focus on LBJ is critical because progressives don’t want to admit that proportionately, more Republicans in Congress voted for those laws than Democrats. 
The main opposition to the civil rights movement didn’t come from the Republican Party; it came from the Democratic Party. 
These inconvenient truths are skipped through a singular focus on LBJ.
Progressives know that LBJ, in his early career, was a bigot and a segregationist. 
He was part of the most racist wing of the Democratic Party. 
...The progressives need LBJ, just as they need FDR, if they are to have any heroes at all.
And, boy, has LBJ become a progressive cult hero! 
Antifa and Black Lives Matter activists wouldn’t dream of yanking down LBJ statues..."
Must read all!

"Fish-goggles?-----Shop caught sticking googly eyes on fish to make them look fresh in Kuwait | Metro News

Shop caught sticking googly eyes on fish to make them look fresh in Kuwait | Metro News
"A fish store in Kuwait has reportedly been shut down by officials after the owners were caught sticking plastic googly eyes on fish in a bid to make them appear fresher. 
Hilarious images of one of the unconvincing ‘fresh fish’ were shared on social media by local newspaper Al Bayan.
The paper said that the country’s ministry of commerce had shut down the store after cottoning on to the slippery trick..."
Read on.

Pirro to Jeff Sessions: Either Resign Immediately or Put on Your Big Boy Pants and Be a Real Attorney General | Breitbart

Image result for free clip art Big boy pantsPirro to Jeff Sessions: Either Resign Immediately or Put on Your Big Boy Pants and Be a Real Attorney General | Breitbart:

Pirro went on to criticize Sessions’ record in the U.S. Senate, what she perceived to be his unwillingness to take on the “deep state,” and noted that his former U.S. Senate colleagues Sens. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) are already predicting Sessions’ departure as attorney general.
“You need to do one of two things,” she added. “You need to resign immediately, because you’re not wanted, or put on your big boy pants and be a real attorney general.”

America doesn’t actually lead the world in mass shootings

America doesn’t actually lead the world in mass shootings
"The claim that the US has by far the most mass public shootings in the world drives much of the gun-control debate. 
...Obama’s administration cited a then-unpublished paper by criminologist Adam Lankford.
Lankford’s claim received coverage in hundreds of news stories all over the world. 
...Lankford hasn’t released his list of shootings or even the number of cases by country or year. 
See the source imageWe and others, both in academia and the media, have asked Lankford for his list, only to be declined. ...A new report from the Crime Prevention Research Center, which one of us heads, has just finished collecting cases using the same definition of mass public shootings used by Lankford.
...Lankford’s data grossly undercount foreign attacks. 
We found 1,423 attacks outside the United States. 
...Of the 86 countries where we have identified mass public shootings, the US ranks 56th per capita in its rate of attacks and 61st in mass public shooting murder rate. 
Norway, Finland, Switzerland and Russia all have at least 45 percent higher rates of murder from mass public shootings than the United States..."
Read all.

College suppresses study when 1 group goes ‘nuts’

College suppresses study when 1 group goes ‘nuts’
"An explosive new Ivy League university study is being suppressed because it concludes that today’s exceptionally rapid growth in cases of transgenderism among children and teens is very likely a result of “social contagion.”
See the source imageThe Brown University study is titled “Rapid-onset gender dysphoria in adolescents and young adults: A study of parental reports.”
An in-depth report by the Federalist summarizes the study’s conclusion, saying “‘Rapid-onset gender dysphoria’ among teens and young adults may be a social contagion linked with having friends who identify as LGBT, an identity politics peer culture, and an increase in internet use.”
However, the Federalist added, “The study was quickly yanked from Brown’s news releases after a transgender activist feeding frenzy, and the journal it was published in is reconsidering the publication.”..."
Read all!

Lunch video-----Using The Word 'Monkey' Is Racist...Unless You're A Leftist


Limbaugh: Here's Why Bruce Ohr's Testimony Is So Damaging To FBI, Mueller Probe | Daily Wire

Limbaugh: Here's Why Bruce Ohr's Testimony Is So Damaging To FBI, Mueller Probe | Daily Wire:
Image result for flickr commons images bruce ohr
Ohr's testimony Tuesday was devastating to Obama's FBI, the Democrats' collusion narrative, and Robert Mueller's investigation.
Limbaugh began the discussion by providing some background on Ohr and his wife, both of whom played a role in the creation of the Steele dossier which helped start the Trump "Russian collusion" investigation.

An updated list of illegal alien mayhem-----Illegal Immigration Stories | Congressman Steve King

Illegal Immigration Stories | Congressman Steve King
Luis Bracamontes:[144]
‘He shot them both,’ defense lawyer says of illegal immigrant accused of killing two cops
There’s never been much dispute over whether Luis Bracamontes shot and killed two Sacramento-area deputies in October 2014.
He has repeatedly admitted to it in court hearings, and at the start of his trial Tuesday his own lawyer essentially convicted the illegal immigrant of killing Sacramento sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer sheriff’s Deputy Michael Davis Jr. in a daylong spree of violence that started in a Motel 6 parking lot near Arden Fair Mall.
“Let me be clear and up front,” public defender Jeffrey Barbour told the jury hearing his case. 
“Mr. Bracamontes is responsible for the death of Deputy Danny Oliver and Detective Michael Davis..."
Click link for a sickeningly long list.

#1 Movie this week 1967-----Bonnie And Clyde (1967) Official Trailer #1 - Warren Beatty, Faye Dunawa...

A very worthy read-----America Is Moving Toward An Oligarchical Socialism |

America Is Moving Toward An Oligarchical Socialism |
"Where do we go after Trump? 
This question becomes more pertinent as the soap opera administration seeks its own dramatic demise. 
Yet before they can seize power from the president and his now subservient party, the Democrats need to agree on what will replace Trumpism.
...Yet this conflict could resolve itself in a new, innovative approach that could be best described as oligarchal socialism.
See the source imageOligarchal socialism allows for the current, ever-growing concentration of wealth and power in a few hands — notably tech and financial moguls — while seeking ways to ameliorate the reality of growing poverty, slowing social mobility and indebtedness. 
This will be achieved not by breaking up or targeting the oligarchs, which they would fight to the bitter end, but through the massive increase in state taxpayer support.
  • Conflicting visions
Historically, liberals advocated helping the middle class achieve greater independence, notably by owning houses and starting companies. 
But the tech oligarchy — the people who run the five most capitalized firms on Wall Street — have a far less egalitarian vision. 
Greg Fehrenstein, who interviewed 147 digital company founders, says most believe that 
  • “an increasingly greater share of economic wealth will be generated by a smaller slice of very talented or original people. 
  • Everyone else will increasingly subsist on some combination of part-time entrepreneurial ’gig work‘ and government aid.”
Numerous oligarchs — Mark Zuckerberg, Pierre Omidyar, founder of eBay, Elon Musk and Sam Altman, founder of the Y Combinator — have embraced this vision including a “guaranteed wage,” usually $500 or a $1,000 monthly. 
  • The socialist challenge
Particularly since Donald Trump’s election, the leaders of corporate America — especially in tech and finance — have merged with the Democrats. 
They appeal to progressives by advocating politically correct views on immigration, gender rights and climate change, while muzzling conservatives both inside and outside their companies.
But now the socialists have raised the ante for progressive credibility. 
Going beyond green and identity issues, they are raising issues that impact most families. 
Arguably their strongest case can be seen in health care, now the top issue with voters, according to Gallup. 
In some states, notably California, socialists are also backing a drive for rent control to help families cope with high rents and low wages.
A focus on such basic issues could reorder not just the Democratic Party but the country itself. 
Faced with limited future prospects, more millennials already prefer socialism to capitalism and generally renounce constitutionally sanctioned free speech — not something you like to see in what will soon be the largest voting bloc in the country...
  • A New Deal for oligarchs
Theoretically, the Democrats moving to the left should terrify the oligarchs..."
Read it all!

#1 This day 1958-----Volare - Domenico Modugno - Nel blu dipinto di blu

Steve Russo - The Anti-Trump Rally Disguised As A Funeral

Steve Russo - The Anti-Trump Rally Disguised As A Funeral
""The Anti-Trump Rally Disguised As A Funeral
The week-long canonization of John McStain finally came to a bitter end on Saturday. 
Just like McCain. 
...Leftists and swamp-dwellers alike were reveling in the anti-Trump rally disguised as a funeral that went on all week but came to a climax in Washington on Saturday. 
If you thought there was any difference between party establishments, guess again. 
Doesn't matter if they have an R or a D after their name, establishment ilk resides in both party's and they hate you as much as they hate this president...
The selected speakers didn’t so much as eulogize the sneerly departed as they did use their moment in the spotlight to take not-so-subtle digs at the sitting President. 
It was petty, vindictive, passive/aggressive and childish. 
You know. 
Like John McCain himself...
...And meanwhile, out here in the real world, we the voters are paying attention to the disrespect, condescension and cruelty...
Because destroying Trump and undoing the 2016 election means more to them than the country.
If they thought that weaponizing McCain’s funeral would cripple support for President Trump, trust me, they would hold a funeral for him every weekend until the Midterms.
And I think they’d do it with John McCain’s blessing."
Read all.

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You ought to know!

Chuck Yeager weighs in on 'First Man' flap: 'That's not the Neil Armstrong I knew' - Washington Times

Chuck Yeager weighs in on 'First Man' flap: 'That's not the Neil Armstrong I knew' - Washington Times:
Image result for flickr commons images Neil Armstrong on moon
Hollywood’s portrayal of astronaut Neil Armstrong in the biopic “First Man” was quick to elicit the attention on Friday of aviation legend Gen. Chuck Yeager.
Social media platforms lit up before the weekend as news spread that Ryan Gosling’s latest film does not include the American flag being planted on the moon. Critics fretted that “First Man” would essentially turn Mr. Armstrong into a progressive caricature when Mr. Yeager, 95, weighed in.

Americans pay more in taxes than for housing, food, clothes combined - MarketWatch

Americans pay more in taxes than for housing, food, clothes combined - MarketWatch
"What we spend on our home, food and clothing pales in comparison to our annual tax bill.
In 2016, Americans will pay roughly 20% more for their federal, state and local taxes than for the their housing, food and clothing combinedaccording to an analysis by the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan tax research organization.

In 2016, Americans will likely spend roughly $1.6 trillion on food, $2.1 trillion on housing and $360 billion on clothing, totaling about $4.1 trillion. 
Meanwhile, their total tax bill will be about $4.9 trillion ($3.34 trillion in federal taxes and $1.6trillion state and local taxes)..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

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