Monday, April 22, 2019

#1 This day 1973-----Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree - Dawn featuring Tony Orlando

MUST WATCH: Hilarious Little Girl Does Outstanding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Impersonation

MUST WATCH: Hilarious Little Girl Does Outstanding Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Impersonation

There have been a lot of viral impersonations of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on social media, but none have been quite this hilarious and adorable.

Wearing glasses and bright red lipstick, a young girl brilliantly skewered the freshmen congresswoman in a way that put the current cast of Saturday Night Live to shame.
“Like, I’m Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka AOC, and like, I want to talk about like, climate change, because like, there’s no doubt cow farts are making the climate change,” the girl’s rant begins. 
“Like, in July the climate was 96 degrees and in February the climate was 36 degrees. O.M.G. like, that’s a huge change in the climate in only four months,” the girl continues after counting the months on her fingers.
The hilarious bit continues with the child claiming that the world is going to end in 12 years.
“Like, I also want to talk about socialism because socialism is so amazing! Like, socialism is actually short for social media
Did you know that? 
Like, I use social media so I’m a socialist — and like three of the most successful countries in the world are socialist too. 
Venezuela, Facebook, and Twitter are all very successful socialist countries.”
The adorable impersonation concludes with the talented child asserting that she has a lot of friends who “moved to America from Facebook.”
Someone please give this child a television show!"

The race-haters don't want you to know this!

Trial Date Set For Obama Aide Ensnared In Mueller Probe | The Daily Caller

Image result for wikicommons images Obama's Gregory CraigTrial Date Set For Obama Aide Ensnared In Mueller Probe | The Daily Caller:

Former White House counsel Gregory Craig will stand trial in a Washington, D.C., federal court Aug. 12 on charges that he made false and misleading statements to the Department of Justice regarding work he performed for a foreign government.

Imam tells Muslim migrants to 'breed children' with Europeans to 'conquer their countries' | Daily Mail Online

Imam tells Muslim migrants to 'breed children' with Europeans to 'conquer their countries' | Daily Mail Online
Imam tells Muslim migrants to 'breed children' with Europeans to 'conquer their countries' and vows: 'We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing' 
    See the source image
  • Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem
  • He said Americans, Italians, Germans and French forced to take refugees
  • Claims Europe was only welcoming refugees as a source of labour 
A top Iman has told Muslims to use the migrant crisis to breed with European citizens and 'conquer their countries'.
Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave the speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem claiming Europe was only welcoming refugees as a new source of labour.
He said Europe was facing a demographic disaster and urged Muslims to have children with westerners so they could 'trample them underfoot, Allah willing.'..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for April 22

See the source image
History for April 22 -
Immanuel Kant 1724 - Philosopher, Nikolai Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Lenin) 1870 - Russian premier (1917-1924), Vladimir Nabokov 1899 - Russian novelist
Image result for Immanuel Kant QuotesImage result for Nikolai LeninImage result for Vladimir Nabokov Quotes

J. Robert Oppenheimer 1904 - Physicist, designed and built the first atomic bomb, Glen Campbell 1936 - Singer, actor, Jack Nicholson (John Joseph) 1937 - Actor ("The Shining", "Batman", "The Witches of Eastwicke", "A Few Good Men")
Image result for J. Robert Oppenheimer Atomic BombImage result for Glen CampbellImage result for Jack Nicholson

1864 - The U.S. Congress passed legislation that allowed the inscription "In God We Trust" to be included on one-cent and two-cent coins.
Image result for "In God We Trust" to be included on one-cent and two-cent coins.

1993 - The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum was dedicated in Washington, DC.
See the source image

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Yes, There is a Crisis at the Border | The Heritage Foundation

Yes, There is a Crisis at the Border | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images Northern Triangle: Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Unlike past waves of immigrants, those now entering our country illegally are not primarily from Mexico, nor are they primarily single men. Instead, they come mostly from the Northern Triangle: Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Nearly two thirds (64 percent) of those coming in illegally arrive as either whole or partial families (i.e., parents with minor children) or are unaccompanied children.
The number trying to claim asylum also has been rising steadily. It is now commonplace for those who are apprehended crossing illegally and those who are denied entry at ports of entry to claim asylum. Most who claim asylum are able to pass the initial “credible fear” hearing, but only around 10 percent of Central Americans who claim asylum will ultimately be granted it.

The way we were-----Love Affair - Everlasting Love (Official Video)

Boob-tube-----1920's - What The Future Will Look Like

Infographic: The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side

Infographic: The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side
The World's 25 Largest Lakes, Side by Side

Bitter lessons 25 years after Waco, Texas, siege | TheHill

Bitter lessons 25 years after Waco, Texas, siege | TheHill
"Twenty-five years ago today, FBI tanks smashed into the ramshackle home of the Branch Davidians outside Waco, Texas.
After the FBI collapsed much of the building atop the residents, a fire erupted and 76 corpses were dug out of the rubble. 
Unfortunately, the American political system and media have never faced the lessons from that tragic 1993 day.
...What lessons can today’s Americans draw from the FBI showdown on the Texas plains a quarter century ago?

  • Purported good intentions absolve real deadly force...
  • It is not an atrocity if the U.S. government does it...
  • Orwellian language will vaporize federal aggression...
  • Truth delayed is truth defused...
  • Don’t trust Congress to expose federal misconduct...
  • Media favorites can perform rhetorical magic tricks...

While the events at Waco alienated millions of Americans from the government, few if any lessons were learned in Washington.
Waco should have taught the disastrous consequences of unleashing government agencies from the law and the Constitution. 
Unfortunately, 25 years later, controversies are raging as hot as ever about the power and prerogatives of federal law enforcement..."
Read it all!

Ten post-Mueller questions that could turn the tables on Russia collusion investigators | TheHill

Ten post-Mueller questions that could turn the tables on Russia collusion investigators | TheHill:
Image result for flickr commons images Chuck Grassley
The process of meting out accountability has begun.
Horowitz, my sources tell me, has interviewed between 50 and 100 witnesses in his exhaustive probe. Graham and his predecessor as Judiciary chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), laid out the most important investigative issues they saw in a letter last year. This month, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) sent a letter to DOJ identifying eight potential criminal referrals. His committee last year also released a memo on abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that may have occurred during the Russia probe.
And President Trump reportedly is readying an order to declassify five key buckets of documents on alleged FBI abuses.
My sources agree these 10 questions are the most important to be answered in the forthcoming probes:

Michigan counties' population from 2010-18, tracked and ranked |

Michigan counties' population from 2010-18, tracked and ranked |
"From 2010 to 2018, the population in Michigan increased by less than 0.01%, and of the 83 counties, less than half have seen positive gains over the eight-year-period, according to the U.S. Census.
The average percent change across all counties was a 0.9% loss in population.
Ottawa County had the highest percent increase in the state at more than 10%.
Ontonagon County, with the second lowest population in the state, saw the largest percent decrease over the last eight years at -14.5%.
Wayne County, the state's most-populated county with more than 1.7 million people in 2018, lost almost 1 million people over 10 years for a 3.7% decrease that was the 20th worst decline in Michigan..."

Pro-Gas Tax Hike Democrat: Never Seen A Public Willing To Tax Itself – Michigan Capitol Confidential

Image result for taxesPro-Gas Tax Hike Democrat: Never Seen A Public Willing To Tax Itself – Michigan Capitol Confidential:
  • Yet, local voters have approved 549 millages taxing themselves for roads and more
"A recent Bridge Magazine article reported on the poor reception Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposed 45-cent gas tax hike has received from the public.
Bridge’s headline for the piece was: “Yes, it takes billions to fix Michigan roads. No, taxpayers don’t want to pay.”
Included in the story was this quote from a prominent state Democratic politician:
“‘I’ve never seen a time when the public was willing to tax themselves for anything,’ Bob Emerson, former Democratic Senate Minority Leader, said at the roads forum. 
‘I don’t think the public will ever accept that it’s needed.’”
Last year, 549 ongoing property tax millage levies had been approved by local voters, all of which dedicated some tax revenue to roads..."
Read all.

Lunch video-----Paul Harvey - 'An Easter Story'


Exclusive -- Mark Levin: 'Obvious from Day One There Was No Collusion' | Breitbart

Exclusive -- Mark Levin: 'Obvious from Day One There Was No Collusion' | Breitbart:
Image result for flickr commons images Mark Levin
Conservative radio and television host Mark Levin told Breitbart News Thursday that it had been “obvious” from the start of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that there had been no collusion between Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Russian government, and that the inquiry was to be a pretext for impeachment.
Levin had been predicting for nearly two years that Mueller would not find any basis to indict Trump, but that he would produce a report that Democrats and the media would seize upon to argue for impeaching the president.

Trouble ahead!-----Americans Don’t Read… and That’s Affecting Our Elections | Intellectual Takeout

Americans Don’t Read… and That’s Affecting Our Elections | Intellectual Takeout
"In 2013, the Nation’s Report Card showed that only 38% of high school seniors were proficient in reading. 
With scores like that, the U.S. isn’t likely to earn the “most literate country” award any time soon.
So what is America’s international literacy ranking? ..."
Read all...if you can read!


Instapundit Blog Archive 
“Oregon county to pay black worker who complained about ‘Blue Lives Matter’ flag $100K settlement.”
Chaser: Buttigieg now regrets having said “All lives matter.”
And by the way: Black crime victims matter too.--Posted by Gail Heriot"