Thursday, May 30, 2019

History for May 30

See the source image
History for May 30 -
Stepin Fetchit 1892, Cornelia Otis Skinner 1901, Mel Blanc 1908
 Image result for Stepin Fetchit Image result for cornelia otis skinner quotesImage result for Mel Blanc

Clint Walker 1927, Gale Sayers 1943 - Football player, Wynonna Judd 1964 - Country musician (The Judds)
Image result for Clint WalkerImage result for Gale SayersImage result for Wynonna Judd

1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19.
Image result for Joan of Arc was burned at the stake

1911 - Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 500. At the time, it was known as International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race. Harroun's average speed was 74.59 miles per hour.
Image result for Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 500.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

BARR: New York Is Changing The Law To Go After Trump | The Daily Caller

BARR: New York Is Changing The Law To Go After Trump | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images andrew cumo
Now, in the latest example of a liberal state government placing its hatred of President Trump above respect for long-standing legal tradition, the New York General Assembly has decided to weaken the protection against double jeopardy heretofore enjoyed by those within its borders.
First, a note of background.

The way we were-----80 Stars who served in the US military Part 1

Boob-tube-----Tuesday Night TV Part Two: 1967-68 (rare bumpers, intros, promos, etc.)

Goodbye Humanities—Hating White Males Is Not a Curriculum - Minding The Campus

Goodbye Humanities—Hating White Males Is Not a Curriculum - Minding The Campus
"As the humanities continue their steady slide toward the margins of the campus, the faculty still can’t look in the mirror and face the sources of the problem.
Last month in the Chronicle of Higher Education, four assistant professors of English responded to a previous essay about the state of the field and unintentionally revealed why the humanities have become considerably more unpopular among undergraduates.
The respondents faulted the original essay because, in their eyes, it “invest[ed] in a certain kind of white male fantasy.” 
...There is more.
If you have any nostalgia at all for those boom times, you fail to recognize “the very necessary unsettling of white male dominance.” 
Image result for education sucks meme...But at no point does Kay appear to reflect upon how the inequities of this profession are magnified for those who are not white, straight, and male: people of color, women, queer and trans folk, the nonnormatively bodied, first-generation-college grad students and scholars, single parents, the economic precariat–the list goes on.”
Yes, the list goes on, and it will continue to go on while these identity-fixated people control the disciplines.
And so will the diminishment of literary studies.
The respondents seem to assume that they are defending the field, but in truth, they are submerging it in a wave of negativity. 
For how many 19-year-old students want to take a class taught by teachers with such a racial and sexual chip on their shoulders?
Apart from a batch of social justice kids who relish blaming the White Man for all social ills, few undergraduates find the approach appetizing.
...In this sense, the fixation on a white-male past is nicely self-congratulatory.
It feels good to them, but students discern the self-serving element a lot better than the identitarians suspect.
The profs’ whining about white male dominance is a downer. 
They are a joyless, half-learned lot, aiming their passions at presumed oppressors instead of fulfilling their professional duty to pass the beauty and sublimity of the West along to the next generation.
The humanities won’t recover as long as these people are in charge..."
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80 people went to Dallas emergency rooms 5,139 times in a year — usually because they were lonely |

80 people went to Dallas emergency rooms 5,139 times in a year — usually because they were lonely |
"Parkland Hospital officials say the cost of taking care of repeat ER patients is “absolutely passed on to you.”
DALLAS — Michael Johnson is 57. 
Michael JohnsonHe’s from Dallas. 
He’s diabetic. 
He has a job in fast food. 
He rents a home. 
He gets by.
Until recently, no one ever explained to him how hospitals, doctors and emergency rooms work. 
“My momma always told me when something’s wrong with you, go see the doctor,” Johnson said. 
The only way he knew to see a doctor was go to the emergency room at Parkland Hospital, which is why he racked up 31 ER visits in 24 months.
Johnson’s numbers are not at all surprising for administrators at Parkland, which has one of the busiest emergency rooms in the country.
...Parkland’s ER is busy for countless reasons, but chief among them is repeat patients like Johnson. 
He’s considered a high emergency department utilizer because of those repeated visits..."
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Colluders, Obstructionists, Leakers, and Other Projectionists – American Greatness

Colluders, Obstructionists, Leakers, and Other Projectionists – American Greatness:
Image result for flickr commons images obama
Obama was anxious that the sure-to-be-sore-loser Trump would not blame his defeat on voting impropriety in a fashion that might call into question Clinton’s victory. After Clinton’s stunning defeat, Russian “collusion”—thanks initially to efforts by Obama holdover Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to go after Michael Flynn and the successful attempts of the CIA and FBI to seed the bogus Steele dossier among the government elite—became a club to destroy the incoming Trump Administration.
Colluders, Inc.

Europe’s Alleged “Green Victory” In EU Elections Is Fake …Results Show It’s A Media-Created Myth, More Fake News

Image result for Brexit Party storms to EU vote winEurope’s Alleged “Green Victory” In EU Elections Is Fake …Results Show It’s A Media-Created Myth, More Fake News
"...Now that the dust of Europe’s election has settled and the numbers are in, it is possible to get a clear picture of what exactly happened.
If you believe the green-socialist dominated media in Europe, you’d think the Greens came up the big winners, and so no time should be wasted in implementing a rapid green transformation of human society.
But a fact check tells this is not the case at all.

  • Greens lost voters in Greta’s Sweden!
  • Data show “Europe did not vote Green”
  • Only 7 seats picked up from the rest of Europe

Europewide, the Greens managed to pick up only 7 new seats from all the other remaining countries. “That does not sound like a clear victory,” Bleich reports.
Overall, the conservatives (EPP) came up on top as the largest block..."
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Scientists caught 'adjusting' sea level data to create false impression of rising oceans -- Science & Technology --

Image result for stop the liesScientists caught 'adjusting' sea level data to create false impression of rising oceans -- Science & Technology --
"A scientific paper published by a team of Australian researchers has revealed a startling find: Scientists at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) have been "adjusting" historical data regarding tide levels in the Indian Ocean. 
Their "highly questionable" activities have depicted rapidly rising seas - but the truth is that there is no reason to be alarmed at all. 
Scientists have found that sea levels are stable - and have been for the entirety of the 20th century. 
To put it simply, these PSMSL "scientists" have been arbitrarily changing their data in order to create the illusion of a problem that doesn't actually exist..."
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Lunch video-----Life on an aircraft carrier


AMVETS Fight to Get POW/MIA Flag Up at Every Capitol Hill Office

AMVETS Fight to Get POW/MIA Flag Up at Every Capitol Hill Office:

Image result for flickr commons images POW MIA FlagAmerican Veterans, a veterans service organization and non-profit, is fighting to get the POW/MIA flag back up in front of every office on Capitol Hill.
The flags — which aim to remind Americans of prisoners of war and those missing in action — have started coming down over the past several years, the group said.
The trend especially caught attention after Democrat members of Congress took the flag down so that they could put up a pastel flag to recognize Transgender Visibility Week earlier this year.

Why the UFO story is far more interesting than you think

Image result for Tic Tac-like UFOsWhy the UFO story is far more interesting than you think
The New York Times has made waves with a new report on sightings by U.S. Navy aviators of unidentified flying objects between 2014 and 2015.
But the UFO issue, which follows a similar 2017 story, is far more interesting than the reporters let on.
The U.S. government does not know what these UFOs actually are.
The report focuses on witnesses of so-called "Tic Tacs," but other shapes and sizes of UFOs have also been credibly recorded by the U.S., British, Chinese, Russian, and other governments for the past 65 years.
But what are these strange things?
Most informed individuals I have talked to believe that the Tic Tac-like UFOs are unmanned vehicles operating under direction from either a manned or larger unmanned vessel..."
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IMPORTANT!!--This could change EVERYTHING we see!-----There's a scarily good 'deepfakes' YouTube channel that's quietly growing – and it's freaking everyone out • The Register

There's a scarily good 'deepfakes' YouTube channel that's quietly growing – and it's freaking everyone out • The Register:

  • Watch for yourself

"Videos “Do not believe what you see on the internet, OK?” a techie, who doctors video clips apparently using AI algorithms and puts them on YouTube, has warned.
The resulting digitally altered material ranges from a comedian doing impersonations of celebrities, with the performer's face changed to match those of the stars being lampooned, to the face of Heath Ledger's Joker superimposed over the actor's characters in other movies. 
The alterations are made using, it is claimed, deepfake neural network algorithms.
...In another clip, with the comedian Bill Hader, his face gradually transforms to match actors Al Pacino and Arnold Schwarzenegger when he performs impressions of them both during a interview with TV chat show host Conan O’Brien. 
This clip is much more impressive.
It goes to show how easy it would be to make someone convincingly say words they did not, in reality, actually speak:
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#1 This day 1986-----Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All (Official Music Video)

Eventually the victims of a hoax catch on, no matter how it's spun - Washington Times

Eventually the victims of a hoax catch on, no matter how it's spun - Washington Times
"People are easily taken in by scientific, literary, financial and political hoaxes, particularly when they want to believe. 
Image result for media hoaxesWhen we search for “truth,” we tend to rely on authority and whether information supplied by the source has been accurate in the past. 
Serious newspapers, magazines, journals and electronic media sources historically took pride in getting the story right. 
Reputations could be destroyed and markets lost when a story was shown to be wrong because of a hoax or carelessness.
Nothing illustrates the decline of serious journalism more than the fact that many of the major media, particularly CNN and MSNBC, have participated (and to some extent continue to participate) in massive hoaxes which would have been easily disproved with basic due diligence.
...The Russia collusion hoax will probably do major damage to those media organizations that did the most to push it. 
There were basic legitimate questions: 

  • Did the Russians try to influence the 2016 election? 
  • Were they trying to benefit Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton or just make mischief? 

An independent, non-partisan investigation may have been justified. 
But from day one, it was obvious that the goal of the investigation was to get Mr. Trump and not reveal truth.
...No hoax lasts forever. 
Eventually, the victims of the hoax and others catch on, no matter how the purveyors of the misinformation try to spin it. 
One more example. 
Polls show that people are less, rather than more, concerned about global warming. 
The reason is simple: 
Doomsday was oversold by researchers and media people who had a financial interest in the government spending more money on the issue..."
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Well, it might be true...

First-ever private border wall built in New Mexico - Washington Times

First-ever private border wall built in New Mexico - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images Building Border WallA private group announced Monday that it has constructed a half-mile wall along a section of the U.S.-Mexico border in New Mexico, in what it said was a first in the border debate.
The 18-foot steel bollard wall is similar to the designs used by the Border Patrol, sealing off a part of the border that had been a striking gap in existing fencing, according to We Build the Wall, the group behind the new section.
The section was also built faster and, organizers say, likely more cheaply than the government has been able to manage in recent years.

Scripts Depict Drudge, Breitbart as 'Pathetic,' 'Evil' - Hollywood in Toto

Scripts Depict Drudge, Breitbart as 'Pathetic,' 'Evil' - Hollywood in Toto:
"...Hollywood hates Trump, Republicans even more than we thought, according to Vanity Fair's insider account.
"...The article’s subhead says it all:
Trump’s West Wing denizens, with all their intertwined backstories, are a screenwriter’s dream. But liberal Hollywood wonders: how do you make drama if everyone is evil?
Dig into the piece, and you’ll find just what many artists think of not just Trump but anyone aligned with the Right – “these people are monsters.”
...“I can’t see these getting made simply because I can’t see anyone wanting to play a sympathetic Drudge or Breitbart,” one award-winning producer told me. “It’s like playing a sympathetic Jeffrey Dahmer.”
For context, The Drudge Report posts links to other news outlets, occasionally sorted to curry favor with right-leaning audiences. Breitbart helped start The Huffington Post, inspired a new generation of conservative artists and reached out to those with whom he disagreed. 
Dahmer killed 17 people and often ate their remains.
...Either way, the Vanity Fair article is clear. 
Conservatives, for the foreseeable future, won’t get anything close to a fair shake from Hollywood."

AM Fruitcake

History for May 29

Image result for Patrick Henry Quotes
History for May 29 -
Patrick Henry 1736 - Prominent figure in the American Revolution, known for his "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" speech, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1874 - Writer of philosophy, ontolory, poetry, Bob Hope 1903 - Comedian, actor
Image result for Patrick Henry QuotesSee the source imageImage result for Bob Hope

John Fitzgerald Kennedy (U.S.) 1917 - 35th President of the United States, refered to by his initials JFK, Paul Erlich 1932 - Biologist, educator, John Hinckley Jr. 1955 - Attempted to assassinate U.S. President Ronald Reagan on March 30, 1981
Image result for John Fitzgerald KennedyImage result for Paul Ehrlich Predictions QuotesImage result for John Hinckley Jr. quotes

1953 - Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became first men to reach the top of Mount Everest.
Image result for Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay

1990 - Boris Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian republic by the Russian parliament.
Image result for Boris Yeltsin was elected president of the Russian republic