Thursday, May 30, 2019

Most every murder-city controlled by democrat party for DECADES!-----Murder in America - Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities - Pictures - CBS News

Image result for 6,791 people were murdered in 2017,Murder in America - Murder map: Deadliest U.S. cities - Pictures - CBS News:
"In America's urban centers, 6,791 people were murdered in 2017, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association Violent Crimes Survey.
That's down 252 from 2016.
Here are murder rates in 62 major urban centers across the U.S. for 2017.
The rates are calculated per 100,000 residents, based on the most recent population data..."
Read all.

4. Detroit, Michigan---

The murder rate in Detroit is 39.7 per 100,000 residents. 
In 2017, 267 people were murdered in that city.

OPINION: A Big Civility Gap Between The Left And Everyone Else, Say WalkAway Democrats | The Daily Caller

OPINION: A Big Civility Gap Between The Left And Everyone Else, Say WalkAway Democrats | The Daily Caller:

Image result for free clip art Walk AwayOur method is observational data, not a questionnaire. We observe that 70 percent suggest a civility gap. The other 30 percent don’t say one way or the other. So the 70 percent is a lower bound on the percentage who see a civility gap. We suspect that close to 100 percent of the erstwhile Democrats would testify that there is a civility gap.
The WalkAway movement was launched in June 2018 by Straka, when he uploaded what became the prototypical video of an individual telling his or her story about walking away. WalkAway videos are abundant at YouTube, but our study, to appear in “Society,” examines only those at the official site posted June 29 to Nov. 5, 2018.
For eight of the individuals, the video itself is their “coming out.” Most of them express apprehension about the grief they will catch. One, Justin, describes his experience in his video titled “I’m gay and I chose to #WalkAway after testing conservatives.”

Yes. 1922-----Cycles of Rapid Climate Warming | Watts Up With That?

clip_image002Cycles of Rapid Climate Warming | Watts Up With That?:
"The globally averaged temperature rose 1.5F from 1880 to today. Various narratives suggest the rise since 1950 was driven by increasing concentrations of CO2.
The rising temperature before 1950 was considered natural.
Since 1990, Arctic temperatures rose 2 to 3 times faster than the global average.
So, are rapidly rising Arctic temperatures evidence of an impending climate crisis?
Astute students of climate history recall rapid Arctic warming has happened often and naturally. 
During the last Ice Age when CO2 concentrations were just half of today’s, 25 abrupt warming events happened. 
Arctic temperatures rose 9F, and sometimes as much as 14F in just 40 years.
These rapid warming episodes are now called Dansgaard–Oeschger events (D-O events) in honor of the researchers who first detected them in Greenland’s ice cores.
These D-O episodes affected global climate, changed ocean currents along California’s coast and altered the range of European forests.
What caused such abrupt warming? 
Basic physics dismisses changes in greenhouse gases or solar insolation because neither radiative effect induces such rapid warming.
The most reasonable explanation suggests episodes of ventilating heat, that had accumulated in the Arctic Ocean, rapidly warmed the air.
The notion of stored heat in a freezing Arctic Ocean seems unfathomable to many laypeople.
But it is scientifically well documented..."
Read all!

Adam Smith Reveals the Rub in the SAT’s "Adversity Score" - Foundation for Economic Education

See the source imageAdam Smith Reveals the Rub in the SAT’s "Adversity Score" - Foundation for Economic Education:

  • The new ECD score is based on factors such as the student's neighborhood crime levels, poverty, and schools.

"...Mark Pulliam, in an essay for Law & Liberty, calls it "redlining in reverse," referring to the now-banned practice of banks refusing to make loans based on applicants' zip codes.
Ava Woychuk-Mlinac, in an opinion piece for The Hill, argues that to take seriously the College Board's "solution" to inequality "is to further institutionalize a system that normalizes educational inequity; it is to resign ourselves to not strive for a better solution."...
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Lunch video-----James Burke Connections, Ep. 1 "The Trigger Effect"


Russian Collusion?

Image result for free clip art TargetRussian Collusion?:

The Russian collusion story involves a lot of details, but there are two basic tactics that Trump’s enemies have used to push the narrative: they have put seemingly innocuous contacts with Russians under a microscope, and they have selectively touted details supplied by a politicized intelligence apparatus. And this has all been amplified by a media that has lost perspective and refuses to be impartial, much less accurate.

Transgender woman who last year competed as a man wins NCAA track championship |

Transgender woman who last year competed as a man wins NCAA track championship |
"A transgender woman who competed as a man as recently as last year won an NCAA women’s track national championship on Saturday.
Franklin Pierce University senior Cece Telfer beat the eight-woman field in the Division II women’s 400-meter hurdles by more than a second, with a personal collegiate-best time of 57.53.
Telfer also earned All-American First Team honors with a fifth-place finish in the 100-meter hurdles earlier in the day at Javelina Stadium at Texas A&M-Kingsville..."
Read on.

SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner Tells Intelligence Community to Defy Barr and Democrats Will Protect Them… | The Last Refuge

SSCI Vice-Chairman Mark Warner Tells Intelligence Community to Defy Barr and Democrats Will Protect Them… | The Last Refuge
"...Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman (DEMOCRAT) Mark Warner pops his head-up to write a letter to the intelligence community telling them to defy the executive branch declassification directive, and turn to democrats in the legislative branch to defend them..."
More here, read all. 

#1 This day 1960-----Everly Brothers - Cathy's Clown (1960)

The Lie That Will Not Die and the Truth about Black Mass Shooters

The Lie That Will Not Die and the Truth about Black Mass Shooters
"The lie that will not die: Most mass shooters are white.
Just Google "white mass shooters," and you will find hundreds and hundreds of stories from The Grio, Root, Salon, CNN, PBS, and Newsweek, right up to the Washington Post, with headlines likes this, from Vice: "Why are so many mass shootings committed by young white men?"
Image result for Black Mass ShootersAll accompanied with fairy tales like this from the Washington Post: "a consistent pattern: Young, white men with demonstrable backgrounds of mental instability or violence against women taking the lives of as many people as possible."
At least one legacy media outfit figured out, however painful it was to report (and bury in the middle of the jump), that three quarters of mass shooters are black.  
That was the New York Times.
You read that right: mass shootings are a black thing.  
And we find them almost every day.  
Often more than one.  
In Philadelphia alone, they report one every eleven days.
Let's take a look at the headlines (with links) from a nine-day period ending Memorial Day, May 27.  
One at a time, most recent day first, until we reach the 26th mass shooting from a black person. 
Starting in Trenton, New Jersey.
1. "1 killed, 5 wounded as gunfire erupts in Trenton again days after 10 were hurt in shooting outside city bar."..."
Long list, read all!

Let us not forget, it almost worked!

Supreme Court Strikes Compromise To Dodge Abortion Dispute | The Daily Caller

Supreme Court Strikes Compromise To Dodge Abortion Dispute | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court reinstated an Indiana law Tuesday requiring abortion clinics to cremate or bury fetal remains.
In an apparent compromise, however, the justices declined to review a second provision of the Indiana law that banned abortions on the basis of sex, race, or disability. The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said both provisions — which Vice President Mike Pence signed into law during his tenure as governor — were unlawful.

Supreme Court: Transgender People Can Use Any Bathroom In Schools

Supreme Court: Transgender People Can Use Any Bathroom In Schools
See the source image"Some days, life gets confusing.
The Supreme Court Of The United States earlier today left in place a lower court ruling allowing a school district in Pennsylvania that allows transgender students to use bathrooms that match their gender identity.
They don’t make enough Advil for these type of days.
According to …
Tuesday’s ruling was issued without comment.
In court papers, lawyers for the plaintiffs argue that “forcing a teenager to share a locker room or restroom with a member of the opposite sex can cause embarrassment and distress.”
“The district’s policy was a drastic change from the way locker rooms and restrooms have been regulated for the entire history of public-school systems,” they said.
See the source imageLawyers for the school district say that they made the decision to allow transgender students to use facilities that aligned with their gender identity because the district “Believes that transgender students should have the right to use school bathroom and locker facilities on the same basis as non-transgender students.”
So what this allows is that if someone who is born male decides he “feels” female than he/she should be allowed to use the women’s bathroom and locker room in the school...
...This is what happens when society decides feelings over facts are more important. 
We have lost our collective minds and the ride downward is only starting..."
Read all.

AM Fruitcake

History for May 30

See the source image
History for May 30 -
Stepin Fetchit 1892, Cornelia Otis Skinner 1901, Mel Blanc 1908
 Image result for Stepin Fetchit Image result for cornelia otis skinner quotesImage result for Mel Blanc

Clint Walker 1927, Gale Sayers 1943 - Football player, Wynonna Judd 1964 - Country musician (The Judds)
Image result for Clint WalkerImage result for Gale SayersImage result for Wynonna Judd

1431 - Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in Rouen, France, at the age of 19.
Image result for Joan of Arc was burned at the stake

1911 - Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 500. At the time, it was known as International 500-Mile Sweepstakes Race. Harroun's average speed was 74.59 miles per hour.
Image result for Ray Harroun won the first Indianapolis 500.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

BARR: New York Is Changing The Law To Go After Trump | The Daily Caller

BARR: New York Is Changing The Law To Go After Trump | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images andrew cumo
Now, in the latest example of a liberal state government placing its hatred of President Trump above respect for long-standing legal tradition, the New York General Assembly has decided to weaken the protection against double jeopardy heretofore enjoyed by those within its borders.
First, a note of background.

The way we were-----80 Stars who served in the US military Part 1

Boob-tube-----Tuesday Night TV Part Two: 1967-68 (rare bumpers, intros, promos, etc.)

Goodbye Humanities—Hating White Males Is Not a Curriculum - Minding The Campus

Goodbye Humanities—Hating White Males Is Not a Curriculum - Minding The Campus
"As the humanities continue their steady slide toward the margins of the campus, the faculty still can’t look in the mirror and face the sources of the problem.
Last month in the Chronicle of Higher Education, four assistant professors of English responded to a previous essay about the state of the field and unintentionally revealed why the humanities have become considerably more unpopular among undergraduates.
The respondents faulted the original essay because, in their eyes, it “invest[ed] in a certain kind of white male fantasy.” 
...There is more.
If you have any nostalgia at all for those boom times, you fail to recognize “the very necessary unsettling of white male dominance.” 
Image result for education sucks meme...But at no point does Kay appear to reflect upon how the inequities of this profession are magnified for those who are not white, straight, and male: people of color, women, queer and trans folk, the nonnormatively bodied, first-generation-college grad students and scholars, single parents, the economic precariat–the list goes on.”
Yes, the list goes on, and it will continue to go on while these identity-fixated people control the disciplines.
And so will the diminishment of literary studies.
The respondents seem to assume that they are defending the field, but in truth, they are submerging it in a wave of negativity. 
For how many 19-year-old students want to take a class taught by teachers with such a racial and sexual chip on their shoulders?
Apart from a batch of social justice kids who relish blaming the White Man for all social ills, few undergraduates find the approach appetizing.
...In this sense, the fixation on a white-male past is nicely self-congratulatory.
It feels good to them, but students discern the self-serving element a lot better than the identitarians suspect.
The profs’ whining about white male dominance is a downer. 
They are a joyless, half-learned lot, aiming their passions at presumed oppressors instead of fulfilling their professional duty to pass the beauty and sublimity of the West along to the next generation.
The humanities won’t recover as long as these people are in charge..."
Read all.

80 people went to Dallas emergency rooms 5,139 times in a year — usually because they were lonely |

80 people went to Dallas emergency rooms 5,139 times in a year — usually because they were lonely |
"Parkland Hospital officials say the cost of taking care of repeat ER patients is “absolutely passed on to you.”
DALLAS — Michael Johnson is 57. 
Michael JohnsonHe’s from Dallas. 
He’s diabetic. 
He has a job in fast food. 
He rents a home. 
He gets by.
Until recently, no one ever explained to him how hospitals, doctors and emergency rooms work. 
“My momma always told me when something’s wrong with you, go see the doctor,” Johnson said. 
The only way he knew to see a doctor was go to the emergency room at Parkland Hospital, which is why he racked up 31 ER visits in 24 months.
Johnson’s numbers are not at all surprising for administrators at Parkland, which has one of the busiest emergency rooms in the country.
...Parkland’s ER is busy for countless reasons, but chief among them is repeat patients like Johnson. 
He’s considered a high emergency department utilizer because of those repeated visits..."
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Colluders, Obstructionists, Leakers, and Other Projectionists – American Greatness

Colluders, Obstructionists, Leakers, and Other Projectionists – American Greatness:
Image result for flickr commons images obama
Obama was anxious that the sure-to-be-sore-loser Trump would not blame his defeat on voting impropriety in a fashion that might call into question Clinton’s victory. After Clinton’s stunning defeat, Russian “collusion”—thanks initially to efforts by Obama holdover Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to go after Michael Flynn and the successful attempts of the CIA and FBI to seed the bogus Steele dossier among the government elite—became a club to destroy the incoming Trump Administration.
Colluders, Inc.