Monday, June 17, 2019

23 House Republicans Suspect DOJ Cover-up in Progress? – Request “Prompt” Declassification from President Trump… | The Last Refuge

Image result for flickr commons images capital hill23 House Republicans Suspect DOJ Cover-up in Progress? – Request “Prompt” Declassification from President Trump… | The Last Refuge:

Twenty-three House republicans request declassification of documents directly from President Trump as soon as possible. Despite the executive office directive to AG Bill Barr, the republican group seemingly do not trust the DOJ and FBI institutional interests.
It’s a smart move to keep the pressure on.

Glenn K. Beaton: Aspen’s warnin’ warminites are chillin’ |

See the source image
Glenn K. Beaton: Aspen’s warnin’ warminites are chillin’ |
" Remember those predictions that polar bears and snow would soon be extinct?
Well, here in Aspen and throughout the Colorado mountains, snowpack this spring is nearly 500% of normal. 
That’s not a typo.
It’s almost five times normal.
...But here’s what it does mean.
It means that rhetoric predicting the end of the world is indeed a hoax.
For example:

  • Al Gore, who earned a science degree from — oh wait, Gore’s degree is in government. He received C’s and D’s in the few science classes he took. And he avoided math classes altogether.Anyway, Gore predicted in 2008 that the polar ice cap would be gone within five years. Eleven years later, it’s approximately where it was when Gore made his prediction.
  • Prince Charles said in 2009 that we have only “100 months” left to “avoid that living hell of the nightmare that for so many of us now looms on the horizon.” Four months later he doubled down in prophesizing that we had only 96 months left till the end days. At least he got the arithmetic right, if not the science or writing. But by my own arithmetic, two years ago was the expiration of the Prince’s 100 months till that looming living hell of a nightmare came over the horizon.
  • One of the Prince’s court jesters at the time, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, duly warned everyone back in 2009 that they had only 50 days to avert “catastrophe.”

Maybe Gore, the Prince and the Prime Minister are right that the end is nigh, if not past, but it hasn’t persuaded them to give up their mega-mansions and palaces. 
Sacrifice is for little people..."
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AM Fruitcake

Fans of Best of the Web Today
"Mallary Segall shared a photo.
Spelling is im-po-tent.

Image may contain: text
Grumpy Old Folk
Spelling is important - knowledge of the English language is important

History for June 17

See the source image
History for June 17 -
John Wesley 1703 - Cleric, Christian theologian, James Weldon Johnson 1871 - Author, politician, diplomat, critic, John Hersey (John Richard Hersey) 1914 - Writer, journalist
Image result for John Wesley QuotesSee the source imageImage result for John Hersey Books

Newt Gingrich (Newton Leroy "Newt" Gingrich) 1943 - Politician, historian, author, Barry Manilow 1946 - Musician, Venus Williams 1980 - Tennis player
Image result for Newt Gingrich QuotesImage result for Barry ManilowImage result for Venus Williams

1856 - The Republican Party opened its first national convention in Philadelphia.
See the source image

1944 - The republic of Iceland was established.
Image result for 1944 - The republic of Iceland was established.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Obama White House Deleted Online Speeches About The Immigration Crisis Hours Before Trump Entered Office: Report | The Daily Caller

Obama White House Deleted Online Speeches About The Immigration Crisis Hours Before Trump Entered Office: Report | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images obamaThe Obama administration deleted hundreds of speeches and statements on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website just hours before President Donald Trump officially entered office, according to research released Tuesday.
A collection of 190 transcripts of speeches on ICE’s website was deleted on Jan. 18 and late in the evening on Jan. 19, 2017, according to research conducted by the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan organization that advocates for government transparency. Statements made by high-ranking ICE officials regarding controversial immigration topics such as sanctuary cities, E-Verify, treatment of detainees, and other issues were included in the reported deletions.

The way we were-----10 Commercials from the 40s

Boob-tube-----THE ELGIN HOUR. Sting of Death w/ Boris Karloff. 1955 TV Kinescope

Don Surber: Highlights of the news

Don Surber: Highlights of the news:
"Happy Father's Day. 
If you are not a father, take comfort in not being Alyssa Milano. 
If you are Alyssa Milano, take comfort in the fact that Donald John Trump is still your president.

  • ITEM 1: Ivan Pentchoukov reported, "The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service has begun to remind immigrants that if they receive any welfare benefits prior to becoming a citizen, their sponsors will be responsible for paying back the government...We pass laws but the government never enforces them. Instead the government demands that a baker make a cake for a gay "wedding," even though the Constitution and the courts say he does not have to do that. President Donald John Trump then enforces the real law, and we hear how he is a threat to democratic institutions. I think they mean Democrat institutions.

  • ITEM 2: President Trump tweeted, "All in for Senator Steve Daines as he proposes an Amendment for a strong BAN on burning our American Flag. A no brainer!"..."

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SJW LOGIC VS. COMMON SENSE (SJW=Social Justice Warrior)

Instapundit Blog Archive SJW LOGIC VS. COMMON SENSE
"No wonder Oberlin got socked with a huge punitive damages award for libeling a local bakery as racist after detaining students who wound up pleading guilty to shoplifting. 
Here’s Oberlin’s litigation position, from its court filings: “Gibson bakery’s archaic chase-and-detain policy regarding suspected shoplifters was the catalyst for the protests. The guilt or innocence of the students is irrelevant to both the root cause of the protests and this litigation.” 
Get that? See the source image
Whether the students accused of shoplifting had actually been shoplifting or not was irrelevant to whether it was fair to accuse the store of racism etc for detaining the students as shoplifters. The fault lay with the bakery owners for daring to actually stop and prosecute shoplifters!
This is the kind of b.s. that gets you A’s at Oberlin with a certain type of SJW professor, but that normal people rightly think defies common sense. 
But it can pay off in academia...---Posted by 

If Climate Change Is Our World War II, Who Are The Real Villains? | The Daily Caller

If Climate Change Is Our World War II, Who Are The Real Villains? | The Daily Caller:
Image result for flickr commons images Michael Bloomberg
You often hear climate change described as a global conflict with existential consequences. As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez once put it, “This is our World War II.” It would be interesting to know what survivors of, say, Guadalcanal or the Bataan Death March think of that comparison. But never mind. Let’s take the hyperbole seriously. If global warming is a war, who is our enemy? Who are we fighting?
First on the list would have to be double agents. These are the people who pretend to be on the side of righteousness but in fact are doing the work of dark forces. During the last world war, people like this were called quislings, after the Norwegian collaborationist leader. They were dealt with harshly. Who are our quislings today?

ALWAYS believe the EXPERTS!-----FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015
"New York City underwater? 
Gas over $9 a gallon? 
A carton of milk costs almost $13? 
Remember when that happened on June 12, 2015? 
This was the wildly-inaccurate world of 2015 predicted by ABC News 11 years ago this week. 
Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob Woodruff hyped Earth 2100, a special that pushed apocalyptic predictions of the then-futuristic 2015.
The segment included supposedly prophetic videos, such as a teenager declaring, "It's June 8th, 2015. 
One carton of milk is $12.99." 
(On the actual June 8, 2015, a gallon of milk cost, on average, $3.39.) Another clip featured this prediction for 2015 "Gas reached over $9 a gallon." (In reality, gas cost an average of $2.75 four years ago.) 
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Jim Riley - Seriously, we have Bridge cards, weekly food drives...

Jim Riley - Seriously, we have Bridge cards, weekly food drives...
"Seriously, we have Bridge cards, weekly food drives everywhere, church food-banks and each child comes with an increase in the Bridge card food allowance.
Where is the Bridge card food money going?
Do parents have ANY responsibility to care for and feed their children?
Is it gonna be "it takes a village" from now on?
Is this going to be positive for our country?
Do we really want to teach our children that "THE STATE" will feed your kids, not their parents?"

The Summer Food Service Program is offered at schools, churches and other locations.

Lunch video-----The Green New Deal CULT and its leader AOC


Texas students will have to learn cursive again starting this fall |

Image result for free clip art cursive writingTexas students will have to learn cursive again starting this fall |

AUSTIN, Texas — Most school districts in Texas don't currently teach cursive. But that's about to change.
In 2017, the State Board of Education changed the requirements for the "English Language Arts and Reading" portion of the state education standards known as Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS. The changes that were adopted are set to be implemented during the 2019-2020 school year.

Aren't delirious Democrats now accusing Team Obama of treason? | TheHill

Aren't delirious Democrats now accusing Team Obama of treason? | TheHill
"...Actually, what Trump told ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos was that he’d consider taking intelligence dirt about a rival from a friendly ally.
(Norway was the actual example he used.)
Sound familiar?
That is EXACTLY what the Obama administration did in 2016. 
It’s something no one in the media or the political space grasped during the tsunami of breathless reaction that followed the interview.
In July 2016, the Obama administration accepted unsolicited information from Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat who just happened to have helped arrange a $25 million government donation to the Clinton Foundation years before.
Image result for taking intelligence dirt about a rival from a friendly ally.Downer said that he had witnessed a Trump campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, bragging about some dirt that the Russians supposedly had on Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
Though Downer’s claim was reported two-plus months after the alleged event, and was only hearsay gathered at a London tavern, the Obama administration gave it to the FBI which, in turn, thought it was weighty enough to justify opening a counterintelligence case against the lawfully elected Republican nominee for president.
In other words, the Democratic administration accepted dirt from a foreign friendly and used it to justify investigating its GOP rival.
And then, OMG, they did it again just a few weeks later..."
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The Bee... or THE TRUTH?-----Strong Link Found Between Watching Soccer, Being Incredibly Bored | The Babylon Bee

See the source imageStrong Link Found Between Watching Soccer, Being Incredibly Bored | The Babylon Bee
CAMBRIDGE, MA—A new study performed by a Harvard research team found a “strong correlation” between watching a soccer game and succumbing to a feeling of overwhelming boredom.
The study suggests that watching soccer is the root cause of much of the world’s boredom...
...“In our comprehensive study of thousands upon thousands of soccer viewers, many people began praying for the sweet release of death just several minutes into the match,” Dr. Travis Wilson, Head of Sports Research, said.
“There’s a real danger for viewers here.
If you watch an entire soccer match, there’s even a statistically significant chance that you end up gouging your eyes out, purely from the near-paralyzing tedium of the game.”..."
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#1 This day 1968-----Herb Alpert This Guy's in Love with You

Social networks unite to suppress conservatives, boost left-wing fantasies

See the source imageSocial networks unite to suppress conservatives, boost left-wing fantasies
WASHINGTON. The late publisher of the Washington Post, Katharine Graham, once said, “News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising.”
No one knows the truth of this observation better today than the dwindling number of conservatives still clinging by their fingernails onto their social media accounts.
In an increasingly blatant move toward outright censorship, America’s key social networks are uniting to suppress conservatives and boost their cherished left-wing fantasies.
The latest victim of this SJW-led, Marxist-style suppression and de-platforming campaign led by the major social networking sites?
None other than James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. 
O’Keefe’s usual modus operandi?
He exposes the dark hearts of those comfortable, left-wing champions of mainstream culture through the clever deployment of undercover video cameras and concealed microphones.
O’Keefe’s latest offense involves uncovering internal documents detailing Pinterest’s flagging of conservative commentator and observant Jew Ben Shapiro as a “white supremacist.”
The social media site also designated the pro-life website run by LiveAction as pornographic.
For exposing the biased inner workings of a social media giant, O’Keefe found himself banned from Twitter for violating the offensive Pinterest’s “privacy.”
This latest conservative banning, of course, is part of an ongoing attempt by the wealthy owners of social networks to preserve their self-appointed position as collective defenders of the truth.
As they define it. 

Something our dying legacy media failed to do in defense of their long-vanished acceptance as gatekeepers of our information flow..."

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And yet, they HATE Chick-Fil-A.