Wednesday, June 19, 2019

AM Fruitcake

AM Fruitcake

History for June 19

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History for June 19 -
Blaise Pascal 1623, Elbert Hubbard 1856, Guy Lombardo 1902
Image result for Blaise Pascal QuotesImage result for Quotes Elbert HubbardImage result for Guy Lombardo

Lou Gehrig 1903, Spanky McFarlane 1942 - Musician (Spanky and Our Gang), Kathleen Turner 1954 - Actress
Image result for Lou GehrigImage result for spanky & our gangImage result for Kathleen Turner fat

1862 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln outlined his Emancipation Proclamation, which outlawed slavery in U.S. territories.
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1964 - The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was approved after surviving an 83-day filibuster in the U.S. Senate.
Image result for civil rights act of 1964 vote by party

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Trump’s Mexican-tariff move was a true victory

Trump’s Mexican-tariff move was a true victory:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpPresident Trump’s detractors are trying to play down the significance of the US-Mexico immigration deal, saying it is largely comprised of actions that Mexico had already agreed to many months ago.
Trump defends tariff threat against Mexico, calls it 'beautiful thing'
Nice try. If Mexico had truly agreed to implement many of these measures in December, then why had they not been implemented six months later? As even Mexican officials acknowledge, it was Trump’s threat of tariffs that forced Mexico’s hand. In announcing the deal, a relieved Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said the “most important thing is that they didn’t apply tariffs and we didn’t experience an economic slowdown.”
The fact is, Trump bucked Republicans on Capitol Hill and even many of his own advisers, and used the threat of tariffs to get Mexico to act — and it worked.

The way we were-----Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson - Pancho and Lefty (Video)

Boob-tube-----KABC-TV Watts Riot Coverage, August 1965

'Made in China' era is over, says world's leading bike manufacturer

'Made in China' era is over, says world's leading bike manufacturer
"Giant Manufacturing Co. saw the writing on the wall early on.
The world’s biggest bicycle maker started moving production of U.S.-bound orders out of its China facilities to its home base in Taiwan as soon as it heard Donald Trump threaten tariff action in September.
When Trump announced the plan of 25% tariffs, we took it seriously,” Chairwoman Bonnie Tu said in an interview at Giant’s Taichung City headquarters in Taiwan.
“We started moving before he shut his mouth.”..."
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Campus food service worker hit with bias complaint after saying ‘hello’ to student in Japanese | The College Fix

Campus food service worker hit with bias complaint after saying ‘hello’ to student in Japanese | The College Fix
  • U. of Minnesota student complained of ‘microaggressions’ and ‘implicit bias’
See the source image"During the fall 2018 semester at the University of Minnesota, an Asian-American student stopped by one of the restaurants in the Coffman Memorial Union to pick up a snack. 
At the register, a food service worker said something the student didn’t understand. 
When the student said they didn’t get it, the woman at the register said she was saying “hello” in Japanese, and asked where the student was from. 
“Wisconsin,” the student replied. 
The cashier laughed and told the student to have a nice day, but the student did not find much humor in the experience. 
The student reported the cashier to the campus Bias Response and Referral Network, claiming “these type of microaggressions occur too often on campus” and “this implicit bias needs to be addressed.”..."
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'Dark day': Illinois governor signs abortion bill far worse than New York's

'Dark day': Illinois governor signs abortion bill far worse than New York's:

Image result for flickr commons images Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker But Illinois’ legislation is inherently worse. According to a previous report by Live Action News’ Cassy Fiano-Chesser, the two bills introduced by Illinois lawmakers would “make the state’s abortion laws even more extreme than New York’s”:
HB 2495 and would virtually eliminate all protections for preborn children, allow infanticide, remove conscience protection laws for health care workers, allow taxpayer funding for abortion, and more. HB 2467 would repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995, making it so that minors can obtain abortions without parental notification. The bills are so extreme that thousands of citizens flooded the Illinois state capitol building in protest….
The bill also repeals the state’s ban on partial-birth abortion. One nurse, after witnessing a D&X partial-birth abortion in the 1990’s, said:

China Is Harvesting Organs From Detainees, Tribunal Concludes - Slashdot

See the source imageChina Is Harvesting Organs From Detainees, Tribunal Concludes - Slashdot
"An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Guardian:
An independent tribunal sitting in London has concluded that the killing of detainees in China for organ transplants is continuing, and victims include imprisoned followers of the Falun Gong movement. The China Tribunal, chaired by Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, who was a prosecutor at the international criminal tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, said in a unanimous determination at the end of its hearings it was "certain that Falun Gong as a source -- probably the principal source -- of organs for forced organ harvesting." 

Among those killed, it has been alleged, are members of religious minorities such as Falun Gong..."
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We Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America's Accepted Norm

We Must Reject LGBTQ Craziness Becoming America's Accepted Norm
"Turning around in Walmart, I saw a large exhibit of Listerine mouthwash.
The exhibit was covered in rainbows stating that it was in celebration of LGBTQ (and other alphabets that I can't remember) pride.
The wording on the exhibit preached to us about love, respect and anti-bigotry.
See the source imageWhy is Johnson & Johnson which owns Listerine making a big deal about portraying perverted lifestyles engaged in by less than 3% of the population as something beautiful and crucially important?
My wife Mary showed me a photo on Facebook of a Philadelphia politician with his male sex partner. The politician's male sex partner had a full beard with his face painted in gaudy feminine makeup wearing a dress.
When did things get so crazy in America that admitting being repulsed by the obviously perverted photo would get one branded a bigot, publicly shamed and severely punished?
...Dr. Cretella shared a horrific story:
In a California kindergarten class, the teacher read to her students two transgender indoctrination stories for kids. 
After the teacher finished reading these stories, little Joey went to the restroom and returned to class wearing a dress.
The teacher said: “Boys and girls, Joey is really a girl just like Jazz in our story.
From now on we need to call her Josephine.”
This was Joey's parents' and the teacher's way to introduce Joey's transformation to his fellow kindergartners.
Joey's classmates were extremely confused. 
One little girl was terrified.
At home, after bathing in the tub, the girl's mom wrapped her in a towel.
Passing a mirror, the girl noticed that her hair was slicked back.
Panicked, she burst into tears.
“Mommy, am I turning into a boy? I don't wanna turn into a boy! Joey turned into a girl. Am I gonna turn into a boy?”..."
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Lunch video-2009 but even more relevant today!-----Andrew Klavan: Shut Up.


VIDEO: Mexican Feds Detain 500 Central American Migrants in Tractor Trailers

Image result for flickr commons images Veracruz Immigration Check pointVIDEO: Mexican Feds Detain 500 Central American Migrants in Tractor Trailers:

Mexican authorities detained a group of approximately 500 Central American migrants in the coastal state of Veracruz. Smugglers stuffed the migrants inside four tractor-trailers and were attempting to transport them from the southern part of Mexico to the U.S. border.

Q&A: What happens if state shuts down Line 5 oil pipeline

Q&A: What happens if state shuts down Line 5 oil pipeline
"A permanent shutdown of Enbridge Energy Co.'s Line 5 oil pipeline could have a major downstream impact on trade with Canada, energy supplies for multiple states and the price of jet fuel for airplanes at Detroit Metro Airport and residential propane in the Lower Peninsula.
(democrat) Attorney General Dana Nessel has indicated she may go to court as soon as the end of this month to try to stop the flow of oil through Enbridge's 66-year-old underwater pipeline in the Straits of Mackinac.
...Here are five questions and answers about Line 5 and the potential impact of permanently shutting down the pipeline...

Source: Crain's Detroit Business research

  • How reliant is Michigan on Line 5 for energy?
  • Without Line 5, where would Michigan get its propane?
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WATCH: Students Slam Trump's 'Pretty Racist' Quotes, Then Learn They're From Biden | Daily Wire

WATCH: Students Slam Trump's 'Pretty Racist' Quotes, Then Learn They're From Biden | Daily Wire
"In a new man-on-the-street video, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips asks a few pro-Joe Biden college students to guess which presidential candidate — Donald Trump or Biden — was the source of some racially charged quotes, all of which were infamously stated by Biden.
Phillips finds that even though some of the lines have been widely reported, the students all guess Trump for each quote. 
When they are informed that in fact Biden said all of the "pretty racist" comments, the students express genuine surprise and say the revelation will likely impact their support for the former vice president..."
Read on.

#1 This day 1962-----RAY CHARLES "I Can't Stop Loving You"

Lest we forget-from 2013-----Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment Hype

Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment Hype
"...Of course this carbon regulation is posited upon saving the Earth based upon a “consensus within the scientific community that increasing the global temperature by more than 2oC will likely cause devastating and irreversible damage to the planet.” 
...And where it comes to promulgating and capitalizing upon carbon-climate-crazed sociopolitical pressure, you would be hard-pressed to find two better authorities. 
See the source imageGore and Blood, the former chief of Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM), co-founded London-based GIM in 2004. 
...Then there’s the matter of that estimated $70 million net he received for his 20 percent stake in the January sale of the Current TV network, to the Qatari-owned al -Jazeera Satellite Network
Given that Al Gore is so green and all, it struck many people that buying into the Big Oil-drenched deal might be somewhat hypocritical for someone who for years has inveighed against dreaded fossil-fueled global warming. 
Yup, this is the very same Albert Arnold Gore, Jr. who said, regarding the proposed Keystone XL pipeline: “there is no such thing as ethical oil”, there’s “only dirty oil and dirtier oil”.
Daily Show television host Jon Stewart once questioned, “Can mogul Al Gore coexist with activist Al Gore?” 
And perhaps another question which was highlighted on the screen at the conclusion of his 2006 An Inconvenient Truth science fiction movie is warranted as well.
Mr. Gore, “Are you ready to change the way you live?”"
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How they "think".

Why Trump critics ought to spend more time in Sunday School - Washington Times

Why Trump critics ought to spend more time in Sunday School - Washington Times:
Image result for free clip art prayer
The service was already underway when the president arrived. The pastor, Rev. David Platt, invited him to the platform. Rev. Platt placed his hand on the president’s back and with their eyes closed and heads bowed, Rev. Platt addressed God: “We know we need your mercy. We need your grace. We need your help. We need your wisdom in our country. And so, we stand right now on behalf of our president and we pray for your grace, and your mercy, and your wisdom upon him.”