Monday, July 01, 2019

"How can one justify a city-wide ban on E-cigarettes and fund "safe injection sites" for drugs? --Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith

  • How can one justify a city-wide ban on E-cigarettes and fund "safe injection sites" for drugs? 
  • How is it even remotely logical to ban cigarettes and promote legalization of marijuana? 
  • What sense does it make to ban private assistance to feed the homeless and then complain that there isn't enough funding for food programs for them? 
  • How can you argue for free healthcare for illegal non-citizens when American veterans can't get help? 
  • How can you argue that it is discriminatory to refuse to bake a cake for a same sex wedding but forcing a baker to do so against their will is not? 
  • How can you cry about the sanctity of elections and then refuse to put measures in place to validate the eligibility of the voters? 
  • How can you argue that a particular redistricting is unconstitutional and then promote open borders? How can you argue argue for background checks and restrictions to own a gun and ammunition because "if it can save one child, it is worth it" and then say that abortions should be free without restriction? 
  • How can you argue that school shootings are aberrations when more children are aborted each day in abortion clinics than are killed in all school shootings?

This is your modern Democrat party.
They no longer are required to make sense.

This is all about power and pandering to anyone who will vote to give it to

#1 This day 1959-----Johnny Horton Battle Of New Orleans (HQ Stereo) (1959)

Kamala Harris’ Great-Grandmother Exposed as Plantation Slave Owner – Conservative Headlines

Image result for Kamala Harris slave plantation ownerKamala Harris’ Great-Grandmother Exposed as Plantation Slave Owner – Conservative Headlines
"Kamala Harris is a true Democrat. According to Kamala Harris’ father, the Democratic presidential hopeful’s great-grandmother was a Jamaican slave plantation owner who founded the city of Brown’s Town, Jamaica.
Former MTV VJ Adam Curry, read quotes directly from Harris’ father’s book, “Reflections of a Jamaican Father.”
Reflections of a Jamaican Father
By Donald J. Harris
...My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me)…"
Kamala Harris is a direct descendant of Jamaican slave owners, that makes her a true Democrat.

Will Harris be held to the same standard as others with racial controversies in their family tree?
For example, NASCAR river Conor Daly lost sponsors after being attacked by liberals over a racial slur used by his father in an interview during the early 1980s..."

Is that really their plan?

NYT Editor Made A Graph Showing The Democrats Pivoted Far-Left. He Used It To Call Republicans Far-Right | The Daily Caller

Image result for flickr commons images New York TimesNYT Editor Made A Graph Showing The Democrats Pivoted Far-Left. He Used It To Call Republicans Far-Right | The Daily Caller:

The New York Times published an analysis Wednesday that blamed the Republican Party for political polarization in America, but the article’s argument was undermined by the very data it cited.

AM Fruitcake

History for July 1

See the source image
History for July 1 -
George Sand 1804 - Author Amandine Aurore Lucile Dudevant, Thomas Andrew Dorsey 1899 - Musician, "Father of Gospel Music," pianist, composed more than 1,000 gospel songs, Jamie Farr 1934 - Actor ("M*A*S*H")
Image result for George Sand QuotesImage result for Thomas Andrew DorseyImage result for Jamie Farr MASH

Deborah Harry 1945 - Singer (Blondie), Dan Aykroyd 1952 - Comedian, actor ("Driving Miss Daisy," "Saturday Night Live," "Ghostbusters," "The Blues Brothers"), Princess Diana (Spencer) 1961 - Princess of Wales
See the source imageImage result for Dan AykroydImage result for Princess Diana young

1863 - During the U.S. Civil War, the first day's fighting at Gettysburg began.
Image result for first day's fighting at Gettysburg began.

1943 - The U.S. Government began automatically withholding federal income tax from paychecks.
See the source image

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Donald Trump becomes first sitting U.S. president to enter North Korea in 'historic moment' - Washington Times

Donald Trump becomes first sitting U.S. president to enter North Korea in 'historic moment' - Washington Times:

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpOSAN AIR FORCE BASE, South Korea — President Trump shook hands with dictator Kim Jong-un on Sunday and stepped onto North Korean soil — a first for a sitting U.S. president — in a bid to revive talks over the brutal regime’s nuclear and missile systems.
Mr. Trump said it was a “great honor” to cross the border within the demilitarized zone, or “DMZ,” and one of his chief aides said U.S. and North Korean negotiators will start talking again by mid-July.
“I think it’s historic. It’s a great day for the world,” Mr. Trump said.

Obama's top U.N. official part of 'hate Trump' campaign - WND

Obama's top U.N. official part of 'hate Trump' campaign - WND:

Image result for flickr commons images Obama and Samantha PowersNewly uncovered documents show that Samantha Power, ambassador to the United Nations under Barack Obama, while submitting 260 unmasking requests seeking surveillance information about the incoming president and his campaign, was simultaneously engaged in “a move to undermine the incoming administration.”

The way we were-----Styx - Come Sail Away


Killer Heatwave – The New Climate Porn | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT

Killer Heatwave – The New Climate Porn | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT
"There have been several reports about a “killer heatwave” in the UK, such as this one:
We are told that six have now died. 
But every single one have been due to swimming accidents.
Of course, people go swimming when the sun comes out, but these unfortunate deaths have no more to do with “heatwaves”, than they do with “water”
To suggest that these people have died because of the heat is a despicable type of climate porn."

Global warming!-----Sun, snow and slopes: Snowbird to have Fourth of July skiing |

Sun, snow and slopes: Snowbird to have Fourth of July skiing |
"SALT LAKE CITY — Snowbird announced the resort will remain open and let skiers hit the slopes on the Fourth of July..."
Read all!

Carlson And Patel: Woke Fascism | The Daily Caller

Carlson And Patel: Woke Fascism | The Daily Caller:

Image result for free clip art MathHow do you know if you’re living in a free society? Here’s a quick test: Are you allowed to say obviously true things in public? Or are you forced to lie? As George Orwell put it in “1984”: “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.” But what if that freedom isn’t granted? What if you’re required to repeat things that you know aren’t true? What if everyone who hears you knows perfectly well that you’re lying, but they can’t say so out loud? What if everyone is required to nod along in mock sincerity as if it’s all completely real? That’s what a pep rally in a police state looks like: “Thanks to the dear leader for a bountiful potato harvest!” they chant, even as they starve to death. You get the same feeling as you watch the current race for the Democratic nomination.

It’s Not A Bribe When You Use Other People’s Money

See the source imageIt’s Not A Bribe When You Use Other People’s Money
"There are people in prison right now for bribery. 
Judges have been removed from the bench for taking bribes, and people sent to cells for extended periods for offering and/or accepting them. 
So why aren’t the candidates running for the nomination for the Democratic Party for president among them?
You name it, and there’s a Democratic candidate out there offering to give it to people if they’d just vote for them. 
How is that not bribery?

  • Want free college? Done, just vote for candidate X, Y, or Z.
  • Want your student loans “forgiven”? You got it, just vote for one of the candidates promising just that.
  • Sick of paying for rent? 
  • Health insurance? 
  • Cable? 
  • Cell phones? 
  • Food? 
  • Housing? 

You can find a Democrat somewhere who’ll swear it’s all yours, and “for free,” if you simply mark their name on your ballot...."
Read all.

Spreading HATE!-----So much for the libs demand for civility-----Just days after Eric Trump spat upon by waitress, WaPo publishes op-ed justifying harassment of restaurant customers over politics

Just days after Eric Trump spat upon by waitress, WaPo publishes op-ed justifying harassment of restaurant customers over politics
"Just days after Eric Trump spat upon by waitress, WaPo publishes op-ed justifying harassment of restaurant customers over politics
The Washington Post is all-in on stoking the fire of public harassment of Trump supporters, denying them public accommodations. 
So much for civility and mutual respect.
That’s the only conclusion to draw from this op-ed (non-paywall version here) published by the largest newspaper in our nation’s capital, written by Stephanie Wilkinson, the owner of the Red Hen Restaurant that kicked out Sarah Sanders and her family while dining there.
The paper proudly tweeted out its contribution to the loss of civility.

From the co-owner of the Red Hen: Restaurants are now a soundstage for our national spectacle. And the rules have shifted. 

Savor the irony of the graphic that accompanied the tweet and the article:
(source: Twitter)
If anyone is spreading hate, it is Wilkinson and spitting waitresses. 
The projection here is so obvious that one might think editors at the WaPo would get it, 
But no, the paper is part of the problem..."
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Lunch video-----Patrick Moore 97% Climate Change Consensus Myth