Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Lunch video----Green energy is about money, not the climate — that's why they reject n...


N.Y. Times: We're victim of right-wing conspiracy - WND

Image result for flickr commons images new york timesN.Y. Times: We're victim of right-wing conspiracy - WND:

That "objection is rich," wrote Breitbart editor Joel Pollak, given that the Times "boosted an effort by left-wing activists to shut down conservative media solely for their journalists’ coverage of the left and their editorial support for President Donald Trump."

The Childhood Quality That’s the Best Predictor of Health, Wealth, and Happiness | Intellectual Takeout

Image result for self-controlThe Childhood Quality That’s the Best Predictor of Health, Wealth, and Happiness | Intellectual Takeout
"If you were presented with the opportunity to instill one, and only one, quality in your children, what would it be?
...according to famed family physician and author Dr. Leonard Sax, parents don’t have to resign themselves or their children to such a fate. 
His research shows that there is one thing parents can instill in their children to ensure a successful future. 
That thing is self-control:
“What characteristic, measured in childhood, best predicts health, wealth, and happiness in that individual 20 years down the road, when the child is an adult? Is it intelligence? Grades in school? Ability to make friends? No. It is none of these things. Longitudinal cohort studies consistently find that self-control in childhood best predicts health, wealth, and happiness in adulthood, far better than IQ scores, grades in school, friendliness or popularity.”
Read all.

Love this guy!

Good news!-----Big Wind’s Big Headwinds | RealClearEnergy

Image result for wind turbune failBig Wind’s Big Headwinds | RealClearEnergy
"On Monday, the Seattle City Council passed a resolution that adds the city to the list of municipalities that have committed to a local version of the Green New Deal. 
...But recent news out of Oregon, Massachusetts, North Dakota, and Germany shows that regulators, local governments, and environmental groups are slowing or derailing wind projects. 
...History shows that when the tax credits dry up, new wind-energy installations plummet.
...Perhaps the most remarkable example of the opposition to wind energy can be seen in Germany...last month, the German newspaper Die Welt, reported that new wind installations in Germany during the first six months of 2019 “collapsed” falling to the lowest level since 2000..."
Read all.

#1 This day 1964-----Supremes - Where Did Our Love Go (1964) HD 0815007

UN/World dictatorship in the making--Just read a bit of this bullsh!t-----Deep transformations needed to achieve sustainable development goals

Deep transformations needed to achieve sustainable development goals
"The Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change call for deep transformations that require complementary actions by governments, civil society, science, and business.
IIASA contributed to a new study outlining six major transformations that will be required to achieve these ambitious goals.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focus on time-bound targets for prosperity, people, planet, peace, and partnership—collectively known as the five Ps. 
By adopting the 2030 Agenda with its 17 SDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement, UN member states effectively created a framework for national action and global cooperation on sustainable development, while the Paris Agreement committed signatory countries to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by the middle of the century.
...Building on previous work by The World in 2050—a global research initiative established by IIASA—the authors of the study published in the journal Nature Sustainability propose six transformations to organize SDG interventions through a semi-modular action agenda that can be designed by discrete, yet interacting, parts of government.
...The 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement have given the world an aspirational narrative and an actionable agenda to achieve a just, safe, and sustainable future for all within planetary boundaries. 
The six transformations provide an integrated and holistic framework for action that reduces the complexity, yet encompasses the 17 SDGs, their 169 targets, and the Paris Agreement.
They provide a new approach to shift from incremental to transformational change; to identify synergies using sustainable development pathways; formulate actionable roadmaps; and a focus on inter-relationships to uncover multiple benefits and synergies,"...
...In their paper the researchers considered which key interventions would be necessary to achieve the SDG outcomes...
...Each SDG transformation describes a major change in societal structure (economic, political, technological, and social) to achieve long-term sustainable development, while also each contributing to multiple SDGs.
Excluding any of them would make it virtually impossible to achieve the SDGs..."
Read all... if you can stomach the drivel they will enforce on us if we allow it.

Student abuse! A national disgrace!

Free Speech or Forced Speech? Christian T-Shirt Printer's LGBT Case Heads to KY Supreme Court | CBN News

Free Speech or Forced Speech? Christian T-Shirt Printer's LGBT Case Heads to KY Supreme Court | CBN News:

Image result for 1st AmendmentKathy Trautvertter and Diane DiGeloromo of BMP T-shirts once told talk show host Glenn Beck they had to get involved because "when I put myself in his shoes I could see it from his side."
The LGBT printers realized they could not go against their own social mores and if asked, they "could not create or print anti-gay t-shirts for a group."
DiGeloromo said they know that siding with the printer may cause some concern in the LGBT community but "we feel it's not a gay or straight issue, it's a human issue and no one should be forced to do something against what they believe in."


The stories peddled in the media about ‘’record’’ fires in the Amazon is one of the biggest media beat ups I have seen.
Facts are;
  • There have always been fires in the Amazon at this time year - after all its a a forests and forests burn. 
  • This century there has been a decline trend in fires in Amazon
  • Last year (2018) was the lowest year for fires in the Amazon 
  • This year, fires are above last year, but still just below average.

You have to ask; why are so many people telling alarmist lies, and for what purpose ?
So outrageous has been the misinformation campaign than even the BBC is now backtracking. 
I wonder if ‘our’ ABC will do the same ?"

AM Fruitcake

History for August 28

Image result for Leo Tolstoy Quotes
History for August 28 -
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749, Elizabeth Ann Seton 1774 - She was also the first American-born saint beatified by the Roman Catholic Church., Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy 1828
Image result for Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe QuotesImage result for Elizabeth Ann SetonImage result for Leo Tolstoy Quotes

David Soul 1943 - Actor ("Starsky and Hutch"), Shania Twain 1965 - Country singer, LeAnn Rimes 1982 - Singer
Image result for David SoulImage result for Shania TwainImage result for LeAnn Rimes

1939 - The first successful flight of a jet-propelled airplane took place. The plane was a German Heinkel He 178.
Image result for German Heinkel He 178.

1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech at a civil rights rally in Washington, DC. More than 200,000 people attended.
See the source image

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Women For Trump Ad Pulled From Facebook for Policy Violation

Image result for flickr commons images facebook logoWomen For Trump Ad Pulled From Facebook for Policy Violation:

Earlier this week, Facebook took down several Trump campaign ads over alleged violations of their advertising policies. They must have been terrible, horribly offensive ads, right? Heck, even I thought they must have been tasteless ads that were reasonably taken down... and then I saw one of the offensive ads:

The way we were-----Hee Haw Documentary

Boob-tube-----Johnny Carson's Monologue Has Rough Start, But Hilarious Ending 12-14-1988

And the MSM propagandists let them get away with this lie-----TPUSA Activist: 2020 Democrats Claim Ignorance, Refuse to Condemn Antifa | Breitbart

TPUSA Activist: 2020 Democrats Claim Ignorance, Refuse to Condemn Antifa | Breitbart
"Turning Point USA (TPUSA) activist and student Zach Doehermann told Breitbart News that multiple 2020 Democrat primary presidential candidates claimed that they did not know what Antifa was after being asked if they would denounce the organization widely known for terrorizing conservatives
Doehermann joined host SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily Alex Marlow in a Wednesday interview for TPUSA’s weekly campus report.
...“It was really interesting to see who actually did denounce, and who didn’t,” added Doehermann. “Kirsten Gillibrand — she didn’t know who they were.”
Listen below:
“Jay Inslee, the governor of Washington,” continued Doehermann, “you’d think with all the stuff that’s going on in Portland, [that] he would’ve condemned them right away, but he was like, ‘Oh, who is Antifa? I’ve never heard of them before.'”...
Read all.

Politics By Infomercial | Intellectual Takeout

Politics By Infomercial | Intellectual Takeout
"...Modern political campaigns bear an uncomfortable resemblance to infomercials. 
Image result for used-car salesmanYou know the ones: a loud, fast-talking spokesperson appears on the television to point out a common problem.
My kids drew on the walls, someone scratched my car, I wish my blanket had sleeves.
Then they will excitedly offer a supposedly amazing solution. 
They’ll demonstrate their product and, viola!, the problem is solved.
This formula is used by most of the 2020 Democratic candidates.
Both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, for example, have promised to end the “student loan crisis” by “cancelling” the debt altogether.
It’s the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for education policy.
One brush and the debt is wiped away!
...Andrew Yang’s campaign is the most transparently transactional.
He wants to institute a universal basic income called the “Freedom Dividend.” 
Essentially his pitch is “Vote for me and when I’m elected I’ll give you all $1,000 a month!”
He’s a used-car salesman offering that big rebate that you just can’t pass up.
But buyer-beware: you’re probably being sold a lemon..."
Read all!

Graham On US-China Trade War: ‘Until They Feel The Pain, They’re Not Going To Stop’ | The Daily Caller

Graham On US-China Trade War: ‘Until They Feel The Pain, They’re Not Going To Stop’ | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Lindsey Graham South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham said Americans have to be ready to tighten their belts in order to make China’s government change its trade practices.
“I’m glad American companies are in China doing business because there’s a lot of customers. What I don’t like is they close off markets to the American business community in China,” Graham said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “They’re required to have a Chinese business partner when you do business in China, and they steal all of your stuff.”

Refreshing!-----Honest Political Ad Gil Fulbright

VENI, VIDI, VINUM: How Two Italians Achieved a 200-Year-Old Dream of Virginian Wine.

Instapundit Blog Archive VENI, VIDI, VINUM
How Two Italians Achieved a 200-Year-Old Dream of Virginian Wine. 
“Since Thomas Jefferson first tried, growing European vines had always failed.”...
Image result for experts meme
Op-eds criticized them as buffoons. Locals cracked jokes about them being in the Mafia. An arsonist burned down the barn housing their winery. Farmers who had planted French-hybrid vines spoke out against them. Officials viewed them with suspicion—as if the endeavor were actually a ruse to undermine the East Coast’s so-called wine industry or mislead local farmers.
When Virginia’s commissioner of agriculture ascertained what was happening, he summonsed Rausse to a conference room in Richmond. 
...Rausse says he did not like being told what he couldn’t do.
He then went on to make lots of award-winning Virginia wines, and in the process almost single-handedly jump-started quality East Coast winemaking.
I very much doubt our experts in any field have gotten smarter, better informed, or wiser in the last 40 years. 
Or as Heinlein wrote just a few years before Rausse was told what he couldn’t do, “Always listen to experts. They’ll tell you what can’t be done, and why. 
Then do it.”--Posted by 

Lunch video-----10 Myths About Government Debt


Ilhan Omar Mocks Republicans For ‘Losing Their Minds’ Over Muslims In Congress | The Daily Caller

Ilhan Omar Mocks Republicans For ‘Losing Their Minds’ Over Muslims In Congress | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Ilhan Omar“Keep in mind, Muslims more so than most people have great animosity towards Israel and the Jewish faith,” Brooks said.
“And as you have more and more Muslims in the United States, as they gain greater and greater influence in elections, particularly in Democratic Party primaries — then you’re going to see more and more people like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and company that are anti-Israel, and that brings an entirely different viewpoint into the United States Congress.”

Sound familiar?-----Forgotten Appalachian Memories - Posts

Forgotten Appalachian Memories - Posts
"August, 1946: The citizens of Athens, Tennessee stage an armed revolt against their corrupt local government. 
People had long been outraged by the local Democratic machine, headed by Boss E.H. Crump, which maintained power through graft and electoral fraud, and used the local sheriff's department as a tool of oppression and brutality. 
The machine also kept tight control over the region's newspapers and its grasp extended to every part of local government: said one veteran returning from WWII, "You couldn't even get hired as a schoolteacher without their okay, or any other job." 
The sheriff's department routinely rousted returning G.I.s and hit them with trumped up fees and fines to steal as much of their pay as possible.
Image may contain: one or more people, crowd, tree and outdoor
Receiving no help from the federal government - The (DEMOCRAT) Department of Justice had investigated election fraud in 1940, 1942, and 1944, but had failed to take any effective action - tensions grew until the August 1946 election, when a group of G.I.s put forward their own slate of candidates in an attempt to overthrow the Crump machine once and for all. 
They were met on Election day by false arrests, vote fraud, and voter intimidation. 
Things finally came to a head when an elderly black farmer was turned away from the polls, and subsequently beaten by a policeman with brass knuckles when he and the veteran assigned as a poll watcher objected. The farmer tried to escape, but was shot in the back and killed.
The people had had enough..."


Excellent source for latest info----Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for August 26, 2019 Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog

Democratic Presidential Clown Car Update for August 26, 2019  Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog
Image result for Presidential Clown CarDemocratic Presidential Clown Car Update for August 26, 2019
Inslee and Moulton are Out, Sanders wants to bring U.S. Postal Service efficiency to powering your house and car, and there’s a rumor Grandma Death may arise from her crypt. It’s your Democratic Presidential clown car update!


  • Economist/YouGov (page 79): Biden 22, Sanders 19, Warren 17, Harris 8, Buttigieg 7, O’Rourke 3, Booker 2, Gabbard 2, Bullock 1, Castro 1, de Blasio 1, Gillibrand 1, Inslee 1, Yang 1.
  • SSRS: Biden 29, Sanders 15, Warren 14, Buttigieg 5, Harris 5, O’Rourke 3, Booker 2, Castro 2, Gabbard 2, Bullock 1, Klobuchar 1, Ryan 1, Steyer 1, Yang 1.
  • Gravis (Nevada): Biden 25, Warren 15, Sanders 10, Uncertain 9, Harris 9, Steyer 6, Buttigieg 5, Booker 3. Yang 2, Klobuchar 2, Gabbard 2, Bennett 2, de Blasio 2, Gillibrand 1, Delaney 1, Castro 1, Williamson 1, Bullock 1, Ryan 1, Inslee 1.
  • Real Clear Politics
  • 538 polls
  • Election betting markets
  • Pundits, etc..."
    Read all.
    Much here!

    #1 This day 1958-----the elegants - little star

    Climate Alarmists Foiled: No U.S. Warming Since 2005 | RealClearEnergy

    Climate Alarmists Foiled: No U.S. Warming Since 2005 | RealClearEnergy
    "...That is because there has been no warming in the United States since at least 2005, according to updated data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
    In January 2005, NOAA began recording temperatures at its newly built U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN).
    USCRN includes 114 pristinely maintained temperature stations spaced relatively uniformly across the lower 48 states. NOAA selected locations that were far away from urban and land-development impacts that might artificially taint temperature readings.
    Prior to the USCRN going online, alarmists and skeptics sparred over the accuracy of reported temperature data. 
    ...The USCRN has eliminated the need to rely on, and adjust the data from, outdated temperature stations.
    Strikingly, as shown in the graph below, USCRN temperature stations show no warming since 2005 when the network went online. 
    If anything, U.S. temperatures are now slightly cooler than they were 14 years ago.

    Temperature readings from 2005 (far left) to the present (far right) show absolutely no warming..."
    Read all.

    Crayons as WEAPONS!