Wednesday, November 27, 2019

RINO Alert!-----Proposed study would look at whether toll roads make sense in Michigan -

Image result for toll road backupProposed study would look at whether toll roads make sense in Michigan -
"Michigan’s major roadways currently don’t require tolls.
...But some lawmakers in Michigan are interested in at least exploring the option, backing legislation to task the Michigan Department of Transportation with studying tolling to see if it’s possible in some of the state’s high-traffic corridors.
..The bill is sponsored by Republican Sen. John Bizon, R-Battle Creek, and is supported by MDOT..."
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Taught to hate by teachers?-----The Melania Trump Is Booed While Addressing Students in Baltimore - The New York Times

Image result for Melania Trump was booed
Melania Trump Is Booed While Addressing Students in Baltimore - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Melania Trump was booed by a roomful of students in Baltimore on Tuesday when she took the stage to give a speech about youth opioid use, one of the pillars of her “Be Best” initiative.
A vocal crowd of middle school and high school students erupted in a mix of loud boos and some cheers as the first lady strode across the stage at the B’More Youth Summit on Opioid Awareness..."
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Lunch video-----A Message to The Global Warming Alarmists


Gary Larson GIF

First Migrant Deported To Guatemala Under New Asylum Program Decides To Return Home | The Daily Caller

First Migrant Deported To Guatemala Under New Asylum Program Decides To Return Home | The Daily Caller:

Image result for No Border CrossingThe first migrant deported under the Trump administration’s new asylum program with Guatemala opted to go back to his home county instead, an indication of how other asylum seekers may respond to the policy.
Despite claiming to be fearful of returning to his home country of Honduras, Erwin Jos Ardn Montoya — when given the choice of receiving asylum protection and a job in Guatemala — opted instead to go back to his village, according to The Associated Press.

Left-leaning ‘dark money’ network poured millions into Michigan elections -

Left-leaning ‘dark money’ network poured millions into Michigan elections -
Image result for daek money"A well-funded left-leaning “dark money” network funneled nearly $9 million to Michigan activist causes in 2018.
Sixteen Thirty Fund, a nonprofit focused on promoting social welfare, supported an anti-gerrymandering ballot initiative and other Democrat-backed causes during the 2018 midterm elections, according to tax filings released by Politico last week.
“One of my major concerns with the structure of organizations like this is that there’s a significant lag in reporting,” Schuster said.
“This organization can have a broad influence on an election, but because they don’t have to file the documents that disclose their spending, then we don’t even know the extent of their influence until long after the election."
Politico’s analysis of Sixteen Thirty Fund’s spending in 2018 found it dedicated $141 million to more than 100 left-leaning causes. It also supported House Democrats in crucial elections across the country..."
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We're all sick of that crap!

Harvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate – and the same is true for scooters and electric cars

Image result for wind turbine failHarvard study finds that wind turbines create MORE global warming than the fossil fuels they eliminate – and the same is true for scooters and electric cars
"Researchers from Harvard University have made an interesting and hilarious discovery with regards to wind power, which actually causes more global warming than the burning of fossil fuels does.
While massive wind farms are said by some to be the “renewable” energy source of the future, two Harvard scientists have found that the spinning blades of these massive metal monstrosities create more climate warming than coal plants..."
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#1 This day 1968-----Diana Ross and The Supremes - Love Child [Ed Sullivan Show - 1968]

Fascinating fail!-----“You Don’t Bring Bad News to the Cult Leader”: Inside the Fall of WeWork | Vanity Fair

“You Don’t Bring Bad News to the Cult Leader”: Inside the Fall of WeWork | Vanity Fair
"On the afternoon of September 18, 2019, WeWork cofounder Adam Neumann was in his office at WeWork’s Chelsea headquarters when he got a text alert on his iPhone.
Image result for WeWork cofounder Adam NeumannThe Wall Street Journal had just published an explosive article chronicling what it said was his reckless management of the coworking start-up, the era’s preeminent unicorn.
Neumann is dyslexic, and reading is a challenge, so advisers quickly briefed him on the story’s most troubling details: vivid accounts of his heavy drinking, marijuana use, and habit of making grandiose pronouncements like wanting to be elected president of the world, live forever, and become humanity’s first trillionaire.
The article could not have arrived at a more perilous moment..."
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The Myth Of An Epidemic Of Racist Police Shootings Is Wrong, And Dangerous | The Daily Caller

The Myth Of An Epidemic Of Racist Police Shootings Is Wrong, And Dangerous | The Daily Caller:

Image result for flickr commons images Police lightsThe false narrative claims that individual police officers, motivated by overt racism or implicit racial bias, are rampantly targeting black Americans. Some go further to allege these shootings are proof of “systemic racism” within American law enforcement. Nonstop broadcast of the anti-police message by radical activists, Hollywood celebrities, professional athletes, politicians, academics, and most mainstream media outlets have made this myth pervasive. The myth, and the powerful voices who perpetuate it, are rarely challenged — even by law enforcement leaders. The result has been fear, distrust, hatred of the police, and a breakdown of the rule of law.

Open season on conservatives?-----Arizona Dem Lawmaker's Former Staffer Gets Jail Time After Assaulting Trump Supporter

See the source imageArizona Dem Lawmaker's Former Staffer Gets Jail Time After Assaulting Trump Supporter
"Last year, Daniel Zaroes Brito, former Legislative Assistant to U.S. Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), attacked a man who was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat and waving a sign that read, "Vote Jobs, Not Mobs–Vote Republican."
The victim, Tucson resident Jonathan Sparks, suffered serious injuries in the assault.
Brito has now been sentenced to 12 days in the Pima County jail and three years probation.
"The assailant had jumped on to my ankle from behind," Sparks explained last November.
"So I, knowing my ankle was broken into four pieces, turned around to grab and take the hat back and my hands latched on to the hat."
...Sparks spent 20 hours in the hospital and had to undergo surgery.
He mused that if the situation had been different - for instance, if he had been a black man or if he had been waving "a rainbow flag," there would be "a sea of reporters" on the scene..."
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AM Fruitcake

History for November 27

See the source image
History for November 27 -
Anders Celsius 1701, James Agee 1909, "Buffalo" Bob Smith 1917
Image result for Anders CelsiusSee the source imageImage result for "Buffalo" Bob Smith

Bruce Lee 1940, Eddie Rabbit 1941, Jimi Hendrix 1942 - Musician
Image result for Bruce LeeImage result for Eddie RabbitImage result for Jimi Hendrix

1963 - U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress.
Image result for Lyndon B. Johnson delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress.

1973 - The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford as vice president after the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew.
Image result for U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

U.S. presidential elections facing disturbing new threat: 'Faithless electors' - WND

U.S. presidential elections facing disturbing new threat: 'Faithless electors' - WND:
Image result for Flicker Commons Images U.S. Supreme
What if political parties need only to lobby members of the Electoral College to vote for a certain candidate, instead of accepting the voters' choice?
A ruling by the 10th Circuit Court in favor of a "faithless elector" who did not abide by Colorado law and vote for the candidate chosen by the majority in his state has been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
A friend-of-the-court brief filed by the Bopp Law Firm on behalf of the American Uniform Law Commission argues for overturning the ruling.

The way we were-----The Crystals - Da Doo Ron Ron (HQ)

Boob-tube-----Judy Holliday, Tyrone Power, Kay Starr, Janet Blair, 1955 TV

An Antifa Member Tries to Block a Car and Assault Someone, It Doesn't Go Well (Seriously)

An Antifa Member Tries to Block a Car and Assault Someone, It Doesn't Go Well (Seriously)
"The tactic of protestors, specially those tied to Antifa and the climate change movement, blocking roadways is becoming more and more common. 
...Normal people with jobs and responsibilities are getting tired of it. 
...Yesterday, a video surfaced of an Antifa protestor trying to block an SUV. The protestor has some kind of weapon in his hand (which you’ll see later clearly) an is wearing a black mask and backup (the typical getup).
Then this happens.
(WARNING: Language and fist fighting in the video)
Antifa/Extinction Rebellion protester tries to block a street and then starts vandalizing a man's SUV.
The man loses it and it doesn't end well for the protester.
Normal hardworking people have had enough of these left-wing virtue-signalling eco-terrorists

Embedded video
..The broader point here is that this has to stop. People can have their political issues and believe deeply in them. 
That doesn’t give them a right to block roads and attempt to assault people. 
...This stuff just needs to stop. 
We can’t co-exist if people can’t have basic respect for other’s space, time, and livelihoods."

When schools have unlimited money-----UC-Boulder 'encouraging' obesity with 'weight bias' workshop, conservative group says

UC-Boulder 'encouraging' obesity with 'weight bias' workshop, conservative group says
See the source imageThe University of Colorado-Boulder is hosting a “Body Liberation” workshop Tuesday, where attendees will learn about topics such as “thin privilege” and “weight bias.”
The event, hosted by the UC Boulder Human Resources office, is titled “Body Liberation: Examining weight bias through a cultural lens workshop.” 
It is open to any university faculty and staff members, where they can learn about “societal weight-based beliefs” and also learn about size and weight “through a cultural lens.”...
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Vulnerable Democrats Say They’re Being Abandoned Over Impeachment | The Daily Wire

Image result for Flicker Commons Images Capital HillVulnerable Democrats Say They’re Being Abandoned Over Impeachment | The Daily Wire:

Vulnerable Democrats are telling party leaders that they are concerned the House Intelligence Committee didn’t make its case for impeachment to the American people and that Republicans will have the upper hand on messaging as legislators head home for Thanksgiving.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Students dish on Thanksgiving as celebration of genocide

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Students dish on Thanksgiving as celebration of genocide

  • Eduardo Neret asked University of Florida students if Thanksgiving is a celebration of the genocide of Native Americans.
  • Several students said it was, while others added that Thanksgiving is an “unnecessary” and “BS” holiday.

"Campus Reform Digital Reporter Eduardo Neret went to the University of Florida to ask students about Thanksgiving.
With recent attempts to tie the holiday to “racism” and “genocide” of Native Americans, Neret asked the students if they believed Thanksgiving is a celebration of genocide..."

Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong

Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong

  • Climate scientists are speaking out against grossly exaggerated claims about global warming.

"Environmental journalists and advocates have in recent weeks made a number of apocalyptic predictions about the impact of climate change. 
Bill McKibben suggested climate-driven fires in Australia had made koalas “functionally extinct.” Extinction Rebellion said “Billions will die” and “Life on Earth is dying.
Vice claimed the “collapse of civilization may have already begun.”
See the source imageFew have underscored the threat more than student climate activist Greta Thunberg and Green New Deal sponsor Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The latter said, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.” 
Says Thunberg in her new book, “Around 2030 we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.”
Apocalyptic statements like these have real-world impacts.
In September, a group of British psychologists said children are increasingly suffering from anxiety from the frightening discourse around climate change.
...Journalists and activists alike have an obligation to describe environmental problems honestly and accurately, even if they fear doing so will reduce their news value or salience with the public.
There is good evidence that the catastrophist framing of climate change is self-defeating because it alienates and polarizes many people. 
And exaggerating climate change risks distracting us from other important issues including ones we might have more near-term control over..."
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Lunch video-----Every 172 Years like clockwork


No photo description available.

Lawsuit: Oklahoma State U. Prof Faced Discrimination After Serving in Trump Administration | Breitbart

Image result for Oklahoma State University LogoLawsuit: Oklahoma State U. Prof Faced Discrimination After Serving in Trump Administration | Breitbart:

A professor at Oklahoma State University alleges that she faced political discrimination by school officials after she accepted an appointment to the Trump Administration, according to a lawsuit.
Professor Whitney Blair of Oklahoma State University is suing over the alleged political discrimination that she faced at the university when she returned to campus after serving on the president’s administration as a senior executive in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), according to a report by News 9.

Election Fraud on a National Scale? - American Thinker

Election Fraud on a National Scale? - American Thinker
See the source image"Dallas patriots Kevin Freeman, host of the Economic War Room on BlazeTV and Russ Ramsland, a voter fraud and election expert, have released detailed findings from a cyber/forensic investigation into election fraud utilizing compromised voting machines in 2018 (and quite probably, in the governor’s race in 2019 in Kentucky).
In summary terms, Freeman’s “Episode #70” reveals that
(1) security protections in voting machines were disabled,
(2) penetration and manipulation of actual vote tabulations was and is possible, and
(3) evidence already exists that votes were surreptitiously, electronically manipulated to change election results.
This is the 21st century version of Stalin’s ruthless observation, “it’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.” 
Only today’s Stalins can do it all by online penetration of unsecure ‘voting machines’ to count and alter votes, and leave almost no IT fingerprints..."
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Sadly, we know the answer.

"Exposing the panic behind today's climate panic"-----Air-Climate-Energy

Air-Climate-Energy--Howard Brady shared a link.
"Climategate is one of the most misunderstood scientific scandals in history. 
This is not exactly surprising. 
What transpired and its ramifications require several steps of thought to understand, not lending itself easily to a simple one or two beat explanation.
This simple animation shows how the lines on the 'Hide the Decline' graph were transposed from their original studies, before ultimately being manhandled.
All done in order to give that false narrative of unprecedented rising temperatures in modern times.
This animation is part of a developing series exposing the panic behind today's climate panic, called Dante's Climate Inferno.
The style of this series is simple, but effective, supporting a narrative that has been expertly prepared and weaved together to cut straight to the heart of the climate debate, past all the fuzzy and emotional talking points that now characterise it..."
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#1 This day 1963-----Dale And Grace - I'm Leaving It All Up To You