Monday, March 30, 2020

UC tells students ‘do not’ say ‘Chinese Virus' and 'do not allow' others to say it either

UC tells students ‘do not’ say ‘Chinese Virus' and 'do not allow' others to say it either

  • The University of California system has issued a set of guidelines directing students and employees how to speak about the coronavirus from Wuhan, China.
  • The document directly tells students what names they should use for the virus.

One student responded by pointing out that “The Chinese government has actively contributed to the spread of this deadly virus."
The Council of Chief Diversity Officers at the University of California released a “guidance document” to announce “supportive positive and inclusive campus climates during the COVID-19 crisis.”
The list begins by telling students to “reject racism, sexism, xenophobia and all hateful or intolerant speech, both in person and online,” and to “Be an ‘up-stander,’ and discourage others from engaging in such behavior.”
“Do not use terms such as ‘Chinese Virus’ or other terms which cast either intentional or unintentional projections of hatred toward Asian communities, and do not allow the use of these terms by others,”...
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#1 Movie this week 1971-----The Godfather (1972) - Trailer

Recruiting snitches?---Norton Shores is experiencing a large number of complaints in reference to the Governors “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order within our city.

Norton Shores is experiencing a large number of complaints in reference to the Governors “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order within our city.
Norton Shores is experiencing a large number of complaints in reference to the Governors “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order within our city. 
We are working with the Prosecutor’s Office to provide guidance with the investigation of these complaints.
Use the following link to report violations of the Governors “ Stay Home, Stay Safe” Order.
Please include:
-Location or address of group or business
-Date and time of violation
-Description of violation you believe is occurring
All reported violations will be reviewed and prioritized by a Police Officer and referred for investigation if warranted.

#1 This day 1972-----America - A Horse With No Name ( Official Video )


Image result for second opinion"The Kung Flu Hockey Stick.
And yes, I know computer models CAN be accurate and a lot are. But when the results are “doom” and the prescription is some form of central government control we should learn to examine the data that went into them. 
Garbage In, Garbage Out.--Posted by 

Trump's warning!

President Trump: Americans Rallying to 'Defeat the Unseen Enemy'

Image result for flickr commons images president trumpPresident Trump: Americans Rallying to 'Defeat the Unseen Enemy':

President Trump posted a powerful video from his reelection campaign highlighting the administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and heaping praise on the American people, who are “rallying together to defeat the unseen enemy.”

"...21 million cellphone accounts being cancelled or dormant..." ----Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today
"Michael Smith--I wouldn't assume the Chinese sent crap test kits to Europe just because they wanted to, they push substandard crap out to their people as well - at least in my experience in-country.
If those COVID-19 test kits China sent to Spain are representative of the ones they used, it is likely they only identified 30 to 40% of the actual cases
That means that their actual infection and mortality rates would be 60 to 70% higher than reported."

  • Tim Sumpter Take your perspective in conjunction with the information in this article and the picture starts to coalesce a bit.

    “A single mortuary has had 5,000 urns delivered over the past two days, double the city's reported coronavirus death toll”
    See More
    Urns in Wuhan far exceed death toll, raising more questions about China’s tally
    Urns in Wuhan far exceed death toll, raising more questions about China’s…
    Urns in Wuhan far exceed death toll, raising more questions about China’s tally

    • Patrick Denny 
      • Patrick Denny There has also been reports of 21 million cellphone accounts being cancelled or dormant as of February. Cellphones in China are mandatory. 21 million.

    • Eric Hall I’m sure the death toll is higher but would argue the mortality rate might actually be lower with a higher infection rate. Bodies are easy to count (though we know they’re hiding that) but the total infected is probably up to 60% now of their 1.4 billion population. Same here, just a bit of a lag.

AM Fruitcake

History for March 30

Image result for President Ronald Reagan shot quotes
History for March 30 -
Vincent Van Gogh 1853, Peter Marshall 1930 - Game show host ("Hollywood Squares"), Warren Beatty 1937 - Actor,
 Image result for Peter MarshallImage result for Warren Beatty

Eric Clapton 1945 - Musician, Paul Reiser 1957 - Actor ("Mad About You"), comedian, Celine Dion 1968 - Singer
Image result for Eric ClaptonImage result for Paul ReiserImage result for Celine Dion

1867 - The U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars.
Image result for U.S. purchased Alaska from Russia

1981 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan was shot and wounded in Washington, DC, by John W. Hinckley Jr. Two police officers and Press Secretary James Brady were also wounded.
Image result for President Ronald Reagan was shot

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Lindsey Graham: ‘Shameful, Disgusting’ Pelosi Said Trump Contributed to People Dying

Image result for flickr commons images Lindsey GrahamLindsey Graham: ‘Shameful, Disgusting’ Pelosi Said Trump Contributed to People Dying:

Sunday on Fox News, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said it was “disgusting” that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump’s delay in the handling of the coronavirus pandemic caused deaths.
Graham said, “She’s blaming the president of the United States for people dying because of the way he has lead the country. That’s the most shameful, disgusting statement by any politician in modern history.”

Tumbleweeds Greet Credible Sex Abuse Accusation Against Gropey Joe

New York Times op-ed blames Evangelical Christians for paving the road to 'coronavirus hell' - TheBlaze

Image result for flickr commons images New York TimesNew York Times op-ed blames Evangelical Christians for paving the road to 'coronavirus hell' - TheBlaze:

An op-ed in the New York Times blames Evangelical Christians for paving the road to "coronavirus hell." In her article, contributor Katherine Stewart draws a parallel between 19th century advocates of slavery and religious Christians whose "denial of science and critical thinking," she says, "now haunts the American response" to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The way we were-----Jim Stafford Plays Classical Gas Branson, MO

Boob-tube-----Steve Martin's Great Flydini Amazing Magic Tricks on Johnny Carson's Ton...

Why Some Cities Are Restricting the Use of Reusable Grocery Bags Right Now | Kitchn

Why Some Cities Are Restricting the Use of Reusable Grocery Bags Right Now | Kitchn
Image result for virus grocery bags"Over the last few years, state after state and city after city have banned plastic bag use at grocery stores in favor of encouraging people to bring their own reusable tote bags. 
However, as the novel coronavirus spreads rapidly around the country, the bans are not only being lifted, but sometimes even flipped completely on their heads: WCVB reports that in Massachusetts, governor Charlie Baker has now banned all reusable bags, and lifted the plastic bag ban and any charges for using single-use bags. 
The same restriction was already in place in the city of Boston itself.
There is significant evidence that reusable totes didn’t offer quite the environmental advantage that they seemed to when production was factored in, but even beyond that, there has long been evidence of the bags as a vector to make people sick...
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THEY WANT A STAMPEDE: Distortion and fear: the MSM won’t quit doing this, because they think (kn…

Instapundit Blog Archive THEY WANT A STAMPEDE
 Distortion and fear: the MSM won’t quit doing this, because they think (know?) it works.
—The US is nowhere near having the highest number of cases per capita. 
See the source imageComparing absolute numbers in different countries without correcting for population means nothing, and one doesn’t need advanced math to realize that. 
Look at the cases per million numbers here, and you’ll see that the US has one of the world’s lowest rates (at the moment, anyway), not the highest at all. 
That will change and go up, of course, as testing continues. 
But it’s the more important statistic than sheer number of cases, although neither tells us very much right now.
Then there’s deaths per million. 
It’s a figure that means more, because it’s less dependent on the vagaries of mass testing (although it still does rely on proper testing of the very ill and dying, of course). 
On that measure, the current figure for the US is extremely low, similar to Germany which is considered to be doing very well. 
But this is not a number in which the media is especially interested because it’s nowhere near as effective for its uses.--Posted by Sarah Hoyt"

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits Stockpile of Thousands of Unused Ventilators

Image result for flickr commons images Andrew Cuomo Gov. Andrew Cuomo Admits Stockpile of Thousands of Unused Ventilators:

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo acknowledged Friday the state did have a stockpile of unused ventilators, despite his complaints the federal government was not sending enough.
Cuomo responded to a comment from President Donald Trump on Twitter that there were thousands of ventilators in New York not being used.

New York Times Spouts Chinese Propaganda on Coronavirus

New York Times Spouts Chinese Propaganda on Coronavirus
"According to an analysis from The New York Times, 81,321 Americans have been infected with the coronavirus. 
This, they say, "is more cases than China, Italy or any other country has seen." 
Now, I don't think anyone really believes that China's confirmed coronavirus cases simply topped out in the 80,000 range, but the World Health Organization and other groups seem to be accepting their numbers as gospel, anyway.
Just days earlier, the New York Times acknowledged that propaganda from the Chinese government has been "reshaping the coronavirus narrative" (by censoring negative information, hyping up China as the leader in the fight against the virus, and questioning the true origins of the virus) yet this latest article seems to be doing the work of China's propaganda machine, by claiming that despite a "deeply flawed early response to the outbreak" China's "autocratic government acted with ferocious intensity after the belated start." 
While China was allegedly acting "with ferocious intensity," the United States, they said, "remained preoccupied with business as usual. Impeachment. Harvey Weinstein. Brexit and the Oscars."...
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Virus Heroes and Zeros