Saturday, September 19, 2020

#1 This day 1963-----BOBBY VINTON-BLUE VELVET

"BLM curriculum" in your schools yet?-----Crime Comes to the Suburbs [Updated] | Power Line

Crime Comes to the Suburbs [Updated] | Power Line
"Edina, Minnesota, is an elite suburb that formerly had one of the most outstanding public school districts in the country.
That was before Edina’s school system went “woke” and began prioritizing indoctrination over education. 
In recent years, Edina’s schools have slipped badly in objective test measurements.
This coincides with the city’s transformation from a Republican bastion, as recently as 25 years ago, to a deep-blue outpost of progressivism.
How is that working out for Edina?
In addition to the decline of the town’s schools, crime has arrived...

He dint doo nutin'!


AG Barr: Besides Slavery, National Coronavirus Lockdown Is The ‘Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties’ | The Daily Caller

AG Barr: Besides Slavery, National Coronavirus Lockdown Is The ‘Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties’ | The Daily Caller

Attorney General William Barr claimed that, “other than slavery,” calls for a national lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic were “the greatest intrusion on civil liberties.”
Barr spoke Wednesday as part of a Hillsdale College event recognizing Constitution Day, making several comments about the constitutional implications of coronavirus-related lockdowns.

It's Saturday, learn how the election might be stolen...or not!-----Poppy Cock! | Be John Galt

"Poppy Cock! | Be John Galt
There is a stream of stupidity floating around the election that Nancy Pelosi could become acting POTUS. Latest article I saw spouting this drivel is here. Well for convenience permit me to show how exactly unlikely that is. Fact I would have a better chance of becoming a billionaire than Pelosi becoming acting POTUS.
The components of this conundrum:
  • Time line of Electors
  • Line of succession
  • The qualifying Amendments

Line of succession

Lets dispel a specific fact that most of the authors of this tripe have been using –
The 25th Amendment DOES NOT APPLY in the confluence of events of a Presidential election
There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this. The 25th Amendment addresses the line of succession for a sitting President. Fact it does not even cover issues of a President-elect.

Time line of Electors

There has been a great deal of concern about confusion post Nov 3rd considering the number of States that are permitting mail in voting. Well first of lets define what will really happen before launching into conjecture. 
The timeline:
  • Election Nov 3rd.
  • Election results resolved Dec 8th
  • Elector Qualification certified Dec 8th
  • Electors cast ballots Dec 14th
  • Ballots tendered to Senate Dec 23rd
  • Ballots counted in joint session Jan 6th
  • POTUS sworn in Jan 20th
So what is at issue?
  1. The post election mail in ballot morass ends Dec 8th. There is not wiggle room here its a hard date. You don’t have to believe me, look at the timeline of why the SCOTUS stepped in quickly in the election of Bush v Gore. They quashed any issue related to ballots on the 12th because FL electors had to cast their ballots on the 14th.
  2. If electors cannot be qualified or the election results for that state can’t be certified the process does not stop. The State in dispute cannot forward electors hence loses the vote for President. For example, if Texas cannot certify the election and electors on the 8th their 38 EVs are null.
  3. Any State whose ballots have not be received on or before the 23rd are null and void. So if California can’t keep the lights on and that prevents them from getting their votes in till the 25th? Tough, they are not to be counted. 55 EVs gone.
  4. Speaker of the House. The Constitution does not mandate a date for election of Speaker. If the Democrats were to retain the House it would be to Pelosi’s advantage to delay her reelection. Would the Republicans regain the House it would be to their advantage to call for an immediate vote in the first day of the first session of the House.

Qualifying Amendments

There are two:
  • The 12th Amendment
  • The 20th Amendment...Read all!"

AM Fruitcake


History for September 19

History for September 19 -
Sir William Golding 1911

Friday, September 18, 2020

Leaked emails indicate Nashville officials concealed bar and restaurant COVID data because there were so few cases - TheBlaze

Leaked emails indicate Nashville officials concealed bar and restaurant COVID data because there were so few cases - TheBlaze

Leaked emails between an adviser in the Nashville mayor's office and the city health department indicate that officials were interested in concealing the number of COVID-19 cases that were traced to bars and restaurants because the number was so low, according to WZTV-TV.

I posted this in 2017-What BLM really stands for. They specifically allege that police are "intentionally targeting innocent Black citizens for demise".

We must take a close look at what all this kneeling on the field represents.
What the Kaepernick and BLM movement actually stand for.
About #BlackLivesMatter
"Black Lives Matter is a unique contribution that goes beyond extrajudicial killings of Black people by police and vigilantes..."
We Affirm that All Black Lives Matter
"Black Lives Matter is an ideological and political intervention
in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise."

"....75% of black males in school can't read. ZERO students in Baltimore schools can do any math. "-----Muskegon County Informed***NATIONAL, International, Intergalactic! | Facebook

Muskegon County Informed***NATIONAL, International, Intergalactic! | Facebook
"Chris Parks---OK, here goes. 
Wrote this elsewhere and figured I would share.
...Candace Owens was recently interviewed by Levin. 
She said that 75% of black males in school can't read. 
ZERO students in Baltimore schools can do any math.
I am not posting this to insult black people. 
I am posting this to get real about what we are dealing with. 
There is a big problem that people are reluctant to discuss. 
This exact kind of ignorance is a major part of BLM and violent reactions to normal police work with criminals. 
These are people raised without a father and without learning ANYTHING about anything, including morals and civilized behavior. 
When they violently react they are like a wild animal..."Read all.

After vowing to abolish police, Minneapolis City Council demands to know, 'Where are the police?' - TheBlaze

After vowing to abolish police, Minneapolis City Council demands to know, 'Where are the police?' - TheBlaze:
Image result for flickr commons images Minneapolis Police Department
After the tragic death of George Floyd rocked the nation, the Minneapolis City Council — which is composed of nearly all Democrats — took the lead in the anti-police movement, voting to defund the city's police department. The council sought to replace traditional law enforcement with newer community-based, alternative forms of policing.
But as violent crime has plagued the city for months, the city council is now asking: "Where are the police?"

What Happened to Biden? | Power Line

What Happened to Biden? | Power Line


"The Trump campaign released a new ad today that highlights Joe Biden’s senility...

Here is the ad:

Oy vey!-----El Al's new owner: Eli Rozenberg, a 27-year-old yeshiva student from New York | The Times of Israel

El Al's new owner: Eli Rozenberg, a 27-year-old yeshiva student from New York | The Times of Israel: The Rozenbergs, Orthodox Jews from New York, have no known experience in the airline business. According to a report last month in Hebrew business daily Calcalist, Kenny was instructed by his rabbi to buy the Israeli airline.

Must see!-----BLM Leaders in Their Own Words

"How could any decent person still support the BLM movement (particularly after seeing this video)?"



We Must Educate Future Generations on the Myths and Realities of Socialism | The Heritage Foundation

We Must Educate Future Generations on the Myths and Realities of Socialism | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images Declaration of IndependenceThe inalienable rights outlined in the Declaration of Independence and protected in the U.S. Constitution reject the Marxist idea that people can be molded like clay by a central government.
These are just some of the many myths and realities of socialism, an ideology that has failed everywhere it's been tried. We must each in our own way work to enlighten our children and grandchildren about its evils and its failures. We must be there to counter the falsehoods they are learning from professors, the media and pop culture, or we will surely lose another generation to this poisonous ideology.

What do YOU think is gonna happen?


In case you forgot about their "experts".


Lady Gaga: 'When You’re Born in This Country, We All Drink the Poison That Is White Supremacy'

Lady Gaga: 'When You’re Born in This Country, We All Drink the Poison That Is White Supremacy'
"Pop superstar Lady Gaga has made the baffling claim that people who are born in the United States are all fed white supremacy ideology. 
...In a lengthy Billboard interview, Lady Gaga said that she is trying to learn and unlearn things that she’s been exposed to her entire life.
“When you’re born in this country, we all drink the poison that is white supremacy,” she told the magazine. 
“I am in the process of learning and unlearning things I’ve been taught my whole life.”...

Have YOU noticed?


"New research"? Need a new, safer language?-Gimme a break!-----Why Speaking English May Spread More Coronavirus Than Some Other Languages

Why Speaking English May Spread More Coronavirus Than Some Other Languages:
"New research suggests that English speakers put more droplets into the air when they talk, which may make them more likely to spread COVID-19...

Kohls Announces New Line of BLM Shirts

Kohls Announces New Line of BLM Shirts – Shore News Network
TOMS RIVER, NJ – Kohl’s Department Stores, which operates Jersey Shore-based box stores in Toms River, Howell, Brick and others has announced a new line of Black Lives Matter and equality based t-shirts...

Important item of the day for Google.


Twitter Blacklists Chinese Virologist Who Claims Coronavirus Was Manufactured in Wuhan Lab

Twitter Blacklists Chinese Virologist Who Claims Coronavirus Was Manufactured in Wuhan Lab:
Image result for free clip art Censored
Twitter has blacklisted the account of Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan, who claims that coronavirus was manufactured in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
The New York Post reports that Chinese virologist named Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a former researcher at the Hong Kong School of Public Health, has been suspended from Twitter shortly after giving an interview where she claimed that the coronavirus was manufactured in a laboratory in Wuhan, China.

Communist coverup!

AM Fruitcake


History for September 18

History for September 18 -
Samuel Johnson 1709

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Barr told prosecutors to charge violent protesters with sedition: Report - Washington Times

Image result for flickr commons images william barrBarr told prosecutors to charge violent protesters with sedition: Report - Washington Times:

Attorney General William P. Barr told federal prosecutors last week to charge violent demonstrators with a range of offenses, including sedition, a charge usually reserved for someone plotting to overthrow the government, according to a report Wednesday.
Citing people familiar with the conversation, The Wall Street Journal reported Mr. Barr issued the instructions in a conference with U.S. attorneys across the country.

NY teacher shares cartoon comparing police officers to KKK. It was part of a BLM-themed assignment. - TheBlaze

NY teacher shares cartoon comparing police officers to KKK. It was part of a BLM-themed assignment. - TheBlaze:
Image result for flickr commons images KKK
A teacher in Thornwood, New York, is facing backlash after distributing a political cartoon to 11th-grade students. The cartoon compared police officers to members of the KKK.
The cartoon was part of a Black Lives Matter-themed assignment.
What are the details?
According to the New York Post, Westlake High School teacher Christopher Moreno shared the cartoon with students during his U.S. History and Government class on Sept. 8.

Tucker Carlson: Dems Are to Blame for Police Being Attacked - Louder With Crowder

Tucker Carlson: Dems Are to Blame for Police Being Attacked - Louder With Crowder:

Image result for flickr commons images Democrat DonkeyOver the past few days, there have been two major police-related stories. One was the typical story of cops defending themselves and being attack by the left for doing so. The other one was two cops as the victims of an assassination attempt (see PROTESTS ERUPT AFTER OFFICER SHOOTS A MAN. EXCEPT HE CHASED THE COP WITH A KNIFE! and TWO AMBUSHED LA COPS ARE 'FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES' WHILE BLACK LIVES MATTER CELEBRATES). SPOILER: None of the anti-cop side of these two stories are Trump supporters or even undecided independent voters. This is who the left has become, and as Tucker Carlson lays out, none of us should be surprised.