Sunday, September 20, 2020

Think we should scrap the electoral college? Here’s why that’s a bad idea. | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

Think we should scrap the electoral college? Here’s why that’s a bad idea. | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

"...President Trump could get elected a second time without winning the popular vote. 
...This would surely prompt another chorus of calls to scrap the Electoral College. 
I think that would be a mistake.
...Electing presidents via popular vote would be a logistical disaster, rendering every recount a national recount. 
Moreover, eliminating the Electoral College would require a wholesale revision of the Constitution. 
That process would almost surely fail, and it would certainly be ugly...Read all.

Dem senator calls for disarming cops. Detroit police chief shoots back: Why don't we disarm criminals? - TheBlaze

Dem senator calls for disarming cops. Detroit police chief shoots back: Why don't we disarm criminals? - TheBlaze

Detroit Police Chief James Craig blasted Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) after the Democratic lawmaker called for disarming "every police department" of a variety of weapons including "tear gas, rubber and plastic bullets, and bean bag rounds."

The political of violence and threats!-----Reza Aslan warns “If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f-ing thing down” |

Reza Aslan warns “If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire f-ing thing down” |

If they even TRY to replace RBG we burn the entire fucking thing down.
In other words if we don’t get our way we will throw a temper tantrum.."
"...Reza Aslan...Aslan has worked in a variety of television productions...on CNN...He is a University of California, Riverside..."

"... his [Biden's] campaign issued a lid at ***8:30am****..."

Facebook--Janet Shagam
"How weird was this?
Jim Riley
1 Comment


  • "FROM A JOURNALIST FRIEND ON FACEBOOK: “Big problem for the Democrats: Donald Trump has said more, and more articulately, about RBG than Joe Biden. The day after this apostle of the radical left’s death (and with <50 days to go) his [Biden's] campaign issued a lid at ***8:30am****, meaning that the candidate was done for the day, no more statements or events, journos go home, we’ll try again tomorrow."