Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Just nice citizens "caught up in the moment"---The Liberal Press Can't Stop Defending and Promoting Terrorists

Enemy of the People Press Can't Stop Defending and Promoting Terrorists
They've been portrayed by the president as violent left-wing radicals and used to scare suburban voters. But an review found most of those arrested in U.S. protests look like regular citizens caught up in the moment — many are young suburban adults.

#1 This day 1960-----Save the last dance for me - The Drifters

Where liberals rule-----The San Diego Unified School District has announced that it will eliminate its previously used grading standards in order to “combat racism”.

The San Diego Unified School District has announced that it will eliminate its previously used grading standards in order to “combat racism”.

"The move came about after it was revealed that just 7% of D or F grades are handed out to white students, while 23% went to Native Americans, 23% of failing grades went to Hispanics and 20% went to black students.

However, instead of trying to develop an actual understanding of why this is taking place, the school district simply announced that “discrimination” and “racism” were to blame before embarking on a complete do-over of the grading system in order to combat this apparent injustice.

...Teachers will also not be able to consider non-material factors like bad behavior in the classroom and not handing in work on time when grading students.

The horrific irony of this of course is that this will simply incentivize already underperforming students to act out in class and miss coursework deadlines...Read all.

Or call his Dad!


Kamala Harris laughs nervously at suggestion that Biden's a Trojan Horse for her socialistic policies - TheBlaze

Kamala Harris laughs nervously at suggestion that Biden's a Trojan Horse for her socialistic policies - TheBlaze

Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) appeared to laugh nervously and struggle to formulate an answer when asked about her far-left political views during a recent "60 Minutes" interview, which aired on Sunday.

Must read!-----A Momentous Election - American Greatness

A Momentous Election - American Greatness
  • Donald Trump may be an odd ambassador of freedom. But Joe Biden is but a gibbering front for a vanguard that would destroy America as traditionally conceived.
"...I did not, until recently, suspect Joe Biden of serious corruption. 
The ongoing revelations from Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” have led me to reconsider that judgment, especially when combined with the ongoing bulletins from Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Tony Bobulinski, who claims that Joe Biden, contrary to his repeated assertions, was involved in discussions about his son’s business dealings. 
So far, I believe, the public is not privy to any smoking-gun evidence about Joe Biden’s involvement, but the gun is warm and the optics are bad. 
The implicit oath of omertà followed by the media with respect to the saga of Hunter’s laptop has been truly impressive. 
Day after day, the New York Post, which first broke the story a week or so back, has been broadcasting more and more tidbits from this extraordinary trove of perversity and apparent corruption. 
No matter that the Post is the country’s fifth-largest paper: Twitter, Facebook, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR, and television news have joined forces to close the public’s eyes, seal its ears, and scream there is nothing to see here, move along, and pay no attention to those muffled cries from the oubliette. 
It has been an extraordinary act of malignant solidarity, worthy of the Politburo in the heady days of Joe Stalin’s airbrush...Read all!

AM Fruitcake


History for October 27

History for October 27 - On-This-Day.com
Theodore Roosevelt (U.S.) 1858
  • 1858 - Roland Macy opened Macy's Department Store in New York City. It was Macy's eighth business adventure, the other seven failed.
  • 1904 - The New York subway system officially opened. It was the first rapid-transit subway system in America.
  • 1938 - Du Pont announced "nylon" as the new name for its new synthetic yarn.
  • 1954 - The first Walt Disney television show "Disneyland" premiered on ABC.
  • Disney movies, music and books
  • 1997 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 554.26 points. The stock market was shut down for the first time since the 1981 assassination attempt on U.S. President Reagan.

Monday, October 26, 2020

California Middle-Schooler Threatened With Jail Time For Missing 90 Minutes Of Zoom Class | The Daily Wire

California Middle-Schooler Threatened With Jail Time For Missing 90 Minutes Of Zoom Class | The Daily Wire

A California middle schooler is facing potential jail time after being marked absent from three 30-minute Zoom classes in one day last month. Mark Mastrov says he has received a letter threatening his 12-year-old son with a number of potential consequences, including jail time, because his son missed three online classes last month. Mastrov says that several parents in his San Francisco school district have received similar letters.

The way we were-----World War 2 Explained | Best WW2 Documentary | Part 1

Boob-tube-----Disorder In The Court | The Three Stooges (Color / HD Remastered / Publi...

Government Goons ---Government Cameras Hidden on Private Property? Welcome to Open Fields.--Instapundit

Instapundit--TAR. FEATHERS. --Government Cameras Hidden on Private Property? Welcome to Open Fields.

Seated at his kitchen table, finishing off the remains of a Saturday breakfast, Hunter Hollingsworth’s world was rocked by footsteps on his front porch and pounding at the door, punctuated by an aggressive order: “Open up or we’ll kick the door down.”

Surrounded on all sides of his house, and the driveway blocked, Hollingsworth was the target of approximately 10 federal and state wildlife officials packing pistols, shotguns and rifles. And what was Hollingsworth’s crime? Drugs, armed robbery, assault, money laundering? Not quite.

Months prior, in 2018, the Tennessee landowner removed a game camera secretly strapped to a tree on his private land by wildlife officials in order to monitor his activity...Read all.

This is a physical trespass, and any claim that the “open fields” doctrine should apply here is absurd.--Posted by 

If you need more evidence that climate is about communism--JunkScience.com


This compilation of my 2020 “If you need more evidence that climate is about communism…” tweets lets climate activists present their real goal in their own words. Don’t just accept what climate skeptics have been saying for the past several decades. But do take the activists at their word. Keep in mind this small collection is merely what I have tweeted this year under this particular rubric. There is a motherlode of similar sentiments and positions all over the Internet. [Last Update: October 25, 2020].

1. Pope Francis. “The current economic system [of market capitalism has failed and] is unsustainable.” Associated Press, October 10, 2020.

2. Sir David Attenborough. Capitalism is the main driver of ecological breakdown. BBC, October 8, 2020.

3. Greta Thunberg (Activist). “It’s time to abolish billionaires.” Reuters, January 17, 2020.

Read all!

They must have a private academy where they learn how to do this

We Have a Problem With Deep Division In This Country... And It’s Not Trump's fault!

"Dinesh D'Souza--A key issue in the election is who is responsible for the deep division in American politics. It isn’t Trump, and here’s why."

Lunch video-----Listen To President LBJ Reacting To Riots In US Cities In 1967



There IS a BIG difference!


Why False Positives Merit Concern, Too - The New York Times

Why False Positives Merit Concern, Too - The New York Times
"...False positives, which incorrectly identify a healthy person as infected by the virus, can have serious consequences as well, especially in places where the virus is scarce.
...Some rapid tests, which forgo sophisticated laboratory equipment and can deliver results in under an hour, have been criticized for returning high numbers of false positives, especially when used to screen people without symptoms. 
Even laboratory tests that rely on a very reliable technique called polymerase chain reaction, or P.C.R., have been known to return the occasional false positive...Read all.

Where's the outrage?


#1 Movie this week 1958-----Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) Official Trailer 1 - Elizabeth Taylor, Paul...

Green energy policy at work!-----Californians Face Year’s Biggest Power Shutoffs on Fire Risk

Californians Face Year’s Biggest Power Shutoffs on Fire Risk
"(Bloomberg) -- Californians are facing the largest mass blackout so far this year as the state’s biggest utility, PG&E Corp., prepares power shutoffs to prevent live wires from falling into dry brush and igniting wildfires with ferocious winds expected to sweep across the region.
PG&E is planning to cut power to 386,000 homes and businesses -- an estimated 1.2 million people -- across Northern California starting at 10 a.m. Sunday, company officials said at a press briefing late Saturday...Read all.

#1 This day 1977-----Debby Boone You light up my life

No media outlet is reporting the truly important data from the C-19 pandemic.

Facebook--Michael Smith
"No media outlet is reporting the truly important data from the C-19 pandemic. 
The media is focused on cases rather than the deaths compared to the number of cases. 
I took the data directly from the CDC website and plotted the 7-day death averages against the 7-day case averages and an interesting picture developed, especially when I told Excel to plot trend lines based on the data.
The death rate is falling even though the case rate is increasing. 
That's not the picture the Biden campaign is painting. 
Somebody at the White House needs to learn to use a spreadsheet.
For comparison, the CDC reported 600,000 cancer deaths in 2018 for an average of 1,644 per day. 
Since the fist death in the US in February of this year, the average deaths per day for C-19 is 938 (and is steadily falling).
Note: For cases, use the left axis, for deaths, use the right axis. Scale is too different to use a single axis."
Image may contain: text that says '80000 70000 Covid-19 Cases vs. Deaths (7-Day Averages) United States 60000 50000 40000 3000 30000 2500 20000 2000 1500 0707 1000 zo7 500 zz 7ο7 οzοz e 7-Day Moving Avg (deaths) Moving Avg (deaths))'

Where are their GREAT ideas?




Herd Stupidity

  • This poor man is trying to educate a lunatic asylum
  • "No wonder our constituents are writing to us with ever greater conspiracy theories, because our actions defy rational explanation."  Here, here!!
  • Gotta love the English rhetorical and debate skill. No teleprompter, no notes
  • It is a terrible shame that such voices of reason are drowned out by the doom-mongering “experts” with their catastrophically incorrect modelling.
  • This man is a REAL HERO for his country.  Not some fake hero shill who wears a mask to save grandma who’s miserable locked up in a nursing home like a prisoner.

AM Fruitcake


History for October 26

History for October 26 - On-This-Day.com
Hillary Rodham Clinton 1947 - First Lady: wife of 42nd U.S. President William J. Clinton, U.S. Senator from New York, U.S. Presidential candidate in 2008
  • 1825 - The Erie Canal opened in upstate New York. The 363-mile canal connected Lake Erie and the Hudson River at a cost of $7,602,000.
  • 1854 - Charles William Post was born. He was the inventor of "Grape Nuts," "Postum" and "Post Toasties."
  • 1858 - H.E. Smith patented the rotary-motion washing machine.
  • 1881 - The "Gunfight at the OK Corral" took place in Tombstone, AZ. The fight was between Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and Doc Holiday and the Ike Clanton Gang.