Saturday, February 27, 2021


'The Five' slam White House for 'refusing' to answer questions on Cuomo

Would be interesting, right?


Those millions of new ‘green’ jobs are going to China and India

Those millions of new ‘green’ jobs are going to China and India
"When U.S. “Special Envoy” for Climate John Kerry recently urged workers upset by the Biden administration’s decision to scuttle the Keystone XL pipeline to “learn to make solar panels”, he was oblivious to the fact that China and India dominate the solar panel manufacturing market.
President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better Recovery Plan is to build a modern, resilient climate infrastructure that will create millions of good-paying union jobs, but Biden, like Kerry, may not be aware of America being unable to financially compete with the world’s solar panel manufacturing markets without huge government subsidies...Read all.

"...Soooo deadly...."


Amelia Hamlin Responds to Blackfishing Accusations Over Recent Instagram Pic

Amelia Hamlin Responds to Blackfishing Accusations Over Recent Instagram Pic
"From Cosmopolitan--Amelia Hamlin seems to be no stranger to controversy these days, right?
...Amelia's facing controversy again, this time, for a serious accusation—blackfishing.
Yesterday, Amelia posted a picture of herself looking more than a few shades darker than her usual complexion..."Read all.

#1 This day 1971-----The Osmonds ~ One Bad Apple (with Lyrics) 1971

There are too many parallels between the America of today and Rome in its last days to ignore.

Michael Smith--No matter which of the fallen great civilizations one studies, unless they faced a natural disaster of cataclysmic proportion, there are three common themes in their fall: 
1) even though there was a general acknowledgement trouble was brewing, they believed they could continue doing what they were doing without consequence, 
2) a distinct lack of will within their leadership cadre to address fundamental existential problems, and 
3) there was (is?) almost always a faction that seeks to gain, retain or increase its power using the decline as a mechanism, most of the time profiting off the decline even as they promise to stanch it.
This American Greatness article by Alexander Zubatov is both American and great. 
Well worth a read. 

Even worse on our college campuses.


Glenn Beck: THIS is why Biden nominated Merrick Garland as attorney general - TheBlaze

Glenn Beck: THIS is why Biden nominated Merrick Garland as attorney general - TheBlaze
Given how focused Democrats are on rooting out vaguely defined "right-wing extremism," Garland's work in supervising the prosecution of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing suspects gives us a hint, Glenn suggested on radio this week. He said he's "all for" stopping dangerous extremists, but couldn't help noticing how Garland isn't talking about any of the destruction that happened over the summer.

Raped and Murdered: Christian Girls in Pakistan :: Gatestone Institute

Raped and Murdered: Christian Girls in Pakistan :: Gatestone Institute
  • [T]he killing, rape and forced conversion of Christian girls have become an everyday matter and the government has denied this and therefore is doing nothing to stop the ongoing persecution of Christians. Unfortunately...nobody pays any attention – even the national media – as Christians are considered inferior and their lives worthless." — Nasir Saeed, Director of the Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement in the UK, January 11, 2021.
  • "[T]he girls are also forced to give false statements in court that they have changed their religion of free will and had married of their own choice.... Girls belonging to minority communities often succumb to pressure and consideration for their family's security, which has further emboldened the men belonging to the majority faith." — Napoleon Qayyum, Executive Director of the Pakistan Center of Law of Justice, Morning Star News, February 12, 2020...Read all!

AM Fruitcake---"Welcome"!

History for February 27

History for February 27 -
Hugo (Lafayette) Black 1886 - U.S. Supreme Court Justice
  • 1827 - New Orleans held its first Mardi Gras celebration.
  • 1933 - The Reichstag, Germany's parliament building in Berlin, was set afire. The Nazis accused Communist for the fire. A lie.
  • 1951 - The 22nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified, limiting U.S. Presidents to two terms.
  • 1972 - The Shanghai Communique was issued by U.S. President Nixon and Chinese Premier Chou En-lai.
  • 1974 - "People" magazine was first issued by Time-Life (later known as Time-Warner).
  • 1982 - Wayne B. Williams was convicted of murdering two of the 28 black children and young adults whose bodies were found in Atlanta, GA, over a two-year period.

Friday, February 26, 2021

As Dems Angle To Deplatform Fox News, Rep. Scalise Reminds Them Baseball Shooter Was A Fan Of MSNBC | The Daily Caller

As Dems Angle To Deplatform Fox News, Rep. Scalise Reminds Them Baseball Shooter Was A Fan Of MSNBC | The Daily Caller

Scalise then moved to introduce into the congressional record an FBI report that analyzed the motivations of the baseball shooter James Hodgkinson and included some of his writings.

Hodgkinson, a 2016 Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer, was also an avid Rachel Maddow and MSNBC fan. Despite the obsession with the network and one of its pundits, Scalise said he does not blame “those other people.”

“I blame the shooter,” Scalise said.

The way we were-----The Hitlers that Stalin Caught

Boobtube-----Gilligan's Island Reunion 1988-Fox Late Show--Bob Denver, Alan Hale, Jim...

It's gonna get worse. Scary worse.-----"Oye! Can You Translate What Biden Is Trying to Say Here?

"Oye! Can You Translate What Biden Is Trying to Say Here?
"Earlier this week, Joe Biden appeared to have another one of his signature verbal nonsense moments while attempting to memorialize those who succumbed to COVID-19.
“The only way to spare more pain and more loss, the only way… these millstones no longer mark our national mourning—these milestones, I should say—no… no longer moke…m-m-m-mark our national mourning.

...Biden similarly spoke nonsense last August when talking about China. 

“The way Trump—the way China will respond is when we gather the rest of the world that in fact [unintelligible] in… in… fr- in in in in open trade and making sure that we’re in a position that the world uh that, that we deal with WHO the right way that, in fact, that’s when things begin to change, that when China’s behavior is going to change.”...Read all.

These goons mean business!-----NY School Principal Sends Parents A Guide Asking Them To Reflect On Their Whiteness - The Lid

NY School Principal Sends Parents A Guide Asking Them To Reflect On Their Whiteness - The Lid

The principal of the East Side Community High School in NYC asked parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness.”
He sent them a guide telling them to become “white traitors’’ who “dismantle institutions.”
The guide goes on to say that the truly “woke” among them will become “White Abolitionists” who will “dismantle whiteness” and ensure that it doesn’t reassert itself.
The guide even explains the different types of white people..Read all. ness

Rodgers Slams Dems Pressuring Companies to Censor Outlets: 'Like CCP'

Rodgers Slams Dems Pressuring Companies to Censor Outlets: 'Like CCP'

House Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA) on Wednesday slammed Democrats for wanting to censor conservative media outlets after they sent a letter to cable, satellite, and streaming companies pressuring them to combat “disinformation.”

“In all my time on this committee, there’s never been a more obvious direct attack on the First Amendment,” McMorris Rodgers in opening remarks at an Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on Wednesday scheduled by Democrats to address “disinformation and extremism in the media.”

Forget ANTIFA, Biden Says "White Supremacy" Is The Biggest Domestic Terror Threat

Forget ANTIFA, Biden Says "White Supremacy" Is The Biggest Domestic Terror Threat
"...Joe Biden not only said that white supremacy is the “greatest domestic terror” threat in the US, but he blamed military vets and former police officers for it’s “growth”.
...Watch below:...and read all.

"Excessive groundwater pumping has led the city to settle, or sink, around 10 centimeters per year..."

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook
From the web!
"Interesting...co2 caused?....
In developed cities, there isn’t much that can be done to reverse the effect of urbanization. 
In Indonesia, leaders finally pushed forward a plan to move the capital city out of Jakarta in part to lessen the strain on the overcrowded city, but it’s already the fastest sinking metropolis in the world. 
Excessive groundwater pumping has led the city to settle, or sink, around 10 centimeters per year, with some coastal areas, where poorer residents face chronic flooding, are sinking at some 25 millimeters a year."

Cities Are Sinking Under the Weight of Urban Development

Lunch video-----Why Democrats Won't Stòp Talking About Racė



Updated: Former Cuomo aide comes forward with explosive details of #MeToo allegations - TheBlaze

Updated: Former Cuomo aide comes forward with explosive details of #MeToo allegations - TheBlaze

Lindsey Boylan, formerly the deputy secretary for economic development and special adviser in the Cuomo administration from March 2015 to October 2018, accused Gov. Cuomo of sexual harassment and bullying in a written post published on Medium Wednesday. "Today I am telling my story," Boylan said in a tweet sharing the post. "I never planned to share the details of my experience working in the Cuomo administration, but I am doing so now in the hopes that it may make it easier for others to speak their own truth."

You really want to erase history?


Insane COVID Rules Train Next Generation To

Insane COVID Rules Train Next Generation To Embrace Totalitarianism
  • Universities’ Insane COVID Rules And Snitch Culture Are Training The Next Generation To Embrace Totalitarianism
  • The societal effects of the university COVID power grab will be felt when students leave college and enter the workforce.

If you think state and federal government COVID-19 policies are too restrictive, you haven’t been to a college campus lately. 
Schools across the country have imposed extreme, micromanaging rules on 19-22 year olds—a demographic more likely to die from the seasonal flu and pneumonia than COVID...Read all.

Those who vote democrat.


NYT: Was He Innocent? ANSWER: No. by Ann Coulter

NYT: Was He Innocent? ANSWER: No. by Ann Coulter
"Here is this week’s installment of “The New York Times is ALWAYS lying about criminals (and probably everything else).”
The Times desperately wants you to believe that there are actual cases of innocent people being put to death in America. 
Their current poster boy for the cause is Sedley Alley, executed in 2006. 
But the Criminal Lobby is hoping a post-mortem DNA test — on evidence that has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence — will allow them to howl that an INNOCENT man was executed!
I knew nothing about this case, but I knew the Times’ description of the facts was a lie. 
...There is no credible evidence that a single innocent person has been put to death in this country for at least 75 years.
Here are the facts the about the Criminal Lobby’s latest baby seal...Wow! Read all and never trust the lyin'-lib media again!

#1 This day 1963-----Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons - Walk Like Man

IT’S COME TO THIS: Breaking: Mr. Potato Head no longer a mister; Update: Or is he?

Instapundit--IT’S COME TO THIS: Breaking: Mr. Potato Head no longer a mister; Update: Or is he?

Breaking: Mr. Potato Head no longer a mister; Update: Or is he?

"Some pundits worried that there’d be nothing to talk about once Trump was out of office but today we’re talking about the sexuality of a plastic vegetable, so I’d say The Discourse is doing okay, all things considered. Exit question: Which trans actor will be replacing Don Rickles as the voice of Potato Head in the Toy Story movies going forward?

Update: Wait, does this mean Hasbro is anti-LGBT?

So the toys are still gendered, only the brand isn’t. Does Hasbro not realize that wokesters will now demand to know why they’re still selling gendered toys?

Will Mr. Potato Head even be legal in California, given this bill on the docket in Sacramento? California Bill Would Fine Stores $1,000 for Having Separate Boys and Girls Sections.

Related: Mr. Potato Head was a much tougher hombre during his early years:

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