Sunday, April 24, 2022



Mark Levin MSNBC Journalist Compares Republicans War Ukraine - TheBlaze

Mark Levin MSNBC Journalist Compares Republicans War Ukraine - TheBlaze: When it comes to hating America, the kings of the left-wing media reside at MSNBC. Need proof? Mark brings the goods as Ali Velshi spews his Marxist propaganda while smearing America and Israel. You have probably noticed that the people who hate America tend to hate Israel. People on the hard left, whether in the media, the Democratic Party, or academia, hate Israel. They won't call it anti-Semitism, but that's what it is. The standards that they apply to Israel, the attacks on Israel, they don't apply to any other free democratic country on the face of theEarth: France, Britain, Spain, or Germany.

Dear Disney...


Read this!!-----How opportunists got rich off COVID pandemic by stealing our money

How opportunists got rich off COVID pandemic by stealing our money  link
"On Saturday, April 26, 2020, Robert Stewart Jr., a 33-year-old contractor from Virginia, invited an investigative reporter to take a trip on his private jet.
“I’m talking with you against the advice of my attorney,” Stewart laughed, before bringing J. David McSwane aboard a luxury Legacy 450 Flexjet, which 
  • he’d rented to deliver six million N95 masks during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stewart had recently landed a $34.5 million contract with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, which operates the nation’s largest network of hospitals, promising to provide them with enough of the medical-grade (and at the time, scarce) masks to meet the overwhelming demand.
  • Problem was, there were no masks aboard the plane.
“The only reason I took the plane was because of my parents,” Stewart explained to McSwane. “They’re old and I didn’t want them to get sick, and I wanted them to see this.” Robert Stewart (above) secured a $34.5 million contract to supply the Department of US Veterans Affairs with six million N95 masks. 
  • Although he claimed to have secured the masks, they were never delivered.
Stewart said he was a dedicated businessman with the best of intentions, trying to do his part in a global pandemic even though all the odds were against him. It wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t able to deliver as promised, even if he’d already spent some of the money —including, ostensibly, for the private jet.
...McSwane recounts the meeting in his new book, “Pandemic, Inc. Chasing the Capitalists and Thieves Who Got Rich While We Got Sick” (Atria/One Signal Publishers), out now, which illustrates how COVID-19 became a boon to entrepreneurs like Stewart. 
Having access to essential medical supplies, or even just pretending to, became “an unexpected ticket to riches” early in the pandemic, 
McSwane writes, as the federal government “cast money out indiscriminately, like chum into the sea, and just see what bites.”
Developments in bio-tech, particularly around treatments and vaccines, helped pharmaceutical company founders become billionaires during the pandemic.,,"

The war against your personal transportation.


Yes, it's a hoax. And money keeps funding the hoax.-----Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook link

#1 This day 1977-----Glen Campbell - Southern Nights (Live)

The Rise of Woke Capitalism - Intellectual Takeout

The Rise of Woke Capitalism - Intellectual Takeout link
"A new creature has appeared on our political landscape—woke capitalism
  • It is not the usual, perfectly rational, corporate politicking where businesses hire lobbyists or run PR campaigns to help boost their bottom lines. 
  • Here clout is mobilized to advance policies that have absolutely nothing to do with either generating profit or enhancing a company’s “good citizen” public imagine. 
Indeed, this political venture may be inimical to shareholder value and prove a political liability. 
Woke capitalism is best understood as ill-informed, economically counter-productive virtue-signaling.
...Particularly odd about this sudden outpouring is how it has overshadowed Biden’s call for increased corporate and business-related taxes. 
Where is Starbucks’ outrage about tax hikes that will reduce company profits and thus executive salaries? 
Surely these hefty tax increases deserve more CEO attention than the number of drop-off boxes for mail-in ballots..."

WHAT is going on???


3 Colleges Get Their Just Deserts

3 Colleges Get Their Just Deserts
When the Soviet communists’ hammer-and-sickle flag was lowered at the Kremlin for the last time on Dec. 25, 1991, some said that the last refuge of Marxism was in the academic institutions of the West. 

They were right. That totalitarian ideology has infected American colleges and universities and other institutions that are purveying cancel culture, wokeism, censorship, and gender dogma that rejects reality.

But students, parents, and others are fighting back. And two colleges—Oberlin College and Shawnee State University—recently got exactly what they deserve: large legal judgments against them for defamatory and discriminatory misbehavior. 

Earth Day’s failed predictions of 52 years ago & the amazing environmental improvements that have occurred since

Earth Day’s failed predictions of 52 years ago & the amazing environmental improvements that have occurred since  link

– Here are some of the dire predictions from the first Earth Day, compiled by Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute:

1. Harvard biologist George Wald estimated that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”

2. “We are in an environmental crisis that threatens the survival of this nation, and of the world as a suitable place of human habitation,” wrote Washington University biologist Barry Commoner in the Earth Day issue of the scholarly journal Environment.

3. The day after the first Earth Day, the New York Times editorial page warned, “Man must stop pollution and conserve his resources, not merely to enhance existence but to save the race from intolerable deterioration and possible extinction.”

4. “Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make,” Paul Ehrlich confidently declared in the April 1970 issue of Mademoiselle. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”


Earth Day, Then and Now,” by Ronald Bailey, May 1, 2000

AM Fruitcake


History for April 24

History for April 24 -
Shirley MacLaine 1934 - Actress
  • 1805 - The U.S. Marines attacked and captured the town of Derna in Tripoli.
  • 1833 - A patent was granted for first soda fountain.
  • 1877 - In the U.S., federal troops were ordered out of New Orleans. This was the end to the North's post-Civil War rule in the South.
  • 1884 - Otto von Bismarck cabled Cape Town that South Africa was now a German colony.
  • 1915 - During World War I, the Ottoman Turkish Empire began the mass deportation of Armenians.
  • 1961 - U.S. President Kennedy accepted "sole responsibility" following Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.
  • 1970 - The People's Republic of China launched its first satellite.
  • 1989 - Thousands of students began striking in Beijing.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Deace: The fight for COVID freedom isn't over. Our gov't is still trying to ruin the lives of US troops. - TheBlaze

Deace: The fight for COVID freedom isn't over. Our gov't is still trying to ruin the lives of US troops. - TheBlaze
We can’t be like the leftist zombies who believe that whatever emotion they have amounts to a Gospel all others must share regardless of experience. Our lust for freedom can’t intoxicate us to the point that we no longer recognize or even care about someone else’s slavery. Especially when the chains are for those whose very job is to make sure our freedom is preserved at all costs.

Because as some of us race to book our next maskless flight, there are other Americans currently serving in the military for whom COVID and its various oppressions are far from being a thing of the past. One such airman’s wife recently contacted me to make the point that lives and careers are hanging in the balance as we speak.

The way we were-----The Indiana Central Canal

'Road Diet' Planned for Woodward Avenue

"Who could possibly have predicted this?"

Facebook  Sean Malone
"It's always funny to tell people stuff that's going to happen, and then have "experts" and media figure it out a couple years later when it's too late to stop and act like it was all some big surprise.

  • Anthony DiSante
    "Who could possibly have predicted this?"
    You mean besides all of us on here for the past 1-2 years, predicting it and getting our posts censored and accounts shadowbanned/locked for it?
  • Dan Crawford
    More like, they do shit they know is destructive, for whatever reason, be it expediency or malice, and then after the consequences hit, they *pretend* incompetence, stupidity, or ignorance. And anyone who’s ever worked in retail knows the bottomless capacity of people to play downright retarded if they think they can get over or avoid a consequence.

Progressives Have Fallen in Love With Black Victimhood | Opinion

Progressives Have Fallen in Love With Black Victimhood | Opinion link
"Over the past two years, Black American life has been sold to the American people as a state of constant oppression. 
  • We are portrayed as living in constant fear, living with permanently unfair treatment and an inability to excel in a white majority society that hates us because of the color of our skin. 
Open the New York Times or the Washington Post or turn on CNN or NPR or MSNBC and you will see Black Americans almost exclusively portrayed as entrapped by "systemic racism."
The only problem with it is that it's wrong.
...Among the studies interesting findings was one about priorities
Pew posed Black American respondents with an open-ended question: 
  • What is the most important issue is that your community is facing? And when it came to their answers, racism didn't crack the top five.
Chief among Black Americans' concerns were violence and crime, the economy, and housing. 
More Black Americans said they had no issues than listed racism as their top issue. 
And when asked who they believe should address these issues, respondents overwhelmingly said that these are matters that local leaders within their communities should address..."

Warner Bros. Discovery shuttering CNN amid reports of dismal subscriber numbers - TheBlaze

Warner Bros. Discovery shuttering CNN amid reports of dismal subscriber numbers - TheBlaze
Warner Bros. Discovery is shutting down the newly launched CNN and is expected to address the closure with staffers on Thursday, Variety reported Thursday morning. What are the details?

Oh, the humanity!


Must see at least 1st 4-5 minutes!!!-----Tucker: This will cost the Disney corporation a ton of money

China or the USA? :: Gatestone Institute

China or the USA? :: Gatestone Institute  by 

Must see!!-----Lunch video--Tucker: Something really dark is going on



After Twitter Rejects Musk Offer, DeSantis Jumping in with Musk to Make Twitter an Offer It Can't Refuse

After Twitter Rejects Musk Offer, DeSantis Jumping in with Musk to Make Twitter an Offer It Can't Refuse

Wildly popular Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis and self-made billionaire and entrepreneur Elon Musk are teaming up to take on one of the world’s most powerful social media platforms.

Musk’s recently announced he would be attempting to purchase 100 percent of Twitter in a bid to create a true free-speech platform. Musk offered to buy Twitter in its entirety at $54.20 per share, a 54 percent premium on the shares’ actual value. Twitter’s board of directors — which has led the company to adopt numerous left-wing-biased censorship policies — has fought back by initiating a “poison pill,” a method of diluting Musk’s shares in order to weaken his current standing.

But, but, but...killing grand pa!


This could actually happen!!-----Marjorie Taylor Greene's Court Appearance for Alleged 'Insurrection' Was Absolutely Bonkers

Marjorie Taylor Greene's Court Appearance for Alleged 'Insurrection' Was Absolutely Bonkers  link
"I’ll admit to forgetting this was a thing, but apparently, Democrat activists are still trying to get Marjorie Taylor Greene thrown off the 2022 ballot under the guise that she promoted an insurrection.
...Suffice it to say, I’m really not a fan of the left’s attempt to take objectively good things and turn them into supposed dog whistles that only they can hear. 
Greene has never called for an insurrection. 
  • She did not participate in an insurrection. 
  • It is not an insurrection to object to the electoral college, and several Democrats have done so in the past.
In summary, this entire case is just a total farce. 
Greene has a right to free speech. 
She should not be in a courtroom having to defend that right to some crazy Democrat activist group seeking to undercut the will of the voters. 
Ironically, throwing her off the ballot would be far more undermining of “democracy” than anything Greene has ever done.
Lastly, that this judge actually ruled to allow this nonsense to continue is nuts, and given that he did, who knows how he’ll actually rule on the matter. 
Could Greene really be thrown off the ballot based on clips from “Independence Day” and accusations that saying “1776” is a call for insurrection? 
It’s actually possible."

This meme is big on the left. They have mental issues.


The suicide of expertise: Glenn Reynolds

The suicide of expertise: Glenn Reynolds  link
"Americans might look back on the last 50 years and say, “What have experts done for us lately?”
According to Foreign Affairs magazine, Americans reject the advice of experts so as "to insulate their fragile egos from ever being told they’re wrong.” That’s in support of a book by Tom Nichols called The Death of Expertise, which essentially advances that thesis.
  • ...It was the experts — characterized in terms of their self-image by David Halberstam in The Best and the Brightest — who brought us the twin debacles of the Vietnam War, which we lost, and the War On Poverty, where we spent trillions and certainly didn’t win. In both cases, confident assertions by highly credentialed authorities foundered upon reality, at a dramatic cost in blood and treasure. Mostly other people’s blood and treasure.
And these are not isolated failures. 
  • The history of government nutritional advice from the 1960s to the present is an appalling one: The advice of “experts” was frequently wrong, and sometimes bought-and-paid-for by special interests, but always delivered with an air of unchallengeable certainty.
  • In the realm of foreign affairs, which should be of special interest to the people at Foreign Affairs, recent history has been particularly dreadful. Experts failed to foresee the fall of the Soviet Union, failed to deal especially well with that fall when it took place, and then failed to deal with the rise of Islamic terrorism that led to the 9/11 attacks. Post 9/11, experts botched the reconstruction of Iraq, then botched it again with a premature pullout..."

#1 This day 1965-----Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders - "The Game Of Love" - Live 1965