Sunday, May 29, 2022

Tim Scott exposes Dem hypocrisy on Senate filibuster after Biden uses executive order for police reform - TheBlaze

Tim Scott exposes Dem hypocrisy on Senate filibuster after Biden uses executive order for police reform - TheBlaze

Additionally, Scott chastised Biden for creating new roadblocks to safe and effective policing, which ultimately manifest as "divisive politics."

"While my proposal added funding to help local law enforcement comply with higher standards, the Democrats' proposal sets departments up for failure by issuing unfunded federal mandates," Scott said. "Making it harder for police to do their jobs to the best of their ability should be a nonstarter, yet that’s exactly what the Biden plan does.

Biden claims high gas prices are part of 'incredible transition'

" wonder depression, anxiety and suicide rates have over doubled among our youth..."

Facebook  Tami
"This was on Tik Tok "Summer Reads In 2021" from a teacher in Grand Ledge, MI.
It is no wonder depression, anxiety and suicide rates have over doubled among our youth (10 to 14) in the last 12 years.
It is like these people have never taken a child development 101 class."

Lunch video-----Taking Out the Trash: What We Get Wrong About Recycling



Elon Musk announces GOP support. Now AOC wants to sell her Tesla. - TheBlaze

Elon Musk announces GOP support. Now AOC wants to sell her Tesla. - TheBlaze

Now that Musk has embraced the Republican Party, Ocasio-Cortez no longer wants the vehicle. "I would love to switch," she added, pointing to her desire to purchase a vehicle "made by unionized workers."



American culture is cratering at a chilling pace

American culture is cratering at a chilling pace
"...American culture is cratering at a chilling pace, fueled in large part by toxic left-wing policies that marginalize nuclear families, decimate the working class and demonize hard work and meritocracy.
Our schools have devolved into mindless incubators of destructive leftist propaganda that lionizes victimhood, socialism, transgenderism and mediocrity.
Is it any wonder that American children lag behind their international peers academically and report increasing depression and hopelessness?
Daily shootings and escalating violence in Democrat-run cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta are the symptoms of a failed system and a flailing culture.
Where’s the outrage over these crimes?

Until politicians and the corporate media call out this horrifying reality instead of selectively weaponizing certain tragedies while ignoring others, there is no reason to expect these senseless killing sprees to do anything but continue — and worsen."

Start with a boy...


Yes, the ORGANIZED theft of an American election IS IMPORTANT!-----NEW: Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline in Maricopa County

NEW: Long Withheld Records Reveal More than 20,000 Mail Ballots Received After the Legal Deadline in Maricopa County
"A new Maricopa County 2020 election report from Verity Vote used public records requests to discover that more than 20,000 ballots were illegally counted.
Arizona’s 2020 Presidential Election was decided by less than 10,500 votes.
After numerous records requests and months of waiting for responses, Verity Vote found that Maricopa County received and counted tens of thousands of ballots after the election day deadline.
This finding was not mentioned in the Arizona Attorney General’s interim report on election fraud...."

#1 This day 1959-----Johnny Horton Battle Of New Orleans (HQ Stereo) (1959)

Addressing the most important energy issue!-----MIT Weighs In On Energy Storage

MIT Weighs In On Energy Storage --Francis
"As I’ve been pointing out now for a couple of years, the obvious gap in the plans of our betters for a carbon-free “net zero” energy future is the problem of massive-scale energy storage. 
  • How exactly is New York City (for example) going to provide its citizens with power for a long and dark full-week period in the winter, with calm winds, long nights, and overcast days, after everyone has been required to change over to electric heat and electric cars — and all the electricity is supposed to come from the wind and sun, which are neither blowing nor shining for these extended periods? 
  • Can someone please calculate how much energy storage will be needed to cover a worst-case solar/wind drought, what it will consist of, how long it has to last, how much it will cost, and whether it is economically feasible? 
Nearly all descriptions by advocates of the supposed path to “net zero” — including the ambitious plans of the states of New York and California — completely gloss over this issue and/or deal with it in a way demonstrating total incompetence and failure to comprehend the problem.
And then suddenly appeared in my inbox a couple of weeks ago a large Report with the title “The Future of Energy Storage: An Interdisciplinary MIT Study.” 
MIT — that’s America’s premier university for matters of science and technology..."

Everything libs control, they kill!


CBS' John Dickerson gives Gayle King a reality check on banning 'assault weapons' - TheBlaze

CBS' John Dickerson gives Gayle King a reality check on banning 'assault weapons' - TheBlaze

What's "actually being discussed," Dickerson said, is federal legislation that would incentivize states to pass so-called red-flag laws, which permit police or family members to get a court order taking guns away from a person they show may be a danger to themselves or others.

Math is hard-----More Teachers, Fewer Students, But Teacher Shortage Story Goes On

More Teachers, Fewer Students, But Teacher Shortage Story Goes On By Tom Gantert 
  • Oakridge Public Schools in Muskegon County has 34% more teachers this year than it did in the 2012-13 academic year, and it has fewer students than it did then.
"Yet two (LIBERAL) nonprofit news sites in Michigan are pointing to the district as evidence of a teacher shortage in this state.
The Center for Michigan’s news site known as Bridge Michigan ran a May 13 article written by Chalkbeat Detroit that used a teacher from Oakridge Public Schools to advance the idea of a teacher shortage. 
Bridge Michigan joins other statewide media outlets in saying that low pay is one explanation.
“Michigan’s teacher shortage: What’s causing it, how serious is it, and what can be done?” the headline of the May 13 article reads.
...Overwhelmingly, those school districts reported having more classroom teachers in 2021-22 than they did in years past..."

AM Fruitcake


History for May 29

History for May 29 -
Patrick Henry 1736 - Prominent figure in the American Revolution, known for his "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" speech, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States
  • 1765 - Patrick Henry denounced the Stamp Act before Virginia's House of Burgesses.
  • 1912 - Fifteen women were dismissed from their jobs at the Curtis Publishing Company in Philadelphia, PA, for dancing the Turkey Trot while on the job.
  • 1922 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that organized baseball was a sport, not subject to antitrust laws.
  • 1953 - Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay became first men to reach the top of Mount Everest.
  • 1986 - Colonel Oliver North told National Security Advisor William McFarlane that profits from weapons sold to Iran were being diverted to the Contras.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Exclusive: Bill Barr rips Russiagate as 'seditious', explains origins of Durham probe - TheBlaze

Exclusive: Bill Barr rips Russiagate as 'seditious', explains origins of Durham probe - TheBlaze

"I thought we were heading into a constitutional crisis. I think whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that the whole Russiagate thing was a grave injustice. It appears to be a dirty political trick that was used first to hobble him and then potentially to drive him from office," Barr told Beck. "I believe it is seditious," he added, clarifying that whether that could be proved in court as a crime is another issue.

The way we were-----TOP 10 WESTERN MOVIE SHOOTOUTS

Portland neighbors beg for help as homeless camp takes root

"Why are we so afraid to criticize bad habits?"

Facebook  Sean Malone
"I wonder why it's so hard to find the balance of not treating drug addicts like criminals and just immediately sending them to jail, and enabling them with crap like this that makes it seem like it's fine?
Is it really that hard to both 
1) recognize people need help breaking addiction more than jail; and then, you know... 
2) try to actually help them do that?
Why are we so afraid to criticize bad habits?"

Robert Pondiscio 
New York City subway ad tells heroin addicts not to be ashamed, but "start with a small dose and go slowly." 
This sums up my relationship with the city these days: I'm not ashamed I'm from New York, but I'm limiting myself to small doses."

What the hell!!!-----Air Force cancels 'Drag Queen Story Time' for kids after pressure from Sen. Rubio | American Military News

Air Force cancels 'Drag Queen Story Time' for kids after pressure from Sen. Rubio | American Military News
"The U.S. Air Force canceled a “Drag Queen Story Time” event this week for young children at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany after Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) learned about the event and raised questions and demands from Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall.
In a Thursday open letter to Kendall, Rubio said Ramstein Air Force Base announced its “Drag Queen Story Time” event, which was scheduled for June 2 at a library on base. 
The event was announced on the Ramstein & Vogelweh Air Force Libraries Facebook page..."

The Uvalde shooting & the REAL 'replacement' theory that threatens America - TheBlaze

The Uvalde shooting & the REAL 'replacement' theory that threatens America - TheBlaze

What we saw yesterday in Uvalde, Texas, is more dark horrific evidence of the only replacement theory that ultimately matters because it affects everything. We’ve replaced God in society. Glenn argues it’s why gun control is ultimately useless — even though he completely understands our human impulse to DO something. While our culture has replaced God for rot, the Biden White House and Democrats are also working overtime to replace key elements of American political, legal, economic, and cultural life.

US: Long-Covid 20% of cases

Teen Who Knew Shooter Drops Bomb: 'I Don't See This Covered and I'm Going to Put This Out There"

Teen Who Knew Shooter Drops Bomb: 'I Don't See This Covered and I'm Going to Put This Out There"
  • ...A student at Uvalde High School in Texas who says he knew Salvador Ramos rejected the prevailing media narrative that the gunman was the victim of bullying, and this was the catalyst for his May 24 mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.
  • Ivan Arellano, a senior at Uvalde High School, told WFAA-TV in Dallas that Ramos “was not a good person” and had been a bully himself.
  • “Salvador Ramos was a boy who was not bullied,” Arellano said on Wednesday. “He would try to pick on people but fail, and it would aggravate him.”

  • So do the observations of 17-year-old Crystal Foutz, who attended school with Ramos and worked with him at the fast-food restaurant Whataburger. “He always seemed to take his anger out on the most innocent person in the room,” Foutz told KTBC-TV in Austin.
However, one thing is already clear: The school system and his own family failed Ramos, who should have been red-flagged over his threatening, anti-social behavior, which included self-mutilation, animal abuse and shooting people with BB guns..."

Lunch video-a very worthy listen-----Harvard Student Condemns Anti-Americanism in Senior Speech



Frightening details emerge about Texas school shooter's rough home life, strange behavior leading up to elementary massacre - TheBlaze

Frightening details emerge about Texas school shooter's rough home life, strange behavior leading up to elementary massacre - TheBlaze

Those who knew Ramos described him as a loner who endured a rough home life with a drug-abusing mother. He was reportedly the frequent target of bullying as a teenager due to his lisp and stutter and social awkwardness. But, they said, Ramos responded to his circumstances by violently lashing out at "peers and strangers" and engaging in lawless behavior, often leading to run-ins with local law enforcement.



Our Economic Misery Isn’t an Accident, It’s the Plan

Our Economic Misery Isn’t an Accident, It’s the Plan
The Left doesn’t want you to be able to drive, buy a home, or enjoy a burger.
  • Americans can’t afford to buy a used car or even gas because the Left doesn’t want them to drive
  • They can’t buy homes because the Left wants to destroy the suburbs and force everyone to live in megacities. 
  • They have trouble buying meat because the Left wants them to eat soy.
  • The same is true for the whole exercise in planned economic misery that we’re experiencing.
...There are predictions that gas will hit $6 a gallon nationwide by the summer because the Biden administration has worked hard to raise energy prices and create artificial shortages. 
Biden’s people just got through once again sabotaging oil and gas leases because they want higher energy prices. $6 a gallon is not the result of political inattentiveness, that is the plan.
Inflation isn’t an unintentional accident either..."