Tuesday, December 25, 2012

5 things you might have missed from the Michigan Legislature in 2012

5 things you might have missed from the Michigan Legislature in 2012 | Crain's Detroit Business

People are Buying Guns and Ammunition for a Reason

Blog: People are Buying Guns and Ammunition for a Reason
Police response time to a 911 call is roughly 8 minutes, but making that call may attract the intruder's attention.
There are other sounds that are sure to get his attention as well.
For instance, there's the sound that a 12 gauge pump shotgun makes when you chamber a round

Half the Facts You Know Are Probably Wrong

Half the Facts You Know Are Probably Wrong - Reason.com
Since knowledge is still growing at an impressively rapid pace, it should not be surprising that many facts people learned in school have been overturned and are now out of date.
But at what rate do former facts disappear?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Study: Women with large breasts are smarter

Study: Women with large breasts are smarter - by Terrence Aym - Helium
A study by a Chicago university sociologist of 1,200 women found that large-breasted women tend to have higher intelligence.
The study divided the women into five groups ranging from virtually flat-chested to extra-large breasts.
The results revealed that the big-breasted women had an overall higher I.Q.—about 10 points—than the lesser endowed members of the study.
Women with average-sized breasts also beat out those that were in the smallest size group.

Homage to Catalonia

Homage to Catalonia - The Daily Beast
Europe's fiscal crisis keeps developing in completely unexpected ways.
The only thing that's really predictible is that the solutions will cost more, and work less well, then even the pessimists project.

171 pounds, a pear-shaped body and a taste for beefsteak: Meet Elsie Scheel, the Cornell student declared 1912's perfect woman

171 pounds, a pear-shaped body and a taste for beefsteak: Meet Elsie Scheel, the Cornell student declared 1912's perfect woman | Mail Online
A series of articles in 1912 and early 1913 saw Brooklyn-born Cornell student Elsie Scheel, 24, hailed 'the most nearly perfect physical specimen of womanhood'.
The 24-year-old, who was selected by university medical examiner Dr Esther Parker from a group of over 400 women, was described by the New York Times as 'a light-haired, blue-eyed girl whose very presence bespeaks perfect health.'
'I have eaten only what I wanted and when I wanted it'

A Failure to Communicate: The GOP’s Public Relations Debacle

Roger L. Simon » A Failure to Communicate: The GOP’s Public Relations Debacle
What is the cause of this debacle? Largely this: Republicans, conservatives… the whole list above… do not know how to talk to the broad spectrum of the American people outside their choir.
Republicans are not just bad at public relations.
They’re disastrous at it.

How The Welfare State Stole Christmas

How The Welfare State Stole Christmas - Forbes
Now pause for a second on what that money buys you.
For many of us, that $75 buys us a lifetime of joyful memories.
Aren’t some of your happiest recollections decorating the Christmas tree with your family?
Yeah, ours too.
With that in mind, let’s restate Peck’s proposition: Let’s have the government seize $75 of the income you worked for and would use to create lasting memories for you and your family, and transfer it (minus transaction costs) to people you don’t know, and might not approve of if you knew.

Christmas message written in sky above Lakemba Mosque in response to fatwa claims

Christmas message written in sky above Lakemba Mosque in response to fatwa claims | adelaidenow
The sky message comes after an Imam at Australia's biggest mosque reportedly issued a fatwa against Christmas, warning followers it is a ''sin'' to even wish people a Merry Christmas.

- Bishop Hill blog

- Bishop Hill blog

Former Edison police officer accused of racism landed TSA job at Newark airport

Former Edison police officer accused of racism landed TSA job at Newark airport | NJ.com
"Where the hell is the federal government?" asked Joseph Stenukinis, the former internal affairs commander who submitted the sworn statement about Glinsky in connection with a civil suit.
"This guy has been all over the newspapers for a long time.
It’s appalling.
They’re remiss in their responsibilities."

Manufacturing Racism: Academic Hiring and the Diversity Mandate

PJ Media » Manufacturing Racism: Academic Hiring and the Diversity Mandate
"Moreover, once the desire to fill a quota becomes part of the hiring process, it operates to curtail the open-minded weighing of qualities and achievements necessary for a fair and thorough search.
Even more importantly, the idea that diversity of ideas could be promoted by gender and race quotas is clearly a social engineer’s article of faith,"

Nurse’s suicide history

Lucianne.com News Forum - Thread
"What got lost in the initial hype is that this woman answered the phone call was on for 6 short seconds.....simply saying she would connect with her administrator.----That´s all....that´s it.----It was the 2nd woman who gave out all the info....and she did not kill herself."

The truth is that politicians are telling lies

The truth is that politicians are telling lies - Telegraph
"Was 2012 the year when the democratic world lost its grip on reality?
Must we assume now that no party that speaks the truth about the economic future has a chance of winning power in a national election?
With the results of presidential contests in the United States and France as evidence, this would seem to be the only possible conclusion.
Any political leader prepared to deceive the electorate into believing that government spending, and the vast system of services that it provides, can go on as before – or that they will be able to resume as soon as this momentary emergency is over – was propelled into office virtually by acclamation."

Politicians Playing Games and Fooling Their Constituents

Politicians Playing Games and Fooling Their Constituents [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
"All this isn’t (just) a snark, it’s also a warning:
Watch what they do  (in CapCon and MichiganVotes.org), not what they say.
In almost every case, when a politician boasts about a bill he has introduced, he’s just serving-up “candy,” knowing full well the measure isn’t going anywhere. "

Rick Haglund: Decreasing college dropout rate is crucial to Michigan's economic future

Rick Haglund: Decreasing college dropout rate is crucial to Michigan's economic future | MLive.com
"Just about everyone in Michigan thinks a college education is important for a successful career. That’s the good news."

"just about everyone"?
Classic groupthink from an uberlib who thinks personal debt is as unimportant as government debt.

Condoms for free at 22 city schools

Condoms for free at 22 city schools - Philly.com
"Coming over the holiday break to about a third of Philadelphia high schools: clear plastic dispensers chock-full of free condoms.
The dispensers will be placed in the 22 high schools whose students had the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and condoms will be available to any student - so long as their parents did not sign a form opting them out of the program.
It's a pilot designed to address "an epidemic of sexually transmitted disease in adolescents in Philadelphia," said Donald F. Schwarz, the deputy mayor for health and opportunity. Since April 2011, the city has given away about four million condoms, and now, STD rates are falling."

Sunday, December 23, 2012

EyeOnMuskegon 12-23-2012

The roots of mass murder

Charles Krauthammer: The roots of mass murder - The Washington Post
The irony is that over the last 30 years, the U.S. homicide rate has declined by 50 percent.
Gun murders as well.
We’re living not through an epidemic of gun violence but through a historic decline.
Except for these unfathomable mass murders.
But these are infinitely more difficult to prevent.
While law deters the rational, it has far less effect on the psychotic.
The best we can do is to try to detain them, disarm them and discourage “entertainment” that can intensify already murderous impulses.
But there’s a cost. Gun control impinges upon the Second Amendment; involuntary commitment impinges upon the liberty clause of the Fifth Amendment; curbing “entertainment” violence impinges upon First Amendment free speech.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Michigan considers new deal for Detroit

Michigan considers new deal for Detroit | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com
The state still could decide to appoint an emergency financial manager under the current law, Public Act 72, given the city's precarious financial state.
The city estimates it is burning through approximately $10 million a month.

Oil-rich UAE backs Matt Damon anti-fracking film Promised Lan

Oil-rich UAE backs Matt Damon anti-fracking film Promised Lan - Investors.com
'Promised Land," a film that does nothing to alter Hollywood's stereotype of businessmen, particularly energy industry executives, as greedy plunderers of the planet, opens this week in selected theatres.
The anti-fracking film is based on a not-true story about well contamination in a small Pennsylvania town with a healthy dose of junk science.
As documentary filmmaker Phelim McAleer, who is working on his own documentary, "FrackNation", has pointed out, the inspiration for the film was a spate of news reports about alleged ground water contamination from fracking wells in Dimock, Pa. "Promised Land" is set in rural Pennsylvania.
At one point, Hollywood celebrities even brought water to 11 families who claimed fracking had destroyed their water and their lives.
The only problem, notes McAleer, is the claims were debunked by both the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Environmental Protection Agency, both of which found no evidence of contamination.
But why spoil a good story with the facts?

Workers at GM, Ford to Score Nice Bonuses This Year

Workers at GM, Ford to Score Nice Bonuses This Year - 24/7 Wall St.
"GM workers can expect bonuses of between $5,500 and $7,000, and Ford’s employees could receive a payment of more than $8,000 each, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
The payments are based on a formula that gives workers a $1 bonus for every $1 million in North American operating profit at the two companies."

Let's take a step toward peace on earth by turning in our assault rifles

Letters: Let's take a step toward peace on earth by turning in our assault rifles | MLive.com
An open letter to America:
Jesus was called the Prince of Peace.
That's why I consider myself a follower of Jesus.
And that's why I invite all owners of assault rifles to voluntarily turn in your assault rifles at the nearest police department, sheriff's office or any other law enforcement agency.
At this time of the year, when Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, let's get rid of these weapons of war.
Then we just might come a little closer to having peace on earth, goodwill to all.
REV. BILL FREEMAN/Harbor Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Muskegon

After Newtown, Modest Change in Opinion about Gun Control | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

After Newtown, Modest Change in Opinion about Gun Control | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
"The public’s attitudes toward gun control have shown only modest change in the wake of last week’s deadly shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.
Currently, 49% say it is more important to control gun ownership, while 42% say it is more important to protect the right of Americans to own guns.
This marks the first time since Barack Obama took office that more Americans prioritize gun control than the right to own guns. "

‘Travesty of Justice’: Limits on President’s Detention Powers Stripped from Final Defense Bill

The PJ Tatler » ‘Travesty of Justice’: Limits on President’s Detention Powers Stripped from Final Defense Bill
“Proponents of indefinite detention will argue that we are a good people and that we will never unjustly detain people.
I don’t dispute their intentions or impute bad motives to them, but what I will say is remember what Madison said.
Madison said that if a government were comprised of angels, we wouldn’t need the chains of the constitution.”

Union Leaders: 'There Is Going To Be Retribution'

Union Leaders: 'There Is Going To Be Retribution' [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
Al Garrett, president of Michigan AFSCME Council 25, and Larry Roehrig, secretary treasurer, laid out their plans about how to “attack” the law.
The conference call was recorded and Michigan Capitol Confidential obtained the audio file.
"There is going to be retribution," Garrett said.

Editorial: We all hold the key to stopping violence

Editorial: We all hold the key to stopping violence | MLive.com
Tell us what you're doing to end violence in our community in the comments below.

Prosecutors say Southeastside Indy explosion was set to collect insurance money

Prosecutors say Southeastside Indy explosion was set to collect insurance money | Indianapolis Star | indystar.com
"The devastating explosion that killed two people and destroyed dozens of homes in the Richmond Hill neighborhood last month was the culmination of a tangled tale of greed, debt, desperation and deceit.
....He also told detectives Mark Leonard would surf online dating sites — including one called “Plenty of Fish” to seek out older, heavyset women.
Ridenour told detectives that Leonard would wine and dine them and then persuade them to give him money that he would never pay back.
Ridenour told detectives that Leonard would win the women’s confidence by dressing nicely and driving a nice car — he wanted to make the women think he had money.
After gaining their confidence, he would set the alarm on his phone and have it go off while he was talking to them.
He would pretend to hold a conversation that described him needing money to repair equipment so he could finish a good-paying job.
The women, Ridenour said, would give him money.
He’d never pay it back."



Friday, December 21, 2012

Behind closed doors at the UN’s attempted “takeover of the Internet”

Behind closed doors at the UN’s attempted “takeover of the Internet” | Ars Technica:

LIBERTY REVIEW-Never Waste A Good Crisis

Never Waste A Good Crisis
 "You may be in favor of stricter gun laws or maybe even banning firearms all together. 
What happens when the government targets something that is important to you?  
Do you enjoy speaking your mind? 
Do you enjoy reading books, periodicals or newspapers? 
How about the internet? 
Do you enjoy the ability to look up anything of interest? 
Do you enjoy traveling? 
How about eating and drinking what you enjoy? 
Our freedoms are in danger. 
If the government successfully ends one of our rights, the others will soon fall.
“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”
Thomas Jefferson"

Matt Ridley: Cooling Down the Fears of Climate Change

Matt Ridley: Cooling Down the Fears of Climate Change - WSJ.com


LIBERTY REVIEW: Our nation dodged a debilitating bullet this past week. Our Senators came dangerously close to handing over the rights of Americans with disabilities to the United Nations. Once again, where was the press?

Why More States May Adopt Right-to-Work Laws

Why More States May Adopt Right-to-Work Laws
The Economic Policy Institute, a non-profit, non-partisan think tank, says the laws and other anti-union measures lower wages—for both union and non-union workers alike—by an average of $1,500 per year, after accounting for the cost of living in each state.
And EDI says the laws have had no significant impact on attracting employers to a particular state.
"The freedom to choose (that) right-to-work supporters talk about so often is the freedom to treat employees however they please and to pay them as little as possible," said Ross Eiseberry, vice president of the Economic Policy Institute,

Genesee County schools closed rest of week as rumors of violence swirl r

Genesee County schools closed rest of week as rumors of violence swirl | MLive.com
Johnson added the decision to cancel classes was a unanimous decision by Genesee County's school superintendents.
Schools across the area are taking precautions against rumors that some students plan to bring weapons to school Friday in conjunction with the end of the Mayan calender, Johnson said previously.

Texas school district sees value in having armed teachers on staff

Texas school district sees value in having armed teachers on staff - EAGnews.org :: Education Research, Reporting, Analysis and Commentary
Superintendent David Thweatt, who designed the plan, is happy to explain the logic behind it.
He says that the schools in his district are a half hour away from the nearest police department.
He says the security program is designed to allow willing staff members to protect students from “a lot of anger in society.”
“When you make schools gun-free zones, it’s like inviting people to come in and take advantage,” Thweatt told the Huffington Post.

Global Warming? Not a snowball's chance in hell

Global Warming? Not a snowball's chance in hell – Telegraph Blogs

Mass. Democrat Admits Absentee Voter Fraud

Mass. Democrat Admits Absentee Voter Fraud | TPM LiveWire:

Anatomy of the school-closing decision: Rumors of violence led to all Genesee County schools shutting for two days

Anatomy of the school-closing decision: Rumors of violence led to all Genesee County schools shutting for two days | MLive.com
GENESEE COUNTY, MI -- It was an unusual meeting for an unusual day.
Swirling rumors that started earlier in the week at county schools had everyone on edge Wednesday, Dec. 19.
According to the rumor being passed around, largely on Facebook, some students were planning a "revolt" on Friday, Dec. 21, the day some believe ancient Mayan calendars predict the world will end.
Earlier in the day, police swarmed Grand Blanc High School after a 911 call reported shots fired in the building.
The report turned out to be false, a text message prank, but for a few terrifying minutes, Grand Blanc and other area schools went on lockdown.

Vernuccio and Lehman: An Inspiration and a Warning From Michigan

Vernuccio and Lehman: An Inspiration and a Warning From Michigan - WSJ.com
Neighboring Indiana became a right-to-work state on Feb. 1.
Since the start of the year, the Hoosier State has welcomed many new employers and added 43,300 jobs, while Michigan has lost 7,300.

Massive £22billion air force scrap yard revealed in high resolution by Google Earth | Mail Online

Massive £22billion air force scrap yard revealed in high resolution by Google Earth | Mail Online

Applauding Michigan Legislators Who Supported Workplace Freedom and Liberty

Applauding Michigan Legislators Who Supported Workplace Freedom and Liberty [Michigan Capitol Confidential]
The governor and the following legislators voted for freedom and liberty in the workplace and should be commended for their efforts.

Congratulations Sen. Hansen and Rep. Holly Hughes!

California eliminates scary public threat: Small-business burger stand

California eliminates scary public threat: Small-business burger stand « Hot Air

Mindblowing Accounts of Milwaukee Voting Fraud In 2012 Election

Mindblowing Accounts of Milwaukee Voting Fraud In 2012 Election
When the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board met for its December meeting, it heard countless testimony from election day observers about irregularities they had seen.
These two accounts stand out as particularly troubling.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The 7 most illuminating economic charts of 2012

The 7 most illuminating economic charts of 2012 | AEIdeas

Pension Puffery

Pension Puffery
Here are 12 half-truths that deserve to be debunked in 2012.



Published on Dec 20, 2012
This is further documentation of the violent acts committed on behalf of union members in Lansing, MI. A police report has been filed. Please follow @scrowder on twitter for up-to-minute updates on the story.

House Scorecard 2012 - Michigan Votes

House Scorecard 2012 - Michigan Votes:

Wow, Holly Hughes was tied for least conservative republican.
Maybe a lesson for other candidates?

WHIP COUNT: House lawmakers' positions on GOP's ‘Plan B’ - The Hill

WHIP COUNT: House lawmakers' positions on GOP's ‘Plan B’ - The Hill

How Right to Work Works

How Right to Work Works | Washington Free Beacon
Gradual implementation is a major component of the GOP strategy.
When the law is implemented in April 2013, it will apply only to new businesses or workers who are not bound by contracts. While new job creators will be able to open up shop without worry of onerous union contracts, United Auto Workers (UAW) members at Ford will maintain paying union dues until their contract expires in 2015.
“We purposefully set this up to not break any contracts,” Meekhof said. “Once a contract is completed, then the workers would have the choice.”
.....The right-to-work law exempts cops and firemen, powerful uniformed labor forces that garner a great deal of respect from voters.
The law’s authors also avoided the prospect of repeal-by-referendum by tacking on a $1 million appropriation to “educate” workers about their new rights.
Appropriations bills are exempt from referendum.