Saturday, April 15, 2006

More compassionate liberals.....

Politics Michigan finds this gem from the liberal blogosphere. No wonder drugs for depression are selling so well.....
Politics [Michigan]: "This is the actual posting of some blogger in Saline, Michigan..without editing:
"If you vote for DeVos for governor in 2006, than you're a racist. This is not my opinion, this is incontrovertible fact. Either vote for someone else, or don't vote at all. It's a simple choice, really.

If you want to vote for DeVos, than fine. Just deal with the fact that you're racist slime. Your children will spend their entire lives trying to erase their connection to you."

Have a nice day.
It's amazing that the left is in such disaray...if this is what they have sunk too, they have lost their ability to have an argument or put forth a premise and supporting data. "

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