Saturday, May 10, 2008

County goes with local, not lowest, bidder

County goes with local, not lowest, bidder
"Muskegon County commissioners have no official policy saying they have to favor local companies that bid for county contracts.
But when the bidding is close, commissioners clearly can be expected to favor a Muskegon-area firm over an outsider, even if the outsider is the low bidder. .....

Then the board voted 5-3 to award the contract to Jackson-Merkey Contractors of Muskegon, a regular county contractor that finished second in the bidding, $23,306 higher than the Grand Rapids firm.

Aley and Engle joined commissioners Chuck Buzzell, Lew Collins and Roger Wade in supporting the bid of the Muskegon County firm. Snider, Mahoney and Commissioner Louis McMurray supported the low bidder.

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