Sunday, February 01, 2009

Michigan school officials call MEA early retirement idea 'a bad proposal'

Michigan school officials call MEA early retirement idea 'a bad proposal'
"the plan would boost pension benefits by about a third to encourage school employees to retire this year. A teacher with 30 years of service who earns $70,000 would see his or her pension set at $42,000 a year under the plan, compared to $31,500 under the normal formula. An estimated 90,000 school employees would qualify for the plan."

This is an enormous rip off of the taxpayer's money.

Remember the AVERAGE FAMILY income in Muskegon county is about $38,000.

We work hard for our families and the teacher union thugs work hard to take more and more of our money.
Flushing more of OUR hard earned money down the UNION THUG's drain.

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