Monday, August 10, 2009

Great post

Loooong by Lakeside, 8/10/09 21:43 ET
I meant to get back to you about your response to my post about end of life issues. I have been trying for DAYS to find the exact wording of the bill. To say that I am disgusted is putting it mildly. I GIVE UP . Obama ran one of the best campaigns I have ever seen. And I have been watching campaigns carefully since Hubert Humphry's run for the presidency.
Here it is:We ALL know that we need healthcare reform. Even the right wing radio hosts admit to that. If Obama, who ran the slickest campaign I have ever seen in 40 years, can't come up with a plan and present it to the american people in a way that they understand and accept, he does not deserve support. The liberal media has given him everything he could possibly ask for and he has blown it. I mean, they have done everything short of kneeling down and blowing the guy. The truth is he has not convinced the American people that his bill, whatever the he11 it is, has their best interests at heart. The guy who ate dinner with Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn, who wrote a blurb for Bill Ayers book, and still convinced voters, that he is "centrist" can't manage to convey what the healthcare bill is, and how it will improve what we already have. Something aint right here.
Ronald Reagan inherited HUGE inflation, unemployment, and a "malaise". You NEVER heard him bellyaching like a crybaby about the previous administration. Ronald Reagan, whether you agreed with his politics or not, WAS A MAN. I never expected much from Obama because of his lack of experience, and his coming up from Chicago Politics, but he has proven to be much worse than even I expected. He needs to grow up, stand up like a man with some nads, and show some leadership. And by leadership, I mean, stop whining about what he inherited. He wanted the job, he got it. John McCain, the POW, who had the crap beaten out of him by the North Vietnamese prison guards, would not have acted like this. He would have done what he has always done, taken his punches like a man, and moved on.
If Obama wants us to buy into ANY healthcare plan, he needs to spell out specifically what that plan is, tell us how much it will cost us, tell us, as taxpayers, what we will have to pay to foot the bill, and tell us honestly if we will have to give up any of our expectations. If he can't manage to do that, then the dems need to stop referring to the opposition as nazis, mobs, unamerican and blah, blah, blah.
When McCain was in his prison camp having the crap beaten out of him, I was a half witted 18 year old protesting the war in vietnam. He has, as far as I know, never referred to me, or anyone else, as "unamerican, mobs, nazis, blah, blah, blah." If McCain could take it, then so can Pelosi, Reid, and any other democrat out there. This crap of referring to opositional, protesting Americans in insulting, disrespectful terms is WRONG. I don't care whether you believe like Obama or not on healthcare. The dems have gone WAAY over the line. Who the he11 do these people think they are talking about American citizens like this. I am Pizzed. Obama needs to grow up; and act like a president. As far as Pelosi and the rest of those liberal dolts go, they aren't even worth my keyboarding skills.
Those out of control townhall meetings have occurred for one reason only: the ineptness of congress and this administration. Give the people a clear picture of what they will get with their bill, not a bunch of unsubstantiated myths based on three or four different bills, that no one understands!
After days of trying to get the exact wording of the document that we are expected to buy into, I am Angry, Obama and his supporters need to stop whining about the opposition and do their jobs. There will always be opposition, adults understand that. He will be successful in promoting his healthcare plan, whateve that is, when he stops b1tching about Bush, and sticks to promoting his own program. To quote Bill Clinton, "This is a full contact sport."

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