Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hawaii plans quiet, sobering 50th anniversary

Hawaii plans quiet, sobering 50th anniversary
"Hawaii turns 50 years old as the 50th state Friday, but there will be no grand parades, no dazzling fireworks, no lavish displays of native culture.
Organizers of the observation are not even willing to call it a party. It is simply a 'commemoration,' one that is sensitive to a painful history of the Hawaiian monarchy's overthrow and unresolved claims of Native Hawaiians.
The main event is a low-key daylong conference reflecting on Hawaii's place in the world. Behind the tourist-friendly tropical images of beaches and sunshine, many remain uncomfortable with the U.S. takeover of the islands and the idea that businesses have exploited Hawaiians' culture.
'Instead of state government having huge parties and fireworks, we're having a convention,' said Manu Boyd, cultural director for the Royal Hawaiian Center, a shopping and entertainment area in Waikiki. 'That shows the strength and spiritual power of the Hawaiian people, whose shattered world has not yet been addressed.'
When statehood came calling in 1959, it ushered in an era of economic prosperity through tourism and the side effects that came with it: resort high rises, more than 500,000 monthly tourists and an emphasis on hokey luaus rather than the authentic host culture.
Sovereignty groups advocating independence from the United States make up a minority, but many residents recognize the long-standing issues associated with the 1893 overthrow of the monarchy, the islands' annexation and past harms to the Native Hawaiian people."

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