Sunday, August 02, 2009

Why Sarah Palin Fans Feel Betrayed

Why Sarah Palin Fans Feel Betrayed
"To be conservative is to be betrayed on a regular basis.
You send your kids to a school that tries to slyly indoctrinate them into liberalism, you come home to watch an “unbiased” news show that covers almost every story differently based on whether a Republican or Democrat is involved, and then you try to unwind by watching TV shows that take guarded shots at the values you cherish.....
.......There’s only one Sarah Palin and there’s not another soul on the national stage who can even come close to filling her high heels.
At a time when the Republican Party has lost so many seats in Congress that it’s teetering on the brink of irrelevancy, Palin’s detractors on the right should ask themselves how much sense it makes to help the liberal media try to tear down the biggest star in the conservative movement."

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