Thursday, October 01, 2009

Young thugs at Walmart

My Walmart experience last night.

I pushed my cart to my car and was, surprisingly, surrounded by 4 young "mixed race" (in the old days we'd call them black) thugs.

They taunted me "hey, how 'bout some money for the children?" and "don't you care" and more but I was so shocked that I just went to my car and started to put my groceries in my trunk.

And, like yellow jacket bees they came back and demanded "hey, how 'bout some money..."

I charged them and said get away... they ran a bit and laughed at me.

As I finally closed my trunk, they were still close and I had to yell at them again to get them away from me.

I'm almost 6 foot tall.

How do women protect themselves?

These 12-17 year old monsters are cruising our Walmart parking lot.

Does anyone care?

And the "event" happened at the Norton Walmart.

I reported it to the asst. store manager today and he was concerned and said they'd take my report very seriously.

With our governor emptying prisons and 50% of young people unemployed, this may be a harbringer of our future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you reported it to Walmart. There are old thugs and young thugs of all types these days.

I doubt prisons are the answer unless you want it to start with parents who should not be parents oh I say about when the kids are at kinder age.

You know, lets lock up all the bad parents and have people like you raise the kids and then the world will be a better place.

Sorry but a group of kids messing with you in a Walmart parking lot is unpleasant but I do believe you are taking it a bit far with the whole conservative take on it.