Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Revenge of the Computer Nerds

Revenge of the Computer Nerds
"But the real action (and the evidence for chicanery) is in the computer code obtained from the CRU.
Our own computer guru Marc Sheppard, writing for American Thinker here and here, was one of the first to offer an accurate diagnosis of this fraudulent method of computer programming.
Analyzing the code, as Marc has indicated in his work, is a complex business.
As he pleads in one article, 'please bear with me while I get a tad techie on you.'

For the layman readers of American Thinker, I want to explain in a simple manner what went on in the construction of one piece of the controversial programming."
Read this and understand the criminal hoax that AlGore and his comrades have perpetrated on the entire world.

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