Saturday, January 02, 2010

Power Line - The radical feminist empire strikes back at Duke

Power Line - The radical feminist empire strikes back at Duke
"But for Duke's Women's Center, whose turf includes allegations of sexual misconduct, the decline in 'business' is unwelcome. Its representative argues that the decline in reports of sexual misconduct is the result of a rise in unreported misconducted. This must be true, she maintains, because Duke has a 'rape culture.' The same culture, presumably, that produced the non-rape by the Duke lacrosse players.
But here's my favorite part of the story. Ada Gregory, director of the Women's Center, argues that 'higher IQ males' like those who populate Duke are particularly effective at 'manipulation and coercion.' Hence their ability to 'rape' women without them even realizing it.
It is my understanding that Duke also admits 'higher IQ females.' But if you're a radical feminist, women must always be clueless and helpless, no matter how intelligent they might seem."

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