Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Harvard Astrophysicist: Global Warming Probabilities Are Absolute Crap, The AGW Movement is All About Profit

YID With LID: Harvard Astrophysicist: Global Warming Probabilities Are Absolute Crap, The AGW Movement is All About Profit
"Soon is known for his view that most global warming is caused by solar variation (the normal cycle of sunspots).

Dr Soon questions the theory that man-made green house gases have created global warming trend.

In fact Soon believes the earth is and cooling.

He also believes that some of the 'numbers crunching' used to come up with the global warming theory is crap and that its about time his fellow scientists to “take back climate science.” and stop catering to the moonbats crying wolf."

1 comment:

indyko said...

This will toast the bread being made by all the Go Green companies!